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Josu Zabaleta Kortaberria

Legazpi, 1948

member of EIZIE

type of activity   source language target language
children's and young adults' literature
prose fiction


Alexander Wolfen mamua  Gazdanov, Gaito (2023) [ru > eu]

title of original: Призрак Александра Вольфа
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 1947
publisher: Igela
country of publication of original : Russia

Azken amazona  Almberg, Nina (2023) [fr > eu]

title of original: La dernière amazone
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 2021
publisher: Erein
series: Narratiba
country of publication of original : France

Soniexka  Ulitskaia, Ludmila (2022) [ru > eu]

title of original: Сонечка
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 1992
publisher: Pasazaite
country of publication of original : Russia

Haurrek hitza  Txukovskaia, Lidia ; Zhukova, Lidia (2022) [ru > eu]

title of original: Слово предоставляется детям
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 1942
publisher: Katakrak

Gaspar Ruiz  Conrad, Joseph (2021) [en > eu]

title of original: Gaspar Ruiz
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 1906
publisher: Booktegi
country of publication of original : United Kingdom

        online text

Abereen hizkuntza [antologia]  s.n. (2021) [ > eu]

title of original: s.n.
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: s.d.
publisher: Booktegi

        online text

Intxaurrondo : Intxaurraren hostopeko itzala  Arretxe Gutiérrez, Ion (2021) [es > eu]

title of original: Intxaurrondo : La sombra del nogal
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 2015
publisher: Erein
series: Narratiba
country of publication of original : Spain

Urpean murgildu  Txukovskaia, Lidia (2021) [ru > eu]

title of original: Спуск под воду
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 1972
publisher: Katakrak

Krokodiloa  Dostoievski, Fiodor (2020) [ru > eu]

title of original: Крокодил (Krokodil)
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 1865
publisher: Booktegi
country of publication of original : Russia

        online text

Kontu pribatu bat  Fenoglio, Beppe (2020) [it > eu]

title of original: Una questione privata
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 1963
publisher: Katakrak
country of publication of original : Italy

Sofia Petrovna  Txukovskaia, Lidia (2019) [ru > eu]

title of original: Софья Петровна
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 1939
publisher: Katakrak

Itsasoaren isiltasuna : eta beste kontakizun batzuk  Vercors (2019) [fr > eu]

title of original: Le silence de la mer : et autres récits
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 1951
publisher: Booktegi
country of publication of original : France

        online text

Aiphatu tenienteordea  Tinianov, Yuri (2018) [ru > eu]

title of original: Подпоручик Киже
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 1927
publisher: Booktegi
country of publication of original : Russia

        online text

Adan baino lehen  London, Jack (2018) [en > eu]

title of original: Before Adam
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 1907
publisher: Booktegi
country of publication of original : USA

        online text

Arrotza  Camus, Albert (2017) [fr > eu]

title of original: L'étranger
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 1942
publisher: Erein
series: 4nak
country of publication of original : Algeria

Hadji-Murat  Tolstoi, Lev (2017) [ru > eu]

title of original: Хаджи-Мурат
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 1896-1904
publisher: Meettok
country of publication of original : Russia

Bihotzak baditik horrelako gauzak  Aylisli, Akram (2016) [az > ru > eu]

title of original: ÜRӘK YAMAN ŞEYDİR
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 1972
publisher: armiarma.eus

        online text

Fantasiazko ipuinak  Maupassant, Guy de (2016) [fr > eu]

title of original: Contes fantastiques
text type: Prose fiction
publisher: eLiburutegia , Euskadiko Liburutegi Digitala
country of publication of original : France

        online text

Gerrako pilotu  Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de (2016) [fr > eu]

title of original: Pilote de guerre
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 1942
publisher: eLiburutegia , Euskadiko Liburutegi Digitala
country of publication of original : France

        online text

On Casmurro  Machado de Assis (2016) [pt > eu]

title of original: Dom Casmurro
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 1899
publisher: eLiburutegia , Euskadiko Liburutegi Digitala
country of publication of original : Brasil

        online text

Sei pertsonaia autore bila  Pirandello, Luigi (2016) [it > eu]

title of original: Sei personaggi in cerca d'autore
text type: Drama
year of publication of original: 1925
publisher: eLiburutegia , Euskadiko Liburutegi Digitala
country of publication of original : Italy

        online text

Zaindari ikusezina  Redondo, Dolores (2013) [es > eu]

title of original: El guardián invisible
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 2013
publisher: Erein
series: Uzta Gorria
country of publication of original : Spain

Annabel  Winter, Kathleen (2013) [en > eu]

title of original: Annabel
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 2010
publisher: Erein
series: Narratiba
country of publication of original : Canada

Hamar  Longo, Andrej (2012) [it > eu]

title of original: Dieci
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 2007
publisher: Pasazaite
country of publication of original : Italy

