type of activity | source language | target language | |
translation | humanities and social sciences media, marketing, tourism fiction prose fiction essay | english french spanish | basque spanish |
proofreading | basque spanish | ||
books |
Saio politiko eta ekonomiko hautatuak Hume, David (2017) [en > eu]
title of original: Essays, Moral, Political, and Literary
text type: Essay publisher: EHU series: Limes; 24 country of publication of original : Scotland Hau ez da ipuina [Antologia] Diderot, Denis (2016) [fr > eu]
title of original: s.n.
text type: Prose fiction year of publication of original: 1770; 1772 publisher: eLiburutegia , Euskadiko Liburutegi Digitala country of publication of original : France Y la serpiente dijo a la mujer Oñederra Olaizola, Miren Lourdes (2014) [eu > es]
title of original: …eta emakumeari sugeak esan zion
text type: Prose fiction publisher: Erein country of publication of original : Basque Country El cuaderno rojo Urretabizkaia, Arantxa (2013) [eu > es]
title of original: Koaderno gorria
text type: Prose fiction year of publication of original: 1998 publisher: Pamiela series: Biblioteca Letras Vascas country of publication of original : Basque Country El cuaderno rojo Urretabizkaia, Arantxa (2002) [eu > es]
title of original: Koaderno gorria
text type: Prose fiction year of publication of original: 1998 publisher: Ttarttalo series: Abra country of publication of original : Basque Country Y la serpiente dijo a la mujer Oñederra, Lourdes (2000) [eu > es]
title of original: ...eta emakumeari sugeak esan zion
text type: Prose fiction year of publication of original: 1999 publisher: Bassarai country of publication of original : Basque Country Hau ez da ipuina [Antologia] Diderot, Denis (1995) [fr > eu]
title of original: s.n.
text type: Prose fiction year of publication of original: 1770; 1772 publisher: Ibaizabal series: Literatura Unibertsala; 47 country of publication of original : France Eskerregite eguneko bisitaria Capote, Truman (1991) [en > eu]
title of original: The Thanksgiving Visitor
text type: Prose fiction year of publication of original: 1968 publisher: Ibaizabal series: Literatura Unibertsala; 10 country of publication of original : USA Zekale artean harrapaka Salinger, J. D. (1991) [en > eu]
title of original: The Catcher in the Rye
text type: Prose fiction year of publication of original: 1951 publisher: Elkar series: Erdal literatura country of publication of original : USA Dersu Uzala. I Arseniev, Vladimir (1984) [ru > eu]
title of original: Дерсу Узала
text type: Prose fiction year of publication of original: 1923 publisher: Hordago series: Narratzaileak country of publication of original : Russia Dersu Uzala. II Arseniev, Vladimir (1984) [ru > eu]
title of original: Дерсу Узала
text type: Prose fiction year of publication of original: 1923 publisher: Hordago series: Narratzaileak country of publication of original : Russia other texts
El cuaderno rojo Urretabizkaia, Arantxa (2002) [eu > es] Compère Général Soleil Alexis, Jacques Stephen (1982) [el > eu] Problemak ebazteko tailerra Pereda Ortíz del Río, Luis (1999) [es > eu]
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Erein country of publication of original : Spain Konta dezagun sekretu bat Torrado, Antonio (1992) [pt > eu]
title of original: Vamos contar um segredo
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 1992 publisher: Erein series: Ahate bihurriarenak country of publication of original : Portugal Marixorren deskuidoak Mathieu, Renada (1992) [ > eu]
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Erein series: Ahate bihurriarenak Basoko loti ederra Perrault, Charles (1985) [ > eu]
title of original: La belle au bois dormant
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Anaya series: Sagutxu Maiteder eta basapiztia Leprince de Beaumont, Jeanne-Marie (1985) [ > eu]
title of original: s.n.
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Anaya series: Sagutxu country of publication of original : Germany Arrantzalea eta bere emaztea Grimm, Jacob ; Grimm, Wilhelm (1984) [de > eu]
title of original: Von dem Fisher un syner Fru
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Anaya series: Sagutxu country of publication of original : Germany other translator(s): Mª Jesus Urmeneta Andre hostoa : norvegiar ipuina Anonimoa (1984) [ > eu]
title of original: s.n.
