books |
Poesia kaiera [antologia] Prevert, Jacques (2024) [fr > eu]
text type: Poetry
publisher: Susa series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 52 country of publication of original : France No sleep till Shengal Zerocalcare (2022) [it > eu]
title of original: No sleep till Shengal
text type: Comic year of publication of original: 2022 publisher: Farmazia Beltza country of publication of original : Italy Armadiloaren igarkizuna Zerocalcare (2021) [it > eu]
title of original: La profezia dell'armadillo
text type: Comic year of publication of original: 2011 publisher: Farmazia Beltza country of publication of original : Italy Kobane Calling : Orain Zerocalcare (2020) [it > eu]
title of original: Kobane Calling
text type: Comic year of publication of original: 2016 publisher: Farmazia Beltza country of publication of original : Italy Hondamuinean : sei hilabete geroago Zerocalcare (2019) [it > eu]
title of original: Macerie prime : Sei mesi dopo
text type: Comic year of publication of original: 2017 publisher: Farmazia Beltza country of publication of original : Italy Hondamuinean Zerocalcare (2018) [it > eu]
title of original: Macerie prime
text type: Comic year of publication of original: 2017 publisher: Farmazia Beltza country of publication of original : Italy Migel Marmolen hamaika eta bat jaiotzak Fano, Dani (2018) [es > eu]
title of original: Los doce nacimientos de Miguel Marmol
text type: Comic year of publication of original: 2018 publisher: Astiberri country of publication of original : Basque Country Poesia kaiera [antologia] Castro, Rosalia de (2017) [gl > eu]
title of original: s.n.
text type: Poetry year of publication of original: s.d. publisher: Susa series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 23 country of publication of original : Galicia Ulenspiegelen elezaharra Coster, Charles de (2016) [fr > eu]
title of original: La Légende et les Aventures héroïques, joyeuses et glorieuses d'Ulenspiegel
text type: Prose fiction year of publication of original: 1867 publisher: eLiburutegia , Euskadiko Liburutegi Digitala country of publication of original : Belgium Poesia kaiera [antologia] Drummond de Andrade, Carlos (2014) [pt > eu]
title of original: s.n.
text type: Poetry year of publication of original: s.d. publisher: Susa series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 5 country of publication of original : Brasil Gaueko hegaldia Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de (2008) [fr > eu]
title of original: Vol de Nuit
text type: Prose fiction year of publication of original: 1931 publisher: Igela series: Literatura country of publication of original : France Ulenspiegelen elezaharra Coster, Charles de (2007) [fr > eu]
title of original: La Légende et les Aventures héroïques, joyeuses et glorieuses d'Ulenspiegel
text type: Prose fiction year of publication of original: 1867 publisher: Alberdania ; Elkar series: Literatura Unibertsala; 135 country of publication of original : Belgium Antoloxia homenaxe Manuel María (2005) [gl > eu]
text type: Poetry
publisher: Fato Cultural Daniel Castelao Idi orgaren karranka Hugo, Victor (2002) [fr > eu]
text type: Prose fiction
publisher: Elkar series: Literatura country of publication of original : France Nuevas prisiones del viejo Aguirre Izagirre, Koldo (2001) [eu > es]
title of original: Agirre zaharraren kartzeladi berriak
text type: Prose fiction year of publication of original: 1999 publisher: Ttarttalo series: Abra ; 11 country of publication of original : Basque Country Antologiak Salvat-Papasseit, Joan (1995) [ca > eu]
title of original: s.n.
