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Xabier Kintana


Haizearen hegaletan : poesi antologia = ['aley kenafey ruah] = Sobre las alas del viento : antología poética   Yehuda ha-Levi (2002) [he > eu]

title of original: ['aley kenafey ruah]
text type: Poetry
year of publication of original: s.d.
publisher: EHU

        online text

Haizearen hegaletan : poesi antologia = Sobre las alas del viento : antología poética  Yehuda ha-Levi (2002) [he > eu]

text type: Poetry
publisher: Euskaltzaindia ; EHU

Kristautasunaren agonia  Unamuno, Miguel de (1996) [es > eu]

title of original: La agonía del cristianismo
text type: Essay
year of publication of original: 1925
publisher: Elkar
series: Orhi
country of publication of original : Basque Country

Ipuinak [Antologia]  Kafka, Franz (1995) [de > eu]

text type: Prose fiction
publisher: Erein
series: Milabidai
country of publication of original : Czech Republic

        online text

Bizitzaren sentimendu tragikoaz  Unamuno, Miguel de (1994) [es > eu]

title of original: Del sentimiento trágico de la vida
text type: Essay
year of publication of original: 1913
publisher: Klasikoak
series: Pentsamenduaren klasikoak
country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Sisyforen Mitoa  Camus, Albert (1992) [fr > eu]

title of original: Le mythe de Sisyphe
text type: Essay
year of publication of original: 1942
publisher: Klasikoak
series: Pentsamenduaren klasikoak
country of publication of original : Algeria

        online text

Cento metri  Saizarbitoria, Ramon (1985) [eu > it]

title of original: 100 metro
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 1976
publisher: Memoranda
country of publication of original : Basque Country
other translator(s): Danilo Manera

Dos pobles, un cor = Bi herri, bihotz bat  Ferran i Mora, Eulalia (1979) [ca > eu]

title of original: Dos pobles, un cor
text type: Poetry
publisher: s.n.
country of publication of original : Catalonia

Itxura-aldaketa  Kafka, Franz (1970) [de > eu]

title of original: Die Verwandlung
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 1915
publisher: Lur
series: Kriselu
other texts

Hainbat poema  Tabidze, Galaktion (1993) [ka > eu]

text type: Poetry
place of publication: Egan, 1 -

Erromantizismoa Georgiara  Barataxvili, Nikoloz (1984) [ka > eu]

text type: Poetry
place of publication: Egan, 1/2 -

        online text

Martintxok sukarra dauka  s.n. (2003) [ > eu]

title of original: s.n.
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Librifer
series: Nire lagun txikiak
country of publication of original : Catalonia

Eneko trumoien beldur da  s.n. (2002) [ > eu]

title of original: s.n.
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Librifer
series: Nire lagun txikiak
country of publication of original : France

Eneko hondartzara doa  (2001) [ > eu]

text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Librifer
series: Nire lagun txikiak

Eneko parkean ari da jolasean  (2001) [it > eu]

text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Librifer
series: Nire lagun txikiak; 4
country of publication of original : Italy

Eneko trumoien beldur da  (2001) [it > eu]

text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Librifer
country of publication of original : Italy

Martintxok sukarra dauka  (2001) [it > eu]

text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Librifer
country of publication of original : Italy

Zergatik da hain gauza ona lagunak izatea?  (2001) [it > eu]

text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Librifer
country of publication of original : Italy

Zergatik joan behar dugu eskolara?  (2001) [it > eu]

text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Librifer
country of publication of original : Italy

Zergatik lan egin behar da?  (2001) [it > eu]

text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Librifer
country of publication of original : Italy

Zergatik zaindu behar ditugu... esneko hortzak?  (2001) [it > eu]

text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Librifer
country of publication of original : Italy

Edurne Zuri eta 7 ipotxak  (2000) [de > eu]

title of original: Schneewittchen
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Izar
series: Ipuin aktiboak
country of publication of original : Germany

Katu botaduna  (2000) [ > eu]

text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Izar
series: Ipuin aktiboak

Oihaneko liburua  (2000) [ > eu]

text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Izar
series: Ipuin aktiboak

