books |
Mo : behi euskaldun baten memoriak Varela Febrero, Pello (2024) [es > eu]
title of original: Mo
text type: Comic year of publication of original: 2024 publisher: Pamiela series: Mila gau; [18] country of publication of original : Spain other translator(s): Asun Garikano Desde el otro lado [Antologia] Atxaga, Bernardo (2022) [eu > es]
title of original: s.n.
text type: Prose fiction year of publication of original: s.d. publisher: Alfaguara series: Narrativa Hispánica country of publication of original : Basque Country other translator(s): Asun Garikano Blas de Otero : una letra impagada = Ordaindu gabeko letra bat [Antologia] Otero, Blas de (2022) [es > eu]
text type: Fiction
year of publication of original: 2022 publisher: El gallo de oro series: Blas de Otero country of publication of original : Basque Country other translator(s): Aritz Gorrotxategi, Harkaitz Cano, Beatriz Chivite, Kirmen Uribe, Luigi Anselmi, Leire Bilbao, Felipe Juaristi, Gerardo Markuleta, Miren Agur Meabe, Joseba Sarrionandia, Gabriel Aresti Obabakoak Atxaga, Bernardo (2022) [eu > es]
title of original: Obabakoak
text type: Prose fiction year of publication of original: 1988 publisher: Debolsillo series: Biblioteca Bernardo Atxaga country of publication of original : Basque Country Casas y tumbas Atxaga, Bernardo (2021) [eu > es]
title of original: Etxeak eta hilobiak
text type: Prose fiction publisher: Debolsillo other translator(s): Asun Garikano Casas y tumbas Atxaga, Bernardo (2020) [eu > es]
title of original: Etxeak eta hilobiak
text type: Prose fiction year of publication of original: 2019 publisher: Alfaguara series: Narrativa Hispánica country of publication of original : Basque Country other translator(s): Asun Garikano El hijo del acordeonista Atxaga, Bernardo (2019) [eu > es]
title of original: Soinujolearen semea
text type: Fiction year of publication of original: 2003 publisher: Alfaguara country of publication of original : Basque Country other translator(s): Asun Garikano Obabakoak Atxaga, Bernardo (2019) [eu > es]
title of original: Obabakoak
text type: Prose fiction year of publication of original: 1988 publisher: Alfaguara country of publication of original : Basque Country El hombre solo Atxaga, Bernardo (2019) [eu > es]
title of original: Gizona bere bakardadean
text type: Fiction publisher: Debolsillo series: Biblioteca Bernardo Atxaga; 1133/2 other translator(s): Arantza Sabán Lista de locos y otros alfabetos Atxaga, Bernardo (2019) [eu > es]
title of original: Groenlandiako lezioa
text type: Essay year of publication of original: 1998 publisher: Xordica series: Carrachinas; 98 country of publication of original : Basque Country El hijo del acordeonista Atxaga, Bernardo (2016) [eu > es]
title of original: Soinujolearen semea
text type: Fiction year of publication of original: 2003 publisher: Penguin Random House series: Debolsillo country of publication of original : Basque Country other translator(s): Asun Garikano Días de Nevada Atxaga, Bernardo (2014) [eu > es]
title of original: Nevadako egunak
text type: Prose fiction year of publication of original: 2013 publisher: Alfaguara country of publication of original : Basque Country other translator(s): Asun Garikano Nuestras guerras : relatos sobre los conflictos vascos [Antologia] Atxaga, Bernardo ; Mujika Iraola, Inazio ; Saizarbitoria, Ramon ; Zaldua, Iban ; Muñoz, Jokin ; Rodriguez, Eider ; Montoia, Xabier ; Iturbe, Arantxa ; Jaio, Karmele ; Cano, Harkaitz ; Apalategi, Ur ; Aingeru, Epaltza ; Gabilondo, Joseba (2014) [eu > es]
title of original: s.n.
