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title of translation: Камень и народ = Harri eta herri

author: Aresti, Gabriel

translator: Roman Ignatiev; Roberto Serrano

year of publication of translation: 2009

title of original: Harri eta herri

text type: Poetry

publisher: Gernika Press

source language(s): basque

target language(s): russian

year of publication of original: 1964

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Пока же возьми мою руку

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Roman Ignatiev

year of publication of translation: 2010

title of original: Bitartean heldu eskutik

text type: Poetry

publisher: Gernika Press

source language(s): basque

target language(s): russian

year of publication of original: 2001

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: მომეცი ხელი

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Vladimer Luarsabixvili

year of publication of translation: 2013

title of original: Bitartean heldu eskutik

text type: Poetry

publisher: Ilia State University Press

source language(s): basque

Bridge language(s): spanish

target language(s): georgian

year of publication of original: 2001

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: ქვა და ერი

author: Aresti, Gabriel

translator: Vladimer Luarsabixvili

year of publication of translation: 2011

title of original: Harri eta herri

text type: Poetry

publisher: Ilia State University Press

source language(s): basque

Bridge language(s): spanish

target language(s): georgian

year of publication of original: 1964

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Νερά μάνες (Nepa manes)

author: Bilbao, Leire

translator: Nancy Angeli

year of publication of translation: 2022

title of original: Etxeko urak

text type: Poetry

publisher: Vakxikon

source language(s): basque

Bridge language(s): spanish

target language(s): greek (modern)

year of publication of original: 2020

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: (Tras)lúcidas : poesía escrita por mujeres, (1980-2016) [Antologia]

author: Bilbao, Leire ; Meabe, Miren Agur


year of publication of translation: 2016

text type: Poetry

publisher: Bartleby

series: Bartleby poesía

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish


title of translation: 100 kantu [Antologia]

author: Dylan, Bob

translator: Xabier Paya

year of publication of translation: 2021

text type: Poetry

publisher: Elkar

series: Elkar poesia

source language(s): english

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : USA


title of translation: 112 poema : biziari hegalak jartzeko

author: Abad de la Parte, Begoña

translator: Fernando Rey

year of publication of translation: 2020

text type: Poetry

publisher: Denonartean

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Spain


title of translation: 17 segundos

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

year of publication of translation: 2020

title of original: 17 segundo

text type: Poetry

publisher: Visor

series: Palabra de Honor

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2019

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: 17 segundos

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Isaac Xubín

year of publication of translation: 2020

title of original: 17 segundo

text type: Poetry

publisher: Galaxia

source language(s): basque

target language(s): galician

year of publication of original: 2019

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: 77.eko barne erretratua

author: Gurrutxaga, Jose I.

translator: Rikardo Badiola

year of publication of translation: 1978

title of original: Retrato interior del 77

text type: Poetry

publisher: Itzultzailea(k) editore

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque


title of translation: 9 Kiveä, 27 sanaa

author: Atxaga, Bernardo

translator: Tarja Roinila

year of publication of translation: 2001

title of original: Etiopia; Henry Bengoa, Inventarium

text type: Poetry

publisher: Tammi Publishers

source language(s): basque

target language(s): finnish

year of publication of original: 1978 ; 1986

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: A ponte das palabras : poesia vasca 1990-2000 = Hitzezko zubia : euskal poesia 1990-2000 [Antologia]

author: Aristi, Pako ; Arkotxa, Aurelia; Arregi Diaz de Heredia, Rikardo; Berasaluze, Gari; Cano, Harkaitz; Estankona, Igor; Etxeberria, Martín; García de Cortazar, Mirari; Linazasoro, Karlos; Markuleta, Gerardo; Meabe, Miren Agur; Olasagarre, Juanjo; Olaso Bengoa, Xabier

translator: Eduardo Estévez; Marilar Jiménez ; Rafael Xesús Villar

year of publication of translation: 2000

title of original: Hitzezko zubia

text type: Poetry

publisher: Letras de Cal

source language(s): basque

target language(s): galician

year of publication of original: 2000

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text


title of translation: Aŕats-Beran : traducción española de las poesías euzkéricas así tituladas

author: Lauaxeta

translator: Lauaxeta

year of publication of translation: 1935

title of original: Aŕats-Beran

text type: Poetry

publisher: Emeterio Verdes Achirica (= Atxirika )

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1935

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text


title of translation: Abd El Kader : Olerkia, poème, poema

author: Peillen, Txomin

translator: Txomin Peillen; Salah Serour

year of publication of translation: 2006

title of original: Abd El Kader

text type: Poetry

publisher: Labayru

series: Idatz & Mintz, 42-separata

source language(s): basque

target language(s): arabic, french, spanish

year of publication of original: 2006

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text


title of translation: Adatsa (Zatiak)

author: Rodriguez Fer, Claudio

translator: Antton Juaristi; Ane Marcellán; Yurre Ugarte

year of publication of translation: 2016

title of original: A cabeleira (Fragmentos)

text type: Poetry

publisher: A cabeleira

source language(s): galician

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1985

country of publication of original : Galicia

        online text


title of translation: Aguas madres

author: Bilbao, Leire

translator: Angel Erro

year of publication of translation: 2023

title of original: Etxeko urak

text type: Poetry

publisher: La Bella Varsovia

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2020

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Ahotsa, hitzak, hizkuntzak : euskal olerki antologia = Voz, palabras, lenguas : Antología de poesía vasca = Voix, mots, langues : Anthologie de la poésie basque = Voice, words, languages : Anthology of Basque Poetry.

author: Figuera, Angela ; Otero, Blas de ; de Bengoechea, Javier ; Lekuona, Juan Mari ; Gandiaga, Bitoriano ; Aresti, Gabriel ; Gonzalez Aranguren, Jose ; Sarasua, Blanca ; Lete, Xabier ; Atxaga, Bernardo

translator: Luigi Anselmi; Itxaro Borda; Amaia Gabantxo; Amaia Iturbide; Felipe Juaristi; Jose Ramón Zabala

year of publication of translation: 2010

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Euskaltzaindia

source language(s): basque, spanish

target language(s): basque, english, french, spanish

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text


title of translation: Aienatze-marra = Línea de fugacidad

author: Igerabide, Juan Kruz

translator: Juan Kruz Igerabide

year of publication of translation: 2009

title of original: Aienatze-marra

text type: Poetry

publisher: Atenea

series: Biblioteca Vasca Bilingüe

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Aienatze-marra = Línea de fugacidad = Linea efemera

author: Igerabide, Juan Kruz

translator: Perla Brăileanu; Juan Kruz Igerabide

year of publication of translation: 2012

title of original: Aienatze-marra

text type: Poetry

publisher: Atenea

series: Biblioteca Vasca Bilingüe

source language(s): basque

target language(s): romanian, spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Aingeruaren angelua = El ángulo del ángel

author: Juaristi, Felipe


year of publication of translation: 2011

title of original: Aingeruaren angelua

text type: Poetry

publisher: Luces de Gálibo

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Akaberako poesia amodioaz eta gaitzaz

author: Pereiro, Lois

translator: Joxemari Sestorain

year of publication of translation: 2013

title of original: Poesía última de amor e enfermidade

text type: Poetry

publisher: Denonartean

source language(s): galician

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1995

country of publication of original : Galicia


title of translation: Alegiak = Fábulas

author: Samaniego, Felix Maria

translator: Koldo Biguri

year of publication of translation: 2003

title of original: Fábulas

text type: Poetry

publisher: Arabako Foru Aldundia

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1781

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Alegiak = Fábulas [Antologia]

author: Samaniego, Felix Maria

translator: Jesus Egea

year of publication of translation: 1979

title of original: Fábulas en verso castellano para el uso del Real Seminario Bascongado

text type: Poetry

publisher: Arabako Foru Aldundia

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1781

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Alén da Fronteira : Sete poetas vascos [Antologia]

author: Anselmi, Luigi; Atxaga, Bernardo; Gerediaga, Jon; Irastortza, Tere; Lete, Xabier; Montoia, Xabier; Sarrionandia, Joseba

translator: Isaac Xubín

year of publication of translation: 2012

title of original: Siete poetas vascos

text type: Poetry

publisher: Faktoria K de Libros

series: Tambo

source language(s): basque, spanish

target language(s): galician

year of publication of original: 2009

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Alfa y Omega bajo la lluvia

author: Borda, Itxaro

translator: Kape Fernández; Eli Tolaretxipi

year of publication of translation:

title of original: ("Bestaldean" liburutik)

text type: Poetry

publisher: Artistas de Cobre

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Alguien anda en la escalera de incendios

author: Cano, Harkaitz

translator: Harkaitz Cano

year of publication of translation: 2008

title of original: Norbait dabil sute eskaileran

text type: Poetry

publisher: El Gaviero

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2001

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Alkohola poemak [antologia]

author: Kavafis, Konstantinos; Pavese, Cesare; Bai, Li; Villon, François; Blake, William; Cowley, Abraham; Aguirre Gandarias, Javier; Miloscz, Czeslaw; Lowry, Malcolm; Fu, Du; Cardarelli, Vincenzo; Benn, Gottfried; Thomas, Dylan; Burns, Robert

translator: Pedro Diez de Ulzurrun; Juan Martin Elexpuru; Tere Irastortza; Joseba Sarrionandia

year of publication of translation: 1984

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pamiela

series: Akademia sekretuaren liburuak

source language(s): chinese, english, french, german, greek (modern), italian, polish, scotish gaelic, spanish

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.


title of translation: Amaibako heriotza

author: Gorostiza, Jose

translator: Josu Landa Goiogana

year of publication of translation: 2009

title of original: Muerte sin fin

text type: Poetry

publisher: Labayru

series: Idatz & Mintz, 47-separata

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1939

        online text


title of translation: Amaitu bako poemak

author: Arostegi Gamboa, Luis

translator: Santiago Onaindia

year of publication of translation: 1969

title of original: Poemas inacabados

text type: Poetry

publisher: Gráficas Bilbao

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque


title of translation: Amaitu gabeko poema bat

author: He, Jiang


year of publication of translation: 1985

text type: Poetry

publisher: Maiatz, 10

source language(s): chinese

target language(s): basque

        online text


title of translation: Amodiozko hogei poema eta kanta bat bakar-mindua

author: Neruda, Pablo

translator: Jose Luis Padron

year of publication of translation: 2004

title of original: Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada

text type: Poetry

publisher: Baigorri , Gara

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1924

country of publication of original : Chile


title of translation: Anakpeon (greko-euskaraz)

author: Anakreonte

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

year of publication of translation: 1987

text type: Poetry

publisher: Itzultzailea(k) editore

source language(s): greek (modern)

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Greece


title of translation: Anales de Trotomrotro. Trotomrotroren Ipurdikoak

author: Maraña, Felix

translator: Josu Landa Ijurko

year of publication of translation: 1981

title of original: Anales de Trotomrotro

text type: Poetry

publisher: Luis Haranburu

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1981

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Antologia

author: Bandeira, Manuel

translator: Joseba Sarrionandia

year of publication of translation: 1999

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pamiela

source language(s): portuguese

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Brasil

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title of translation: Antologia

author: Fuertes, Gloria

translator: Josu Landa Ijurko

year of publication of translation: 2017

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: armiarma.eus

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Spain

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title of translation: Antologia : Poeta katalan garaikideak

author: Carner, Josep; Riba, Carles; Foix, J.V.; Salvat-Papasseit, Joan; Quart, Pere; Espriu, Salvador; Vinyoli, Joan; Ferrater, Gabriel; Andrés i Estellés, Vicent

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

year of publication of translation: 2014

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Elkar

series: Urrezko Biblioteka; 10

source language(s): catalan

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Catalonia


title of translation: Antologia : Zenbait poeta katalan

author: Carner, Josep; Riba, Carles; Foix, J.V.; Salvat-Papasseit, Joan; Quart, Pere; Espriu, Salvador; Vinyoli, Joan; Ferrater, Gabriel; Andrés i Estellés, Vicent

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

year of publication of translation: 1997

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Ibaizabal

series: Literatura Unibertsala; 70

source language(s): catalan

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1980

country of publication of original : Catalonia

        online text


title of translation: Antología de la poesía vasca = Euskal poesiaren antologia

author: Aranbarri, Iñigo; Atxaga, Bernardo; Aresti, Gabriel; Izagirre, Koldo; Juaristi, Felipe; Lasa, Mikel; Lekuona, Juan Mari; Lete, Xabier; Mirande, Jon; Sarasola, Ibon; Sarrionandia, Joseba


year of publication of translation: 1993

title of original: Euskal poesiaren antologia

text type: Poetry

publisher: Visor

series: Visor de poesía

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish


title of translation: Antología de la poesía vasca. Euskal poesiaren antologia

author: Mirande, Jon; Aresti, Gabriel; Lasa, Mikel; Sarasola, Ibon; Lekuona, Juan Mari; Izagirre, Koldo; Atxaga, Bernardo; Sarrionandia, Joseba; Juaristi, Felipe; Aranbarri, Iñigo; Lete, Xabier


year of publication of translation: 1991

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Visor

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Antologia eta aldiriko poemak

author: Fuertes, Gloria

translator: Josu Landa Ijurko

year of publication of translation: 2017

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Booktegi

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Spain

        online text


title of translation: Antología poética vasca : Frankismoaren biktimei eta askatasunaren aldeko borrokariei omenaldia: A los 50 años de Gernika

author: Arzallus, Jon


year of publication of translation: 1987

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Vanguardia obrera

source language(s): basque, spanish

target language(s): basque, spanish

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Antologia poética: poesía vasca contemporánea = Poesia basca contemporânea

author: Arregi Diaz de Heredia, Rikardo; Fernández de la Sota, José; Iribarren, Karmelo C. ; Landa, Josu; Madariaga, Juan Ramón; Maizkurrena, María; Murua, Kepa; Tolaretxipi, Eli; Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Angela Caon

year of publication of translation: 2003

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Maneco Livraria & Editora

source language(s): basque, spanish

year of publication of original: s.n.