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Anaya series: Sagutxu country of publication of original : Iran other translator(s): Mª Jesus Urmeneta Izaia Andersen, Hans Christian (1984) [ > eu]
title of original: s.n.
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Anaya series: Sagutxu country of publication of original : Belgium other translator(s): Mª Jesus Urmeneta Mari Errauskin Perrault, Charles (1984) [ > eu]
title of original: Cendrillon
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Anaya series: Sagutxu country of publication of original : Catalonia other translator(s): Mª Jesus Urmeneta Antzinateko greziar munduaren historia politikoa : garai homerikoetatik erromatar munduan integratu arte Baslez, Marie-Françoise (2017) [fr > eu]
title of original: Histoire politique du monde grec. Des temps homériques à l'intégration dans le monde romain
text type: Geography and history year of publication of original: 1994 publisher: EHU series: Unibertsitateko eskuliburuak country of publication of original : France Eskola kulturaniztunetan irakastea eta ikastea : ikuspegi integratu bat Coelho, Elizabeth (2016) [en > eu]
title of original: Teaching and learning in multicultural schools
text type: Social sciences year of publication of original: 1998 publisher: EHU series: Unibertsitateko eskuliburuak country of publication of original : United Kingdom Mundu modernoaren sorrera : kontakizun global eta ekologiko bat, XV. mendetik XXI. mendera arte Marks, Robert B. (2015) [en > eu]
title of original: The origins of the modern world (2nd. ed.)
text type: Social sciences year of publication of original: 2007 publisher: EHU country of publication of original : USA Eskulturak Zugaztietako meatzeetan : Traparango Udalerriaren goialdeko Eskulturen Parkean egindako jardueren azterketa = Esculturas en las minas de La Arboleda : estudio de las actuaciones realizadas en torno al Parque de Esculturas de la zona alta del Municipio de Trapagaran (2014) [es > eu]
title of original: Esculturas en las minas de La Arboleda : estudio de las actuaciones realizadas en torno al Parque de Esculturas de la zona alta del Municipio de Trapagaran
text type: Arts and sports year of publication of original: 2014 publisher: EHU country of publication of original : Basque Country Erakundeen soziologia Lucas Marín, Antonio ; García Ruiz, Pablo (2013) [es > eu]
title of original: Sociología de las organizaciones
text type: Social sciences year of publication of original: 2002 publisher: EHU country of publication of original : Spain Lurraldeak eta mugaldeak : esperientzia dokumental garaikideak Zunzunegui, Santos ; et al. (2013) [es > eu]
title of original: Territorios y fronteras
text type: Arts and sports year of publication of original: 2012 publisher: EHU country of publication of original : Basque Country Munduaren historia ekonomikoa : X.-XX. mendeak Francisco Comín (2013) [es > eu]
title of original: Historia económica mundial : siglos X-XX
text type: Social sciences year of publication of original: 2005 publisher: EHU country of publication of original : Spain Virginiako estatuari buruzko oharrak Jefferson, Thomas (2012) [en > eu]
title of original: Notes on the State of Virginia
text type: Social sciences year of publication of original: 1781 publisher: EHU series: Limes; 19 country of publication of original : USA 10 gako : argudiatzeko eta frogak erabiltzeko gaitasunak / Aleixandre, Marilar (2012) [es > eu]
title of original: 10 ideas clave : competencias en argumentación y uso de pruebas
text type: Social sciences year of publication of original: 2010 publisher: EHU country of publication of original : Catalonia Zer da kasuzko gizarte-langintza? : sarrera gisako deskribapen bat Richmond, Mary Ellen (2012) [en > eu]
title of original: What is social case work? : an introductory description
text type: Social sciences year of publication of original: 1922 publisher: EHU country of publication of original : USA Literaturaren kritikaren historia Viñas, David (2011) [es > eu]
title of original: Historia de la crítica literaria
text type: Language and literature year of publication of original: 2002 publisher: EHU series: Literatura country of publication of original : Catalonia Quantum : Einstein, Bohr eta errealitatearen izaerari buruzko eztabaida handia Kumar, Manjit (2011) [en > eu]
