type of activity | source language | target language | |
translation | humanities and social sciences fiction prose fiction poetry essay | english french german spanish | basque |
books |
Maitasuna eta dirua, sexua eta heriotza : Memoria bat Wark, McKenzie (2024) [en > eu]
title of original: Love and Money, Sex and Death : A Memoir
text type: Essay year of publication of original: 2023 publisher: Katakrak country of publication of original : Australia Fun Home : Familia-istorio tragikomiko bat Bechdel, Alison (2024) [en > eu]
title of original: Fun Home : A Family Tragicomic
text type: Comic year of publication of original: 2006 publisher: Txalaparta series: Amaiur Biziei ere omen [Antologia] Maraini, Dacia ; Conte, Paolo ; Khoury-Ghata, Venus ; Mendez Ferrin, Xose Luis ; Takeuchi, Eisuke ; Atwood, Margaret ; Bidart, Frank ; Collins, Billy ; Olds, Sharon ; Smith, Patti ; Bacon, Josephine ; Dima, Konstanze ; Sanchez-Ostiz, Miguel ; Villena, Luis Antonio de ; Maillard, Chantal ; Boni, Tanella ; Irazoki, Francisco Javier ; Duffy, Carol Ann ; Moga, Eduardo ; Perez Larumbe, Maite ; Paterson, Don ; Piñan, Berta ; Gonzalez Iglesias, Juan Antonio ; Mestokosho, Rita ; Tolusso, Mary Barbara ; Handal, Nathalie ; Haddad, Joumana ; Mãe, Valter Hugo ; Madzirov, Nikola ; Darwish, Najwan ; Calafell, Mireia ; Chamankar, Roja ; Salgado, Maria ; Shire, Warsan ; Vuong, Ocean ; Sanchez, Maria ; Cortes, Noelia ; Obrero, Mario ; Umebinyuo, Ijeoma (2024) [ > eu]
title of original: s.n.
text type: Poetry year of publication of original: s.d. publisher: Susa series: Munduko poesia kaierak; 51 other translator(s): Aiora Enparantza, Ion Olano, Juan Luis Zabala, Xabier Montoia, Iker Alvarez, Asier Sarasola, Josu Goikoetxea, Rikardo Arregi Diaz de Heredia, Leire Bilbao, Iñigo Roque, Itxaro Borda, Maite Lopez Las Heras, Luigi Anselmi, Santi Leoné, Irene Hurtado de Saratxo, Josu Landa Ijurko, Juan Kruz Igerabide, Joannes Jauregi, Miren Agur Meabe, Inma Errea, Aritz Galarraga, Gerardo Markuleta, Angel Erro, Aiora Jaka, Anjel Lertxundi, Iñigo Aranbarri, Itxaro Borda, Joxemari Sestorain, Harkaitz Cano, Garazi Ugalde, Irati Majuelo, Itziar Diez de Ultzurrun, Maialen Berasategi, Ane Garcia, Uxue Alberdi, Ana Isabel Morales, Karlos Cid Abasolo, Karmen Irizar Uholdearen zain Redondo, Dolores (2023) [es > eu]
title of original: Esperando el diluvio
text type: Prose fiction year of publication of original: 2022 publisher: Erein series: Uzta gorria, 31 country of publication of original : Spain Zirriborroak eta gero : mundu posibleei buruzko istorioak eta fabulazioak [Antologia] Baskaran, Lucía ; Cano, Harkaitz ; Damián Miravete, Gabriela ; Gopegui, Belén ; Jaio, Karmele; Zaldua, Iban (2023) [es > eu]
text type: Fiction
year of publication of original: 2023 publisher: Consonni country of publication of original : Basque Country other translator(s): Amaia Apalauza, Jose Luis Padron Hamahiru ipuin Carnés, Luisa (2022) [es > eu]
title of original: Trece cuentos (1931-1963)
text type: Prose fiction year of publication of original: 2017 publisher: Erein series: Narratiba country of publication of original : Spain Autobiografia bat Shakur, Assata (2022) [en > eu]
title of original: Assata: An Autobiography
text type: Prose fiction year of publication of original: 1987 publisher: Katakrak country of publication of original : England Aingeruaren pribilegioak Redondo, Dolores (2021) [es > eu]
title of original: Los privilegios del ángel
text type: Prose fiction year of publication of original: 2009 publisher: Erein series: Narratiba Kapitalaren lantegi ezkutuak : mapa bat ezkerrarentzat Fraser, Nancy (2021) [en > eu]
title of original: s.n.
