type of activity | source language | target language | |
translation | humanities and social sciences fiction children's and young adults' literature prose fiction | basque english french german spanish | basque spanish |
books |
Poesia kaiera [antologia] Hebert, Anne (2024) [fr > eu]
text type: Poetry
publisher: Susa series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 49 country of publication of original : Canada Kaioen ordua Martín, Ibon (2024) [es > eu]
title of original: La hora de las gaviotas
text type: Prose fiction year of publication of original: 2023 publisher: Elkar series: Ateko Bandan country of publication of original : Basque Country Neska baten memoria Ernaux, Annie (2024) [fr > eu]
title of original: Mémoire de fille
text type: Prose fiction year of publication of original: 2016 publisher: Igela series: Mintaka country of publication of original : France Amok Zweig, Stefan (2024) [de > eu]
title of original: Der Amokläufer
text type: Fiction year of publication of original: 1910 publisher: Igela country of publication of original : Germany Biziei ere omen [Antologia] Maraini, Dacia ; Conte, Paolo ; Khoury-Ghata, Venus ; Mendez Ferrin, Xose Luis ; Takeuchi, Eisuke ; Atwood, Margaret ; Bidart, Frank ; Collins, Billy ; Olds, Sharon ; Smith, Patti ; Bacon, Josephine ; Dima, Konstanze ; Sanchez-Ostiz, Miguel ; Villena, Luis Antonio de ; Maillard, Chantal ; Boni, Tanella ; Irazoki, Francisco Javier ; Duffy, Carol Ann ; Moga, Eduardo ; Perez Larumbe, Maite ; Paterson, Don ; Piñan, Berta ; Gonzalez Iglesias, Juan Antonio ; Mestokosho, Rita ; Tolusso, Mary Barbara ; Handal, Nathalie ; Haddad, Joumana ; Mãe, Valter Hugo ; Madzirov, Nikola ; Darwish, Najwan ; Calafell, Mireia ; Chamankar, Roja ; Salgado, Maria ; Shire, Warsan ; Vuong, Ocean ; Sanchez, Maria ; Cortes, Noelia ; Obrero, Mario ; Umebinyuo, Ijeoma (2024) [ > eu]
title of original: s.n.
text type: Poetry year of publication of original: s.d. publisher: Susa series: Munduko poesia kaierak; 51 other translator(s): Aiora Enparantza, Ion Olano, Juan Luis Zabala, Xabier Montoia, Iker Alvarez, Asier Sarasola, Josu Goikoetxea, Rikardo Arregi Diaz de Heredia, Leire Bilbao, Iñigo Roque, Itxaro Borda, Maite Lopez Las Heras, Luigi Anselmi, Santi Leoné, Irene Hurtado de Saratxo, Josu Landa Ijurko, Juan Kruz Igerabide, Joannes Jauregi, Miren Agur Meabe, Inma Errea, Aritz Galarraga, Gerardo Markuleta, Angel Erro, Anjel Lertxundi, Iñigo Aranbarri, Itxaro Borda, Joxemari Sestorain, Harkaitz Cano, Garazi Ugalde, Irati Majuelo, Itziar Diez de Ultzurrun, Danele Sarriugarte Mochales, Maialen Berasategi, Ane Garcia, Uxue Alberdi, Ana Isabel Morales, Karlos Cid Abasolo, Karmen Irizar Independentzien eguzkiak Kourouma, Ahmadou (2023) [fr > eu]
title of original: Les soleils des indépendances
text type: Prose fiction year of publication of original: 1970 publisher: Erein ; Igela series: Literatura Unibertsala; 187 country of publication of original : France Tulipen dantza Martín, Ibon (2022) [es > eu]
title of original: La danza de los tulipanes
text type: Prose fiction year of publication of original: 2019 publisher: Elkar series: Ateko Bandan country of publication of original : Basque Country Nirliit Léveillé-Trudel, Juliana (2021) [fr > eu]
title of original: Nirliit
text type: Prose fiction year of publication of original: 2015 publisher: Txalaparta series: Amaiur country of publication of original : Canada Korrespondentziak = Correspondances = Correspondencias = Correspondence Arkotxa, Aurelia ; Désy, Jean (2021) [eu > eu|fr|es|en]
text type: Fiction
year of publication of original: 2021 publisher: Erein ; Etxepare Euskal Institutua series: DSS2016 other translator(s): Kristin Addis, Angel Erro, Yannick Bédard Isiltasunaren itsasargia Martín, Ibon (2019) [es > eu]
title of original: El faro del silencio
text type: Prose fiction year of publication of original: 2014 publisher: Elkar ; Travel Bug series: Ateko Bandan country of publication of original : Spain Balou mendikateko balada Lianke, Yan (2018) [zh > eu]
title of original: 耙耧天歌 (Ba Lou Tian Ge)
text type: Prose fiction year of publication of original: 2011 publisher: Elkar country of publication of original : China other translator(s): Maialen Marin Udaberri kantoi-hautsia Benedetti, Mario (2018) [es > eu]
title of original: Primavera con una esquina rota
