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Imanol Salegi Urbieta


Bizitza ederra da  Valognes, Aurélie (2024) [fr > eu]

title of original: Clovis & Oups. La belle vie
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
year of publication of original: 2022
publisher: Ibaizabal
series: Luka eta Utx; 1
country of publication of original : France

Eta zer?  Coudert, Sonia (2024) [fr > eu]

title of original: Et alors?
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
year of publication of original: 2024
publisher: Ibaizabal
country of publication of original : Belgium

Ur gezako marinelak  Valognes, Aurélie (2024) [fr > eu]

title of original: Clovis & Oups. Marins d'eau douce
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
year of publication of original: 2022
publisher: Ibaizabal
series: Luka eta Utx; 2
country of publication of original : France

Eder eta Gaueko Erraldoiak  O’Meara, Kitty (2023) [en > eu]

title of original: Oliver and the Night Giants
text type: First readings
year of publication of original: 2023
publisher: Ibaizabal
country of publication of original : USA

Lotarako ipuin laburretan laburrena  Fitzgerald, Louise (2023) [en > eu]

title of original: The Quickest bedtime story ever!
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
year of publication of original: 2023
publisher: Ibaizabal
country of publication of original : United Kingdom

Vlad, banpiro txikia  Zorrilla, Flavia (2023) [en > eu]

title of original: Vlad, the Fabulous Vampire
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
year of publication of original: 2023
publisher: Ibaizabal
country of publication of original : United Kingdom

Ezetz asmatu zer jaten dudan!  Gorelik, Katerina (2023)

text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Ibaizabal

Elefante bilatzaileak  Adamson, Ged (2022) [en > eu]

title of original: The elephant detectives
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
year of publication of original: 2022
publisher: Ibaizabal
country of publication of original : United Kingdom

Mamuta ikusi dut!  Willmore, Alex (2022) [en > eu]

title of original: I did see a mammoth!
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
year of publication of original: 2022
publisher: Ibaizabal
country of publication of original : United Kingdom

Nirea da!  Yarlett, Emma (2022) [en > eu]

title of original: It's mine!
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
year of publication of original: 2022
publisher: Ibaizabal
country of publication of original : United Kingdom

Untxi kaskarinak txalupan  Ardagh, Philip (2022) [en > eu]

title of original: Bunnies in a boat
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
year of publication of original: 2022
publisher: Ibaizabal
country of publication of original : United Kingdom

Nolakoa zara?  Bedouet, Thierry (2021) [fr > eu]

title of original: Si tu étais… : Un livre miroir
text type: First readings
year of publication of original: 2020
publisher: Ibaizabal
series: Haurrentzako albumak
country of publication of original : France

Untxiño laguntzaile aparta  Bond, John (2020) [en > eu]

title of original: MiniRabbit Must Help
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
year of publication of original: 2019
publisher: Ibaizabal
series: Haurrentzako albumak
country of publication of original : United Kingdom

Kaixo, baserria  Slater, Nicola (2019) [en > eu]

title of original: Hello farm
text type: First readings
year of publication of original: 2018
publisher: Ibaizabal
series: Kaixo
country of publication of original : United Kingdom

Kaixo, zooa  Slater, Nicola (2019) [en > eu]

title of original: Hello zoo
text type: First readings
year of publication of original: 2018
publisher: Ibaizabal
series: Kaixo
country of publication of original : United Kingdom

Kaixo, etxea  Slater, Nicola (2019) [en > eu]

title of original: Hello house
text type: First readings
publisher: Ibaizabal
series: Kaixo
country of publication of original : France

Kaixo, garajea  Slater, Nicola (2019) [en > eu]

title of original: Hello garage
text type: First readings
year of publication of original: 2019
publisher: Ibaizabal
series: Kaixo
country of publication of original : United Kingdom

Egin zeure komikiak!  Smiley, Jess Smart (2019) [en > eu]

title of original: Let's make comics!
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
year of publication of original: 2018
publisher: Ibaizabal
country of publication of original : USA

Kaixo, zooa : jolas egiteko liburua  Slater, Nicola (2019) [en > eu]

title of original: Hello zoo
text type: First readings
year of publication of original: 2018
publisher: Ibaizabal
country of publication of original : United Kingdom

Untxiño galduta? Bai zera!  Bond, John (2018) [en > eu]

title of original: Minirabbit not lost
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
publisher: Ibaizabal
series: Haurrentzako albumak
country of publication of original : United Kingdom

Nina Ingalaterrako supermerkatuan  Garí, Pilar (2012) [es > eu]

title of original: Nina en el supermercado inglés
text type: Children's and young adults' literature
year of publication of original: 2012
publisher: SM
series: Nina
country of publication of original : Spain
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