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Juan Azpillaga

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Bederatzi kantu  Young, Neil (2021) [en > eu]

tipo de texto: Poesía
publicación: -

Edukia: After the Gold Rush [= Urrearen sukarraren ostean] ; Crotes the Killer [= Cortes hiltzailea] ; Fron Hank to Hendrix [= Hank eta Hendrix] ; Green is Blue [= Sutan jarri] ; Harvest Moon [= Ilargipean] ; Helpless [= Nekez] ; Keep On Rokin' on the Free World [= Segi eusten mundu librean] ; Someday [= Noizbait] ; Words (Between the Lines of Age) [= Hitzak (zimurren artean)]

Egan aldizkarian 3/4 (2021) berrargitaratua.

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Bederatzi kantu  Young, Neil (2021) [en > eu]

tipo de texto: Poesía
publicación: Egan 3/4 -

Edukia: After the Gold Rush [= Urrearen sukarraren ostean] ; Crotes the Killer [= Cortes hiltzailea] ; Fron Hank to Hendrix [= Hank eta Hendrix] ; Green is Blue [= Sutan jarri] ; Harvest Moon [= Ilargipean] ; Helpless [= Nekez] ; Keep On Rokin' on the Free World [= Segi eusten mundu librean] ; Someday [= Noizbait] ; Words (Between the Lines of Age) [= Hitzak (zimurren artean)]

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