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Angel Erro


Itzulpena - Traducción  Erro, Anjel (2024)

text type: Poetry
year of publication of original: 2024
publisher: Nafarroako Gobernua
country of publication of original : Basque Country

Aguas madres  Bilbao, Leire (2023) [eu > es]

title of original: Etxeko urak
text type: Poetry
year of publication of original: 2020
publisher: La Bella Varsovia
country of publication of original : Basque Country

Estación en curva  Apaolaza, Uxue (2023) [eu > es]

title of original: Bihurguneko nasa
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 2021
publisher: Consonni
country of publication of original : Basque Country

Nada que declarar  Sarasola, Beñat (2023) [eu > es]

title of original: Deklaratzekorik ez
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 2019
publisher: Alberdania
series: Astiro
country of publication of original : Basque Country

Maren  Agirre, Alaine (2022) [eu > es]

title of original: Maren
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 2017
publisher: Erein
country of publication of original : Basque Country

Korrespondentziak = Correspondances = Correspondencias = Correspondence  Arkotxa, Aurelia ; Désy, Jean (2021) [eu > eu|fr|es|en]

text type: Fiction
year of publication of original: 2021
publisher: Erein ; Etxepare Euskal Institutua
series: DSS2016
other translator(s): Kristin Addis, Aiora Jaka, Yannick Bédard

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Euskal-Berria en la Patagonia : Florencio Basaldúa un vasco en la Argentina  Altonaga, Kepa (2020) [eu > es]

title of original: Patagoniara Hazparnen barrena: Lotilandiakoak herri birlandatuan
text type: Essay
year of publication of original: 2017
publisher: Pamiela
series: Upaingoa

Mal de altura  Epaltza, Aingeru (2020) [eu > es]

title of original: Mendi-Joak
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 2017
publisher: Txertoa
country of publication of original : Basque Country

Korrespondentziak = Correspondences = Correspondencias = Correspondences  Zaldua, Iban ; Robertson, James (2019) [eu > gd|eu|es|en]

text type: Fiction
year of publication of original: 2019
publisher: Erein
series: DSS2016
other translator(s): Kristin Addis, Ashley Douglas, Idoia Gillenea

        online text

Nuestra Jerusalén perdida  Epaltza, Aingeru (2015) [eu > es]

title of original: Gure Jerusalem galdua
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 2013
publisher: Ttarttalo
series: Narrativa
country of publication of original : Basque Country

Poesia kaiera [antologia]  Dickinson, Emily (2014) [en > eu]

title of original: s.n.
text type: Poetry
year of publication of original: s.d.
publisher: Susa
series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 4
country of publication of original : USA

        online text

Tres cartas desde Pamplona (1935-1940)  Zubizarreta, Patxi (2014) [eu > es]

title of original: Hiru gutun Iruñetik
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 2012
publisher: Pamiela
series: Biblioteca Letras Vascas
country of publication of original : Basque Country

Debe decirse dos veces  Arregi Diaz de Heredia, Rikardo (2014) [eu > es]

title of original: Bitan esan beharra
text type: Poetry
year of publication of original: 2012
publisher: Salto de Página
series: Poesia
country of publication of original : Basque Country

Nuestras guerras : relatos sobre los conflictos vascos [Antologia]  Atxaga, Bernardo ; Mujika Iraola, Inazio ; Saizarbitoria, Ramon ; Zaldua, Iban ; Muñoz, Jokin ; Rodriguez, Eider ; Montoia, Xabier ; Iturbe, Arantxa ; Jaio, Karmele ; Cano, Harkaitz ; Apalategi, Ur ; Aingeru, Epaltza ; Gabilondo, Joseba (2014) [eu > es]

title of original: s.n.
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 2000-2010
publisher: Lengua de Trapo
country of publication of original : Basque Country
other translator(s): Bernardo Atxaga, Asun Garikano, Jorge Gimenez, Iban Zaldua, Eider Rodriguez, Karmele Jaio

La otra vida  Apalategi Idirin, Ur (2013) [eu > es]

title of original: Fikzioaren izterrak
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 2010
publisher: Utriusque Vasconiae
country of publication of original : Basque Country

Ohe deseginak = Camas desechas  Zubizarreta, Patxi (2013) [eu > es]

title of original: Ohe deseginak
text type: Drama
year of publication of original: 2008
publisher: Atenea
series: Biblioteca Vasca Bilingüe
country of publication of original : Basque Country

Txostena niri buruz  Bouillier, Grégoire (2012) [fr > eu]

title of original: Rapport sur moi
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 2002
publisher: Pasazaite
country of publication of original : France