text type: Essay year of publication of original: s.d. publisher: Susa series: Lisipe, 10 country of publication of original : USA other translator(s): Mirentxu Larrañaga, Irene Arrarats, Maialen Berasategi Walden Thoreau, Henry David (2021) [en > eu]
title of original: Walden
text type: Essay year of publication of original: 1854 publisher: Katakrak country of publication of original : USA Jolas bat baino ez dunk = Solo es un juego : historias y fabulaciones sobre mundos posibles Baskaran, Lucía (2021) [es > eu]
title of original: Solo es un juego
text type: Prose fiction year of publication of original: 2021 publisher: Azala Kreazio Espazioa series: Zirriborroak eta gero. Gipuzkoako bilduma ; #2 country of publication of original : Basque Country Bihotzaren ipar aldea Redondo, Dolores (2019) [es > eu]
title of original: La cara norte del corazón
text type: Prose fiction year of publication of original: 2019 publisher: Erein series: Uzta gorria country of publication of original : Spain Arimaren etorkizuna ; Estandar emozionalen sorrera Illouz, Eva (2019) [en > eu]
title of original: The Future of the Soul ; Standardizing the Emotions
text type: Essay publisher: Katakrak series: Saiakera Feminismoa %99ren alde : manifestu bat Arruzza, Cinzia ; Bhattacharya, Tithi ; Fraser, Nancy (2019) [en > eu]
title of original: Feminism for the 99%. A manifesto
text type: Essay year of publication of original: 2019 publisher: Txalaparta country of publication of original : USA Pentsamendu heterozuzena Wittig, Monique (2017) [en > eu]
title of original: The Straight Mind : and other essays
text type: Essay year of publication of original: 1992 publisher: Susa series: Lisipe other translator(s): Maialen Berasategi, Mirentxu Larrañaga, Irene Arrarats Sekula gehiago egingo ez dudan gauza ustez dibertigarri bat Foster Wallace, David (2016) [en > eu]
title of original: A supposedly fun thing I'll never do again
text type: Prose fiction year of publication of original: 1997 publisher: Pasazaite series: 43. ipar paraleloa; 01 country of publication of original : USA Poesia kaiera [antologia] Lorde, Audre (2016) [en > eu]
title of original: s.n.
text type: Poetry year of publication of original: s.d. publisher: Susa series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 13 country of publication of original : USA Emakumeak, arraza eta klasea Davis, Angela (2016) [en > eu]
title of original: Women, Race and Class
text type: Essay year of publication of original: 1983 publisher: Elkar ; Jakin series: Eskafandra, 1 country of publication of original : USA Denbora, historia eta artearen inguruko testuak [Antologia] Benjamin, Walter (2015) [de > es > eu]
title of original: s.n.
