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Idoia Santamaría Urkaregi

Donostia, 1962

member of EIZIE

type of activity   source language target language
translationhumanities and social sciences
technical, scientific
prose fiction


Austerlitz  Sebald, W. G. (2022) [de > eu]

title of original: Austerlitz
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 2001
publisher: Igela
series: Literatura saila; 64
country of publication of original : Germany

Aldibereko  Bachmann, Ingeborg (2019) [de > eu]

title of original: Simultan
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 1972
publisher: Erein ; Igela
series: Literatura Unibertsala; 176
country of publication of original : Austria

Epailea eta haren borreroa  Dürrenmatt, Friedrich (2018) [de > eu]

title of original: Der Richter und sein Henker
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 1952
publisher: Erein ; Igela
series: Literatura Unibertsala; 173
country of publication of original : Germany

Sistema eragileak : barnekoak eta diseinuko printzipioak  Stallings, William (2008)

title of original: Operating systems : internals and design principles
year of publication of original: 1998
publisher: EHU
country of publication of original : United Kingdom
other translator(s): Itziar Mendizabal

Mi vieja montaña  Mendiguren Elizegi, Xabier (2000) [eu > es]

title of original: Berriro igo nauzu
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 1996
publisher: Hiru
series: Milia lasturko; 14
country of publication of original : Basque Country

Con el viento en contra  Iturregi, Patxi (2000) [eu > es]

title of original: Haize kontra
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 1996
publisher: Hiru
series: Ficciones; 3
country of publication of original : Basque Country
other translator(s): Patxi Iturregi

Las cosas se han complicado un poco  Sastre, Pablo (1998) [eu > es]

title of original: Gauzak apur bat konplikatu dira
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 1998
publisher: Hiru
series: Milia lasturko; 13
country of publication of original : Basque Country

Aingeruak nekez ausartzen diren tokian  Forster, E.M. (1992) [en > eu]

title of original: Where angels fear to tread
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 1905
publisher: Ibaizabal
series: Literatura Unibertsala; 17
country of publication of original : England

Luis Bonaparteren Brumairearen hemezortzia  Marx, Karl (2023) [de > eu]

title of original: Der 18te Brumaire des Louis Napoleon
text type: Philosphy and religion
year of publication of original: 1852
publisher: Igela
series: Ordu urdina
country of publication of original : USA

Sentsorea zentzu bila : interakzio-poetikak = Sensor busca sentido : poéticas de interacción  Araujo, Patxi (2023)

text type: Arts and sports
year of publication of original: 2023
publisher: EHU
series: Cuadernos de Arte y Tecnología; 3
country of publication of original : Basque Country

Ekonomia zirkularra : erabiltzailearentzako gida  Stahel, Walter R. (2023) [en > eu]

title of original: The circular economy : a user's guide
text type: Social sciences
year of publication of original: 2019
publisher: EHU
series: Unibertsitateko eskuliburuak
country of publication of original : England
other translator(s): Belen Pikabea

Hizkuntza-aniztasuna, hizkuntza gutxituak eta garapen jasangarria  (2022) [en > eu]

title of original: Linguistic diversity, minority languages and sustainable development = Diversidad lingüística, lenguas minorizadas y desarrollo sostenible = Diversité linguistique, langues minoritaires et développement durable
text type: Language and literature
year of publication of original: 2019
publisher: EHU
series: Ikertuz
country of publication of original : Basque Country
other translator(s): Unai Begiristain

Utilitarismoa  Mill, John Stuart (2021) [en > eu]

title of original: Utilitarianism
text type: Philosphy and religion
year of publication of original: 1863
publisher: EHU
series: Limes; 27
country of publication of original : United Kingdom
other translator(s): Belen Pikabea

Zergatik eta nola bihurtu didaktikari?  Bronckart, Jean-Paul (2020) [fr > eu]

title of original: Pourquoi et comment devenir didacticien?
text type: Language and literature
year of publication of original: 2016
publisher: EHU
series: Unibertsitateko eskuliburuak
country of publication of original : France
other translator(s): Unai Begiristain

Lanerako eta komunikaziorako teknikak : zientzia juridiko eta sozialetarako tresnak eta baliabideak  (2020)

title of original: Tècniques de treball i de comunicació : instrumentàrium per a les ciències jurídiques i socials
text type: Social sciences
year of publication of original: 2011
publisher: EHU
series: Ikertuz
country of publication of original : Catalonia

Kodeen liburua : kodeen eta kodeak hausteko sistemen historia sekretua  Singh, Simon (2012) [en > eu]

title of original: The Code Book: The Science of Secrecy from Ancient Egypt to Quantum Cryptography
text type: Science and technology
year of publication of original: 1999
publisher: Elhuyar
series: Z izpiak; 4
country of publication of original : USA

Gizarte-kognizioa  (2012) [en > eu]

title of original: Social cognition
text type: Social sciences
year of publication of original: 2003
publisher: EHU
country of publication of original : United Kingdom
other translator(s): Irati Bereau, Itsaso Leache

Arte zinematografikoa  Bordwell, David ; Thompson, Kristin (2011) [en > eu]

title of original: Film art : an introduction
text type: Arts and sports
year of publication of original: 1980
publisher: EHU
country of publication of original : USA

Hizkuntza eta hizkuntzalaritza : hastapenak  (2010) [en > eu]

title of original: An introduction to language and linguistics
text type: Language and literature
year of publication of original: 2006
publisher: Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Argitalpen Zerbitzua,
country of publication of original : United Kingdom
other translator(s): Itziar Mendizabal

Hiri-hazkunde motak  Solà-Morales i Rubió, Manuel de (2008) [ca > eu]

title of original: Les formes de creixement urbà
text type: Arts and sports
year of publication of original: 1993
publisher: EHU
country of publication of original : Catalonia
other translator(s): Ixiar Iza

Kartografiako elementuak  Arthur H. Robinson (2006) [en > eu]

title of original: Elements of cartography
text type: Science and technology
year of publication of original: 195?
publisher: EHU
country of publication of original : USA

Mujeres en Kurdistán  Schumann, Gerd (1998) [de > es]

title of original: Im land der kurdineen
text type: Social sciences
year of publication of original: 1992
publisher: Hiru
series: Las Otras Voces; 4
country of publication of original : Germany

Bilboko Barrutia : 50 urte bidean  (1990)

title of original: Distrito de Bilbao : 50 años en camino
text type: Philosphy and religion
year of publication of original: 1990
publisher: Kristau Eskoletako Anaidia, Bilboko Barrutia
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