text type: Prose fiction year of publication of original: 1982 publisher: Erein ; Igela series: Literatura Unibertsala; 175 country of publication of original : Uruguay Hori da umorea, maisu! Yan, Mo (2013) [zh > eu]
text type: Prose fiction
publisher: Elkar country of publication of original : China other translator(s): Maialen Marin Zorion handiegia Munro, Alice (2012) [en > eu]
title of original: Too Much Happiness
text type: Prose fiction year of publication of original: 2009 publisher: Meettok country of publication of original : Canada other translator(s): Nagore Tolosa, Naroa Zubillaga, Itziar Otegi Reckless - Harrizko haragia Funke, Cornelia (2010) [de > eu]
title of original: Reckless-Steinernes Fleisch
text type: Prose fiction year of publication of original: 2009 publisher: Elkar country of publication of original : Germany other texts
Indiar mintzoa Rita Joe (2016) [en > eu]
text type: Poetry
published in: 31eskutik.eus - remarks: Jatorrizkoan ingelesa eta mikmaka nahasita daude, eta Jakak ingelesezko atalak euskaratu ditu. Nire mintzoa galdu nuen Rita Joe (2016) [en > eu] Nor zara zu? Rita Joe (2016) [en > eu] Ez besterik espero nigandik Rita Joe (2016) [en > eu] Komunikazio-klasea Connie Fife (2016) [en > eu] Ronnie, inoiz ez zinatelako esan zergatik Connie Fife (2016) [en > eu] Izendapena Connie Fife (2016) [en > eu] Ehiztariaren arpoia Markoosie Patsauq (2015) [iu > eu] Onin eta misio ezpaziala Martín Álvarez, Ibon (2024) [es > eu]
title of original: Onin y la misión espacial
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 2024 publisher: Travel Bug series: Onin; 12 country of publication of original : Basque Country Munstro bat bainuontzian Mañas, Pedro (2023) [es > eu]
title of original: Un monstruo en la bañera
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 2020 publisher: Travel Bug series: Anna Kadabra; 3 country of publication of original : Spain Abereen etxaldea L'Hermenier, Maxe (2023) [fr > eu]
title of original: La ferme des animaux
text type: Comic year of publication of original: 2021 publisher: Txalaparta country of publication of original : France Onin eta bidaia miragarria Martín Álvarez, Ibon (2022) [es > eu]
title of original: Onin y el viaje prodigioso
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 2022 publisher: Travel Bug series: Onin; 8 country of publication of original : Basque Country Arazo hegodun bat Mañas Romero, Pedro (2022) [es > eu]
title of original: Un problema con alas
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 2020 publisher: Travel Bug series: Anna Kadabra; 2 country of publication of original : Spain Ilargi Betearen Kluba Mañas, Pedro (2022) [es > eu]
title of original: El club de la Luna Llena
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 2020 publisher: Travel Bug series: Anna Kadabra; 1 country of publication of original : Spain Onin eta arimen gaua Martín Álvarez, Ibon (2022) [es > eu]
title of original: Onin y la noche de Halloween
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 2022 publisher: Travel Bug series: Onin; 9 country of publication of original : Basque Country Onin mitologiaren lurraldean Martín Álvarez, Ibon (2021) [es > eu]
title of original: Onin en el país de la mitología
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 2021 publisher: Travel Bug series: Onin; 6 country of publication of original : Basque Country Onin eta sorginen sekretua Martín Álvarez, Ibon (2020) [es > eu]
title of original: Onin y el secreto de las brujas
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 2020 publisher: Travel Bug series: Onin; 4 country of publication of original : Basque Country Onin eta Afrikarako bidaia Martín Álvarez, Ibon (2020) [es > eu]
title of original: Onin y el viaje a Africa
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 2020 publisher: Travel Bug series: Onin; 5 country of publication of original : Basque Country Onin eta baleen festa Martín Álvarez, Ibon (2019) [es > eu]
title of original: Onin y la fiesta de las ballenas
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 2019 publisher: Travel Bug series: Onin; 3 country of publication of original : Basque Country Gaiztoak Perrin, Clotilde (2018) [fr > eu]
title of original: À l'intérieur des méchants