title of original: Quantum. Einstein, Bohr and the great debate about the nature of reality
text type: Science and technology year of publication of original: 2007 publisher: Elhuyar series: Z izpiak; 3 country of publication of original : United Kingdom Oinarrizko filosofia Warburton, Nigel (2011) [en > eu]
title of original: Philosophy: the basic
text type: Philosphy and religion year of publication of original: 1999 publisher: EHU country of publication of original : Basque Country Matematikari baten apologia Harold, Godfrey (2010) [en > eu]
title of original: A Mathematician's Apology
text type: Science and technology year of publication of original: 1940 publisher: EHU series: ZIO; 11 country of publication of original : United Kingdom Ikasteko ebaluatzen : 10 gako Sanmartí, Neus (2010) [es > eu]
title of original: Evaluar para aprender : 10 ideas clave
text type: Social sciences year of publication of original: 2007 publisher: EHU country of publication of original : Catalonia Klima-aldaketa globalaren zientzia eta politika: eztabaidarako gida Dessler, Andrew E.; Parson, Edward A. (2009) [en > eu]
title of original: The Science and Politics of Global Climate Change: A Guide to the Debate
text type: Science and technology year of publication of original: 2006 publisher: EHU series: ZIO; 8 country of publication of original : United Kingdom Argia munduaren ertzean : bidaia bat desagertzen ari diren kulturen erresuman barrena Davis, Wade (2009) [en > eu]
title of original: Shadows in the Sun: Travels to Landscapes of Spirit and Desire
text type: Social sciences year of publication of original: 1998 publisher: EHU series: ZIO; 10 country of publication of original : Canada Helize bikoitza Watson, James D. (2009) [en > eu]
title of original: The Double Helix: A Personal Account of the Discovery of the Structure of DNA
text type: Science and technology year of publication of original: 1968 publisher: Klasikoak series: XX. mendeko ondarea Lurzoruari buruzko Legea = Ley de Suelo (2009) [es > eu]
text type: Social sciences
year of publication of original: 2009 publisher: EHU series: Legeak = Leyes; 10 country of publication of original : Basque Country other translator(s): Irene Aldasoro Zer da pertsuasioa Briñol Turnes, Pablo ; Corte Ibáñez, Luis de la ; Becerra Grande, Alberto (2009) [es > eu]
title of original: Qué es persuasión
text type: Philosphy and religion year of publication of original: 2001 publisher: Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Argitalpen Zerbitzua = Universidad del País Vasco, Servicio Editorial country of publication of original : Spain Bai asmo eroa Crick, Francis (2008) [en > eu]
title of original: What Mad Pursuit: A Personal View of Scientific Discovery
text type: Science and technology year of publication of original: 1990 publisher: Klasikoak series: XX. mendeko ondarea Biziaren izaera Waddington, Conrad H. (2008) [en > eu]
title of original: The Nature of Life
text type: Science and technology year of publication of original: 1972 publisher: Klasikoak series: XX. mendeko ondarea Legeen espirituaz I Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de Secondat (1999) [fr > eu]
title of original: De l'esprit des lois
text type: Social sciences year of publication of original: 1748 publisher: Klasikoak series: Pentsamenduaren klasikoak country of publication of original : France Legeen espirituaz II Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de Secondat (1999) [fr > eu]
title of original: De l'esprit des lois
text type: Social sciences year of publication of original: 1748 publisher: Klasikoak series: Pentsamenduaren klasikoak country of publication of original : France Urrezko abarra I Frazer, James George (1995) [en > eu]
title of original: The Golden Bough
text type: Philosphy and religion year of publication of original: 1890 publisher: Klasikoak series: Pentsamenduaren klasikoak country of publication of original : Scotland Urrezko abarra II Frazer, James George (1995) [en > eu]
title of original: The Golden Bough
text type: Philosphy and religion year of publication of original: 1890 publisher: Klasikoak series: Pentsamenduaren klasikoak country of publication of original : Scotland |