text type: Poetry year of publication of original: s.d. publisher: Pamiela series: Marulanda country of publication of original : Catalonia Historia de un regreso Ugalde, Martin (1995) [eu > es]
title of original: Itzulera baten historia
text type: Prose fiction year of publication of original: 1990 publisher: Hiru country of publication of original : Basque Country Intxixuen artxibotik Dieste, Rafael (1993) [gl > eu]
title of original: Dos arquivos do trasno
text type: Prose fiction year of publication of original: 1926 publisher: Elkar series: Literatura country of publication of original : Galicia Poemak Maiakovski, Vladimir (1993) [ru > eu]
text type: Poetry
publisher: Susa series: Erreferentziak country of publication of original : Russia Bazterrak = Os Eidos I Novoneyra, Uxio (1988) [gl > eu]
title of original: Os Eidos
text type: Poetry year of publication of original: 1955 publisher: Pamiela series: Sirena. Poesia country of publication of original : Galicia Bazterrak = Os Eidos II Novoneyra, Uxio (1988) [gl > eu]
title of original: Os Eidos
text type: Poetry year of publication of original: 1974 publisher: Pamiela series: Sirena. Poesia country of publication of original : Galicia Zirtzilak. Kristalezko begia Rodriguez Castelao, Alfonso (1986) [gl > eu]
title of original: Pedazos. Un ollo de vidro
text type: Prose fiction year of publication of original: 1922 publisher: Susa series: Erreferentziak country of publication of original : Galicia Antología de la narrativa vasca actual Arrieta, Joxe Austin ; Atxaga, Bernardo ; Hernandez Abaitua, Mikel ; Izagirre, Koldo ; Lertxundi, Anjel ; Mintegi, Laura ; Saizarbitoria, Ramon ; Sarrionandia, Joseba ; Txillardegi ; Urretabizkaia, Arantxa (1986) [eu > es]
text type: Prose fiction
publisher: Edicions Del Mall series: Serie iberica country of publication of original : Basque Country other translator(s): Joxe Austin Arrieta, Laura Mintegi, Bernardo Atxaga, Mikel Hernandez , Ramon Saizarbitoria, Txillardegi, Anjel Lertxundi, Bakartxo Oiartzabal, Maite Gonzalez Kristalezko begia ; Eskeleto baten oroimenak Rodriguez Castelao, Alfonso (1976) [gl > eu]
text type: Prose fiction
publisher: Luis Haranburu country of publication of original : Galicia Dónde está Basques' Harbour y otras blasfemias Koldo Izagirre () [eu > es]
title of original: Non dago Basques' Harbour
text type: Poetry year of publication of original: 1997 publisher: country of publication of original : Basque Country Tierra de molinos imaginarios Koldo Izagirre () [eu > es]
title of original: Balizko erroten erresuma
text type: Poetry year of publication of original: 1989 publisher: country of publication of original : Basque Country other texts
