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Inazio Mujika Iraola


Ibilaldia = Itinerario  Lekuona, Juan Mari (1996) [eu > es]

title of original: Ibilaldia
text type: Poetry
publisher: EHU
country of publication of original : Basque Country

Memory Dump  Lasa, Mikel (1993) [eu > es]

title of original: Memory Dump
text type: Poetry
year of publication of original: 1993
publisher: EHU
country of publication of original : Basque Country

Soles = Eguzkiak  Aguirre Gandarias, Javier (1991) [es > eu]

title of original: Soles
text type: Poetry
year of publication of original: 1991
publisher: EHU
series: Gaur egungo euskal poesia
country of publication of original : Basque Country

Marie ttikia  Saunier, Sylvain (1990) [fr > eu]

title of original: La petite Marie
text type: Prose fiction
year of publication of original: 1972
publisher: Elkar
series: Literatura
country of publication of original : France

Salome  Wilde, Oscar (1987) [fr > eu]

title of original: Salomé
text type: Drama
year of publication of original: 1891
publisher: La Primitiva Casa Baroja
country of publication of original : Ireland

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El tamarindo y la higuera  Lasa, Mikel (2009) [eu > es]

text type: Poetry
place of publication: basqueliterature.com -

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Uharte beltza  Hergé (2022) [fr > eu]

title of original: L'île noire
text type: Comic
publisher: Trilita
series: Tintinen abenturak
country of publication of original : Belgium

Ilargian oinez  Hergé (2020) [fr > eu]

title of original: On a marché sur la lune
text type: Comic
year of publication of original: 1954
publisher: Zephyrum
series: Tintinen abenturak
country of publication of original : Belgium

Ilargia helburu  Hergé (2020) [fr > eu]

title of original: Objectif Lune
text type: Comic
year of publication of original: 1953
publisher: Zephyrum
series: Tintinen abenturak
country of publication of original : Belgium

Castafioreren bitxiak  Hergé (2019) [fr > eu]

title of original: Les Bijoux de la Castafiore
text type: Comic
year of publication of original: 1963
publisher: Zephyrum
series: Tintinen abenturak
country of publication of original : Belgium
other translator(s): Joxantonio Ormazabal

Denok denda barrura  Girbés, J.C. (2011) [ca > eu]

title of original: Una escursió redona
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Alberdania
series: Albumak koloretan
country of publication of original : Catalonia

Maleta egitera!  Girbés, J.C. (2011) [ca > eu]

title of original: Fem la maleta!
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Alberdania
country of publication of original : Catalonia

Mugimendu handiko eguna  Girbés, J.C. (2011) [ca > eu]

title of original: Un dia atrafegat
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Alberdania
country of publication of original : Catalonia

Urtebetetze jaia  Girbés, J.C. (2011) [ca > eu]

title of original: La festa d'anniversari
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Alberdania
country of publication of original : Catalonia

Joxe Migel basoko oreina  Le Huche, Magali (2010) [fr > eu]

title of original: Jean-Michel, le caribou des bois
text type: First readings
publisher: Alberdania
country of publication of original : France

Hau al da benetako giza bidea?  Curtis, Jamie Lee (2007) [en > eu]

title of original: Is there really a human race?
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Alberdania
country of publication of original : England

Jolasten ahaztu zait!  Etxarri, Joseba (2006) [es > eu]

title of original: ˇSe me ha olvidado jugar! 
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
year of publication of original: 2006
publisher: Alberdania
country of publication of original : Basque Country

29 ipuin zoro  Wölfel, Ursula (2006) [de > eu]

title of original: Neunundzwanzig Verrückte Geschichten
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Alberdania
series: Osinberde
country of publication of original : Germany
other translator(s): Lola Erkizia

Ortzadar arraina : gera naiteke zuekin?  Pfister, Marcus (2006) [de > eu]

title of original: Regenbogenfisch, komm hilf mir!
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Alberdania
country of publication of original : Swuitzerland

Gaxtamin eta suzko harria  Pfister, Marcus (2005) [de > eu]

title of original: Mats und die Wundersteine
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Alberdania
country of publication of original : Swuitzerland

Martin zikin  Roberts, David (2005) [en > eu]

title of original: Dirty Bertie
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Alberdania

Pu! zu izan al zara, Martin?  Roberts, David (2005) [en > eu]

title of original: Pooh! is that you, Bertie?
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Alberdania

Hondartzako gazteluaren ipuina  García Schnetzer, Alejandro (2003) [es > eu]

title of original: El castillo de arena
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Alberdania
country of publication of original : Spain

Gezur ontzia  Ducla Soares, María Luisa (1991) [pt > eu]

title of original: A nau mentireta
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Erein
series: Ahate bihurriarenak
country of publication of original : Portugal

Txitatxoaren ezteiak  Costa, Maria José (1991) [pt > eu]

title of original: O casamento da franga : conto tradicional portuguès
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
year of publication of original: 1991
publisher: Erein
series: Ahate bihurriarenak
country of publication of original : Portugal
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