text type: Essay year of publication of original: s.d. publisher: Sans Soleil series: Txinpartak country of publication of original : Germany other translator(s): Teresa Pradera, Mikel Babiano, Amaia Donés, Iñaki Segurola other texts
Faxismo liluragarria Sontag, Susan (2022) [en > eu] Hau ura da Wallace, David Foster (2016) [en > eu]
text type: Essay
published in: Xerezaderen Artxiboa - remarks: Itzulpena 'elearazi' blogean argitaratua (2012) Testuaren ifrentzua Valencia, Sayak (2015) [en > eu] Apaiza, halaxe deitzen zioten Burroughs, William (2014) [en > eu] Gloria Smith, Patti (2014) [en > eu] Gau-jantziz Perez Cruz, Silvia (2014) [ca > eu] Bost poema Pato, Chus (2014) [gl > eu] Alejandra Pizarniken egunerokoak Pizarnik, Alejandra (2014) [es > eu] Ugazabaren tresnek ez dute sekula eraitsiko ugazabaren etxea Lorde, Audre (2014) [es > eu] Nire ile luzearen mozketa Zitkala-Sa (2014) [en > eu] New Yorkeko kronikak (Stonewall taberna) Lemebel, Pedro (2014) [es > eu] Apaiza, halaxe deitzen zioten Burroughs, William (2014) [en > eu]
text type: Prose fiction
published in: Xerezaderen Artxiboa - remarks: 2014an Elearazi blogean argitaratua.
Apaiza, halaxe deitzen zioten Burroughs, William (2014) [en > eu] Dada manifestua Tzara, Tristan (2013) [fr > eu] Gutun lotsagabea, hiltzaile batek emakume zintzo bati Capmany, Maria Aurèlia (2013) [ca > eu] Slow learner (hitzaurreko pasarteak) Pynchon, Thomas (2013) [en > eu] Zoriontasun ezkutua Lispector, Clarice (2013) [pt > eu] Emakume maitaleak (hitzaurrea) Jelinek, Elfriede (2013) [de > eu] Nola idatzi Afrikari buruz Wainaina, Binyavanga (2013) [en > eu] Akordatzen naiz (zatiak) Brainard, Joe (2013) [en > eu] Mugako lurraldeak (zatiak) Anzaldua, Gloria (2013) [en > eu] Pop asmakizuna 7 Wallace, David Foster (2013) [en > eu] Mikropoemak Ajo (2013) [gl > eu] Diego maitea (zatiak) Poniatowska, Elena (2012) [es > eu] Hau ura da Wallace, David Foster (2012) [en > eu] Berehalakoan neure buruaz beste egiteko ehun arrazoi on Topor, Roland (2012) [fr > eu] Zorionak, 1951 Vonnegut, Kurt (2012) [en > eu] Soldadu ezezaguna Vonnegut, Kurt (2012) [en > eu] Lau poema Harjo, Joy (2012) [en > eu] 100 kontu ondo ezagutzeko musika Martin, Jerome ; et al. (2022) [en > eu]
title of original: 100 things to know about music
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 2022 publisher: Ttarttalo country of publication of original : United Kingdom Elmer eta oparia McKee, David (2022) [en > eu]
title of original: Elmer and the gift
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 2022 publisher: Erein country of publication of original : United Kingdom Zer gertatzen da klimarekin? Mathismoen, Ole (2022) [no > eu]
title of original: Hva er greia med klima?