text type: Prose fiction year of publication of original: 2000/2010 publisher: Lengua de Trapo country of publication of original : Basque Country other translator(s): Asun Garikano, Jorge Gimenez, Iban Zaldua, Eider Rodriguez, Karmele Jaio, Angel Erro El paraíso y los gatos Atxaga, Bernardo (2013) [eu > es]
title of original: Paradisua eta katuak
text type: Poetry publisher: Círculo de Bellas Artes country of publication of original : Basque Country Borrokaria = El luchador = The fighter Atxaga, Bernardo (2011) [eu > es|en]
title of original: Borrokaria
text type: Prose fiction year of publication of original: 2011 publisher: Etxepare Euskal institutua series: Euskal Sortzaileak country of publication of original : Basque Country other translator(s): Asun Garikano, Amaia Gabantxo Siete casas en Francia Atxaga, Bernardo (2009) [eu > es]
title of original: Zazpi etxe Frantzian
text type: Prose fiction year of publication of original: 2009 publisher: Alfaguara country of publication of original : Basque Country other translator(s): Asun Garikano Siete casas en Francia Atxaga, Bernardo (2009) [eu > es]
title of original: Zazpi etxe Frantzian
text type: Prose fiction publisher: Círculo de Lectores country of publication of original : Basque Country other translator(s): Asun Garikano De Gernika a Guernica Atxaga, Bernardo (2007) [eu > es]
title of original: Markak: Gernika 1937
text type: Essay year of publication of original: 2007 publisher: Ediciones de la Central country of publication of original : Basque Country other translator(s): Asun Garikano El hijo del acordeonista Atxaga, Bernardo (2006) [eu > es]
title of original: Soinujolearen semea
text type: Fiction year of publication of original: 2003 publisher: Punto de Lectura series: Punto de lectura country of publication of original : Basque Country other translator(s): Asun Garikano Historias de Obaba Atxaga, Bernardo (2005) [eu > es]
title of original: Bi letter jaso nituen oso denbora gutxian; Sugeak txoriari begiratzen dionean; Bi anai
text type: Prose fiction year of publication of original: 1984 publisher: Ediciones B country of publication of original : Basque Country other translator(s): Arantza Sabán El hijo del acordeonista Atxaga, Bernardo (2005) [eu > es]
title of original: Soinujolearen semea
text type: Prose fiction publisher: Círculo de Lectores country of publication of original : Basque Country other translator(s): Asun Garikano El hijo del acordeonista Atxaga, Bernardo (2004) [eu > es]
title of original: Soinujolearen semea
text type: Prose fiction year of publication of original: 2003 publisher: Alfaguara country of publication of original : Basque Country other translator(s): Asun Garikano Lista de locos y otros alfabetos Atxaga, Bernardo (1998) [eu > es]
title of original: Groenlandiako lezioa
text type: Essay year of publication of original: 1998 publisher: Siruela country of publication of original : Basque Country Historias de Obaba Atxaga, Bernardo (1997) [eu > es]
title of original: Bi letter jaso nituen oso denbora gutxian; Sugeak txoriari begiratzen dionean; Bi anai
text type: Prose fiction year of publication of original: 1984 publisher: Ediciones B country of publication of original : Basque Country other translator(s): Arantza Sabán Esos cielos Atxaga, Bernardo (1996) [eu > es]
title of original: Zeru horiek
text type: Prose fiction year of publication of original: 1995 publisher: Ediciones B country of publication of original : Basque Country Un espía llamado Sara Atxaga, Bernardo (1996) [eu > es]
title of original: Sara izeneko gizona
text type: Prose fiction year of publication of original: 1996 publisher: Acento country of publication of original : Basque Country Nueva Etiopia: conversaciones, poemas y locuras Atxaga, Bernardo (1996) [eu > es]
title of original: Etiopia
text type: Poetry year of publication of original: 1978 publisher: Galeria Detursa country of publication of original : Basque Country Cielos Atxaga, Bernardo (1996) [eu > es]
title of original: Zeruak
text type: Prose fiction year of publication of original: 1994 publisher: Ediciones B country of publication of original : Basque Country Dos hermanos : el cuarto canto Atxaga, Bernardo (1995) [eu > es]
title of original: Bi anai
text type: Prose fiction year of publication of original: 1985 publisher: Seix Barral country of publication of original : Basque Country El hombre solo Atxaga, Bernardo (1994) [eu > es]
title of original: Gizona bere bakardadean
text type: Prose fiction year of publication of original: 1993 publisher: Ediciones B series: Tiempos modernos country of publication of original : Basque Country other translator(s): Arantza Sabán Dagazinda eta beste ipuinak Merino, Jose Luis (1991) [es > eu]
text type: Prose fiction
publisher: Pamiela series: Sirena. Narratiba country of publication of original : Spain Dagazinda eta beste ipuinak Merino, Jose Luis (1991) [es > eu]
text type: Prose fiction
publisher: Pamiela Poemas & híbridos Atxaga, Bernardo (1990) [eu > es]
title of original: Etiopia ; Henry Bengoa, Inventarium
text type: Poetry year of publication of original: 1978/1986 publisher: Visor country of publication of original : Basque Country Obabakoak Atxaga, Bernardo (1989) [eu > es]
