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Jon Juaristi


Los pasos incontables  Saizarbitoria, Ramon (2018) [eu > es]

title of original: Hamaika pauso
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 1995
publisher: Erein
series: Biblioteca Ramon Saizarbitoria
country of publication of original : Basque Country

Los pasos incontables  Saizarbitoria, Ramon (1998) [eu > es]

title of original: Hamaika pauso
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 1995
publisher: Espasa-Calpe
series: Austral
country of publication of original : Basque Country

Flor de Baladas Vascas [Antologia]  (1989) [eu > es]

title of original: [Euskal Baladen Lorea]
text type: Poetry
publisher: Visor
series: Visor de Poesía

La tau y el caldero  Onaindia, Mario (1985) [eu > es]

title of original: Gillen Garateako batxillerra
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 1984
publisher: Grijalbo
country of publication of original : Basque Country

T.S. Eliot euskaraz [antologia]  Eliot, T.S. (1983) [en > eu]

title of original: s.n.
text type: Poetry
year of publication of original: s.d.
publisher: Hordago ; Lur
country of publication of original : USA
other translator(s): Gabriel Aresti, Joseba Sarrionandia

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Antología poética  Aresti, Gabriel (1982) [eu > es]

title of original: s.n.
text type: Fiction
year of publication of original: s.d.
publisher: Nuestra Cultura
country of publication of original : Basque Country

Obras completas  Aresti, Gabriel (1976) [eu > es]

title of original: Lehen poemak; Bizkaitarra I, II, III; Maldan behera; Zuzenbide debekatua; 200 puntu; Euskal trajedia; Euskal komedia; Mailu batekin; Harri eta herri; Euskal harria; Harrizko herri hau; Azken harria
text type: Poetry
publisher: Luis Haranburu
country of publication of original : Basque Country
other translator(s): Gabriel Aresti
other texts

Ene lagun handi, euskal poeta Gabriel Arestiren heriocean  Otero, Blas de (1976) [es > eu]

text type: Poetry
place of publication: Zubikoak - [4] -
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