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Antologiak

author: Salvat-Papasseit, Joan

translator: Koldo Izagirre

year of publication of translation: 1995

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pamiela

series: Marulanda

source language(s): catalan

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Catalonia

        online text


title of translation: Antoloxia homenaxe

author: Manuel María

translator: Koldo Izagirre

year of publication of translation: 2005

text type: Poetry

publisher: Fato Cultural Daniel Castelao

source language(s): galician

target language(s): basque


title of translation: Antoloxía poética = Poesia antologia = Antología poètica : (1990-2003) : Galeusca.


year of publication of translation: 2004

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pamiela

source language(s): basque, catalan, galician

target language(s): basque, catalan, galician

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text


title of translation: Antzinako berri-berriak

author: Tempest, Kae

translator: Itziar Diez de Ultzurrun

year of publication of translation: 2022

title of original: Brand New Ancients

text type: Poetry

publisher: Igela

series: Mintaka

source language(s): english

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2013

country of publication of original : England


title of translation: Argi-koroak

author: Díaz Castro, Xosé María

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

year of publication of translation: 2014

title of original: Nimbos

text type: Poetry

publisher: Eusko Jaurlaritza ; Galizako Xunta

source language(s): galician

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1961

country of publication of original : Galicia


title of translation: Ariel eta beste poema batzuk

author: Plath, Sylvia

translator: Iñigo Astiz

year of publication of translation: 2013

title of original: Ariel

text type: Poetry

publisher: Denonartean

source language(s): english

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1965

country of publication of original : USA


title of translation: Arrats beran = A la caída de la tarde

author: Lauaxeta

translator: Lauaxeta

year of publication of translation: 2005

title of original: Arrats beran

text type: Poetry

publisher: Atenea

series: Biblioteca Vasca Bilingüe

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1935

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Askatasuna kontu serioa da [antologia]

author: Linton Kwesi Johnson

translator: Beñat Gabiña

year of publication of translation: 2021

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pantx Liburuak ; DDT Liburuak

source language(s): english

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : USA


title of translation: Aterpe paganoa

author: Diaz Viana, Luis

translator: Jose Luis Padron

year of publication of translation: 2000

text type: Poetry

publisher: Bermingham

series: Kezkak

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque


title of translation: Ave Sombra = Itzal hegazti

author: Aramburu, Fernando

translator: Josu Landa Ijurko

year of publication of translation: 1981

title of original: Ave Sombra

text type: Poetry

publisher: Luis Haranburu

series: Harria

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1981

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Azken bala = La última bala

author: Larretxea, Hasier

translator: Angel Erro

year of publication of translation: 2008

title of original: Azken bala

text type: Poetry

publisher: Point de Lunettes

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Azken harria = La piedra final

author: Aresti, Gabriel


year of publication of translation: 1980

title of original: Azken harria

text type: Poetry

publisher: Luis Haranburu

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Bakar-autuak

author: Vega, Lope de

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

year of publication of translation: 1966

title of original: Soliloquios?

text type: Poetry

publisher: S. Anton Katekesia

series: Euskal-argitalpenak

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1612/1


title of translation: Balea

author: Ros, Joy


year of publication of translation: 2016

text type: Poetry

publisher: Maiatz

source language(s): french

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Barrenetik zulatzen zaitut : 8 ahots itsasertzetik [antologia]

author: Giglio, Yanina ; Montaño, Sara ; Griffith, Denise ; Bringas, Ingrid

translator: Miren Irizar; Jone Makazaga; Sarai Robles; Leire Vargas Nieto

year of publication of translation: 2022

text type: Poetry

publisher: Liberoamerika

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque


title of translation: Barreras

author: Larretxea, Hasier

translator: Hasier Larretxea; Zuri Negrín

year of publication of translation: 2013

title of original: Atakak

text type: Poetry

publisher: La Garúa

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Basairisa

author: Glück, Louise

translator: Garazi Ugalde

year of publication of translation: 2021

title of original: The Wild Iris

text type: Poetry

publisher: Elkar

series: Elkar poesia

source language(s): english

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1992

country of publication of original : USA


title of translation: Basuku no densetu [Antologia]

author: s.n.

translator: Hiromi Yoshida

year of publication of translation: 1994

title of original: Euskalerriko ipuin eta kondairak

text type: Poetry

publisher: Daigaku Syorin

source language(s): basque

target language(s): japanese

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Basuku Shobunshû : Basuku go saiko no shomotsu

author: Etxepare, Bernard

translator: Hagio Sho; Hiromi Yoshida

year of publication of translation: 2014

title of original: Linguae Vasconum Primitiae

text type: Poetry

publisher: Heibonsha

source language(s): basque

target language(s): japanese

year of publication of original: 1545

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Bazterrak = Os Eidos I

author: Novoneyra, Uxio

translator: Koldo Izagirre

year of publication of translation: 1988

title of original: Os Eidos

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pamiela

series: Sirena. Poesia

source language(s): galician

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1955

country of publication of original : Galicia

        online text


title of translation: Bazterrak = Os Eidos II

author: Novoneyra, Uxio

translator: Koldo Izagirre

year of publication of translation: 1988

title of original: Os Eidos

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pamiela

series: Sirena. Poesia

source language(s): galician

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1974

country of publication of original : Galicia

        online text


title of translation: Belar-hostoak

author: Whitman, Walt

translator: Xabier Galarreta

year of publication of translation: 2003

title of original: Leaves of Grass

text type: Poetry

publisher: Hiria

source language(s): english

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1855

country of publication of original : USA


title of translation: Beltxarga urdin edo beltxarga beltz

author: Hualde, Isabel

translator: Iñaki Bastarrika

year of publication of translation: 2024

title of original: Cisne azul o cisne negro

text type: Poetry

publisher: Booktegi

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2015

        online text


title of translation: Bergili'ren idazlanak osorik

author: Virgilio Marón, Publio

translator: Andima Ibinagabeitia; Santiago Onaindia

year of publication of translation: 1966

title of original: Bucolica ; Georgica ; Aeneis (Eneida)

text type: Poetry

publisher: Gráficas Bilbao

source language(s): latin

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Rome


title of translation: Bergiliren Unai- eta Alor-kantak

author: Virgilio Marón, Publio

translator: Andima Ibinagabeitia

year of publication of translation: 1992

title of original: Bucolica ; Georgica

text type: Poetry

publisher: Gero , Mensajero = Mezulari

series: Klasikoak ; 55

source language(s): latin

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Rome


title of translation: Bertze itsasoaren itzala

author: Margarit, Joan

translator: Josu Jimenez

year of publication of translation: 2021

title of original: L'ombra de l'altre mar

text type: Poetry

publisher: Booktegi

source language(s): catalan

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1981

country of publication of original : Catalonia

        online text


title of translation: Bertzerenak [Antologia]

author: Hölderlin, Friedrich; Pessoa, Fernando; Apollinaire, Guillaume; Pound, Ezra; Yeats, William Butler; Jandl, Ernst; Gil de Biedma, Jaime; Heaney, Seamus; Bai, Li; Fu, Du; Jones, Bobi; Katulo, Gaio Valerio; Day-Lewis, Cecil; Walcott, Derek; Shakespeare, William; Larkin, Philip; Dickinson, Emily; Martzial, Marko Valerio; Tennyson, Alfred; Quasimodo, Salvatore; Lowell, Robert; Goytisolo, Jose Agustin; Vallejo, Cesar; Aguirre Gandarias, Javier; Dalton, Roque; Cernuda, Luis; Zongyuan, Liu; Gorostiza, Jose; Borges, Jorge Luis; Sanchez Ostiz, Miguel; Pavese, Cesare; Verlaine, Paul; Khayyam, Omar; Pacheco, Jose Emilio; Stevenson, Robert Louis

translator: Luigi Anselmi

year of publication of translation: 2006

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pamiela

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.


title of translation: Besarkadarako olerkiak

author: Mendiola, Ana

translator: Patxi Ezkiaga

year of publication of translation: 2021

title of original: Poemas para el abrazo

text type: Poetry

publisher: Egilea(k) editore

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque


title of translation: Bi

author: Carramiñana Miranda, Idoia


year of publication of translation: 2018

text type: Poetry

publisher: Amargord

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2018

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Bide barrijak = Nuevos rumbos

author: Lauaxeta

translator: Lauaxeta

year of publication of translation: 2007

title of original: Bide barrijak

text type: Poetry

publisher: Atenea

series: Biblioteca Vasca bilingüe

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1931

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Bigarren bizia = La vida paralela (1964-1992)

author: Zabaleta, Pello

translator: Joseba Barriola; Gerardo Markuleta; Jose Luis Padron

year of publication of translation: 1995

title of original: Bigarren bizia

text type: Poetry

publisher: EHU

series: Gaur Egungo Euskal Poesia

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Bilduma bat [antologia]

author: Penna, Sandro

translator: Iñigo Astiz

year of publication of translation: 2019

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Farmazia Beltza

source language(s): italian

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.n.

country of publication of original : Italy


title of translation: Biotz begietan

author: Lizardi, Xabier


year of publication of translation: 1932

title of original: Bihotz begietan

text type: Poetry

publisher: Emeterio Verdes Achirica (= Atxirika )

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Bizientzat eta hilentzat - Poema guztiak 1954-2004

author: Tranströmmer, Tomas

translator: Juanmari Agirreurreta

year of publication of translation: 2012

text type: Poetry

publisher: Elkar

series: Poesia

source language(s): swedish

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Sweden


title of translation: Bizitza irakurri = Leer la vida

author: Markuleta, Gerardo

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

year of publication of translation: 2023

title of original: Bizitza irakurri

text type: Poetry

publisher: Olifante

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2023


title of translation: Bruma y conciencia = Lanbroa eta kontzientzia

author: Aramburu, Fernando

translator: Felipe Juaristi; Patziku Perurena

year of publication of translation: 1993

title of original: Bruma y conciencia

text type: Poetry

publisher: EHU

series: Gaur egungo euskal poesia

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1990

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Bukaeraren poema

author: Tsvetaieva, Marina

translator: Josu Landa Ijurko

year of publication of translation: 2016

title of original: Поэма конца

text type: Poetry

publisher: armiarma.eus

source language(s): russian

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1924

        online text


title of translation: Bukolikak eta Georgikak

author: Virgilio Marón, Publio

translator: Iñigo Ruiz

year of publication of translation: 1998

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: EHU

series: Bibliotheca Scriptorum Classicorum Vasconica ; 3

source language(s): latin

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Rome


title of translation: Burges ttipien zazpi bekatu buruzagi

author: Brecht, Bertolt

translator: Patxi Salaberri

year of publication of translation: 2014

title of original: Die Sieben Todsünden der Kleinbürger

text type: Poetry

publisher: armiarma.eus

source language(s): german

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1933

country of publication of original : Germany

        online text


title of translation: Burges ttipien zazpi bekatu buruzagiak

author: Brecht, Bertolt

translator: Patxi Salaberri

year of publication of translation: 2021

title of original: Die Sieben Todsünden der Kleinbürger

text type: Poetry

publisher: Booktegi

source language(s): german

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1933

country of publication of original : Germany

        online text


title of translation: Burning Bones

author: Meabe, Miren Agur

translator: Amaia Gabantxo

year of publication of translation: 2022

title of original: Hezurren erretura

text type: Poetry

publisher: Parthian Books

source language(s): basque

target language(s): english

year of publication of original: 2019

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Cancionero popular vasco [Antologia]

author: s.n.

translator: Jose Ignazio Ansorena; Jesus Lasa; Pello Zabaleta

year of publication of translation: 2007

title of original: Euskal kantak

text type: Poetry

publisher: Erein

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1993

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Cancionero vasco = Euskal abestiak [Antologia]


year of publication of translation: 1980

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Caja de Ahorros Vizcaína [Bilbao Bizkaia Kutxa]