La alegría de la tragedia  Olasagarre, Juanjo (2011) [eu > es]

title of original: T (Tragediaren poza)
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 2008
publisher: Alberdania
country of publication of original : Basque Country

Leyendo: Once escritos literarios sobre la lectura [Antologia]  Apaolaza, Uxue; Aristi, Pako; Borda, Itxaro; Cano, Harkaitz; Erro, Anjel; Jimenez, Edorta; Juaristi, Felipe; Landa, Mariasun; Lertxundi, Anjel; Rodriguez, Eider; Zaldua, Iban (2008) [eu > es]

title of original: Irakurri: Hamaika idazki literario irakurtzeari buruz [Antologia]
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 2008
publisher: Meettok
country of publication of original : Basque Country
other translator(s): Uxue Apaolaza, Jose Luis Padron, Harkaitz Cano, Edorta Jimenez, Felipe Juaristi, Mariasun Landa, Jorge Gimenez, Zigor Garro, Iban Zaldua

Azken bala = La última bala  Larretxea, Hasier (2008) [eu > es]

title of original: Azken bala
text type: Poetry
publisher: Point de Lunettes
country of publication of original : Basque Country

Casta de bastardos  Epaltza, Aingeru (2008) [eu > es]

title of original: Mailuaren odola
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 2006
publisher: Ttarttalo
series: Narrativa
country of publication of original : Basque Country

Vascos: su lengua a través de la historia  Xamar (2008) [eu > es]

title of original: Euskara jendea
text type: Essay
year of publication of original: 2006
publisher: Pamiela
country of publication of original : Basque Country
other translator(s): Enrike Diez de Ulzurrun
other texts

Itzultzeko artea  Juan Antonio González (2013) [es > eu]

text type: Poetry
place of publication: 31eskutik.eus -

        online text

[Amodiozko poemak edo XIV]  Rikardo Arregi (2013) [eu > es]

text type: Poetry
place of publication: 31eskutik.eus -
remarks: 'Itzulpen esperimentua' sarreran

        online text

Traducción  Zaldua, Iban (2008) [eu > es]

text type: Prose fiction
place of publication: Senez, 33 -

        online text

Zerk egiten gaituen gizaki  Santos, Victor D. O. (2023) [en > eu]

title of original: What makes us human
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
year of publication of original: 2023
publisher: La Maleta Ediciones
country of publication of original : USA

Aita liburu bat idazten ari da  Dirgèla, Tomas (2022) [lt > eu]

title of original: Mano tètis raso knyga
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
year of publication of original: 2019
publisher: La Maleta Viajera
country of publication of original : Lithuania

Pintxo eta Pitxitxi  Schimel, Lawrence (2021) [es > eu]

title of original: Pronto por la mañana ; No es hora de jugar
text type: First readings
publisher: La Maleta
other translator(s): Rikardo Arregi Diaz de Heredia

Kasu eman idusei  Gándara, Lola (2012) [es > eu]

title of original: Guárdate de los idus
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Denonartean
country of publication of original : Spain

Unibertsoa  Kolaczek, Marie (2012) [fr > eu]

title of original: L'espace
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: SM
series: Nire mundua
country of publication of original : France

Yo fui rey de Navarra  Epaltza, Aingeru (2011) [eu > es]

title of original: Izan bainintzen Nafarroako errege
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
year of publication of original: 2009
publisher: Ttarttalo
country of publication of original : Basque Country

Pikolo  Zubizarreta, Patxi (2010) [eu > es]

title of original: Pikolo
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
year of publication of original: 2008
publisher: Lóguez
country of publication of original : Basque Country

Zure gorputza  Longour, Michèle (2009) [fr > eu]

title of original: Le corps
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: SM
series: Nire mundua
country of publication of original : France

Saludos bibliotecarios = Diosalak liburutegitik : Civican 2021  Arellano, Villar (2020) [es > eu]

title of original: Saludos bibliotecarios
text type: Social sciences
year of publication of original: 2020
publisher: Fundación Caja Navarra ; Civican
country of publication of original : Basque Country

Historia de Pamplona : recorrido histórico por el pasado de la ciudad  Abasolo, Patxi ; et al. (2019) [eu > es]

title of original: Iruñeko historia : hiriaren ibilbidea historian barna
text type: Geography and history
year of publication of original: 2018
publisher: Pamiela
series: Ensayo y testimonio; 221
country of publication of original : Basque Country
other translator(s): Andrea Ganchegui
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