text type: Comic year of publication of original: 2019 publisher: Erein series: Albumak country of publication of original : Norway Elmer eta lotarako ipuina McKee, David (2021) [en > eu]
title of original: Elmer and the bedtime story
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 2021 publisher: Erein ; Igela country of publication of original : United Kingdom BAT : partida handia Hallatt, Alex (2021) [en > eu]
title of original: Fab Club 3 : The Big Match
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 2020 publisher: Elkar series: Bullying-aren aurkako taldea; 3 country of publication of original : New Zealand BAT : ziberbullying-aren aurka Hallatt, Alex (2020) [en > eu]
title of original: Fab Club 2 : Friends Against Bullying
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 2018 publisher: Elkar series: Bullying-aren aurkako taldea; 2 country of publication of original : New Zealand Tapper bikiak lehendakari Rodkey, Geoff (2017) [en > eu]
title of original: The Tapper run for president
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Elkar series: Tapper bikiak country of publication of original : England Tapper bikiak New York astintzen Rodkey, Geoff (2016) [en > eu]
title of original: The Tapper twins tear up New York
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Elkar series: Tapper bikiak country of publication of original : England Tapper bikiak gerran (elkarren kontra) Rodkey, Geoff (2015) [en > eu]
title of original: Tapper twins go to to war (with each other)
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 2015 publisher: Elkar series: Tapper bikiak country of publication of original : USA Mariarro, feminismoan bidaide eta zubigile : memoria kolektiboa ehuntzen = Mariarro, compañera y aliada feminista: tejiendo memoria colectiva Eizmendi Aldasoro, Idoia ; Aginagalde Bilbao, Aitziber (2024)
text type: Biographies
year of publication of original: 2024 publisher: Ermuko Emakumeen Asanblada country of publication of original : Basque Country Out and about : [erakusketa] : Silvia Coppola (2023) [es > eu|en]
text type: Arts and sports
year of publication of original: 2023 publisher: BilbaoArte Fundazioa series: BilbaoArte 2023; 2 country of publication of original : Basque Country other translator(s): Arrate Hidalgo Sortzaileek ez dituzte inoiz irudikatzen berek garaile suertatzen diren munduak, eta beste fikzio batzuk = Las creadoras jamás imaginan mundos en los que ganan, y otras ficciones (2022)
text type: Arts and sports
year of publication of original: 2022 publisher: Banizu Nizuke country of publication of original : Basque Country San Sebastian eta fantasma: Oier Iruretagoiena [erakusketa] Pardo Salgado, Carmen (2021)
text type: Arts and sports
year of publication of original: 2021 publisher: San Telmo Museoa country of publication of original : Basque Country IZUrrIA! : COVID-19ak mundua astindu du Žižek, Slavoj (2020) [en > eu]
title of original: Pandemic! Covid-19 shakes the world
text type: Social sciences year of publication of original: 2020 publisher: Txalaparta country of publication of original : USA Gure historia da etorkizuna : Standing Rock vs Dakota Access oliobidea, eta indigenen erresistentziaren tradizio luzea Estes, Nick (2020) [en > eu]
title of original: Our History Is the Future : Standing Rock Versus the Dakota Access Pipeline, and the Long Tradition of Indigenous Resistance
text type: Social sciences year of publication of original: 2019 publisher: Katakrak country of publication of original : USA other translator(s): Amaia Astobiza Empar Pineda Erdozia : gorputzak hala eskatua = Empar Pineda Erdozia : porque se lo pidió el cuerpo Miner, Kattalin (2020) [eu > es]
title of original: Empar Pineda Erdozia : gorputzak hala eskatua
text type: Biographies year of publication of original: 2020 publisher: Hernaniko Udala country of publication of original : Basque Country Ekoizpen artistiko jasangarri bati buruzko-baterako espekulazioak = Especulaciones sobre-para una producción artística sostenible (2020)
text type: Arts and sports
year of publication of original: 2020 publisher: Banizu Nizuke country of publication of original : Basque Country Emakume erresiliente leinudunak edo Nola egin dioten aurre Erdialdeko Amerikako feminista batzuek migrazioaren esperientziari, eta nola ikasi duten indarkeriatik bizirik ateratzen = Mujeres resilientes con linaje o Cómo algunas feministas centroamericanas se enfrentan a la experiencia migratoria y aprenden a sobrevivir a la violencia (2020)
text type: Social sciences
year of publication of original: 2020 publisher: [Mujeres con Voz?] country of publication of original : Basque Country Ficciones patógenas = M'ayhay ta n'oyenek iwoyek aiwit'äyen = Fikzio patogenoak Sacchi, Duen Xara (2018) [es > eu]
text type: Social sciences
year of publication of original: 2018 publisher: Brumaria series: La cabeza de la meseta; 5 country of publication of original : Spain other texts
Arabisagarra jarraibide- eta marrazki-liburu bat Yoko Ono (2014) [en > eu] |