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Cantar de Roncesvalles y otros poemas navarros

author: Estornes Lasa, Bernardo


year of publication of translation: 1979

text type: Poetry

publisher: Auñamendi

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Cartografía

author: Arregi Diaz de Heredia, Rikardo

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

year of publication of translation: 2000

title of original: Kartografia

text type: Poetry

publisher: Bassarai

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1998

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Catalunya'ko olerkariak [antologia]

author: Costa i Llobera, Miquel ; Maragall, Joan ; Verdaguer, Jacint

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

year of publication of translation: 1967

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: S. Anton Katekesia

series: Euskal argitalpenak

source language(s): catalan

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Catalonia


title of translation: Cathay

author: Pound, Ezra

translator: Xabier Kaltzakorta

year of publication of translation: 1988

text type: Poetry

publisher: Labayru

series: Idatz & Mintz, 15-separata

source language(s): english

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1915

country of publication of original : USA


title of translation: Cesare Pavese [Antologia]

author: Pavese, Cesare

translator: Ion Olano

year of publication of translation: 2019

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko poesia kaierak; 29

source language(s): italian

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Italy

        online text


title of translation: Cielos segados = Zeru segaz jotakoak

author: Irazoki, Fancisco Jose

translator: Patziku Perurena

year of publication of translation: 1992

title of original: Cielos segados

text type: Poetry

publisher: EHU

series: Gaur egungo euskal poesia

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Ciudad limbo

author: Serrano, Asier

translator: Asier Serrano

year of publication of translation: 2020

title of original: Linbotarrak

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pamiela

series: La Sirena Poesía

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2016

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Cómo guardar ceniza en el pecho

author: Meabe, Miren Agur

translator: Miren Agur Meabe

year of publication of translation: 2021

title of original: Nola gorde errautsa kolkoan

text type: Poetry

publisher: Bartleby

series: Bartleby poesia

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2020

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Dall'altra parte della frontiera: poesie e ibridi

author: Atxaga, Bernardo

translator: Giuliano Soria

year of publication of translation: 2002

title of original: Etiopia ; Henry Bengoa, Inventarium

text type: Poetry

publisher: Ugo Guanda

source language(s): basque

Bridge language(s): spanish

target language(s): italian

year of publication of original: 1978; 1986

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Danteren comediaren lehen zatia

author: Dante Alighieri

translator: Emmanuel Intxauspe

year of publication of translation: 1892

title of original: Divina Commedia: Inferno

text type: Poetry

publisher: E. S. Dodgson

source language(s): italian

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1308/1


title of translation: Dardaren interpretazioa = La interpretación de los temblores [Antologia]

author: Cano, Harkaitz

translator: Harkaitz Cano

year of publication of translation: 2004

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Atenea

series: Biblioteca Vasca Bilingüe

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Debe decirse dos veces

author: Arregi Diaz de Heredia, Rikardo

translator: Angel Erro

year of publication of translation: 2014

title of original: Bitan esan beharra

text type: Poetry

publisher: Salto de Página

series: Poesia

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2012

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Denbora eta egunak

author: Conte, Ánchel

translator: Joxemari Sestorain

year of publication of translation: 2015

title of original: O tiempo y os dias

text type: Poetry

publisher: Denonartean

source language(s): aragonese

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1996

country of publication of original : Spain


title of translation: Denok bat

author: Orixe


year of publication of translation: 1995

title of original: Euskaldunak (VII. Kapitulua)

text type: Poetry

publisher: Orain

source language(s): basque, basque

target language(s): spanish, spanish

year of publication of original: 1950

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Die Stimmen der Amsel [Antologia]

author: Aire, Henriette ; Alberdi, Uxue ; Anonimoa ; Anselmi, Luigi ; Aresti, Gabriel ; Arkotxa, Aurelia ; Arregi Diaz de Heredia, Ricardo ; Arrese Beitia, Felipe ; Artze, Joxean ; Azkona, Josetxo ; Bilbao, Leire ; Borda, Itxaro ; Chivite, Beatriz ; Dicharry, Eric ; Esteban, Mari Luz ; Gandiaga, Bitoriano ; Garde, Luis ; Goikoetxea, Jule ; Igerabide, Juan Kruz ; Irastorza, Tere ; Iturbide, Amaia ; Korta, Gabriel ; Lasa, Amaia ; Lete, Xabier ; Lizardi, Xabier ; Luigi Anselmi ; Lujanbio, Maialen ; Magdalena, Peru ; Meabe, Miren Agur ; Mirande, Jon ; Mujika, Tene ; Salamero, Andoni ; Sarriondandia, Joseba ; Suarez, Castillo ; Unzueta, Sorne ; Urretabizkaia, Arantxa

translator: Mikel Babiano

year of publication of translation: 2019

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: EYE Literaturverlag der Wenigerheiten

series: Am Herzen Europas ; 12

source language(s): basque

target language(s): german

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Diez cantos para el otoño

author: Ezkiaga, Patxi

translator: Jorge González ; Felipe Juaristi

year of publication of translation: 2000

title of original: Udazkenerako hamar kanta

text type: Poetry

publisher: Kutxa Fundazioa

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1999

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Dónde está Basques' Harbour y otras blasfemias

author: Koldo Izagirre

translator: Koldo Izagirre

year of publication of translation:

title of original: Non dago Basques' Harbour

text type: Poetry

publisher: armiarma.eus

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1997

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text


title of translation: Donibane Gurutz, olerkari

author: Donibane, Gurutz

translator: Santiago Onaindia

year of publication of translation: 1990

text type: Poetry

publisher: Karmel

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque


title of translation: Dos pobles, un cor = Bi herri, bihotz bat

author: Ferran i Mora, Eulalia

translator: Xabier Kintana

year of publication of translation: 1979

title of original: Dos pobles, un cor

text type: Poetry

publisher: s.n.

source language(s): catalan

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Catalonia


title of translation: Downhill ; Rock & Core

author: Aresti, Gabriel

translator: Amaia Gabantxo

year of publication of translation: 2017

title of original: Maldan behera ; Harri eta herri

text type: Poetry

publisher: University of Nevada , Center for Basque Studies

series: Basque Classics Series, 12

source language(s): basque

target language(s): english

year of publication of original: 1960 ; 1964

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Duida'ren arribitxiak

author: Athilano, Andrés

translator: Sabin Muniategi

year of publication of translation: 1973

title of original: Las Esmeraldas del duida

text type: Poetry

publisher: Arantzazuko Frantziskotar argitaldaria = EFA

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1972


title of translation: Egun oroz pentsamentukatzeko = Une pensé pour chaque jour

author: Berzaitz, Pier Paul


year of publication of translation: 2020

text type: Poetry

publisher: Association Lilia Elkartea

source language(s): not determined

target language(s): not determined


title of translation: El ciclo de la piedra : Antología

author: Aresti, Gabriel

translator: Jon Kortazar

year of publication of translation: 2020

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Visor

series: Visor de Poesía

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: El codi de la pell

author: Meabe, Miren Agur

translator: Maria Josep Escrivà i Vidal

year of publication of translation: 2006

title of original: Azalaren kodea

text type: Poetry

publisher: Edicions 96

source language(s): basque

target language(s): catalan

year of publication of original: 2000

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: El código de la piel

author: Meabe, Miren Agur

translator: Miren Agur Meabe; Kepa Murua

year of publication of translation: 2002

title of original: Azalaren kodea

text type: Poetry

publisher: Bassarai

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2000

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: El manifiesto de las mujeres viejas

author: Esteban, Mari Luz

translator: Ainhoa Aranburu; Mari Luz Esteban; Eva Fernández

year of publication of translation: 2020

title of original: Andrezaharraren manifestua

text type: Poetry

publisher: La Oveja Roja

series: Poesía

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2019

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: El paraíso y los gatos

author: Atxaga, Bernardo

translator: Bernardo Atxaga

year of publication of translation: 2013

title of original: Paradisua eta katuak

text type: Poetry

publisher: Círculo de Bellas Artes

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: El poder del cuerpo: antología de poesía femenina contemporánea


year of publication of translation: 2009

text type: Poetry

publisher: Castalia

series: Biblioteca de escritoras; 53

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish


title of translation: El primer libro impreso en euskera

author: Etxepare, Bernard

translator: Lino Akesolo

year of publication of translation: 1966

title of original: Linguae Primitiae Vasconum

text type: Poetry

publisher: La Gran Enciclopedia Vasca

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1545

country of publication of original : France


title of translation: Elorri = Espino

author: Gandiaga, Bitoriano

translator: Pedro de Anasagasti

year of publication of translation: 1962

title of original: Elorri

text type: Poetry

publisher: Arantzazuko Frantziskotar argitaldaria = EFA

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1962

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Els orientals

author: Etxarte, Hedoi

translator: Lluís Riera

year of publication of translation: 2023

title of original: Sortaldekoak

text type: Poetry

publisher: Manifest

source language(s): basque

target language(s): catalan

year of publication of original: 2021

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Emakume olerkariak = Poetas vascas

author: Otxoa, Julia

translator: Jon Iñaki Lasa; Manu López Gaseni; Patziku Perurena

year of publication of translation: 1990

text type: Poetry

publisher: Torremozas

series: Antologias

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: En las ciudades = Nas ciudades = Hirietan [Antologia]

author: Chivite, Beatriz

translator: Beatriz Chivite; Isaac Xubín

year of publication of translation: 2020

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Papeles mínimos

source language(s): basque

target language(s): galician, spanish

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Enblemak

author: Janes, Clara

translator: Juan Mari Lekuona

year of publication of translation: 2010

title of original: Emblemas

text type: Poetry

publisher: EIZIE

series: Itzultzaile Aitzindariak

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1991

country of publication of original : Catalonia

        online text


title of translation: Entre-temps, donne-moi la main

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Kattalin Totorika

year of publication of translation: 2006

title of original: Bitartean heldu eskutik

text type: Poetry

publisher: Le Castor Astral

source language(s): basque

target language(s): french

year of publication of original: 2001

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Es morta la poesia? = Hilda dago poesia? [Antologia]

author: Sarrionandia, Joseba

translator: Ainara Munt

year of publication of translation: 2018

title of original: Hilda dago poesia?

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pol·len ; Pamiela

source language(s): basque

target language(s): catalan

year of publication of original: 2016

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Escolma salvaxe : Ferrol, 2007-2013 : Seis años de poesía salvaxe [Antologia]

author: Bilbao, Leire


year of publication of translation: 2014

text type: Poetry

publisher: M. Lorenzo

source language(s): basque

target language(s): galician


title of translation: Españi'ko olerkariak euskeraz

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

year of publication of translation: 1969

text type: Poetry

publisher: S. Anton Katekesia

series: Euskal argitalpenak

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Spain


title of translation: Espuma en las manos

author: Meabe, Miren Agur

translator: Miren Agur Meabe

year of publication of translation: 2017

title of original: Bitsa eskuetan

text type: Poetry

publisher: Trea

series: Poesía

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2010

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Este pueblo de piedra

author: Aresti, Gabriel

translator: Gabriel Aresti

year of publication of translation: 1979

title of original: Harrizko herri hau

text type: Poetry

publisher: Luis Haranburu

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1970

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Estelles euskaraz : antologia elebiduna valentziera-euskara

author: Andres i Estelles, Vicent

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

year of publication of translation: 2013

title of original: Estelles euskaraz : antología bilingüe valencià-basc

text type: Poetry

publisher: Bostezo liburuak

source language(s): catalan

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2013

country of publication of original : Spain


title of translation: Etiopia

author: Atxaga, Bernardo


year of publication of translation: 1978

title of original: Etiopia

text type: Poetry

publisher: Egilea(k) editore

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1978

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Euskal Harria

author: Aresti, Gabriel


year of publication of translation: 1967

title of original: Euskal Harria

text type: Poetry

publisher: Kriselu

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Euskal harria

author: Aresti, Gabriel

translator: Eduardo Gil Bera

year of publication of translation: 1995

title of original: Euskal Harria

text type: Poetry

publisher: Orain

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1967

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Euskal Harria = La piedra vasca

author: Aresti, Gabriel

translator: Gabriel Aresti

year of publication of translation: 1979

title of original: Euskal Harria

text type: Poetry

publisher: Luis Haranburu

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1967

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Euskal poemak

author: Blas de Otero

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

year of publication of translation: 2020

title of original: Poemas vascos

text type: Poetry

publisher: El gallo de oro

series: Blas de Otero

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2002

country of publication of original : Spain


title of translation: Euskal poesiaren antologia = Baskuri poeziis ant‘ologia [Antologia]

author: s.n.

translator: Salome Gabunia; Natela Sturua

year of publication of translation: 1991

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Metsniereba

source language(s): basque

target language(s): georgian

year of publication of original: s.d.


title of translation: Eusko olerkiak

author: Marrodan, Mario Angel

translator: Joseba Gotzon Gomez

year of publication of translation: 2002

text type: Poetry

publisher: Beta III Milenio

series: Poesia

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Eusko olerkiak: Ernani'ko Olerti Jaietarako eratu zan olerti gudara bidaldutakoenatatik autuak, 1932 = Poesías vascas: selección de las remitidas al certamen poético organizado con motivo del Día de la Poesía Vasca de Hernani


year of publication of translation: 1933

title of original: Eusko olerkiak: Ernani'ko Olerti Jaietarako eratu zan olerti gudara bidaldutakoenatatik autuak, 1932 / Poesías vascas: selección de las remitidas al certamen poético organizado con motivo del Día de la Poesía Vasca de Hernani

text type: Poetry

publisher: Euskaltzaleak

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Eusko olerkiak: Errenderi'ko Olerti Jaietarako eratu zan olerti gudara bidaldutakoenetatik autuak = Poesías vascas: selección de las remitidas al certamen poético organizado con motivo del Día de la Poesía Vasca de Rentería


year of publication of translation: 1930

title of original: Eusko olerkiak: Errenderi'ko Olerti Jaietarako eratu zan olerti gudara bidaldutakoenetatik autuak / Poesías vascas: selección de las remitidas al certamen poético organizado con motivo del Día de la Poesía Vasca de Rentería

text type: Poetry

publisher: Euskaltzaleak

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Exilioaren sonetoak

author: Unamuno, Miguel de

translator: Jean Louis Davant

year of publication of translation: 2013

text type: Poetry

publisher: Maiatz

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque


title of translation: Ezabatuak [Antologia]

author: Toller, Ernst; Lasker-Schüler, Else; Goll, Yvan; Mühsam, Erich; Hardekopf, Ferdinand; Ehrenstein, Albert; Goll, Claire; Herrmann-Neisse, Max; Mehring, Walter; Ludwig, Paula; Klabund

translator: Eduardo Gil Bera

year of publication of translation: 1995

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pamiela

source language(s): german

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Germany

        online text


title of translation: Ezponda (1557-1595): bersu eta hamalaurkunak, herioaz, maitasunaz, eta bertze olerki zenbait

author: Sponde, Jean de

translator: Jean Baptiste Orpustan

year of publication of translation: 1995

text type: Poetry

publisher: Izpegi

source language(s): french

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Fableac edo aleguiac

author: La Fontaine, Jean de

translator: Martin Goihetxe

year of publication of translation: 1852

title of original: Fables

text type: Poetry

publisher: Forec eta Lasserrec Imprimatuac

source language(s): french

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1668

        online text


title of translation: Flor de Baladas Vascas [Antologia]

translator: Jon Juaristi

year of publication of translation: 1989

title of original: [Euskal Baladen Lorea]

text type: Poetry

publisher: Visor

series: Visor de Poesía

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish


title of translation: Forked Tongues : Galician, Basque and Catalan women’s poetry in translations by Irish Writers [Antologia]

author: Borda, Itxaro ; Meabe, Miren Agur ; Suárez, Castillo ; Bilbao, Leire

translator: Paddy Bushe; Susan Connolly; Celia de Freine; Catherine Phil MacCarthy

year of publication of translation: 2012


Contents and edition / Manuela Palacios.

