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title of translation: Ahotsa, hitzak, hizkuntzak : euskal olerki antologia = Voz, palabras, lenguas : Antología de poesía vasca = Voix, mots, langues : Anthologie de la poésie basque = Voice, words, languages : Anthology of Basque Poetry.

author: Figuera, Angela ; Otero, Blas de ; de Bengoechea, Javier ; Lekuona, Juan Mari ; Gandiaga, Bitoriano ; Aresti, Gabriel ; Gonzalez Aranguren, Jose ; Sarasua, Blanca ; Lete, Xabier ; Atxaga, Bernardo

translator: Luigi Anselmi; Itxaro Borda; Amaia Gabantxo; Amaia Iturbide; Felipe Juaristi; Jose Ramón Zabala

year of publication of translation: 2010

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Euskaltzaindia

source language(s): basque, spanish

target language(s): basque, english, french, spanish

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Basque Country

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title of translation: Antología de la poesía vasca = Euskal poesiaren antologia

author: Aranbarri, Iñigo; Atxaga, Bernardo; Aresti, Gabriel; Izagirre, Koldo; Juaristi, Felipe; Lasa, Mikel; Lekuona, Juan Mari; Lete, Xabier; Mirande, Jon; Sarasola, Ibon; Sarrionandia, Joseba


year of publication of translation: 1993

title of original: Euskal poesiaren antologia

text type: Poetry

publisher: Visor

series: Visor de poesía

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish


title of translation: Die Stimmen der Amsel [Antologia]

author: Aire, Henriette ; Alberdi, Uxue ; Anonimoa ; Anselmi, Luigi ; Aresti, Gabriel ; Arkotxa, Aurelia ; Arregi Diaz de Heredia, Ricardo ; Arrese Beitia, Felipe ; Artze, Joxean ; Azkona, Josetxo ; Bilbao, Leire ; Borda, Itxaro ; Chivite, Beatriz ; Dicharry, Eric ; Esteban, Mari Luz ; Gandiaga, Bitoriano ; Garde, Luis ; Goikoetxea, Jule ; Igerabide, Juan Kruz ; Irastorza, Tere ; Iturbide, Amaia ; Korta, Gabriel ; Lasa, Amaia ; Lete, Xabier ; Lizardi, Xabier ; Luigi Anselmi ; Lujanbio, Maialen ; Magdalena, Peru ; Meabe, Miren Agur ; Mirande, Jon ; Mujika, Tene ; Salamero, Andoni ; Sarriondandia, Joseba ; Suarez, Castillo ; Unzueta, Sorne ; Urretabizkaia, Arantxa

translator: Mikel Babiano

year of publication of translation: 2019

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: EYE Literaturverlag der Wenigerheiten

series: Am Herzen Europas ; 12

source language(s): basque

target language(s): german

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Gabon, Txirrita

author: Lete, Xabier

translator: Ramon Etxezarreta

year of publication of translation: 2016

title of original: Gabon, Txirrita

text type: Drama

publisher: Aztarna

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2016

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Las ateridas manos del alba

author: Lete, Xabier

translator: Javier Imaz; Jose Angel Irigaray

year of publication of translation: 2011

title of original: Egunsentiaren esku izoztuak

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pamiela

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2008

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Oraiko olerki sorta bat = Anthologie poésie basque contemporaine [Antologia]

author: Anselmi, Luigi ; Aranbarri, Iñigo ; Aresti, Gabriel ; Arrieta, Joxe Austin ; Artze, Jose Antonio ; Atxaga, Bernardo ; Azurmendi, Joxe ; Etxaniz, Nemesio ; Ezkiaga, Patxi ; Gandiaga, Bitoriano ; Goikoetxea, Joan Inazio ; Irastortza, Tere ; Iturbide, Amaia ; Jimenez, Edorta ; Lasa Alegria, Amaia ; Lasa, Mikel ; Lauaxeta ; Lekuona, Juan Mari ; Lete, Xabier ; Lizardi, Xabier ; Loramendi ; Mitxelena, Salbatore ; Monzón, Telesforo ; Mujika, Luis Mari ; Orixe; Perurena, Patziku ; San Martin, Juan ; Santisteban, Karlos ; Sarrionandia, Joseba ; Sestorain, Gotzone ; Urkizu, Patri ; Urretabizkaia, Arantxa ; Zabaleta, Patxi ; Zarate, Mikel ; Zulaika, Joseba


year of publication of translation: 1990

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Centre Culturel du Pays basque , J et D éd.

source language(s): basque

target language(s): french

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Ahotsa, hitzak, hizkuntzak : euskal olerki antologia = Voz, palabras, lenguas : Antología de poesía vasca = Voix, mots, langues : Anthologie de la poésie basque = Voice, words, languages : Anthology of Basque Poetry.