Hamar poema Jamis, Fayad (2020) [es > eu] Antologia Brossa, Joan (2019) [ > eu] Atzean utzia naizen neska Spark, Muriel (2018) [en > eu] Zirkulua Mujica, Elisa (2018) [es > eu] Bi poema Tchicaya U'Tamsi (2018) [fr > eu] Zortzi poema Arbousset, Jean (2018) [fr > eu] Zazpi poema Amor, Pita (2018) [es > eu] Trukearen parabola Arreola, Juan Jose (2018) [es > eu] Bederatzi poema Bogza, Geo (2018) [ro > eu] Mexiko / New York Maiakovski, Vladimir (2018) [ru > eu] Galtza pare bat Sata, Ineko (2018) [ja > eu] Udazken hotza Bunin, Ivan (2018) [ru > eu] Yaguai Quiroga, Horacio (2017) [es > eu] Almadia bakartia Alegria, Ciro (2017) [es > eu]
text type: Prose fiction
published in: - remarks: 'Urrezko sugea' nobelaren XIV. kapitulua Bost poema Castillo, Otto Rene (2017) [es > eu] Gizakiaren espeziea Antelme, Robert (2017) [fr > eu]
text type: Prose fiction
published in: - remarks: Pasarte bat da, ez obra osoa Sei gutun kartzelatik Gramsci, Antonio (2017) [it > eu] Bost poema Hagiwara, Sakutaro (2017) [ja > eu] Rudolph Reeden balada Brooks, Gwendolyn (2017) [en > eu] Idazle didaktiko bat Casares, Carlos (2017) [gl > eu] Etxea Hughes, Langston (2017) [en > eu] Nire azken adioa Rizal, Jose (2017) [es > eu] Mahmud Darwishen bi poema Darwish, Mahmud (2017) [ar > eu]
text type: Poetry
published in: Xerezaderen Artxiboa - remarks: «Ur bila basamortuan [+ Mahmud Darwishen bi poema» podcastean, bonus track gisa: 1. Ezerk ez nau betetzen (2006), Koldo Izagirrek itzulia. 2. Kamasutra lezioak, Ana Moralesek itzulia. Danbor hotsik gabeko abertzaletasuna Calet, Henri (2016) [fr > eu] 15 poema Otero, Blas de (2016) [es > eu] Zazpi poema Celaya, Gabriel (2016) [es > eu] Bi poema Yeats, William Butler (2016) [en > eu] Aforismoak Lec, Stanislaw Jerzy (2016) [pl > eu] Hamar poema Meireles, Cecilia (2016) [pt > eu] Negrotasunaren hiztegia Beti, Mongo (2016) [fr > eu] New Yorkeko hamar poema Gwernig, Youenn (2016) [br > eu] Paradiso (VIII kapituluaren hasiera) Lezama Lima, Jose (2016) [es > eu] Emakume pozoitua Fournier, Alain (2016) [fr > eu] Komuna Michel, Louise (2016) [fr > eu] Lau poema Vivanti, Annie (2016) [it > eu] Hamar poema Piarais, Padraig Mac (Patrick H. Pearse) (2016) [en > eu] Gizakia Soseki, Natsume (2016) [ja > eu] Negua Korsikan Casanova, Santu (2016) [co > eu] Giza arrazen berdintasunaz Firmin, Anténor (2016) [fr > fr]
text type: Prose fiction
published in: - remarks: Pasarte batzuk dira, ez obra osoa Azken eskola eguna Daudet, Alphonse (2015) [fr > eu] Salbokonduktoa Pasternak, Boris (2015) [ru > eu] Aden Arabie Nizan, Paul (2015) [fr > eu] Goizeko otoitza Laxmi Prasad Devkota (2015) [ne > eu] Oinezko zamaketaria Laxmi Prasad Devkota (2015) [ne > eu] Katmandu Giri, Banira (2015) [ne > eu] Harreman ilizitoak Giri, Banira (2015) [ne > eu] Nola uste duen iraun nazio batek? Min Bahadur Bista (2015) [ne > eu] Koloreak Shyamal (2015) [ne > eu] Hiria Sakar, Shailendra (2015) [ne > eu] Jainkoak daki zer bihurtuko ote den orain Bahadur Adhikari, Kshetra Pratap (2015) [ne > eu] Herria eta hiria Hem Hamal (2015) [ne > eu] Dhankutta Ashesh, Malla (2015) [ne > eu] Zoriontsua zara, adiskide? Bimal Nibha (2015) [ne > eu] Prezioa Acharya, Jeevan (2015) [ne > eu] Chaitako haizea Bhushan Bal, Krishna (2015) [ne > eu] Tristanen Piztiategia