Basque writers have been translated by the following writers: Itxaro Borda by Celia de Fréine; Miren Agur Meabe by Catherine Phil MacCarthy ; Castillo Suárez by Susan Connolly; Leire Bilbao by Paddy Bushe

The publication also includes translations into English of other poets from Galicia and Catalonia.


text type: Poetry

publisher: Shearsman books

source language(s): basque

target language(s): english


title of translation: Fuego lento = Gar mantsoa

author: Gonzalez Aranguren, Jorge

translator: AA. AA.

year of publication of translation: 1989

title of original: Fuego lento

text type: Poetry

publisher: EHU

series: Gaur egungo euskal poesia

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Gainontzekoa, kontuak dira

author: Iribarren, Karmelo C.

translator: Xabier Etxart

year of publication of translation: 2000

text type: Poetry

publisher: Erein

series: Poesia

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Galdutako hitza = Palabra perdida (1977-1989)

author: Aurtenetxe, Carlos

translator: Joseba Barriola; Felipe Juaristi; Pello Zabaleta

year of publication of translation: 1990

title of original: Palabra perdida

text type: Poetry

publisher: EHU

series: Gaur egungo euskal poesia

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Gartzelako egunkaria

author: Ho, Chi Minh

translator: Iñaki Aramaio

year of publication of translation: 1985

title of original: 狱中日记 (Yu Zhong Riji)

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Susa 83-86

source language(s): chinese

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1942-1943

country of publication of original : Vietnam

        online text


title of translation: Gaviota

author: Celaya, Gabriel; Koch, S.

translator: Maite Gonzalez; Felipe Juaristi; Mikel Lasa; Patziku Perurena

year of publication of translation: 1987

title of original: Gaviota

text type: Poetry

publisher: Repsol

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Gente que trabaja en los tejados [Antologia]

author: Cano, Harkaitz

translator: Harkaitz Cano

year of publication of translation: 2019

text type: Poetry

publisher: Fundación Ortega Muñoz

series: Voces sin tiempo

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Geografía de las preguntas

author: Juaristi, Felipe

translator: Felipe Juaristi

year of publication of translation: 1999

title of original: Galderen geografia

text type: Poetry

publisher: Bassarai

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1997

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Gernikarena

author: Manciet, Bernard

translator: Lucien Etxezaharreta

year of publication of translation: 2005

title of original: Lo Dider de Guernica

text type: Poetry

publisher: Maiatz

source language(s): occitan

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2001


title of translation: Gertatzen ari den munduaren akaberari buruz

author: Lopes, Charo

translator: Txerra Rodriguez

year of publication of translation: 2021

title of original: De como acontece o fin de mundo

text type: Poetry

publisher: Booktegi

source language(s): galician

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2015

country of publication of original : Galicia

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title of translation: Girgileria

author: Dolores, Juana

translator: Maider Ramirez

year of publication of translation: 2024

title of original: Bijuteria

text type: Poetry

publisher: Katakrak

source language(s): catalan

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2020

country of publication of original : Catalonia


title of translation: Giro gori = Tiempo ardiente : (1954 - 1977) [Antologia]

author: San Martin, Juan

translator: Jorge González ; Felipe Juaristi

year of publication of translation: 1998

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: EHU

series: Gaur Egungo Euskal Poesia

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Gitanjali : eskaintza kantak

author: Tagore, Rabindranath

translator: Patxi Ezkiaga

year of publication of translation: 2008

title of original: গীতাঞ্জলি

text type: Poetry

publisher: Arantzazuko Frantziskotar argitaldaria = EFA

series: Ostertza

source language(s): bengali

Bridge language(s): english

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1910

country of publication of original : India


title of translation: Goardià en la boira

author: Juaristi, Felipe

translator: Vitor Sunyol

year of publication of translation: 1994

title of original: Laino artean zelatari

text type: Poetry

publisher: Vich

source language(s): basque

target language(s): catalan

year of publication of original: 1993

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Good Wolf, Bad Wolf

author: Cano, Harkaitz

translator: Kristin Addis

year of publication of translation: 2021

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Poetrywala

source language(s): basque

target language(s): english

year of publication of original: s.n.

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Gu = Nosotros

author: Lahoz Ruesga, Laura

translator: Mitxel Murua

year of publication of translation: 2021

text type: Poetry

publisher: Letra de Molde

series: Asuntos internos; II

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Spain


title of translation: Hainbat poema

author: Nelli, Renat

translator: Itxaro Borda

year of publication of translation: 1994

text type: Poetry

publisher: Hegats, 11

source language(s): occitan

target language(s): basque

        online text


title of translation: Haizearen hegaletan : poesi antologia = ['aley kenafey ruah] = Sobre las alas del viento : antología poética

author: Yehuda ha-Levi

translator: Xabier Kintana

year of publication of translation: 2002

title of original: ['aley kenafey ruah]

text type: Poetry

publisher: EHU

source language(s): hebrew

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

        online text


title of translation: Haizegua. El viento sur

author: Indaburu, Martin

translator: Pío Caro Baroja; Juan Garmendia

year of publication of translation: 1994

title of original: Haizegua

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pamiela

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Halabiz, kamarada

author: Rodriguez Fer, Claudio

translator: Aurelia Arkotxa; Joseba Andoni Lakarra

year of publication of translation: 2017

title of original: Pai meu : Amén Camarada

text type: Poetry

publisher: A cabeleira

source language(s): galician

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1999

country of publication of original : Galicia

        online text


title of translation: Hamabi poema = Dvanajst pesmi = Двенадцать стихотворений = Dvylika eilėraščių [Antologia]

author: Sarrionandia, Joseba

translator: Laura Liubinavičiūtė; Karina Mishchenkova; Bárbara Pregelj

year of publication of translation: 2016

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: EIZIE

source language(s): basque

target language(s): lithuanian, russian, slovenian

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text


title of translation: Hamairu ate [Antologia]

author: Anonimoa; Picabia, Francis; Kafka, Franz; Calders, Pere; Machado, Anibal; Carrington, Leonora; Axelos, Kostas; Bierce, Ambrose; Saki; Piñera, Virgilio; Hagiwara, Sakutaro; Aub, Max; Suarez, Gonzalo; García Márquez, Gabriel

translator: Mitxel Sarasketa; Joseba Sarrionandia

year of publication of translation: 1985

text type: Poetry

publisher: Elkar

target language(s): basque

        online text


title of translation: Harri eta herri : (kopla, bertso, ditxo eta poemak) = Piedra y pueblo

author: Aresti, Gabriel

translator: Gabriel Aresti

year of publication of translation: 1964

title of original: Harri eta herri (elebiduna)

text type: Poetry

publisher: Itxaropena

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Hasta cuándo se puede tener razón

author: Igerabide, Juan Kruz

translator: Juan Kruz Igerabide

year of publication of translation: 2021

title of original: Noiz arte arrazoi : aforismoak

text type: Poetry

publisher: Cypress & Apeadero de Aforistas

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2020

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Hau da ene ondasun guzia

author: Sarrionandia, Joseba


year of publication of translation: 1999

title of original: Hau da ene ondasun guzia

text type: Poetry

publisher: Txalaparta ; Esan Ozenki

source language(s): basque

target language(s): english, french, german, spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Hautsak errautsa bezain = Tant la cendre que la poussière

author: Borda, Itxaro

translator: Itxaro Borda

year of publication of translation: 2002

title of original: Hautsak errautsa bezain

text type: Poetry

publisher: Maiatz

source language(s): basque

target language(s): french

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Haxixaren poema

author: Baudelaire, Charles

translator: Oier Alonso

year of publication of translation: 1998

title of original: Le Poème du haschisch

text type: Poetry

publisher: Infomart

series: Humanismoa; 2

source language(s): french

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1858

country of publication of original : France

        online text


title of translation: Haztamuka = Dol i sol

author: Etxeberria, Luisa

translator: Jon Elordi

year of publication of translation: 2017

title of original: Dol i sol

text type: Poetry

publisher: Denonartean

source language(s): catalan

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2017

country of publication of original : Catalonia


title of translation: Heine'ren olerkiak

author: Heine, Heinrich

translator: Joseba Arregi

year of publication of translation: 1927

text type: Poetry

publisher: Rementeria

source language(s): german

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 18??

        online text


title of translation: Hezurrezko xirulak [Antologia]

author: Touqan, Fadwa; Murua, Martin de; Bandeira, Manuel; Agatias Eskolastikoa; Marvell, Andrew; Turtiainen, Arvo; Donne, John; Anonimoa; Al Qassim, Samih; Assaqilah, Hayil; Silentiarius, Paulus; Ostaijen, Paul van; Lermontov, Mijail Iur'evich; Blandiana, Ana; Kassak, Lajos; Drummond de Andrade, Carlos; Williams, Tennessee; Puxkin, Alexandr; Chretien de Troyes; Staff, Leopold; Bukowski, Charles; Kahlau, Heinz; Filodemo, Gadarako; Brecht, Bertolt; Petofi, Sandor; Huong, Ho Xuan; Heine, Heinrich; Wei, Wang; Marti i Pol, Miquel; Quasimodo, Salvatore; Yunque, Alvaro; Spenser, Edmund; Vallejo, Cesar; Ziad, Tawfiq; Blok, Alexander; Mqhayi, Samuel Edward; Jabran, Salim; Vanzetti, Bartolomeo; Darwish, Mahmud; Lonnrot, Elias; Stesikoro, Himerako; Berryman, John; Jozsef, Attila; Goethe, Johann Wolfgang; Levertov, Denise; Pound, Ezra; Tenreiro, Francisco Jose

translator: Joseba Sarrionandia

year of publication of translation: 1991

text type: Poetry

publisher: Elkar

series: Literatura

target language(s): basque


title of translation: Hilda dago poesia? = ¿La poesía está muerta? [Antologia]

author: Sarrionandia, Joseba

translator: Joseba Sarrionandia

year of publication of translation: 2016

title of original: Hilda dago poesia?

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pamiela

series: Poesia

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2016

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Hiria uhaskan (1970-2002)

author: Viar, Javier


year of publication of translation: 2003

text type: Poetry

publisher: EHU

series: Gaur Egungo Euskal Poesia

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque


title of translation: Hiru emakume

author: Plath, Sylvia

translator: Harkaitz Cano

year of publication of translation: 2018

title of original: Three Women

text type: Poetry

publisher: Denonartean

source language(s): english

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1962


title of translation: Hitzak palmondo : Jujua, poemak eta akuarelak

author: Federici, Silvia

translator: Amaia Astobiza

year of publication of translation: 2023

text type: Poetry

publisher: Txalaparta

series: Amaiur

source language(s): english

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2023


title of translation: Hondar eta gauezko loturak = Ataduras de noche y arena

author: Maraña, Felix

translator: Juan San Martin

year of publication of translation: 1980

title of original: Ataduras de noche y arena

text type: Poetry

publisher: Luis Haranburu

series: Harria

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1980

country of publication of original : Basque Country

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title of translation: Hyperion

author: Hölderlin, Friedrich

translator: Eduardo Gil Bera

year of publication of translation: 2001

title of original: Hyperion oder Der Eremit in Griechenland

text type: Poetry

publisher: Erein

series: Poesia

source language(s): german

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1797

country of publication of original : Germany

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title of translation: Ibilaldia = Itinerario

author: Lekuona, Juan Mari

translator: Inazio Mujika Iraola

year of publication of translation: 1996

title of original: Ibilaldia

text type: Poetry

publisher: EHU

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Idazlan autatuak

author: Joan Gurutzekoa


year of publication of translation: 1992

text type: Poetry

publisher: El Carmen = Karmel

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Spain


title of translation: Idazlan guztiak

author: Joan Gurutzekoa

translator: Luis Baraiazarra

year of publication of translation: 2021

text type: Poetry

publisher: Karmel

series: Karmel sorta, 15

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Spain


title of translation: Idea Vilariño [Antologia]

author: Vilariño, Idea

translator: Garazi Arrula

year of publication of translation: 2019

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko poesia kaierak; 30

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Uruguay

        online text


title of translation: Iemand loopt op de brandtrap

author: Cano, Harkaitz

translator: Henrike Olasolo; Luk Van Mensel

year of publication of translation: 2013

title of original: Norbait dabil sute-eskaileran

text type: Poetry

publisher: Zirimiri Press

source language(s): basque

target language(s): dutch

year of publication of original: 2001

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Ilargi = Luna

author: Nuño, Sihara

translator: Nagore Pérez

year of publication of translation: 2024

title of original: Ilargi = Luna

text type: Poetry

publisher: Ultramarina Cartonera & Digital

series: Bilingüe Mar

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2024


title of translation: Ilhun-argiak = Claroscuros

author: Mirande, Jon

translator: Felipe Juaristi

year of publication of translation: 1992

title of original: Ilhun-argiak

text type: Poetry

publisher: EHU

series: Gaur Egungo Euskal Poesia

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1992

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Iliasena

author: Homero

translator: Gaizka Barandiaran

year of publication of translation: 1956

title of original: Iliás

text type: Poetry

publisher: Talleres Tipográficos de las Escuelas Profesionales

source language(s): greek (modern)

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: K. a.V


title of translation: Iliasena: Iliada Euzkeraz

author: Homero

translator: Gaizka Barandiaran

year of publication of translation: 1954

title of original: I????: Iliás; ????da: Iliáda

text type: Poetry

publisher: Josephus Sudupe

source language(s): greek (modern)

