type of activity | source language | target language | |
translation | humanities and social sciences law and commerce, finance media, marketing, tourism localization | english spanish | basque |
proofreading | basque | ||
books |
Napoleonen bidearen erdian : Pedro Manuel Ugartemendiaren bizitza (1770-1836) = En mitad del camino de Napoleón : vida de Pedro Manuel de Ugartemendia (1770-1836) Rilova Jericó, Carlos (2021) [es > eu]
title of original: En mitad del camino de Napoleón : vida de Pedro Manuel de Ugartemendia (1770-1836)
text type: Biographies year of publication of original: 2021 publisher: Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia series: Gipuzkoarren bizitzak; 1 country of publication of original : Basque Country 67 Donostia Zinemaldia = 67 Festival de San Sebastián = 67 International Film Festival 2019 Cueto, Roberto ; Nagore, Raúl (2019) [en > eu]
text type: Arts and sports
year of publication of original: 2019 publisher: Donostiako Nazioarteko Zinemaldia country of publication of original : Basque Country 66 Donostia Zinemaldia = 66 Festival de San Sebastián = 66 International Film Festival : 21-29 iraila = septiembre 2018 Cueto, Roberto ; Nagore, Raúl (2018) [en > eu]
title of original: 66 Festival de San Sebastián = 66 International Film Festival
text type: Arts and sports year of publication of original: 2018 publisher: Donostiako Nazioarteko Zinemaldia country of publication of original : Basque Country other translator(s): Miren Echeveste 64 Donostia Zinemaldia = 64 Festival de San Sebastián = 64 International Film Festival : 16/24 iraila septiembre 2016 Cueto, Roberto ; Nagore, Raúl (2016) [en > eu]
text type: Arts and sports
year of publication of original: 2016 publisher: Donostiako Nazioarteko Zinemaldia country of publication of original : Basque Country other translator(s): Isabel Etxeberria other texts
Gudugarreta herribildua eskualdeko historian : (XIII. mende hasieratik 1882an Beasainekin bat egin arte) = La villa de Gudugarreta en la historia de la comarca : (desde los inicios del siglo XIII hasta su anexión a Beasain en 1982) García Garmendia, Martín ; Alonso Arratibel, Joseba ; Dorronsoro Ibarbia, Mikel (2020) [es > eu]
text type: Geography and history
place of publication: Beasaingo Udala - Beasaingo paperak, 28 remarks: Testua euskaraz eta gaztelaniaz |