Desnos, Robert (2015) [fr > eu] Hiazintaren Parterrea Desnos, Robert (2015) [fr > eu] Danielen Geometria Desnos, Robert (2015) [fr > eu] Zazpi poema Yeats, William Butler (2015) [en > eu] Bost poema Rabearivelo, Jean-Joseph (2015) [fr > eu] Nik zu nola maite? Barrett, Elizabeth (2015) [es > eu] Lau poema Peret, Benjamin (2015) [fr > eu] Gertatu behar du zer edo zer Böll, Heinrich (2015) [de > eu] Tatuaia Tanizaki, Junichiro (2015) [ja > eu] Burdinbideko istripua Mann, Thomas (2015) [de > eu] Gerlan hildakoen eresia Amichai, Yehuda (2015) [he > eu] Aurkikuntza Andrade, Mario de (2015) [pt > eu] Bi artikulu Calvino, Italo (2015) [it > eu] Burgesaren laudamena Andrade, Mario de (2015) [pt > eu] Harpa ehulearen balada Millay, Edna St. Vincent (2015) [en > eu] Luisa korapiloa Scerbanenco, Giorgio (2015) [it > eu] Ile luzearen aurka Pasolini, Pier Paolo (2015) [it > eu] Frantziako Turra epopeia gisa Barthes, Roland (2015) [fr > eu] Hiru poema Machado, Gilka (2015) [pt > eu] Idazle baten oharrak Maugham, W. Somerset (2015) [en > eu] Pizkunde, 1916 Yeats, William Butler (2014) [en > eu] Gure herriari Mistral, Frédéric (2014) [oc > eu] Historiarik gabeko bidaia baten kronikak Carpentier, Alejo (2014) [es > eu] Odol hotza behar Jaures, Jean (2014) [fr > eu] Ardantzila Apollinaire, Guillaume (2013) [fr > eu] Hamabi kantu Moustaki, Georges (2013) [fr > eu] Zaborra Zimmermann, Daniel (2013) [en > eu] Alderatzearen Metodoa Jaures, Jean (2013) [fr > eu] Exkerraren zain Odets, Clifford (2013) [en > eu] Gerla Maupassant, Guy de (2013) [fr > eu] Europarra Mrozek, Slawomir (2013) [pl > eu] Soldaduaren estatua Mrozek, Slawomir (2013) [pl > eu] Inguru Apollinaire, Guillaume (2013) [fr > eu] Ez ikusia Hughes, Langston (2013) [en > eu] Dada manifestua Tzara, Tristan (2013) [fr > eu] Desertorea Vian, Boris (2009) [fr > eu] Hogeita bost poema Darwish, Mahmud (2008) [ar > eu] Sud-Ouestaren argia Barthes, Roland (2005) [fr > eu] Adoreak Gelman, Juan (2004) [es > eu] Estrontzio 90 Hikmet, Nazim (2004) [tr > eu] Ireki leihoak, mesedez! Zaman, Fakhar (2004) [ru > eu] Katu beltza Prodimja, Ali (2004) [sq > eu] Ez ezazula uste Andersson, Claes (2004) [fi > eu] Lanari lotua O'Muirthile, Liam (2004) [fi > eu] Askatasunaren kantua Giri, Banira (2004) [fi > eu] Iparburuko esploratzailea Brodsky, Joseph (2004) [en > eu] Ni zapatok naute Leclerc, Felix (2004) [fr > eu] Nekatua nago Amichai, Yehuda (2004) [he > eu] Eguna garaitu, gaua garaitu Desnos, Robert (2004) [fr > eu] Nazkatutako bluesa Hughes, Langston (2004) [en > eu] Hamaika poema Neto, Agostinho (2004) [pt > eu] Lurra murrizten ari zaigu Darwish, Mahmud (2004) [ar > eu] Pikotxa ukaldiz Jamis, Fayad (2004) [es > eu] Koadroa Haulot, Arthur (2004) [fr > eu] Zorion handia Szymborska, Wislawa (2004) [pl > eu] Gure herria Ritsos, Yannis (2004) [el > eu] Zaldi urdin Teitelboim, Dora (2004) [el > eu] Gure biziko egun bat Vladislaw, Jan (2004) [cs > eu] MILIA DE LASTUR anonimoa (2004) [eu > es] EL CANTAR DE BERETERRETXE