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 2016 publisher: Maeva series: Maeva Young country of publication of original : France other translator(s): Joana Pochelu Onin eta basoko misterioa Martín Álvarez, Ibon (2018) [es > eu]
title of original: Onin y el misterio del bosque
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Travel Bug series: Onin; 2 country of publication of original : Basque Country Otsoaren ipuina Caplain, Véronique (2015) [fr > eu]
title of original: Une histoire de loup
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 2005 publisher: Ttarttalo country of publication of original : Belgium Itsas azpian Milbourne, Anna (2014) [en > eu]
title of original: Under the sea
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 2012 publisher: Ttarttalo series: Letra larria country of publication of original : United Kingdom Elmer McKee, David (2014) [en > eu]
title of original: Elmer
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 1989 publisher: Alberdania ; Erein ; Igela series: Klis-klasikoak ; Elmer country of publication of original : United Kingdom Egun haizetsua Milbourne, Anna (2014) [en > eu]
title of original: The windy day
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Ttarttalo series: Album ilustratuak country of publication of original : United Kingdom Egun eguzkitsua Milbourne, Anna (2013) [en > eu]
title of original: Sunny day
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Ttarttalo series: Letra larria country of publication of original : United Kingdom Itsasertzean Milbourne, Anna (2013) [en > eu]
title of original: On the seashore
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 2006 publisher: Ttarttalo series: Letra larria country of publication of original : United Kingdom Tximeleta Milbourne, Anna (2013) [en > eu]
title of original: The butterfly
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 2005 publisher: Ttarttalo country of publication of original : United Kingdom Txori-habia Milbourne, Anna (2013) [en > eu]
title of original: In the nest
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 2005 publisher: Ttarttalo country of publication of original : USA Kika yoga egiten Dezé, Ulrika ; Terral, Anne (2013) [fr > eu]
title of original: Le yoga de Kika
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 2011 publisher: Ttarttalo country of publication of original : France Esnatu, amatxo! zatoz jolastera! Weninger, Brigitte (2012) [de > eu]
title of original: Mama Aufstehen, Spielen
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Ttarttalo series: Miko country of publication of original : Iran Gaur, bainurik ez! Weninger, Brigitte (2012) [de > eu]
title of original: Miko- Waschen? Nein!
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Ttarttalo series: Miko country of publication of original : Iran Non da Mimiki? Weninger, Brigitte (2012) [de > eu]
title of original: Who ist Mimiki?
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Ttarttalo series: Miko country of publication of original : Iran Txakur bat nahi dut! Weninger, Brigitte (2012) [de > eu]
title of original: Miko and der halbe Hund
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Ttarttalo series: Miko country of publication of original : Iran Maite-Maite ile-apaindegia Murail, Marie-Aude (2012) [fr > eu]
title of original: Maïté Coiffure
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 2004 publisher: Elkar series: Taupadak country of publication of original : France Ortzi kameleoia Yonezu, Yusuke (2011) [de > eu]
title of original: Rainbow chameleon
text type: First readings publisher: Ttarttalo series: Kartoizko liburuak country of publication of original : Iran Amatxo eta ni Muraki, Yasushi (2011) [en > eu]
title of original: Little jumbo great mum
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Ttarttalo Bost sagu bihurri musika jotzen Tashiro, Chisato (2011) [de > eu]
title of original: Fünf freche maüse machen musik
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Ttarttalo country of publication of original : Germany Formekin jolasten Yonezu, Yusuke (2011) [en > eu]
title of original: Moving blocks
text type: First readings year of publication of original: 2011 publisher: Ttarttalo series: Kartoizko liburuak country of publication of original : Iran Bat denontzat eta denok batentzat Weninger, Brigitte (2011) [de > eu]
title of original: Eine für alle-alle für einen!