Txano Gorritxo  (2000) [ > eu]

text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Izar
series: Ipuin Aktiboak

Ahatetxo itsusia  s.n. (2000) [ > eu]

title of original: s.n.
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Izar
series: Ipuin aktiboak
country of publication of original : Catalonia

Alizia herrialde miresgarrian  s.n. (2000) [ > eu]

title of original: s.n.
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Izar
series: Ipuin aktiboak
country of publication of original : Spain

Edurne Zuri eta 7 ipotxak  s.n. (2000) [ > eu]

title of original: s.n.
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Izar
series: Ipuin aktiboak
country of publication of original : Spain

Elurretan jolasean  Valle, Belén de (1999) [es > eu]

title of original: Jugando en la nieve
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Librifer
series: Tren-makina
country of publication of original : Spain

Zaldun tigrelarruduna  Rustaveli, Xota (1999) [ka > eu]

title of original: ვეფხისტყაოსანი (Vepxistgaosani)
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
year of publication of original: 1712
publisher: Alfaguara ; Zubia
series: Sail gorria
country of publication of original : Georgia

Joana eta Eztebe hondartzan  Valle, Belén de (1999) [es > eu]

title of original: Ana y Ernesto en la playa
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Librifer
series: Tren-makina
country of publication of original : Spain

100 ideia zoragarri jolasteko  Robins, Deri ; Sanders, Meg ; Sanders, Meg (1998) [en > eu]

title of original: The Kids Can Do It Book
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
year of publication of original: 1993
publisher: Librifer
country of publication of original : England

Baserriko lanean laguntzen  Valle, Belén de (1998) [es > eu]

title of original: Los granjeros en acción
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Librifer
series: Tren-makina
country of publication of original : Spain

Basoa, guztion laguna  Valle, Belén de (1998) [es > eu]

title of original: Nuestro amigo el bosque
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Librifer
series: Tren-makina
country of publication of original : Spain

Hau bai askari ederra!  Valle, Belén de (1998) [es > eu]

text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Librifer
series: Tren-makina
country of publication of original : Spain

Itsasoan zehar ibiliz  Valle, Belén de (1998) [es > eu]

title of original: Una excursión por el mar
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Librifer
series: Tren-makina
country of publication of original : Spain

Bainatzeko ordua  Valle, Belén de (1998) [es > eu]

title of original: La hora del baño
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Librifer
series: Tren-makina
country of publication of original : Spain

Erosketak egiten  Valle, Belén de (1998) [es > eu]

title of original: Un día de compras
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Librifer
series: Tren-makina
country of publication of original : Spain

Eguzki eta euria  (1997) [en > eu]

text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Izar
series: Nire txanda

Goazen ibiltzera  (1997) [en > eu]

text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Izar
series: Nire txanda
country of publication of original : England

Kolorez kolore!  (1997) [en > eu]

text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Izar
series: Nire txanda

Saltoka maltoka!  (1997) [en > eu]

text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Izar
series: Nire txanda

Untxe Grisa eta zenbakiak  Baker, Alan (1995) [en > eu]

text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Fher
country of publication of original : England

Untxe Marroia eta formak  Baker, Alan (1995) [en > eu]

text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Fher
country of publication of original : England

Untxe Zuri-Beltza eta letrak  Baker, Alan (1995) [en > eu]

text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Fher
country of publication of original : England

Untxe Zuria eta koloreak  Baker, Alan (1995) [en > eu]

text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Fher
country of publication of original : England

Altxa eta joan  Mac Lean, Colin, Mac Lean, Moira (1994) [en > eu]

title of original: Up and Away
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Fhersal
series: Iharduera askotako liburu istoriodunak
country of publication of original : United Kingdom

Ezustez ezuste  Mac Lean, Colin ; Mac Lean, Moira (1994) [en > eu]

title of original: Surprise surprise
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Fhersal
series: Iharduera askotako liburu istoriodunak
country of publication of original : United Kingdom

Galdu eta aurkitu  Mac Lean, Colin ; Mac Lean, Moira (1994) [en > eu]

title of original: Lost and found
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
year of publication of original: 1994
publisher: Fhersal
series: Iharduera askotako liburu istoriodunak
country of publication of original : United Kingdom