anonimoa (2004) [eu > es] UNA NEVADA EN INVIERNO Arnaut Oihenarte (2004) [eu > es] CANCION DE MOSEN BERNAT ETXAPARE Bernat Etxepare (2004) [eu > es] EN DEFENSA DE LAS MUJERES Bernat Etxepare (2004) [eu > es] CONTRAPAS Bernat Etxepare (2004) [eu > es] PETICION DE BESO Bernat Etxepare (2004) [eu > es] EL MARINERO Betiri Olhondo (2004) [eu > es] LOS AMIGOS DE MADRID Bitoriano Gandiaga (2004) [eu > es] TERCER SALMO DE ARTASO Bitoriano Gandiaga (2004) [eu > es] MALDICIENDO EN EL MUELLE DE ZORROTZA Gabriel Aresti (2004) [eu > es] SALUDO A MI ALDEA Jean Baptiste Elizanburu (2004) [eu > es] BALADA DE LOS VASCOS HONRADOS Jon Mirande (2004) [eu > es] PARIS-BEURET Jon Mirande (2004) [eu > es] UN DÍA, EN ZUBEROA... Jon Mirande (2004) [eu > es] EL ARBOL DE GERNIKA Iparragirre, Jose Mari (2004) [eu > es] UNA VIEJA GUITARRA Iparragirre, Jose Mari (2004) [eu > es] EN LAS PAMPAS AMERICANAS Pedro Mari Otaño (2004) [eu > es] LAS SIETE UNIDAS Pedro Mari Otaño (2004) [eu > es] DESPERTAR LLANTO DE UN PATRIOTA Sabino Arana (2004) [eu > es] REPROCHE DE LOS POETAS A APOLO Salvat Monho (2004) [eu > es] CANCION DEL VASCO VIAJERO Xabier Lizardi (2004) [eu > es] GORRION PARISINO Xabier Lizardi (2004) [eu > es] EL HUMO DE LA CASA Xabier Lizardi (2004) [eu > es] PAISAJE DE LAS ESTACIONES Xabier Lizardi (2004) [eu > es] SOMOS MUCHOS LOS DESDICHADOS Etxahun (2004) [eu > es] ¡A LA MAR! Lauaxeta (2004) [eu > es] A un obrero asesinado Lauaxeta (2004) [eu > es] A la sombra de un amate Orixe (2004) [eu > es] ESTREÑIMIENTO Orixe (2004) [eu > es] ESTRELLAS EN LA PAMPA Orixe (2004) [eu > es] VOLANDO Orixe (2004) [eu > es] Heriofuga Celan, Paul (2004) [de > eu] Hamar poema Eluard, Paul (2002) [fr > eu] Negarra ari du ene bihotzean Verlaine, Paul (2001) [fr > eu] Heriofuga Celan, Paul (2000) [de > eu] Zerua eta itsasoa Salvat-Papasseit, Joan (1999) [ca > eu] Berriro sartu naiz etxean. Zu joana zara Alvarez Caccamo, Xose Maria (1987) [es > eu]
text type: Poetry
published in: Arbola - 6 - Errainu arrastoa Rivas, Manuel (1987) [gl > eu]
text type: Poetry
published in: Arbola - 6 - Heriotzearen itsasertza Sanchez, Cesareo (1987) [gl > eu]
text type: Poetry
published in: Arbola - 5 - Menturaz habitatzen baduzu elikatzen duen lurrean Seoane, Xavier (1987) [gl > eu]
text type: Poetry
published in: Arbola - 7 - Berengela izeneko otarantza baten ibilketak eta biribilketak ; Maiatza zorabiatuaren pastorala Fernandez Teijeiro, Manuel Maria (1985) [gl > eu] Maiatza zorabiatuaren pastorala Manuel María (1985) [gl > eu] Cantar de Bereterretxe Anonimoa () [eu > es] Iparragirre rides again Koldo Izagirre () [eu > es]
text type: Prose fiction
published in: - remarks: Jatorrizko ipuina Mendekuak ipuin liburuaren barruan argitaratu zen. Petite bohême Koldo Izagirre () [eu > es]
text type: Prose fiction
published in: - remarks: Jatorrizko ipuina 'Mendekuak' ipuin liburuaren barruan argitaratu zen. Nola dastatu ilargia? Grejniec, Michael (2014) [de > eu]
title of original: Wie schmeckt der mond?