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: K. a.V


title of translation: Infernuko hesteetan

author: Bukowski, Charles

translator: Mikel Olano

year of publication of translation: 2008

title of original: Septuagenarian Stew

text type: Poetry

publisher: Elkar

series: Poesia

source language(s): english

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1990

country of publication of original : Germany


title of translation: Intza begietan

author: Sagarzazu, Claudio


year of publication of translation: 1957

title of original: Intza begietan

text type: Poetry

publisher: Valverde

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Iraupenari poema

author: Handke, Peter

translator: Asier Sarasola

year of publication of translation: 2021

title of original: Gedicht an die Dauer

text type: Poetry

publisher: Booktegi

source language(s): german

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1986

country of publication of original : Australia

        online text


title of translation: Istorioak, alegiazkoak nahiz egiazkoak

author: Blas de Otero

translator: Andrés Urrutia

year of publication of translation: 2016

title of original: Historias fingidas y verdaderas

text type: Poetry

publisher: Bilboko Udala

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1970

country of publication of original : Spain


title of translation: Itzulpena - Traducción

author: Erro, Anjel

translator: Angel Erro

year of publication of translation: 2024

text type: Poetry

publisher: Nafarroako Gobernua

source language(s): not determined

target language(s): not determined

year of publication of original: 2024

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Izkiriaturik aurkitu ditudan ene poemak [Antologia]

author: Anonimoa; Arbiter, C. Petronio; Fu, Du; Katulo, Gaio Valerio; Statius, Zezilio; Pavese, Cesare; Kavafis, Konstantinos; Melville, Herman; Martzial, Marko Valerio; Kinto Flako, Horazio; Khayyam, Omar; Holan, Vladimir; Blaga, Lucian; Auden W.H.; Yeats, William Butler; Andrade, Eugenio de; Sands, Bobby; Thomas, Dylan; Billard, Christine; Baudelaire, Charles; Apollinaire, Guillaume; Pessoa, Fernando; Arp, Jean; Enio, Kinto; Vogelweide, Walther von der; Rilke, Rainer Maria; Lucrecio Caro, Tito; Henri, Adrian

translator: Joseba Sarrionandia

year of publication of translation: 1985

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pamiela

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.


title of translation: Jainko antzerkia. Infernua

author: Dante Alighieri

translator: Santiago Onaindia

year of publication of translation: 2001

title of original: Divina Commedia Inferno

text type: Poetry

publisher: Hiria

source language(s): italian

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1304

country of publication of original : Italy


title of translation: Jainko antzerkia: paradisua

author: Dante Alighieri

translator: Jose Antonio Agirre

year of publication of translation: 2003

title of original: Divina Commedia

text type: Poetry

publisher: Hiria

source language(s): italian

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1304

country of publication of original : Italy


title of translation: Jainko antzerkia: purgatorioa

author: Dante Alighieri

translator: Jose Antonio Agirre

year of publication of translation: 2002

title of original: Divina Commedia

text type: Poetry

publisher: Hiria

source language(s): italian

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1304

country of publication of original : Italy


title of translation: Jainko-antzerkia

author: Dante Alighieri

translator: Santiago Onaindia

year of publication of translation: 1985

title of original: Commedia

text type: Poetry

publisher: Bizkaiko Foru Aldundia

source language(s): italian

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1321

country of publication of original : Italy


title of translation: Jimmy Potxolo

author: Atxaga, Bernardo


year of publication of translation:

title of original: Jimmy Potxolo

text type: Poetry

publisher: Laboratorio Educativo

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1984

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Kartografia

author: Arregi Diaz de Heredia, Rikardo

translator: Barbara Stawicka-Pirecka

year of publication of translation: 2016

title of original: Kartografia

text type: Poetry

publisher: Wroclaw 2016

source language(s): basque

target language(s): polish

year of publication of original: 1998

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Katulo

author: Catulo

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

year of publication of translation: 1989

text type: Poetry

publisher: Itzultzailea(k) editore

source language(s): latin

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Rome


title of translation: Kismi-ren kantua = El Cantar de Kixmi

author: Estornes Lasa, Bernardo

translator: Joan Inazio Goikoetxea "Gaztelu"

year of publication of translation: 1982

title of original: El Cantar de Kixmi: poema mitológico vasco

text type: Poetry

publisher: Auñamendi

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Kointzidentzia hutsa

author: Itziar, Minguez

translator: Aritz Gorrotxategi

year of publication of translation: 2010

title of original: Pura coincidencia

text type: Poetry

publisher: Point de Lunettes

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2010

country of publication of original : Spain


title of translation: Kronoform

author: Igerabide, Juan Kruz

translator: Aurelia Arkotxa; Juan Kruz Igerabide; Caroline-Jane Williams

year of publication of translation: 2021

title of original: Kronoform

text type: Poetry

publisher: ZTK

source language(s): basque

target language(s): english, french, spanish

year of publication of original: 2021

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Ktoś chodzi po drabinie przeciwpożarowej

author: Cano, Harkaitz

translator: Barbara Stawicka-Pirecka

year of publication of translation: 2016

title of original: Norbait dabil sute eskaileran

text type: Poetry

publisher: Wroclaw 2016

source language(s): basque

Bridge language(s): english

target language(s): polish

year of publication of original: 2001

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: La casa del presente : 14 poetas vascos [Antologia]

author: Celaya, Gabriel ; Otero, Blas de ; Mirande, Jon ; Aresti, Gabriel ; Sarasua, Blanca ; Mariano Iñigo ; Atxaga, Bernardo ; Serna, Angela ; Sarrionandia, Joseba ; Iribarren, Karmelo ; Tolaretxipi, Eli ; Minguez, Itziar ; Linaje, Iñigo ; Cano, Harkaitz


year of publication of translation: 2021

text type: Poetry

publisher: Olifante

series: Serie maior

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish


title of translation: La Fontaineren aleghia-berheziak : neurt-hitzez franzesetik uskarara itzuliak = Choix de fables de La Fontaine : traduites en vers basques

author: La Fontaine, Jean de

translator: Jean Baptiste Archu

year of publication of translation: 1848

title of original: Choix de fables de La Fontaine traduites en vers basques

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pasquieren Moldeteghia

source language(s): french

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1668

country of publication of original : France

        online text


title of translation: La jeunesse d'Oihenart en vers basques

author: Oihenart, Arnaud

translator: René Lafon

year of publication of translation: 1955

title of original: Oihenarten gastaroa neurthitzetan

text type: Poetry

publisher: Euskalerriaren Adiskideen Elkartea

source language(s): basque

target language(s): french

year of publication of original: 1657

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: La luz, la tierra, el árbol, el cielo

author: Gerediaga, Jon

translator: Jon Gerediaga

year of publication of translation: 2017

title of original: Argia, lurra, zuhaitza, zerua

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pamiela

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: La mort de la mare em va fer mes lliure

author: Esteban, Mari Luz

translator: Ainara Munt

year of publication of translation: 2017

title of original: Amaren heriotzak libreago egin ninduen

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pol·len ; Pamiela

series: De-fracciones

source language(s): basque

target language(s): catalan

year of publication of original: 2013

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: La muerte de mi madre me hizo más libre

author: Esteban, Mari Luz

translator: Mari Luz Esteban

year of publication of translation: 2017

title of original: Amaren heriotzak libreago egin ninduen

text type: Poetry

publisher: La Oveja Roja

series: Poesía

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2013

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: La primavera en llamas (casi cien haikus)

author: Iturralde, Joxemari

translator: Joxemari Iturralde

year of publication of translation: 2023

title of original: Udaberria sutan : ia ehun haiku

text type: Poetry

publisher: El Desvelo

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2021

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Lainoa janez = Lento asedio

author: Igerabide, Juan Kruz

translator: Juan Kruz Igerabide

year of publication of translation: 2017

title of original: Lainoa janez

text type: Poetry

publisher: Valparaíso

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2015

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Las aguas tranquilas : Ocho poetas vascos actuales [Antologia]

author: Arregi Diaz de Heredia, Rikardo ; Garde Iriarte, Luis ; Meabe, Miren Agur ; Madariaga, Juan Ramon ; Linazasoro, Karlos ; Cano, Harkaitz ; Erro, Anjel ; Bilbao, Leire


year of publication of translation: 2017

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Renacimiento

series: Poesía Universal

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Las ateridas manos del alba

author: Lete, Xabier

translator: Javier Imaz; Jose Angel Irigaray

year of publication of translation: 2011

title of original: Egunsentiaren esku izoztuak

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pamiela

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2008

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Lau gartzelak

author: Hikmet, Nazim

translator: Gabriel Aresti

year of publication of translation: 1971

title of original: Dört Hapishaneden [From the Four Prisons]?

text type: Poetry

publisher: Lur

series: Kriselu

source language(s): turkish

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1966


title of translation: Le monde est un grand homme et l'homme un petit monde

author: Artze, J.A.

translator: Edurne Alegria

year of publication of translation: 1994

title of original: Gizon handia da mundua, eta mundu ttikia gizona

text type: Poetry

publisher: Iratze

source language(s): basque

target language(s): french

year of publication of original: 1988

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Lento asedio de niebla

author: Igerabide, Juan Kruz

translator: Juan Kruz Igerabide

year of publication of translation: 2017

title of original: Lainoa janez

text type: Poetry

publisher: Valparaíso

series: Poesía

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2015

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Les Bucoliques Basques = Euskal bukolikoak = Los bucólicos vascos

author: Cocteau, Jean ; Rostand, Maurice

translator: Felipe Juaristi

year of publication of translation: 2010

title of original: Les bucoliques

text type: Poetry

publisher: Labayru

series: Idatz & Mintz, 50-separata

source language(s): french

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1912

country of publication of original : France

        online text


title of translation: Les exilés des sept : recueil de poèmes 1977 = Zazpietako desterratuak = Los exiliados de las siete : selección de poemas 1977

author: Courougnon, Michel


year of publication of translation: 1977

title of original: Les exilés des sept

text type: Poetry

publisher: Mugalde

source language(s): french

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1977

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Les Proverbes Basques recuellis par le Sr. D'Oihenart. Plus les Poésies basques du même Auteur.

author: Oihenart, Arnaud


year of publication of translation: 1657

title of original: (Atsotitzak edo refrauak eta O.ten gastaroa neurthitzetan)

text type: Poetry

source language(s): basque

target language(s): french

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Linguae Vasconum Primitiae

author: Etxepare, Bernard

translator: Douglas Gifford; Rosa Lejardi

year of publication of translation: 1989

title of original: Linguae Vasconum Primitiae

text type: Poetry

publisher: St. Andrews

source language(s): basque

target language(s): english

year of publication of original: 1545

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Linguae Vasconum Primitiae

author: Etxepare, Bernard


year of publication of translation: 1995

title of original: Linguae Vasconum Primitiae

text type: Poetry

publisher: Orain

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1545

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Linguae Vasconum Primitiae

author: Etxepare, Bernard

translator: Patxi Altuna; Johannes Kabatek; René Lafon; Danilo Manera; Mikel Edorta Morris

year of publication of translation: 1995

title of original: Linguae Vasconum Primitiae

text type: Poetry

publisher: Euskaltzaindia ; Eusko Legebiltzarra

source language(s): basque

target language(s): english, french, german, italian, spanish

year of publication of original: 1545

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text


title of translation: Linguae Vasconum Primitiae

author: Etxepare, Bernard

translator: Salome Gabunia; Wim Jansen; Dorota Krajewska; Hanna Lantto ; Mordechay Mishor; Natela Sturua

year of publication of translation: 2015

title of original: Linguae Vasconum Primitiae

text type: Poetry

publisher: Euskaltzaindia ; Eusko Legebiltzarra

source language(s): basque

target language(s): dutch, finnish, georgian, hebrew, polish, russian

year of publication of original: 1545

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Linguae Vasconum Primitiae

author: Etxepare, Bernard

translator: Maria Hilda Chaluisa; Delia Mihaela Cristea; Manuel González ; Joseph Hares; Shaalan Hares; Joan Martí i Castell ; Cesar Pilataxi

year of publication of translation: 2014

title of original: Linguae Vasconum Primitiae

text type: Poetry

publisher: Euskaltzaindia ; Eusko Legebiltzarra

source language(s): basque

target language(s): arabic, catalan, chinese, galician, quechua, romanian

year of publication of original: 1545

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Llenabais el mundo = Mundua betetzen zenuten

author: Irastortza, Tere

translator: Tere Irastortza

year of publication of translation: 2022

title of original: Mundua betetzen zenuten

text type: Poetry

publisher: Olifante

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2022

country of publication of original : Spain


title of translation: Llueve siempre y no es en vano [Antologia]

author: Linazasoro, Karlos

translator: Karlos Linazasoro

year of publication of translation: 2016

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Ediciones Oblicuas

series: Alejandría

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1995-2010

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Lore mutuak eta tuaren ezkontzak = Flores mudas y las bodas de la saliva

author: Iturbide, Amaia

translator: Amaia Iturbide

year of publication of translation: 2007

title of original: Lore mutuak eta tuaren ezkontzak

text type: Poetry

publisher: Atenea

series: Biblioteca Vasca Bilingüe

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Lurrerako atari gisa = Introducción a la Tierra

author: Apodaca, Eduardo

translator: Luigi Anselmi

year of publication of translation: 1991

title of original: Introducción a la Tierra

text type: Poetry

publisher: EHU

series: Gaur egungo poesia

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1991

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Mailu isila = Martillo silencioso

author: Igerabide, Juan Kruz

translator: Juan Kruz Igerabide

year of publication of translation: 2004

title of original: Mailu isila

text type: Poetry

publisher: Atenea

series: Biblioteca Vasca Bilingüe

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2002

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Malgu da gaua : Chopin gogoan = La noche flexible: Homenaje a Chopin = Flexible is the Night: Homage to Chopin

author: Cano, Harkaitz; Mendoza, Arkaitz

translator: Kristin Addis; Kristin Addis; Harkaitz Cano

year of publication of translation: 2014

title of original: Malgu da gaua

text type: Poetry

publisher: Etxepare Euskal Institutua

series: Euskal Sortzaileak

source language(s): basque

target language(s): english, spanish

year of publication of original: 2014

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text


title of translation: Mallarmeren betazalak

author: Lepicouche, Michel Hubert

translator: Jesus Mari Olaizola "Txiliku"

year of publication of translation: 1997

text type: Poetry

publisher: Itzal

target language(s): basque


title of translation: Mandarin dotore : VIII. mendeko olerkiak [antologia]

author: Fu, Du ; Wei, Wang ; Bai, Li

translator: Rafa Egiguren

year of publication of translation: 2003

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Gaztelupeko Hotsak

source language(s): chinese

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

        online text


title of translation: Manifest de la nova dona vella

author: Esteban, Mari Luz

translator: Ainhoa Aranburu

year of publication of translation: 2020

title of original: Andrezaharraren manifestua

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pol·len ; Pamiela

series: De-fracciones

source language(s): basque

target language(s): catalan

year of publication of original: 2019

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Marinel zaharraren balada

author: Coleridge, S. T.