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Ttarttalo 5 sagar txiki Yonezu, Yusuke (2011) [de > eu]
text type: First readings
publisher: Ttarttalo series: Kartoizko liburuak country of publication of original : Iran Esan, ama, nork egiten ditu umeak? Janosch (2010) [de > eu]
title of original: Mutter, sag,wer macht die Kinder?
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Elkarlanean series: Kuku; 40 country of publication of original : Germany Medusaren burua Aleixandre, Marilar (2010) [gl > eu]
title of original: A cabeza de medusa
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Elkar series: Bizi taupadak; 28 country of publication of original : Galicia 5 igel nagi Reinke, Mia (2010)
text type: First readings
publisher: Ttarttalo 5 hartz jostari Cuno, Sabine (2010)
title of original: 5 fröhliche Bären
text type: First readings year of publication of original: 2009 publisher: Ttarttalo country of publication of original : Germany Betti hartza Gerlich, Andrea (2009) [de > eu]
title of original: Benni Bär
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: TTarttalo series: Hatz txotxongiloak country of publication of original : Germany Ez gara elkarrekin zahartuko Cathrine, Arnaud (2008) [fr > eu]
title of original: Nous ne grandirons pas ensemble
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Elkar series: Xaguxar; 161 country of publication of original : France Gela narrasa! Díaz, Checa (2008) [en > eu]
title of original: Messy room!
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 2008 publisher: Ttarttalo series: Untxitxo eta umetxoen liburua country of publication of original : Australia Lagundu janzten! Díaz, Checa (2008) [ > eu]
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Ttarttalo series: Untxitxo eta umetxoen liburua country of publication of original : Australia Utzi jolasten! Díaz, Checa (2008) [en > eu]
title of original: Please share!
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 2008 publisher: Ttarttalo series: Untxitxo eta umetxoen liburua country of publication of original : Australia Mailu zopa Schubert, Ingrid (2008) [de > eu]
title of original: Gekke buren
text type: First readings year of publication of original: 2003 publisher: Ttarttalo country of publication of original : Germany Hatz-markak marrazteko liburua Emberley, Ed (2008) [en > eu]
title of original: Fingerprint Drawing Book
text type: First readings year of publication of original: 1972 publisher: Ttarttalo country of publication of original : USA Animaliak marrazteko liburua Emberley, Ed (2008) [en > eu]
title of original: Drawing Book Of Animals
text type: First readings year of publication of original: 1970 publisher: Ttarttalo country of publication of original : USA Arkumeren lagunak Crossley, David (2007) [ > eu]
text type: First readings
publisher: Ttarttalo Hollyren bota gorriak Chessa, Francesca (2007) [ > eu]
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Ttarttalo series: Album ilustratuak Untxitxoren lagunak Chessa, Francesca (2007) [ > eu]
text type: First readings
publisher: Ttarttalo Makurtu = Pliegue [erakusketa] : Xare Álvarez Berakoetxea Lertxundi Galiana, Mikel (2024)
text type: Arts and sports
year of publication of original: 2024 publisher: San Telmo Museoa country of publication of original : Basque Country Alef : Kimia Kamvari [erakusketa] Keikhaee, Aidin ; Martínez Rubio, Elena (2023)
text type: Arts and sports
year of publication of original: 2023 publisher: San Telmo Museoa country of publication of original : Basque Country 90 berriak [erakusketa] = Los nuevos 90 Aramburu, Nekane ; Bourriaud, Nicolas (2023)
text type: Arts and sports
year of publication of original: 2023 publisher: San Telmo Museoa country of publication of original : Basque Country Hemen dragoiak daude = Aquí hay dragones [erakusketa] : Mikel Otxoteko Olazabal Otxoteko Olazabal, Mikel ; Esteban, Mariluz ; Valdés Pizzini, Manuel (2023)
text type: Arts and sports
year of publication of original: 2023 publisher: San Telmo Museoa country of publication of original : Basque Country Risveglio : museoan itzartzea : Mikel Eskauriaza Mendizabal, Asier ; Jaio, Miren (2020) [es > eu]
title of original: Risveglio : despertar en el museo
text type: Arts and sports year of publication of original: 2020 publisher: Apus Apus country of publication of original : Basque Country Nature change : [erakusketa] : Kimia Kamvari Van den Driessche, Koenraad ; Marder, Michael ; Montesinos Llinares, Lidia (2020) [es > eu]
text type: Arts and sports
year of publication of original: 2020 publisher: Cristina Enea Fundazioa country of publication of original : Basque Country other translator(s): Elena Martinez |