Brontxo brontosauroaren ipuina  Wiltshire, Terri (1993) [en > eu]

text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Fher
series: Sorta ireki, ikusiko duzu
country of publication of original : USA

Den-dena animalien kumeei buruz  Chinery, Michael (1993) [en > eu]

text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Fher
country of publication of original : England

Den-dena basanimaliei buruz  Chinery, Michael (1993) [en > eu]

text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Fher
country of publication of original : England

Den-dena baserriko animaliei buruz  Cook, Brenda (1993) [en > eu]

text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Fher
country of publication of original : England

Den-dena jendeak egiten duenari buruz  Rice, Melanie ; Rice, Chris (1993) [en > eu]

text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Fher
country of publication of original : England

Hartxu hartzaren ipuina  Wiltshire, Terri (1993) [en > eu]

text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Fher
series: Sorta ireki, ikusiko duzu
country of publication of original : USA

Poti pottokaren ipuina  Wiltshire, Terri (1993) [en > eu]

text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Fher
series: Sorta ireki, ikusiko duzu
country of publication of original : USA

Tiko tigrearen ipuina  Wiltshire, Terri (1993) [en > eu]

text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Fher
series: Sorta ireki, ikusiko duzu
country of publication of original : USA

Animaliak  (1992) [en > eu]

title of original: The visual dictionary of animals
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Altea
series: Altea, ikusteko hiztegiak

Ikastetxera noa  López Sáinz, Celia (1991) [es > eu]

text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Izar
series: Nire mundu miragarria
country of publication of original : Spain

Neure ama oso maite dut  López Sáinz, Celia (1991) [es > eu]

text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Izar
series: Nire mundu miragarria
country of publication of original : Spain

Txiki, nire txakurra  López Sáinz, Celia (1991) [es > eu]

text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Izar
series: Nire mundu miragarria
country of publication of original : Spain

Aitonak oso maite nau  López Sáinz, Celia (1991) [es > eu]

title of original: s.n.
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Izar
series: Nire mundu miragarria
country of publication of original : Spain

Hau nire aita da  López Sáinz, Celia (1991) [es > eu]

title of original: s.n.
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Izar
series: Nire mundu miragarria
country of publication of original : Spain

Ihauterietako mozorroak  López Sáinz, Celia (1991) [es > eu]

title of original: s.n.
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Izar
series: Nire mundu miragarria
country of publication of original : Spain

Jostailuak asko gustatzen zaizkit  López Sáinz, Celia (1991) [es > eu]

title of original: s.n.
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Izar
series: Nire mundu miragarria
country of publication of original : Spain

Nire arreba txikia  López Sáinz, Celia (1991) [es > eu]

title of original: s.n.
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Izar
series: Nire mundu miragarria
country of publication of original : Spain

Nire lehen football partida  López Sáinz, Celia (1991) [es > eu]

title of original: s.n.
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Izar
series: Nire mundu miragarria
country of publication of original : Spain

Nire urtebetetzea  López Sáinz, Celia (1991) [es > eu]

title of original: s.n.
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Izar
series: Nire mundu miragarria
country of publication of original : Spain

Oporretan nago  López Sáinz, Celia (1991) [es > eu]

title of original: s.n.
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Izar
series: Nire mundu miragarria
country of publication of original : Spain

Patxi nire laguna  López Sáinz, Celia (1991) [es > eu]

title of original: s.n.
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Izar
series: Nire mundu miragarria
country of publication of original : Spain

Behia  Royston, Angela (1990) [en > eu]

text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Fher
series: Baserriko animalien istorioak
country of publication of original : England

Oiloa  Royston, Angela (1990) [en > eu]

text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Fher
series: Baserriko animalien istorioak
country of publication of original : England

Txerria  Royston, Angela (1990) [en > eu]

text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Fher
series: Baserriko animalien istorioak
country of publication of original : England

Elefantea  Royston, Angela (1989) [en > eu]

text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Fher
series: Animalien bizitza
country of publication of original : England

Igela  Royston, Angela (1989) [en > eu]

text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Fher
series: Animalien bizitza
country of publication of original : England