title of original: Obabakoak
text type: Prose fiction year of publication of original: 1988 publisher: Ediciones B series: Tiempos modernos country of publication of original : Basque Country Antología de la narrativa vasca actual Arrieta, Joxe Austin ; Atxaga, Bernardo ; Hernandez Abaitua, Mikel ; Izagirre, Koldo ; Lertxundi, Anjel ; Mintegi, Laura ; Saizarbitoria, Ramon ; Sarrionandia, Joseba ; Txillardegi ; Urretabizkaia, Arantxa (1986) [eu > es]
text type: Prose fiction
publisher: Edicions Del Mall series: Serie iberica country of publication of original : Basque Country other translator(s): Joxe Austin Arrieta, Laura Mintegi, Mikel Hernandez , Ramon Saizarbitoria, Txillardegi, Koldo Izagirre, Anjel Lertxundi, Bakartxo Oiartzabal, Maite Gonzalez Gastibeltzaren karabinak Legasse, Marc (1985) [fr > eu]
title of original: Les carabines de Gastibeltsa
text type: Drama year of publication of original: 1977 publisher: Susa series: Antzerkia country of publication of original : Basque Country other texts
Antzinako bihotz = [Tú, arcaico corazón] Atxaga, Bernardo (s.d.) [eu > es] Assentiré de grat Espriu, Salvador (s.d.) [ca > eu] Negua Coppée, François (s.d.) [fr > eu] [Sorterriko koblak] Sarrionandia, Joseba (s.d.) [eu > es] Egun zoragarria banana-arrainarentzat Salinger, J. D. (2017) [en > eu]
text type: Prose fiction
published in: Xerezaderen Artxiboa - remarks: Armiarmaren 'Literatur Emailuak' atalean argitaratua. s.n. Atxaga, Bernardo (2008) [eu > es]
text type: Poetry
published in: - Arrotza Baudelaire, Charles (2000) [fr > eu]
text type: Poetry
published in: Literatura Unibertsala – Batxilergoa - EIZIE-Erein Andre erraldoia Baudelaire, Charles (2000) [fr > eu]
text type: Poetry
published in: Literatura Unibertsala – Batxilergoa - EIZIE-Erein Ziutatea Kavafis, Konstantinos (2000) [el > eu]
text type: Poetry
published in: Literatura Unibertsala – Batxilergoa - EIZIE-Erein Egun zoragarria banana-arrainarentzat Salinger, J. D. (1987) [en > eu]
text type: Prose fiction
published in: Akademia Sekretuaren Egutegia - Pamiela remarks: Xerezaderen Artxiboan entzungai. Gastibeltzaren karabinak Legasse, Marc (1985) [fr > eu]
text type: Drama
published in: Teatro Testuak - remarks: Testuaren moldaketa: Santiago Burutxaga eta Karlos Panera Mendieta. Antzerki taldea: Maskarada Susa argitaletxeak argitaratua (1985) Bisita Figueras, Nuria (2023) [ca > eu]
title of original: La visita
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 2023 publisher: Pamiela ; Kalandraka country of publication of original : Galicia Shola y Angeliño Atxaga, Bernardo (2006) [eu > es]
title of original: Xola eta Angelito
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 2004 publisher: SM country of publication of original : Basque Country other translator(s): Asun Garikano La gente de mi pueblo Atxaga, Bernardo (2005) [eu > es]
title of original: Nire jaioterriko jendea
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 2005 publisher: Algar country of publication of original : Basque Country Las Bambulísticas historias de Bámbulo. Amigos que cuentan Atxaga, Bernardo (1999) [eu > es]
title of original: Bambulo III. Ternuako penak
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 1999 publisher: Alfaguara country of publication of original : Basque Country other translator(s): Asun Garikano Las bambulísitcas histórias de Bambulo la crisis Atxaga, Bernardo (1998) [eu > es]
title of original: Banbuloren istorio banbulotarrak krisia
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 1998 publisher: Alfaguara country of publication of original : Basque Country other translator(s): Asun Garikano Las Bambulísticas historias de Bambulo. Primeros pasos Atxaga, Bernardo (1998) [eu > es]
title of original: Banbuloren istorio banbulotarrak lehen urratsak
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 1998 publisher: Alfaguara country of publication of original : Basque Country other translator(s): Asun Garikano Shola y los jabalíes Atxaga, Bernardo (1997) [eu > es]
title of original: Xola eta basurdeak
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 1996 publisher: Círculo de Lectores country of publication of original : Basque Country BBK agenda: días, trabajos, historias Atxaga, Bernardo (1995) [eu > es]
title of original: Mundua eta Markoni: egunak, lanak eta kontuak
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 1995 publisher: BBK country of publication of original : Basque Country Shola y los leones Atxaga, Bernardo (1995) [eu > es]
title of original: Xolak badu lehoien berri
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 1995 publisher: SM country of publication of original : Basque Country Aventuras de Nikolasa Atxaga, Bernardo (1980) [eu > es]
title of original: Nikolasaren abenturak eta kalenturak
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 1979 publisher: Antonio San Román country of publication of original : Basque Country Ramuntxo detective: más aventuras de Nikolasa Atxaga, Bernardo (1980) [eu > es]
title of original: Ramuntxo detektibea
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 1979 publisher: Antonio San Román country of publication of original : Basque Country |