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title of translation: Die Stimmen der Amsel [Antologia]

author: Aire, Henriette ; Alberdi, Uxue ; Anonimoa ; Anselmi, Luigi ; Aresti, Gabriel ; Arkotxa, Aurelia ; Arregi Diaz de Heredia, Ricardo ; Arrese Beitia, Felipe ; Artze, Joxean ; Azkona, Josetxo ; Bilbao, Leire ; Borda, Itxaro ; Chivite, Beatriz ; Dicharry, Eric ; Esteban, Mari Luz ; Gandiaga, Bitoriano ; Garde, Luis ; Goikoetxea, Jule ; Igerabide, Juan Kruz ; Irastorza, Tere ; Iturbide, Amaia ; Korta, Gabriel ; Lasa, Amaia ; Lete, Xabier ; Lizardi, Xabier ; Luigi Anselmi ; Lujanbio, Maialen ; Magdalena, Peru ; Meabe, Miren Agur ; Mirande, Jon ; Mujika, Tene ; Salamero, Andoni ; Sarriondandia, Joseba ; Suarez, Castillo ; Unzueta, Sorne ; Urretabizkaia, Arantxa

translator: Mikel Babiano

year of publication of translation: 2019

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: EYE Literaturverlag der Wenigerheiten

series: Am Herzen Europas ; 12

source language(s): basque

target language(s): german

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: El manifiesto de las mujeres viejas

author: Esteban, Mari Luz

translator: Ainhoa Aranburu; Mari Luz Esteban; Eva Fernández

year of publication of translation: 2020

title of original: Andrezaharraren manifestua

text type: Poetry

publisher: La Oveja Roja

series: Poesía

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2019

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: La mort de la mare em va fer mes lliure

author: Esteban, Mari Luz

translator: Ainara Munt

year of publication of translation: 2017

title of original: Amaren heriotzak libreago egin ninduen

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pol·len ; Pamiela

series: De-fracciones

source language(s): basque

target language(s): catalan

year of publication of original: 2013

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: La muerte de mi madre me hizo más libre

author: Esteban, Mari Luz

translator: Mari Luz Esteban

year of publication of translation: 2017

title of original: Amaren heriotzak libreago egin ninduen

text type: Poetry

publisher: La Oveja Roja

series: Poesía

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2013

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Manifest de la nova dona vella

author: Esteban, Mari Luz

translator: Ainhoa Aranburu

year of publication of translation: 2020

title of original: Andrezaharraren manifestua

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pol·len ; Pamiela

series: De-fracciones

source language(s): basque

target language(s): catalan

year of publication of original: 2019

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Die Stimmen der Amsel [Antologia]

author: Aire, Henriette ; Alberdi, Uxue ; Anonimoa ; Anselmi, Luigi ; Aresti, Gabriel ; Arkotxa, Aurelia ; Arregi Diaz de Heredia, Ricardo ; Arrese Beitia, Felipe ; Artze, Joxean ; Azkona, Josetxo ; Bilbao, Leire ; Borda, Itxaro ; Chivite, Beatriz ; Dicharry, Eric ; Esteban, Mari Luz ; Gandiaga, Bitoriano ; Garde, Luis ; Goikoetxea, Jule ; Igerabide, Juan Kruz ; Irastorza, Tere ; Iturbide, Amaia ; Korta, Gabriel ; Lasa, Amaia ; Lete, Xabier ; Lizardi, Xabier ; Luigi Anselmi ; Lujanbio, Maialen ; Magdalena, Peru ; Meabe, Miren Agur ; Mirande, Jon ; Mujika, Tene ; Salamero, Andoni ; Sarriondandia, Joseba ; Suarez, Castillo ; Unzueta, Sorne ; Urretabizkaia, Arantxa

translator: Mikel Babiano

year of publication of translation: 2019

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: EYE Literaturverlag der Wenigerheiten

series: Am Herzen Europas ; 12

target language(s): german

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: El manifiesto de las mujeres viejas

author: Esteban, Mari Luz

translator: Ainhoa Aranburu; Mari Luz Esteban; Eva Fernández

year of publication of translation: 2020

title of original: Andrezaharraren manifestua

text type: Poetry

publisher: La Oveja Roja

series: Poesía

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2019

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: La mort de la mare em va fer mes lliure

author: Esteban, Mari Luz

translator: Ainara Munt

year of publication of translation: 2017

title of original: Amaren heriotzak libreago egin ninduen

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pol·len ; Pamiela

series: De-fracciones

target language(s): catalan

year of publication of original: 2013

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: La muerte de mi madre me hizo más libre

author: Esteban, Mari Luz

translator: Mari Luz Esteban

year of publication of translation: 2017

title of original: Amaren heriotzak libreago egin ninduen

text type: Poetry

publisher: La Oveja Roja

series: Poesía

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2013

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Manifest de la nova dona vella

author: Esteban, Mari Luz

translator: Ainhoa Aranburu

year of publication of translation: 2020

title of original: Andrezaharraren manifestua

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pol·len ; Pamiela

series: De-fracciones

target language(s): catalan

year of publication of original: 2019

country of publication of original : Basque Country