translator: Joseba Sarrionandia

year of publication of translation: 1995

title of original: The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pamiela

series: Ilargi

source language(s): english

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1798

country of publication of original : England

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title of translation: Marta Maitea

author: Marti i Pol, Miquel

translator: Joxemari Sestorain

year of publication of translation: 2011

title of original: Estimada Marta

text type: Poetry

publisher: Denonartean

source language(s): catalan

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1978

country of publication of original : Catalonia


title of translation: Martial'en ziri-bertsoak

author: Martzial, Marko Valerio

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

year of publication of translation: 1965

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: S. Anton Katekesia

series: Euskal-argitalpenak

source language(s): latin

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.


title of translation: Más allá del hilo

author: Gorrotxategi, Aritz

translator: Aritz Gorrotxategi

year of publication of translation: 2017

title of original: Hariaz beste

text type: Poetry

publisher: Baile del Sol

series: Colección Poesía

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2011

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Matxin Burdin

author: Hernandez, Jose

translator: Txomin Iakakortexarena

year of publication of translation: 1972

title of original: Martín Fierro

text type: Poetry

publisher: Ekin

series: Biblioteca de cultura vasca

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1872


title of translation: Meanwhile Take My Hand

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Elizabeth Macklin

year of publication of translation: 2007

title of original: Bitartean heldu eskutik

text type: Poetry

publisher: Graywolf Press

source language(s): basque

target language(s): english

year of publication of original: 2001

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Medearen iratzartzea : eta beste poemak = Le réveil de Médée : et autres poèmes

author: Borda, Itxaro

translator: Itxaro Borda

year of publication of translation: 2012

title of original: Medearen iratzartzea

text type: Poetry

publisher: Maiatz

source language(s): basque

target language(s): french

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Melibeo ta Titiroren arteko alkar-izketa

author: Virgilio Marón, Publio

translator: Luzio Arregi

year of publication of translation: 1923

title of original: Bucolica?

text type: Poetry

publisher: Eusko Argitaldaria [Euzko] = Editorial Vasca

source language(s): latin

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: K.a. I


title of translation: Memory Dump

author: Lasa, Mikel

translator: Inazio Mujika Iraola

year of publication of translation: 1993

title of original: Memory Dump

text type: Poetry

publisher: EHU

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1993

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Mentrestant agafa'm la mà [Antologia]

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Jon Elordi; Laia Noguera

year of publication of translation: 2010

title of original: Bitartean heldu eskutik ; Zaharregia, txikiegia agian

text type: Poetry

publisher: Proa

source language(s): basque

target language(s): catalan

year of publication of original: 2001 ; 2003

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Metro : [Siete poemas]

author: Chivite, Beatriz

translator: Beatriz Chivite

year of publication of translation: 2016

title of original: Metro

text type: Poetry

publisher: Papeles mínimos

series: monos, 11

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2014

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Mientras tanto cógeme la mano

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Ana Arregi; Gerardo Markuleta; Kirmen Uribe

year of publication of translation: 2008


Bilingual edition.

title of original: Bitartean heldu eskutik

text type: Poetry

publisher: Visor

series: Visor de poesía; 548

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2001

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Mientras tanto dame la mano

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Ana Arregi; Gerardo Markuleta; Kirmen Uribe

year of publication of translation: 2004

title of original: Bitartean heldu eskutik

text type: Poetry

publisher: Visor

series: Visor de Poesía

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2001

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Mireio

author: Mistral, Frédéric

translator: Orixe

year of publication of translation: 1930

title of original: Mirèio

text type: Poetry

publisher: Emeterio Verdes Achirica (= Atxirika )

source language(s): occitan

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1859

        online text


title of translation: Miserikordia etxea

author: Margarit, Joan

translator: Juan Ramon Makuso

year of publication of translation: 2009

title of original: Casa de Misericòrdia

text type: Poetry

publisher: Meettok

source language(s): catalan

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2007

country of publication of original : Catalonia


title of translation: Montañas en la niebla : Poesía vasca de los años 90 [Antologia]

author: Arregi Diaz de Heredia, Rikardo; Linazasoro, Karlos; Olasagarre, Juanjo; Meabe, Miren Agur; Cano, Harkaitz; Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Ana Arregi; Rikardo Arregi Diaz de Heredia; Harkaitz Cano; Jon Kortazar; Gerardo Markuleta; Miren Agur Meabe; Juanjo Olasagarre; Kirmen Uribe

year of publication of translation: 2006

text type: Poetry

publisher: DVD

series: DVD poesía

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Muga [antologia]

author: Juaristi, Felipe ; Makuso, Juan Ramon ; Otxoteko, Pello ; Gorrotxategi, Aritz

translator: Manel Rodríguez-Castelló

year of publication of translation: 2021

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pruna Llibres ; Edicions del Buc

source language(s): basque

target language(s): catalan

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Muga [Antologia]

author: Juaristi, Felipe ; Makuso, Juan Ramon ; Otxoteko, Pello ; Gorrotxategi, Aritz


year of publication of translation: 2016

text type: Poetry

publisher: El gallo de oro

series: Gallo rojo

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Murmurioa

author: Elfyn, Menna

translator: Arantza Fernandez; Eli Tolaretxipi

year of publication of translation: 2016

title of original: Murmur

text type: Poetry

publisher: Maiatz

source language(s): welsh

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2012

country of publication of original : Wales


title of translation: Musika ixilla = Música callada : Fray Luis Leon eta Donibane Gurutzen olerkirik onenak, erderaz eta euskeraz Gaztel´k autatuak eta itzuliak

author: León, Luis de; Joan Gurutzekoa

translator: Joan Inazio Goikoetxea "Gaztelu"

year of publication of translation: 1963

text type: Poetry

publisher: Auñamendi

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Spain


title of translation: Nada más necesito

author: Linazasoro, Karlos

translator: Karlos Linazasoro

year of publication of translation: 2017

title of original: Ezer gehiago behar gabe

text type: Poetry

publisher: Adeshoras

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2012

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Nueva Etiopia: conversaciones, poemas y locuras

author: Atxaga, Bernardo

translator: Bernardo Atxaga

year of publication of translation: 1996

title of original: Etiopia

text type: Poetry

publisher: Galeria Detursa

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1978

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Obras completas

author: Aresti, Gabriel

translator: Gabriel Aresti; Jon Juaristi

year of publication of translation: 1976

title of original: Lehen poemak; Bizkaitarra I, II, III; Maldan behera; Zuzenbide debekatua; 200 puntu; Euskal trajedia; Euskal komedia; Mailu batekin; Harri eta herri; Euskal harria; Harrizko herri hau; Azken harria

text type: Poetry

publisher: Luis Haranburu

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Odak eta Epodoak

author: Horacio Flaco, Quinto

translator: Santiago Onaindia

year of publication of translation: 1992

title of original: Carmina

text type: Poetry

publisher: Igarri

source language(s): latin

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: -23

country of publication of original : Rome


title of translation: Odesan dantzan

author: Kaminsky, Ilya

translator: Eli Tolaretxipi

year of publication of translation: 2024

title of original: Dancing in Odesa

text type: Poetry

publisher: Balea Zuria

series: Itzulpen Saila

source language(s): english

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2004

country of publication of original : USA


title of translation: Ogella line

author: Borda, Itxaro

translator: Itxaro Borda

year of publication of translation: 2009

title of original: Ogella line

text type: Poetry

publisher: La Malle d'Aurore

source language(s): basque

target language(s): french

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Oihangintzako eskuliburua [antologia]

author: Andrés, Ramón

translator: Castillo Suarez

year of publication of translation: 2023

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pamiela

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Olerki guztiak

author: Hölderlin, Friedrich

translator: Luis Arostegi

year of publication of translation: 2012

text type: Poetry

publisher: El Carmen = Karmel

series: Karmel sorta, 13

source language(s): german

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Germany


title of translation: Olerki-bilduma [antologia]

author: Benedetti, Mario

translator: Iban Laka

year of publication of translation: 2019

text type: Poetry

publisher: Booktegi

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Uruguay

        online text


title of translation: Olerkiak

author: Katulo, Gaio Valerio

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

year of publication of translation: 1989

text type: Poetry

publisher: Jakintza Baitha

series: Liburu Sorta

source language(s): greek (modern)

target language(s): basque


title of translation: Oraiko olerki sorta bat = Anthologie poésie basque contemporaine [Antologia]

author: Anselmi, Luigi ; Aranbarri, Iñigo ; Aresti, Gabriel ; Arrieta, Joxe Austin ; Artze, Jose Antonio ; Atxaga, Bernardo ; Azurmendi, Joxe ; Etxaniz, Nemesio ; Ezkiaga, Patxi ; Gandiaga, Bitoriano ; Goikoetxea, Joan Inazio ; Irastortza, Tere ; Iturbide, Amaia ; Jimenez, Edorta ; Lasa Alegria, Amaia ; Lasa, Mikel ; Lauaxeta ; Lekuona, Juan Mari ; Lete, Xabier ; Lizardi, Xabier ; Loramendi ; Mitxelena, Salbatore ; Monzón, Telesforo ; Mujika, Luis Mari ; Orixe; Perurena, Patziku ; San Martin, Juan ; Santisteban, Karlos ; Sarrionandia, Joseba ; Sestorain, Gotzone ; Urkizu, Patri ; Urretabizkaia, Arantxa ; Zabaleta, Patxi ; Zarate, Mikel ; Zulaika, Joseba


year of publication of translation: 1990

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Centre Culturel du Pays basque , J et D éd.

source language(s): basque

target language(s): french

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Orígenes = Hastapenak

author: Celaya, Gabriel

translator: Joseba Barriola; Felipe Juaristi

year of publication of translation: 1990

title of original: Orígenes

text type: Poetry

publisher: EHU

series: Gaur egungo euskal poesia

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Oroitzapen lirikoa (1964-2002)

author: Echevarria, German


year of publication of translation: 2003

text type: Poetry

publisher: EHU

series: Gaur Egungo Euskal Poesia

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque


title of translation: Oscuridad sin fecha = Datagabeko iluntasuna

author: Cruchaga, André

translator: Eukene Lizeaga

year of publication of translation: 2006

title of original: Oscuridad sin fecha

text type: Poetry

publisher: El Salvador

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2006

country of publication of original : El Salvador


title of translation: Oteiza. Profetaren 14 hitz = Oteiza. 14 palabras proféticas

author: Ezkiaga, Patxi

translator: Patxi Ezkiaga

year of publication of translation: 2012

title of original: Oteiza. Profetaren 14 hitz

text type: Poetry

publisher: Bermingham

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Otra ribera = Bestaldeko ibaiertza : (1978-1998)

author: Ezkerra Greño, Iñaki

translator: Javier Rojo; Pello Zabaleta

year of publication of translation: 1999

title of original: Otra ribera

text type: Poetry

publisher: EHU

series: Gaur egungo euskal poesia

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1999

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Ovidiusen Maita-bidea

author: Ovidio

translator: Andima Ibinagabeitia

year of publication of translation: 1994

title of original: Ars amatoria

text type: Poetry

publisher: Ibaizabal

series: Klasikoak; 74

source language(s): latin

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Rome


title of translation: Parnaso colombiano en euzkera = Kolonbiar olerti-txorta euzkeraz [Antologia]

author: Amortegui, Octavio ; Artel, Jorge ; Barba Jacob, Porfirio ; Botero, Juan José ; Caro, Jose Eusebio ; Carranza, Eduardo ; Castro Saavedra, Carlos ; Castillo, Eduardo ; Flores, Julio ; Gómez Jaime, Alfredo ; Gutiérrez González, Gregorio ; de Greiff, León ; Hispano, Cornelio ; Isaacs, Jorge ; López Escauriaza, Luis Carlos ; Mac Douall, Roberto ; Marroquín, José Manuel ; Maya, Rafael ; Mejía, Epifanio ; Nieto, Ricardo ; Pombo, Rafael ; Posada, Eduardo ; Rivas Groot, José ; Rivera, José Eustasio ; Rojas Herazo, Hector ; Rojas, Jorge ; Silva, José Asunción ; Uribe Velasquez, Manuel ; Valencia Salgado, Guillermo ; Vidales, Luis ; Arciniegas, Ismael Enrique

translator: Lino Akesolo; Jon Beiztegi; Joan Inazio Goikoetxea "Gaztelu"; Sabin Muniategi; Santiago Onaindia