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Pamiela ; Kalandraka series: Tamaina handia ; Amets egiteko liburuak country of publication of original : Germany Pies sucios Izagirre, Koldo (2009) [eu > es]
title of original: Zangozikin
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 2008 publisher: Takatuka country of publication of original : Basque Country El zorro ladrón Izagirre, Koldo (2009) [eu > es]
title of original: Barriola, San Adriango azeria
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 2009 publisher: Takatuka country of publication of original : Basque Country El guillot lladre Izagirre, Koldo (2009) [eu > ca]
title of original: Barriola, San Adriango azeria
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 2009 publisher: Takatuka country of publication of original : Basque Country other translator(s): Anna Soler Gose handiko beldarra Carle, Eric (2007) [en > eu]
title of original: The very hungry caterpillar
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 1994 publisher: Pamiela ; Kalandraka series: Tamaina handia ; Amets egiteko liburuak country of publication of original : USA Igeritz Lionni, Leo (2007) [en > eu]
title of original: Swimmy
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Pamiela ; Kalandraka series: Tamaina handia ; Amets egiteko liburuak country of publication of original : USA Urdaburutarrak Browne, Anthony (2006) [en > eu]
title of original: Piggybook
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Pamiela ; Kalandraka series: Tamaina handia ; Amets egiteko liburuak country of publication of original : United Kingdom Kezkamuxelak Browne, Anthony (2006) [en > eu]
title of original: Silly Billy
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Kalandraka country of publication of original : United Kingdom La noche de los héroes: Telesforo no es Bogart Mendiguren Elizegi, Xabier (2004) [eu > es]
title of original: Heroien gaua; Amodioaren ziega; Telesforo ez da Bogart
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 2004 publisher: Hiru series: Breveskene saila country of publication of original : Basque Country Aire beltza Fernández Paz, Agustín (2004) [gl > eu]
title of original: Aire negro
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Elkar series: Izu taupadak country of publication of original : Galicia Frederick Lionni, Leo (2004) [en > eu]
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Pamiela ; Kalandraka series: Tamaina handia ; Amets egiteko liburuak country of publication of original : USA Sagu zopa Lobel, Arnold (2004) [en > eu]
title of original: Mouse soup
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 1983 publisher: Pamiela ; Kalandraka series: Tamaina handia ; Amets egiteko liburuak country of publication of original : USA Aitona Patxiren txirikordak Figueras, Nuria (2003) [ca > eu]
title of original: Les trenes de l´avi
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Kalandraka series: Amets egiteko liburuak country of publication of original : Catalonia Arrantzalearen emaztea Rodríguez, Manuela (2003) [gl > eu]
title of original: O pescador e a súa muller
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Kalandraka series: Amets egiteko liburuak country of publication of original : Galicia Ez da erraza, katagorri Ramón, Elisa (2003) [ca > eu]
title of original: No és fàcil, petit esquirol!
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Pamiela ; Kalandraka series: Pamiela ; Kalandraka country of publication of original : Catalonia Ilargi-adarra Arnal Gil, Txabi (2003) [es > eu]
title of original: Arco de la luna
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Pamiela ; Kalandraka series: Tamaina handia ; Amets egiteko liburuak country of publication of original : Spain Amama eta aitita Heras, Chema (2002) [gl > eu]
title of original: Avós
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 2002 publisher: Pamiela ; Kalandraka series: Tamaina handia ; Amets egiteko liburuak country of publication of original : Galicia Auzoak Jiménez, María Ángeles (2002) [es > eu]
title of original: Vecinos
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Pamiela ; Kalandraka series: Amets egiteko liburuak country of publication of original : Spain Bizarbeltz kapitaina Sebastián Gutiérrez, Alberto (2002) [es > eu]
title of original: Capitán Calabrote
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Pamiela ; Kalandraka series: Tamaina handia ; Amets egiteko liburuak country of publication of original : Spain Euli fiririren festa Mejuto, Eva (2002) [gl > eu]
title of original: A casa da mosca chosca
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Pamiela ; Kalandraka series: Tamaina handia ; Amets egiteko liburuak country of publication of original : Galicia Hamelingo txirularia Ballesteros, Xosé (2002) [gl > eu]
title of original: O frautista de Hamelín
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Kalandraka series: Amets egiteko liburuak country of publication of original : Galicia Igor Pita, Charo (2002) [gl > eu]
title of original: Igor
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Kalandraka series: Amets egiteko liburuak country of publication of original : Galicia Inork ikusi al ditu guraizeak? Krahn, Fernando (2002) [es > eu]
title of original: ¿Quién ha visto las tijeras?