author: Figuera, Angela ; Otero, Blas de ; de Bengoechea, Javier ; Lekuona, Juan Mari ; Gandiaga, Bitoriano ; Aresti, Gabriel ; Gonzalez Aranguren, Jose ; Sarasua, Blanca ; Lete, Xabier ; Atxaga, Bernardo

translator: Luigi Anselmi; Itxaro Borda; Amaia Gabantxo; Amaia Iturbide; Felipe Juaristi; Jose Ramón Zabala

year of publication of translation: 2010

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Euskaltzaindia

target language(s): basque, english, french, spanish

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text


title of translation: Antología de la poesía vasca = Euskal poesiaren antologia

author: Aranbarri, Iñigo; Atxaga, Bernardo; Aresti, Gabriel; Izagirre, Koldo; Juaristi, Felipe; Lasa, Mikel; Lekuona, Juan Mari; Lete, Xabier; Mirande, Jon; Sarasola, Ibon; Sarrionandia, Joseba


year of publication of translation: 1993

title of original: Euskal poesiaren antologia

text type: Poetry

publisher: Visor

series: Visor de poesía

target language(s): spanish


title of translation: Die Stimmen der Amsel [Antologia]

author: Aire, Henriette ; Alberdi, Uxue ; Anonimoa ; Anselmi, Luigi ; Aresti, Gabriel ; Arkotxa, Aurelia ; Arregi Diaz de Heredia, Ricardo ; Arrese Beitia, Felipe ; Artze, Joxean ; Azkona, Josetxo ; Bilbao, Leire ; Borda, Itxaro ; Chivite, Beatriz ; Dicharry, Eric ; Esteban, Mari Luz ; Gandiaga, Bitoriano ; Garde, Luis ; Goikoetxea, Jule ; Igerabide, Juan Kruz ; Irastorza, Tere ; Iturbide, Amaia ; Korta, Gabriel ; Lasa, Amaia ; Lete, Xabier ; Lizardi, Xabier ; Luigi Anselmi ; Lujanbio, Maialen ; Magdalena, Peru ; Meabe, Miren Agur ; Mirande, Jon ; Mujika, Tene ; Salamero, Andoni ; Sarriondandia, Joseba ; Suarez, Castillo ; Unzueta, Sorne ; Urretabizkaia, Arantxa

translator: Mikel Babiano

year of publication of translation: 2019

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: EYE Literaturverlag der Wenigerheiten

series: Am Herzen Europas ; 12

target language(s): german

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Gabon, Txirrita

author: Lete, Xabier

translator: Ramon Etxezarreta

year of publication of translation: 2016

title of original: Gabon, Txirrita

text type: Drama

publisher: Aztarna

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2016

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Las ateridas manos del alba

author: Lete, Xabier

translator: Javier Imaz; Jose Angel Irigaray

year of publication of translation: 2011

title of original: Egunsentiaren esku izoztuak

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pamiela

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2008

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Oraiko olerki sorta bat = Anthologie poésie basque contemporaine [Antologia]

author: Anselmi, Luigi ; Aranbarri, Iñigo ; Aresti, Gabriel ; Arrieta, Joxe Austin ; Artze, Jose Antonio ; Atxaga, Bernardo ; Azurmendi, Joxe ; Etxaniz, Nemesio ; Ezkiaga, Patxi ; Gandiaga, Bitoriano ; Goikoetxea, Joan Inazio ; Irastortza, Tere ; Iturbide, Amaia ; Jimenez, Edorta ; Lasa Alegria, Amaia ; Lasa, Mikel ; Lauaxeta ; Lekuona, Juan Mari ; Lete, Xabier ; Lizardi, Xabier ; Loramendi ; Mitxelena, Salbatore ; Monzón, Telesforo ; Mujika, Luis Mari ; Orixe; Perurena, Patziku ; San Martin, Juan ; Santisteban, Karlos ; Sarrionandia, Joseba ; Sestorain, Gotzone ; Urkizu, Patri ; Urretabizkaia, Arantxa ; Zabaleta, Patxi ; Zarate, Mikel ; Zulaika, Joseba


year of publication of translation: 1990

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Centre Culturel du Pays basque , J et D éd.

target language(s): french

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Basque Country

Bedeinkatua = [Bendito].  Lete, Xabier (s.d.)

title of original: Bedeinkatua

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

        online text

Haizea dator ifarraldetik = [Sopla el viento del norte].  Lete, Xabier (s.d.)

title of original: Haizea dator ifarraldetik

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

        online text

Ihesa zilegi balitz = [Si fuera lícito huir].  Lete, Xabier (s.d.)

title of original: Ihesa zilegi balitz

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

        online text

Izarren hautsa = [El polvo de las estrellas].  Lete, Xabier ()

title of original: Izarren hautsa (Izarraren hautsa)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1975

        online text

Negu hurbilak = [El cercano invierno].  Lete, Xabier (s.d.)

title of original: Negu hurbilak

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

        online text

Quelques poèmes.  Lete, Xabier (2011)

translator: Edurne Alegria

title of original: Hainbat poema

text type: Poetry

target language(s): french

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1968/1992

place of publication: basqueliterature.com

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Some poems.  Lete, Xabier (2011)

translator: Kristin Addis

title of original: Hainbat poema

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1968/1992

place of publication: basqueliterature.com

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

You also encountered….  Lete, Xabier (2011)

translator: Nere Lete

title of original: Ezagutu zenuen…

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

place of publication: Inventory, 2

country of publication of original : Basque Country