Urak dakarrena  Martínez de Lezea, Toti (2012) [es > eu]

title of original: Mareas
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 2012
publisher: Ttarttalo
series: Nobela historikoa
country of publication of original : Basque Country

Konprometitu zaitezte  Hessel, Stéphane (2011) [fr > eu]

title of original: Engagez-vous
text type: Essay
year of publication of original: 2011
publisher: Alberdania ; Erein
series: Batera Saila
country of publication of original : France

Gauaren usaina  Camilleri, Andrea (2011) [it > eu]

title of original: L'odore della notte
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 2001
publisher: Erein
series: Uzta Gorria
country of publication of original : Italy

Tartariarren basamortua  Buzzati, Dino (2010) [it > eu]

title of original: Il deserto dei Tartari
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 1940
publisher: Alberdania ; Elkar
series: Literatura Unibertsala; 150
country of publication of original : Italy

On Casmurro  Machado de Assis (2009) [pt > eu]

title of original: Dom Casmurro
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 1899
publisher: Alberdania ; Elkar
series: Literatura Unibertsala; 145
country of publication of original : Brasil

Judu-kale  Martínez de Lezea, Toti (2008) [es > eu]

title of original: La calle de la judería
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 2007
publisher: Erein
series: Poltsiko.e
country of publication of original : Basque Country

Gaueko gezurrak  Bufalino, Gesualdo (2007) [it > eu]

title of original: Le menzogne della notte
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 1988
publisher: Alberdania ; Elkar
series: Literatura Unibertsala; 129
country of publication of original : Italy

Erremateko tiroa  Yourcenar, Marguerite (2007) [fr > eu]

title of original: Le coup de grâce
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 1939
publisher: Alberdania
series: Narrazioa
country of publication of original : Belgium

Jakintzaren arbola  Baroja, Pio (2006) [es > eu]

title of original: El arbol de la ciencia
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 1911
publisher: Alberdania ; Elkar
series: Literatura Unibertsala; 122
country of publication of original : Basque Country

Maisulan ezezaguna  Balzac, Honore de (2006) [fr > eu]

title of original: Le chef d'oeuvre inconnu
text type: Prose fiction
publisher: Artium Museoa
country of publication of original : France

Gerrako pilotu  Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de (2003) [fr > eu]

title of original: Pilote de guerre
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 1942
publisher: Alberdania ; Elkar
series: Literatura Unibertsala; 106
country of publication of original : France

Sei pertsonaia autore bila  Pirandello, Luigi (2003) [it > eu]

title of original: Sei personaggi in cerca d'autore
text type: Drama
year of publication of original: 1925
publisher: Alberdania ; Elkar
series: Literatura Unibertsala; 108
country of publication of original : Italy

Lorategi beldurgarriak  Quint, Michel (2003) [fr > eu]

title of original: Effroyables jardins
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 2000
publisher: Erein
series: Oroimenean barrena

Fantasiazko ipuinak  Maupassant, Guy de (2000) [fr > eu]

title of original: Contes fantastiques
text type: Prose fiction
publisher: Ibaizabal
series: Literatura Unibertsala; 84
country of publication of original : France

        online text

Gauza baten ametsa  Pasolini, Pier Paolo (1998) [it > eu]

title of original: Il Sogno di una cosa
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 1962
publisher: Alberdania
series: Narrazioa
country of publication of original : Italy

Itsaso ardo kolorea  Sciascia, Leonardo (1990) [it > eu]

title of original: Il Mare colore del vino
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 1973
publisher: Erein
series: Literatura
country of publication of original : Italy

        online text

Busturia anaiak  Perez de Viñaspre, Gorka (1988) [ > eu]

text type: Prose fiction
publisher: Elkar
series: Txinparta

Hiltzaile moderatua  Chesterton, G. K. (1984) [en > eu]

title of original: The Moderat Murderer
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 1930
publisher: Hordago ; Lur
series: Narratzaileak
country of publication of original : England
other translator(s): Hirune Uria

Euskal itzulpenaren antologia 1  (1984) [ > eu]

text type: Fiction
publisher: Itzultzaile Eskola
series: Itzulpen teoria eta praktikarako textuak
other texts

Katuek bai zorte ona  Petruxevskaia, Ludmila (2016) [ru > eu]

text type: Prose fiction
place of publication: armiarma.eus -

        online text

Hainbat poema  Proust, Marcel (2014) [fr > eu]

text type: Poetry
place of publication: Senez, 45 -

        online text

Menuet ; Gaua  Maupassant, Guy de (2011) [fr > eu]

text type: Prose fiction
place of publication: Xerezaderen Artxiboa -

Fantasiazko ipuinak liburuko bi ipuin.

        online text

Nork jakin?  Maupassant, Guy de (2011) [fr > en]

text type: Prose fiction
place of publication: Xerezaderen Artxiboa -

Fantasiazko ipuinak liburuko ipuina.