Kirikinoa  Royston, Angela (1989) [en > eu]

text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Fher
series: Animalien bizitza
country of publication of original : England

Sagua  Royston, Angela (1989) [en > eu]

text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Fher
series: Animalien bizitza
country of publication of original : England

Urtxintxa  Royston, Angela (1989) [en > eu]

text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Fher
series: Animalien bizitza
country of publication of original : England

Animalien bizitza  Royston, Angela (1988) [en > eu]

text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Fher
country of publication of original : England

Azeria  Royston, Angela (1988) [en > eu]

text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Fher
series: Animalien bizitza
country of publication of original : England

Igaraba  Royston, Angela (1988) [en > eu]

text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Fher
series: Animalien bizitza
country of publication of original : England

Oreina  Royston, Angela (1988) [en > eu]

text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Fher
series: Animalien bizitza
country of publication of original : England

Pinguinoa  Royston, Angela (1988) [en > eu]

text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Fher
series: Animalien bizitza
country of publication of original : England

Tigrea  Royston, Angela (1988) [en > eu]

text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Fher
series: Animalien bizitza
country of publication of original : England

Robinson Crusoe  Defoe, Daniel (1974) [en > eu]

title of original: Robinson Crusoea
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
year of publication of original: 1719
publisher: Cinsa
country of publication of original : England

Sapiens : gizadiaren historia labur bat  Harari, Yuval Noah (2019) [he > en > eu]

title of original: Ḳitsur toldot ha-enoshut
text type: Geography and history
year of publication of original: 2011
publisher: Elkar
country of publication of original : USA
other translator(s): Andoni Sagarna

Alderraien gidaria II  Maimon, Moseh ben (2008) [he > eu]

title of original: מורה נבוכים
text type: Philosphy and religion
year of publication of original: 1190
publisher: Klasikoak
series: Pentsamenduaren klasikoak
country of publication of original : Spain

Alderraien gidaria I  Maimon, Moseh ben (2006) [he > eu]

title of original: מורה נבוכים
text type: Philosphy and religion
year of publication of original: 1190
publisher: Klasikoak
series: Pentsamenduaren klasikoak
country of publication of original : Spain

        online text

Alderdi Komunistaren Manifestua  Marx, Karl ; Engels, Friedrich (1998) [ > eu]

title of original: Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei
text type: Philosphy and religion
year of publication of original: 1848
publisher: Jakinkizunak
series: Irakurgaiak
country of publication of original : Germany

Zientzietarako argimenen azterketa  Huarte de San Juan, Juan (1996) [es > eu]

title of original: Examen de ingenios para las ciencias
text type: Philosphy and religion
year of publication of original: 1575
publisher: Klasikoak
series: Pentsamenduaren klasikoak
country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Alderdi Komunistaren manifestua = Manifiesto del partido comunista  Marx, Karl (1980) [ > eu|es]

title of original: Das Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei
text type: Philosphy and religion
year of publication of original: 1848
publisher: Lur
country of publication of original : Germany

Sozialismoaren aurrerabidea utopiatik zientziara ; Ludwing Feuerbach eta aleman filosofia klasikoaren amaiera  Engels, Friedrich (1972) [de > eu]

title of original: Die Entwicklung des Sozialismus von der Utopie zur Wissenschaft ; Ludwing Feuerbach und der Ausgang der klassischen deutschen Philosophie
text type: Philosphy and religion
year of publication of original: 1880 ; 1888
publisher: Lur
series: Hastapenak
country of publication of original : Germany

Lan alokatua eta kapitala ; Alokairua, prezioa eta irabazia  Marx, Karl (1971) [de > eu]

title of original: Lohnarbeit und Kapital ; Lohn, Preis und Profit
text type: Social sciences
year of publication of original: 1847 ; 1865
publisher: Lur
series: Hastapenak

Lan alokatua eta kapitala ; Alokairua prezioa eta irabazia  Marx, Karl (1971) [de > eu]

title of original: Lohn, Preis und Profit
text type: Social sciences
year of publication of original: 1865
publisher: Lur
series: Hastapenak; 11
country of publication of original : England
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