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Kalandraka series: Amets egiteko liburuak country of publication of original : Spain Jonen lanbideak Rubio, Antonio (2002) [es > eu]
title of original: Los oficios de Juan
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Kalandraka series: Amets egiteko liburuak country of publication of original : Spain Kintxo xikintxo Silva, Kiko da (2002) [gl > eu]
title of original: Moncho e a mancha
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Kalandraka series: Amets egiteko liburuak country of publication of original : Galicia Kurruku oilarra Alonso, Tareixa (2002) [gl > eu]
title of original: O galo Quirico
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 2001 publisher: Kalandraka series: Amets egiteko liburuak country of publication of original : Galicia Larremotzeko sorgina Ballesteros, Xosé (2002) [gl > eu]
title of original: Poucapalla
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 2001 publisher: Kalandraka series: Amets egiteko liburuak country of publication of original : Galicia Mazapanezko gizontxoa Méndez, Raquel (2002) [gl > eu]
title of original: Homiño de mazapán
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Kalandraka series: Amets egiteko liburuak country of publication of original : Galicia Sagu andderea López Parreño, José Antonio (2002) [es > eu]
title of original: La ratita presumida
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 2002 publisher: Kalandraka series: Amets egiteko liburuak country of publication of original : Spain Ume hura eta agure hura Hernández, Avelino (2002) [es > eu]
title of original: Aquel niño y aquel viejo
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Kalandraka series: Amets egiteko liburuak country of publication of original : Spain Zozoa Rubio, Antonio (2002) [es > eu]
title of original: La mierlita
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 2002 publisher: Kalandraka series: Amets egiteko liburuak country of publication of original : Spain Baratzeko misterioa Schimel, Lawrence (2002) [es > eu]
title of original: Misterio en el jardín
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Kalandraka country of publication of original : Spain Baba magikoak Hermida Alberti, María Dolores (2001) [gl > eu]
title of original: As fabas máxicas
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Kalandraka series: Amets egiteko liburuak country of publication of original : Galicia Erregearen traje berria Ballesteros, Xosé (2001) [gl > eu]
title of original: O traxe novo do rei
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Kalandraka series: Amets egiteko liburuak country of publication of original : Galicia Eztitxu eta Ozpin inspektorea Núñez, Marisa (2001) [gl > eu]
title of original: Lucinda e o inspector Vinagre
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Kalandraka series: Amets egiteko liburuak country of publication of original : Galicia Hamaika andere ausart González Barreiro, Xosé Manuel (2001) [gl > eu]
title of original: Once damas atrevidas
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Pamiela ; Kalandraka series: Tamaina handia ; Amets egiteko liburuak country of publication of original : Galicia Hamalau, jostun kementsua Couto Palmeiro, Xoan (2001) [gl > eu]
title of original: O xastriño valente
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Kalandraka series: Amets egiteko liburuak country of publication of original : Galicia Hiru bidelapurrak Ungerer, Tomi (2001) [de > eu]
title of original: Die drei Räuber
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Pamiela ; Kalandraka series: Tamaina handia ; Amets egiteko liburuak country of publication of original : Germany Manex eta Piarres Méndez, Raquel (2001) [gl > eu]
title of original: Os dous corcovados
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 2000 publisher: Kalandraka series: Amets egiteko liburuak country of publication of original : Galicia Non galdu ote zuen irria Ilargik? Sanchez, Miriam (2001) [gl > eu]
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Kalandraka series: Amets egiteko liburuak country of publication of original : Galicia Patxiku Carballeira, Paula (2001) [gl > eu]