        online text

Gertatzear dago zerbait  Böll, Heinrich (1986) [de > eu]

text type: Prose fiction
place of publication: Egan, 3/4 -

        online text

Filosofia 37 ipuinetan [antologia]  Vencivenga, Ermanno (2023) [it > eu]

title of original: s.n.
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
year of publication of original: 1991
publisher: Booktegi
country of publication of original : Italy

        online text

Basabizitzaren deia  London, Jack (2014) [en > eu]

title of original: The Call of the Wild
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
year of publication of original: 1903
publisher: Vicens Vives
series: Literatura-eskola
country of publication of original : USA

Oliver Twist  Anton Pascual, Pau (2013) [es > eu]

title of original: Oliver Twist
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Vicens Vives
series: Tantaia

Ilargiaren alaba  Martínez de Lezea, Toti (2013) [es > eu]

title of original: La hija de la luna
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
year of publication of original: 2011
publisher: Erein
series: Perzebal; 28
country of publication of original : Spain

Erregearen mezularia  Martínez de Lezea, Toti (2012) [es > eu]

title of original: El mensajero del rey
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
year of publication of original: 2012
publisher: Erein
series: Perzebal; 26
country of publication of original : Spain

Ezerezaren gudarostea  Belpois, Jeremy (2011) [it > eu]

title of original: L'Esercito del Nulla
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Gero , Mensajero = Mezulari
series: Code Lyoko; 4
country of publication of original : Italy

Fenixaren itzulera  Belpois, Jeremy (2011) [it > eu]

title of original: Ill ritorno della fenice
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Gero , Mensajero = Mezulari
series: Code Lyoko; 3
country of publication of original : Italy

Hada baten heziketa  Cauwelaert, Didier van (2008) [fr > eu]

title of original: L'education d'une fée
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
year of publication of original: 2000
publisher: Erein
series: Perzebal; 16
country of publication of original : France

Nikolas Txiki : historia ezezagun gehiago  Goscinny, René (2008) [fr > eu]

title of original: Histoires inédites du Petit Nicolas. Volume 2
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
year of publication of original: 2004
publisher: Elkar
country of publication of original : France
other translator(s): Koro Navarro

Txistea  Goscinny, René (2006) [fr > eu]

title of original: s.n.
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Elkarlanean
series: Xaguxar
country of publication of original : France
other translator(s): Koro Navarro

Familia bazkaria  Goscinny, René (2005) [fr > eu]

title of original: s.n.
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Elkarlanean
series: Xaguxar
country of publication of original : France
other translator(s): Koro Navarro

Anne Franken egunkaria  Frank, Anne (2004) [de > eu]

title of original: Het Achterhuis
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
year of publication of original: 1947
publisher: Erein
series: Oroimenean barrena
country of publication of original : Netherlands

Loiolako Inazio  Castellano de la Puente, Rafael (1990) [es > eu]

title of original: Igancio de Loyola
text type: Comic
year of publication of original: 1990
publisher: Lur
country of publication of original : Basque Country

Printzea eta eskalea  Twain, Mark (1981) [en > eu]

title of original: The Prince and the Pauper
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
year of publication of original: 1881
publisher: Hordago ; Lur
series: Tximista
country of publication of original : Canada

Taraskoneko Tartarin  Daudet, Alphonse (1981) [fr > eu]

title of original: Tartarin de Tarascon
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
year of publication of original: 1872
publisher: Hordago ; Lur
series: Tximista
country of publication of original : France

Intxaurrondo : intxaurraren hostopeko itzala  Arretxe, Ion (2021) [es > eu]

title of original: Intxaurrondo : la sombra del nogal
text type: Social sciences
year of publication of original: 2015
publisher: Erein
series: Narratiba; 131
country of publication of original : Spain

Gizarte irekia eta haren etsaiak I I  Popper, Karl (2009) [en > eu]

title of original: The Open Society and Its Enemies
text type: Social sciences
year of publication of original: 1945
publisher: Klasikoak
series: XX. mendeko ondarea

Gizarte irekia eta haren etsaiak I  Popper, Karl (2008) [en > eu]

title of original: The Open Society and Its Enemies
text type: Social sciences
year of publication of original: 1945
publisher: Klasikoak
series: XX. mendeko ondarea

        online text

Zenbakirik gabe bizi  Paulos, John Allen (2006) [en > eu]

title of original: Innumeracy
text type: Science and technology
year of publication of original: 1998
publisher: EHU
series: ZIO; 5
country of publication of original : USA

Irudia  Aumont, Jacques (2005) [fr > eu]

title of original: L'Image
text type: Arts and sports
year of publication of original: 1990
publisher: EHU
other texts

ESKUTITZA. Aita Santuak joan egin behar zuen Francorengana  Ginzburg, Natalia (2022) [it > eu]

text type: Social sciences
place of publication: Berria -

        online text

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