year of publication of translation: 1968

title of original: Parnaso colombiano : colección de poesías escogidas

text type: Poetry

publisher: Ekin

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1886

country of publication of original : Colombia


title of translation: Pasos : El sueño de la piedra = Urratsak : Harriaren loa

author: Serna, Angela

translator: Juan Garzia

year of publication of translation: 2010

title of original: Pasos : El sueño de la piedra

text type: Poetry

publisher: Olifante

series: Poesía

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2010

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Pendiente abajo ; Piedra y pueblo

author: Aresti, Gabriel

translator: Gabriel Aresti; Javier Atienza

year of publication of translation: 1979

title of original: Maldan behera ; Harri eta herri

text type: Poetry

publisher: Cátedra

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1960 ; 1964

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Permanencia

author: Suarez, Castillo

translator: Isaac Xubín

year of publication of translation: 2021

title of original: Irautera

text type: Poetry

publisher: Edicións Laiovento

series: Ventoalto, 12

source language(s): basque

target language(s): galician

year of publication of original: 2019

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Permanència

author: Suarez, Castillo

translator: Jaume Gelabert

year of publication of translation: 2022

title of original: Irautera

text type: Poetry

publisher: Documenta Balear

series: Magatzem Can Toni

source language(s): basque

target language(s): catalan

year of publication of original: 2019

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Permanencia

author: Suarez, Castillo

translator: Fernando Rey

year of publication of translation: 2024

title of original: Irautera

text type: Poetry

publisher: Cuadernos del Vigía

series: Mundana

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2019

country of publication of original : Spain


title of translation: Pesme i hibridi

author: Atxaga, Bernardo

translator: Biljana Isalović

year of publication of translation: 2022

title of original: Etiopia ; Henry Bengoa, Inventarium

text type: Poetry

publisher: Treci trg

source language(s): basque

Bridge language(s): spanish

target language(s): serbian

year of publication of original: 1978 ; 1986

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Pido la paz y la palabra = I ask for peace and the right to speak = Eskatzen dut bakea eta hitza

author: Otero, Blas de

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

year of publication of translation: 2012

title of original: Pido la paz y la palabra

text type: Poetry

publisher: Eusko Jaurlaritza

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1955

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Piedra de sol = Eguzki harria

author: Paz, Octavio

translator: Josu Landa Goiogana

year of publication of translation: 1997

title of original: Piedra de sol

text type: Poetry

publisher: Instituto Vasco-Mexicano de Desarrollo

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1957

country of publication of original : Mexico


title of translation: Poema antologia

author: Bukowski, Charles

translator: Josu Lartategi

year of publication of translation: 1997

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Erreferentziak

source language(s): english

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Germany

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title of translation: Poema hautatuak = Ausgewählte gedichte

author: Brecht, Bertolt ; Aresti, Gabriel

translator: EuskAlema

year of publication of translation: 2011

title of original: Poema hautatuak = Ausgewählte gedichte

text type: Poetry

publisher: EuskAlema

source language(s): basque, german

target language(s): basque, german

year of publication of original: 2011


title of translation: Poema xipiak laxoan

author: Baudelaire, Charles

translator: Jean Baptiste Orpustan

year of publication of translation: 2007

title of original: Petits poèmes en prose

text type: Poetry

publisher: Atlantica

source language(s): french

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1869

country of publication of original : France


title of translation: Poema-antologia

author: Kavafis, Konstantinos

translator: Andolin Eguzkitza; Olga Omatos

year of publication of translation: 1995

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pamiela

series: Marulanda

source language(s): greek (modern)

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Egypt

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title of translation: Poemak

author: Auden, W.H.

translator: Juanjo Olasagarre

year of publication of translation: 1994

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Erreferentziak

source language(s): english

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : England

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title of translation: Poemak

author: Hölderlin, Friedrich

translator: Eduardo Gil Bera

year of publication of translation: 2001

text type: Poetry

publisher: Erein

series: Poesia

source language(s): german

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Germany


title of translation: Poemak

author: Maiakovski, Vladimir

translator: Koldo Izagirre

year of publication of translation: 1993

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Erreferentziak

source language(s): russian

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Russia

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title of translation: Poemak

author: Rimbaud, Arthur

translator: Mikel Lasa

year of publication of translation: 1993

text type: Poetry

publisher: Erein

series: Literatura

source language(s): french

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : France

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title of translation: Poemak pluralean

author: Pessoa, Fernando

translator: Iñigo Roque

year of publication of translation: 2012

text type: Poetry

publisher: Denonartean

source language(s): portuguese

target language(s): basque


title of translation: Poemas & híbridos

author: Atxaga, Bernardo

translator: Bernardo Atxaga

year of publication of translation: 1990

title of original: Etiopia ; Henry Bengoa, Inventarium

text type: Poetry

publisher: Visor

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1978 ; 1986

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Poemas & híbridos

author: Atxaga, Bernardo


year of publication of translation: 1997

title of original: Etiopia ; Henry Bengoa, Inventarium

text type: Poetry

publisher: Plaza&Janés

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1978 ; 1986

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Poemas de amor para principiantes

author: Igerabide, Juan Kruz


year of publication of translation: 2016

title of original: Maite poemak hasiberrientzat

text type: Poetry

publisher: Cénlit

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2016

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Poemas náufragos : Galegoz heldutako poemak [antologia]

author: Manuel Antonio ; Carballo, Luis Amado ; Cunqueiro, Alvaro ; Iglesia Alvariño, Aquilino ; Pimentel, Luis ; Seoane, Luis ; Ferreiro, Celso Emilio ; Manuel María

translator: Joseba Sarrionandia

year of publication of translation: 1991

title of original: Poemas náufragos

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

source language(s): galician

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

        online text


title of translation: Poemes & híbrids

author: Atxaga, Bernardo

translator: Vicenç Llorca

year of publication of translation: 1994

title of original: Etiopia ; Henry Bengoa, Inventarium

text type: Poetry

publisher: Bromera

source language(s): basque

target language(s): catalan

year of publication of original: 1978; 1986

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Poèmes & hybrides : anthologie personnelle (1974-1989)

author: Atxaga, Bernardo

translator: André Gabastou

year of publication of translation: 1995

title of original: Etiopia; Henry Bengoa, Inventarium

text type: Poetry

publisher: La Presqu'île

source language(s): basque

Bridge language(s): spanish

target language(s): french

year of publication of original: 1978 ; 1986

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Poèmes basque de Salvat Monho (1749-1821), présentés, transcrits, traduits et annotés par Pierre Lafitte

author: Monho, Salvat


year of publication of translation: 1972

text type: Poetry

publisher: Ikas

source language(s): basque

target language(s): french


title of translation: Poesia

author: Smith, Patti

translator: Jose Mari Segurola

year of publication of translation: 2008

text type: Poetry

publisher: Bassarai

series: ARTIUM estetikazko oharrak

source language(s): english

target language(s): basque


title of translation: Poesia antologia = Antología poética

author: Champourcin, Ernestina de

translator: Rikardo Arregi Diaz de Heredia

year of publication of translation: 2005

text type: Poetry

publisher: Arabako Foru Aldundia

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque


title of translation: Poesia guztia

author: Safo

translator: Maite Lopez Las Heras

year of publication of translation: 2020

text type: Poetry

publisher: Balea Zuria

series: Itzulpen saila; 2

source language(s): greek (modern)

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Greece


title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Aragon, Louis

translator: Itziar Diez de Ultzurrun

year of publication of translation: 2019

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 31

source language(s): french

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : France

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Berger, John

translator: Iñigo Roque

year of publication of translation: 2019

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 32

source language(s): english

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : England

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Berto, Al

translator: Joxemari Sestorain

year of publication of translation: 2018

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 26

source language(s): portuguese

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Portugal

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Pavese, Cesare

translator: Ion Olano

year of publication of translation: 2019

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 29

source language(s): italian

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Italy

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Pizarnik, Alejandra

translator: Asier Sarasola

year of publication of translation: 2018

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 28

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Argentina

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Pound, Ezra

translator: Luigi Anselmi

year of publication of translation: 2018

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 25

source language(s): english

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Ritsos, Yannis

translator: Joannes Jauregi

year of publication of translation: 2018

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 27

source language(s): greek (modern)

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Greece

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Vilariño, Idea

translator: Garazi Arrula

year of publication of translation: 2019

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 30

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Uruguay

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Whitman, Walt

translator: Josu Goikoetxea

year of publication of translation: 2022

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 41

source language(s): english

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : USA

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Yeats, William

translator: Juan Kruz Igerabide

year of publication of translation: 2022

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 42

source language(s): english

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Ireland

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Akhmatova, Anna

translator: Josu Landa Ijurko

year of publication of translation: 2022

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 44

source language(s): russian

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Russia

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Andresen, Sophia de Mello Breyner

translator: Iñigo Roque

year of publication of translation: 2015

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 8

source language(s): portuguese

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Portugal

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Ayim, May

translator: Garazi Ugalde

year of publication of translation: 2020

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 35

source language(s): german

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Germany

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Bachmann, Ingeborg

translator: Nagore Tolosa

year of publication of translation: 2015

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 10

source language(s): german

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Austria

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Benedetti, Mario

translator: Inma Errea

year of publication of translation: 2023

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 46

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Uruguay

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Brecht, Bertolt

translator: Irati Majuelo

year of publication of translation: 2023

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 45

source language(s): german

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Germany

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Carver, Raymond

translator: Harkaitz Cano

year of publication of translation: 2020

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 36

source language(s): english

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : USA

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Castro, Rosalia de

translator: Koldo Izagirre

year of publication of translation: 2017

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 23

source language(s): galician

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Galicia

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Celan, Paul

translator: Xabier Montoia

year of publication of translation: 2016

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 15

source language(s): german

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Césaire, Aimé

translator: Iñigo Aranbarri

year of publication of translation: 2014

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 3

source language(s): french

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Martinique

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Dickinson, Emily

translator: Angel Erro

year of publication of translation: 2014

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 4

source language(s): english

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : USA

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Drummond de Andrade, Carlos

translator: Koldo Izagirre

year of publication of translation: 2014

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 5

source language(s): portuguese

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Brasil

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Farrokhzad, Forugh

translator: Miren Agur Meabe

year of publication of translation: 2020

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 33

source language(s): persian

Bridge language(s): french, spanish

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Iran

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Ferrater, Gabriel

translator: Aritz Galarraga

year of publication of translation: 2015

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 9

source language(s): catalan

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Catalonia

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: García Lorca, Federico

translator: Juan Luis Zabala

year of publication of translation: 2022

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak; 43

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Gonzalez, Angel

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

year of publication of translation: 2016

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 14

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Spain

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Heaney, Seamus

translator: Xabi Borda

year of publication of translation: 2017

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 24

source language(s): english

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Ireland

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Hebert, Anne

translator: Aiora Jaka

year of publication of translation: 2024

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 49

source language(s): french

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Canada


title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Hernández, Miguel

translator: Josu Landa Ijurko

year of publication of translation: 2014

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 6

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Spain

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Holub, Miroslav

translator: Karlos Cid Abasolo

year of publication of translation: 2016

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 18

source language(s): czech

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Czech Republic

        online text


title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Jordan, June

translator: Ane Garcia

year of publication of translation: 2020

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 34

source language(s): english

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : USA

        online text


title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Larkin, Philip

translator: Juanjo Olasagarre

year of publication of translation: 2023

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 47

source language(s): english

target language(s): basque


title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Lorde, Audre

translator: Danele Sarriugarte Mochales

year of publication of translation: 2016

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 13

source language(s): english

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : USA

        online text


title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Mallarmé, Stéphane

translator: Josu Landa Ijurko

year of publication of translation: 2016

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 17

source language(s): french

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : France

        online text


title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Marçal, Maria Mercè

translator: Itxaro Borda

year of publication of translation: 2014

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 2

source language(s): catalan

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Catalonia

        online text


title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Merini, Alda

translator: Aiora Enparantza

year of publication of translation: 2021

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 39

source language(s): italian

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Italy

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Miliauskaite, Nijole

translator: Leire Bilbao

year of publication of translation: 2016

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 16

source language(s): lithuanian

Bridge language(s): english, spanish

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Lithuania

        online text


title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Millay, Edna St. Vincent

translator: Ana Isabel Morales

year of publication of translation: 2021

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 38

source language(s): english

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : USA

        online text


title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Montale, Eugenio

translator: Anjel Lertxundi

year of publication of translation: 2015

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 11

source language(s): italian

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Italy

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Nakahara, Chuya

translator: Hiromi Yoshida

year of publication of translation: 2017

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 22

source language(s): japanese

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Japan

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Okigbo, Christopher

translator: Karmen Irizar

year of publication of translation: 2021

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 37

source language(s): english

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Nigeria

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Pasolini, Pier Paolo

translator: Irene Hurtado de Saratxo

year of publication of translation: 2023

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 48

source language(s): italian

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Italy


title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Perse, Saint-John

translator: Santi Leoné

year of publication of translation: 2021

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 40

source language(s): french

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : France

        online text


title of translation: Poesia Kaiera [antologia]

author: Rich, Adrienne

translator: Maialen Berasategi

year of publication of translation: 2017

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 19

source language(s): english

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : USA

        online text


title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Seferis, Giorgos

translator: Maite Lopez Las Heras

year of publication of translation: 2024

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 50

source language(s): greek (modern)

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Greece


title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Sena, Jorge de

translator: Rikardo Arregi Diaz de Heredia

year of publication of translation: 2015

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 12

source language(s): portuguese

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Portugal

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Sexton, Anne

translator: Harkaitz Cano

year of publication of translation: 2015

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 7

source language(s): english

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : USA

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Storni, Alfonsina

translator: Uxue Alberdi

year of publication of translation: 2017

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 20

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

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title of translation: Poesia Kaiera [antologia]

author: Thomas, Dylan

translator: Iker Alvarez

year of publication of translation: 2017

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 21

source language(s): english

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : United Kingdom

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Trakl, Georg

translator: Antton Garikano

year of publication of translation: 2014

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 1

source language(s): german

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Austria

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title of translation: Poesies basques de Bernard Dechepare d'Eyheralarre (Province de Basse-Navarre) : Nouvelle edition absolument conforme à la première de 1545.