title of original: Paco
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Pamiela ; Kalandraka series: Tamaina handia ; Amets egiteko liburuak country of publication of original : Galicia Zerribarne dinosaurua Alvarez Caccamo, Xose Maria (2001) [gl > eu]
title of original: Dinosaurio Belisario
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Pamiela ; Kalandraka series: Tamaina handia ; Amets egiteko liburuak country of publication of original : Galicia Amets gaizto nire armairuan Mayer, Mercer (2001) [en > eu]
title of original: There's a Nightmare in my Closet
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 1968 publisher: Pamiela ; Kalandraka series: Tamaina handia ; Amets egiteko liburuak country of publication of original : USA Hartza eta Kattalin munduan barrena noraezean Pieper, Christiane (2000) [de > eu]
title of original: kreuz und quer Josefine und der Bär
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Kalandraka series: Amets egiteko liburuak country of publication of original : Germany Kamila zebra Núñez, Marisa (2000) [gl > eu]
title of original: A cebra Camila
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Pamiela ; Kalandraka series: Tamaina handia ; Amets egiteko liburuak country of publication of original : Galicia Osaba Otso Ballesteros, Xosé (2000) [gl > eu]
title of original: Tío Lobo
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 2000 publisher: Kalandraka series: Amets egiteko liburuak country of publication of original : Galicia Piztiak bizi diren lekuan Sendak, Maurice (2000) [en > eu]
title of original: Where the wild things are
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Pamiela ; Kalandraka series: Tamaina handia ; Amets egiteko liburuak country of publication of original : USA Raul artzaina Muggenthaler, Eva (2000) [de > eu]
title of original: Der Schäfer Raul : eine schafgeschichte
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 1997 publisher: Kalandraka series: Amets egiteko liburuak country of publication of original : Germany Sagu kontuak Lobel, Arnold (2000) [en > eu]
title of original: Mouse tales
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Pamiela ; Kalandraka series: Tamaina handia ; Amets egiteko liburuak country of publication of original : USA Untxitxo txuria Ballesteros, Xosé (2000) [gl > eu]
title of original: O coelliño branco
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 1998 publisher: Pamiela ; Kalandraka series: Tamaina handia ; Amets egiteko liburuak country of publication of original : Galicia Zazpi antxumeak Ballesteros, Xosé (2000) [gl > eu]
title of original: Os sete cabritos
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Kalandraka series: Amets egiteko liburuak country of publication of original : Galicia Buruko hura nork egin zion jakin nahi zuen satortxoa Holzwarth, Werner (1999) [de > eu]
title of original: Vom Kleinem Maulwurf, der wissen wollte, wer ihm auf den Kopf gemacht hat
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 1989 publisher: Pamiela ; Kalandraka series: Tamaina handia ; Amets egiteko liburuak country of publication of original : Germany Gauez ate joka datozenean Docampo, Xabier P. (1996) [gl > eu]
title of original: Cando petan na porta pola noite
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Elkar series: Branka; 53 country of publication of original : Galicia Ume txintxoak ez diren umeendako ipuinak Prévert, Jacques (1996) [fr > eu]
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Txalaparta series: Axuri beltza country of publication of original : France Mateo Falcone eta beste zenbait istorio Mérimée, Prosper (1995) [fr > eu]
title of original: Mateo Falcone ; Tamango ; Les voleurs de l'Espagne
text type: Children's and young adults' literature publisher: Elkar series: Branka; 40 country of publication of original : France Ramon Lamoteren gauzak Martín, Paco (1989) [gl > eu]
title of original: Das cousas de Ramón Lamote
text type: Children's and young adults' literature year of publication of original: 1985 publisher: Elkar series: Itzul; 76 country of publication of original : Galicia |