author: Etxepare, Bernard


year of publication of translation: 1874

title of original: Linguae Vasconum Primitiae

text type: Poetry

publisher: P. Cazals

source language(s): basque

target language(s): french

year of publication of original: 1545

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Poesies basques de Bernard Dechepare recteur de Saint-Michel-le-Vieux : Publiées d'après l'edition de Bordeaux de 1545 et traduites pour la première fois en Français

author: Etxepare, Bernard

translator: M. Archu

year of publication of translation: 1847

title of original: Linguae Vasconum Primitiae

text type: Poetry

publisher: Faye

source language(s): basque

target language(s): french

year of publication of original: 1545

country of publication of original : Basque Country

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title of translation: Poesíes Franciscano-Maragallianes… oraingoa ta laistergerokoa

author: Cases Carbó, Joaquim

translator: Agustin Zumalabe

year of publication of translation: 1934

title of original: Poesíes franciscano-moragallianes : i d'altres que potser no en són prou... : conventuáls, diverses, polítiques

text type: Poetry

publisher: Llibrería Catalónia

source language(s): catalan

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1934

country of publication of original : Catalonia


title of translation: Poeta ibiltariak = Poetas itinerantes [Antologia]

author: Bilbao, Leire ; Juaristi, Felipe ; Meabe, Miren Agur ; Hermo, Gonzalo ; Rivas, Manuel ; Tembrás, Dores

translator: Iñigo Roque; Isaac Xubín

year of publication of translation: 2016

title of original: Poeta ibiltariak = Poetas itinerantes

text type: Poetry

publisher: Consello da Cultura Galega

source language(s): basque, galician

target language(s): basque, galician

year of publication of original: 2016

        online text


title of translation: Poeta ibiltariak = Poetes itinerants [Antologia]

author: Arregi, Rikardo ; Astiz, Iñigo ; Borda, Itxaro ; Calafell, Mireia ; Julià, Jordi ; Llavina, Jordi

translator: Maria Colera Intxausti; Pau Joan Hernàndez; Gerardo Markuleta

year of publication of translation: 2016

title of original: Poeta ibiltariak = Poetes itinerants

text type: Poetry

publisher: Etxepare Euskal Institutua ; Institut Ramon Llull

source language(s): basque, catalan

target language(s): basque, catalan

year of publication of original: 2016

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title of translation: Poeta New Yorken

author: Garcia Lorca, Federico

translator: Juan Luis Zabala

year of publication of translation: 2003

title of original: Poeta en Nueva York

text type: Poetry

publisher: Erein

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1930

country of publication of original : Spain

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title of translation: Poetandreak literatura greko-latindarrean : antologia poetikoa

translator: Maite Lopez Las Heras

year of publication of translation: 2022

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Balea Zuria

series: Itzulpen saila; 3

source language(s): greek (modern), latin

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.


title of translation: Poza

author: Ungaretti, Giuseppe

translator: Eduardo Gil Bera

year of publication of translation: 1992

title of original: L'Allegria

text type: Poetry

publisher: Erein

series: Literatura

source language(s): italian

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1931

country of publication of original : Egypt

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title of translation: Prisons and Exiles [Antologia]

author: Sarrionandia, Joseba

translator: William A. Douglass

year of publication of translation: 2019

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: University of Nevada , Center for Basque Studies

series: Basque Literature Series, 12

source language(s): basque

target language(s): english

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Profeta

author: Gibran, Khalil

translator: Patxi Ezkiaga

year of publication of translation: 2008

title of original: The Prophet

text type: Poetry

publisher: Arantzazuko Frantziskotar argitaldaria = EFA

series: Ostertza

source language(s): english

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1923

country of publication of original : USA


title of translation: Quan els focs s'encenen

author: Soto, Mikel

translator: Jon Elordi

year of publication of translation: 2022

title of original: Suak pizten direnean

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pol·len ; Elkar

source language(s): basque

target language(s): catalan

year of publication of original: 2020

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Quan plou en les entrenyes = Erraietan barrena euria egiten digunean

author: Eguzkitza Bilbao, Andolin

translator: Manel Alonso; Andolin Eguzkitza

year of publication of translation: 2001

title of original: Erraietan barren euria egiten digunean

text type: Poetry

publisher: Brosquil

source language(s): basque

target language(s): catalan

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Quintus Horatius Flaccus. Olerkiak

author: Horacio Flaco, Quinto

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

year of publication of translation: 1988

text type: Poetry

publisher: Itzultzailea(k) editore

source language(s): latin

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Rome


title of translation: Quinze dies a Urgain

author: Loidi Bizkarrondo, Jose Antonio

translator: Josep Agirre

year of publication of translation: 1961

title of original: Amabost egun Urgain'en

text type: Poetry

publisher: Alberti

source language(s): basque

target language(s): catalan

year of publication of original: 1955

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Requiem

author: Akhmatova, Anna

translator: Josu Landa Ijurko

year of publication of translation: 2016

title of original: Реквием

text type: Poetry

publisher: armiarma.eus

source language(s): russian

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1963

country of publication of original : Germany

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title of translation: Rifqa

author: El-Kurd, Mohammed

translator: Eider Beobide

year of publication of translation: 2024

title of original: Rifqa

text type: Poetry

publisher: Katakrak

source language(s): english

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2022

country of publication of original : Palestina


title of translation: Rostro desnudo [Antologia]

author: Igerabide, Juan Kruz


year of publication of translation: 2023

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Demipage

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: s.d.


title of translation: Ryookan-en 101 haikuak

author: Ryookan, Taigu

translator: Josu Jimenez

year of publication of translation: 2016

text type: Poetry

publisher: Denonartean

source language(s): japanese

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Japan


title of translation: Saliva [Antologia]

author: Bilbao, Leire

translator: Leire Bilbao; Jaume Subirana

year of publication of translation: 2022

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Edicions 96

series: Razef

source language(s): basque

target language(s): catalan

year of publication of original: 2020

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Sangrantes [Antologia]

author: Bilbao, Leire


year of publication of translation: 2013

text type: Poetry

publisher: Origami

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish


title of translation: Santa Grazi ene bortia = Sainte Engrace ma montagne

author: Aytaberro, Suzanne

translator: Junes Casenave

year of publication of translation: 1979

title of original: Sainte Engrace ma montagne

text type: Poetry

publisher: Itzultzailea(k) editore

source language(s): french

target language(s): basque


title of translation: Sapho (Olerkiak)

author: Safo

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

year of publication of translation: 1989

text type: Poetry

publisher: Itzultzailea(k) editore

source language(s): greek (modern)

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Greece


title of translation: Sediento de mar

author: Otxoteko, Pello

translator: Pello Otxoteko

year of publication of translation: 2022

title of original: Itsas bizimina

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pre-Textos

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2019

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Séjour au Nevada

author: Atxaga, Bernardo

translator: André Gabastou

year of publication of translation: 2016

title of original: Nevadako egunak

text type: Poetry

publisher: Christian Bourgois Editeur

source language(s): basque

Bridge language(s): spanish

target language(s): french

year of publication of original: 2013

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Siete poetas vascos [Antologia]

author: Anselmi, Luigi; Atxaga, Bernardo; Gerediaga, Jon; Irastortza, Tere; Lete, Xabier; Montoia, Xabier; Sarrionandia, Joseba


year of publication of translation: 2009

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pamiela

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2009

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Six Basque Poets [Antologia]

author: Arregi Diaz de Heredia, Rikardo; Atxaga, Bernardo; Juaristi, Felipe; Meabe, Miren Agur; Uribe, Kirmen; Sarrionandia, Joseba

translator: Amaia Gabantxo

year of publication of translation: 2007

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Arc Publications

source language(s): basque

target language(s): english

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Sodobna slovenska poezija v španskih in baskovskih prevodih : izbrani pesniki na Festivalu Pranger-trojezična izdaja = Poesía eslovena contemporánea en traducciones al español y al euskera : poetas escogidos para el Festival Pranger-edición trilingüe

author: Anja Cimerman, Kristina Hočevar, Aleš Mustar, Tibor Hrs Pandur, Ana Pepelnik, Tone Škrjanec, Nataša Velikonja, Vid Sagadin Žigon

translator: Juan Kruz Igerabide; Bárbara Pregelj

year of publication of translation: 2018

title of original: Sodobna slovenska poezija v španskih in baskovskih prevodih : izbrani pesniki na Festivalu Pranger-trojezična izdaja

text type: Poetry

publisher: KUD Pranger

source language(s): slovenian

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2018

country of publication of original : Slovenia


title of translation: Soles = Eguzkiak

author: Aguirre Gandarias, Javier

translator: Inazio Mujika Iraola

year of publication of translation: 1991

title of original: Soles

text type: Poetry

publisher: EHU

series: Gaur egungo euskal poesia

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1991

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Sombras di-versas : 17 poetas españolas actuales (1970-1991)[Antologia]

author: Bilbao, Leire


year of publication of translation: 2017

text type: Poetry

publisher: Vaso Roto

series: Poesia

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish


title of translation: Soneto hautatuak

author: Shakespeare, William

translator: Juan Garzia

year of publication of translation: 1995

text type: Poetry

publisher: Alberdania

series: Poesia

source language(s): english

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : England


title of translation: Sonetoak

author: Quevedo, Francisco de

translator: Lukas Dorronsoro

year of publication of translation: 2008

text type: Poetry

publisher: Hiria

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Spain


title of translation: Sonetoak : Zeru horren infernuak

author: Shakespeare, William

translator: Juan Garzia

year of publication of translation: 2014

title of original: Shakespeare's Sonnets

text type: Poetry

publisher: Aztarna

source language(s): english

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : England


title of translation: Spoon River Antologia

author: Masters, Edgar Lee

translator: Alain López de Lacalle

year of publication of translation: 2023

title of original: Spoon River Anthology

text type: Poetry

publisher: Balea Zuria

series: Itzulpen saila; 4

source language(s): english

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1915

country of publication of original : USA


title of translation: Su karrak = Brasero phréatique

author: Arrieta, Serge

translator: Lucien Etxezaharreta

year of publication of translation: 1990

title of original: Brasero phreatique

text type: Poetry

publisher: Maiatz

source language(s): french

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : France


title of translation: Sugarrak, hausterreak, desmemoriak

author: Goytisolo, Juan

translator: Rikardo Arregi Diaz de Heredia

year of publication of translation: 2012

title of original: Ardores, cenizas, desmemoria

text type: Poetry

publisher: Salto de Página

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2012

country of publication of original : Spain

        online text


title of translation: Sugarraren sakontasuna

author: Manso, Oscar

translator: Joseba Barriola

year of publication of translation: 2022

title of original: Profundidad de la llama

text type: Poetry

publisher: Booktegi

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Spain


title of translation: T.S. Eliot euskaraz [antologia]

author: Eliot, T.S.

translator: Gabriel Aresti; Jon Juaristi; Joseba Sarrionandia

year of publication of translation: 1983

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Hordago ; Lur

source language(s): english

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : USA

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title of translation: Tao te king

author: Tzeu, Lao

translator: Mikel Asurmendi Agirre

year of publication of translation: 2021

title of original: Tao te king

text type: Poetry

publisher: Booktegi

source language(s): chinese

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : China

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title of translation: Tempo de exilio

author: Sarrionandia, Joseba

translator: Isaac Xubín

year of publication of translation: 2014

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Faktoria K de Libros

series: Tambo

source language(s): basque

target language(s): galician

year of publication of original: s.d.


title of translation: The Blue Line : Poems in Basque

author: Chivite, Beatriz

translator: Clive Boutler; Beatriz Chivite

year of publication of translation: 2021

title of original: Metro

text type: Poetry

publisher: Francis Boutler

source language(s): basque

target language(s): english

year of publication of original: 2014

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: The Tree of Gernika : Complete Poems = Gernikako arbola : bertsoak

author: Iparragirre, Jose Mari

translator: Xabier Irujo; David Romtvedt

year of publication of translation: 2020

text type: Poetry

publisher: University of Nevada , Center for Basque Studies

series: The Bidart Family

source language(s): basque

target language(s): english

year of publication of original: 2020

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Tierra de molinos imaginarios

author: Koldo Izagirre

translator: Koldo Izagirre

year of publication of translation:

title of original: Balizko erroten erresuma

text type: Poetry

publisher: armiarma.eus

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1989

country of publication of original : Basque Country

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title of translation: Uhartearen mugetan = Aux confins de l'île

author: Borda, Itxaro


year of publication of translation: 2022

title of original: Uhartearen mugetan

text type: Poetry

publisher: Maiatz

source language(s): basque

target language(s): french

year of publication of original: 2022

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Uraren bezpera

author: Andrade, Eugenio de

translator: Maite Gonzalez

year of publication of translation: 1990

title of original: Véspera de água

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pamiela

series: Sirena. Poesia

source language(s): portuguese

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1973

country of publication of original : Portugal

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title of translation: Urrutira bidalia

author: Bai, Li

translator: Albert Galbany; Pello Otxoteko

year of publication of translation: 2005

text type: Poetry

publisher: Alberdania

series: Poesia

source language(s): chinese

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : China


title of translation: Viento cercano (poesías)

author: Ezkiaga, Patxi

translator: Martin Lasa

year of publication of translation: 1994

title of original: Haize hurbila

text type: Poetry

publisher: EHU

series: Gaur Egungo Euskal Poesia

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Virgilio'ren Artzain-abestijak

author: Virgilio Marón, Publio

translator: Kesara Miangolarra

year of publication of translation: 1912

title of original: Bucolica

text type: Poetry

publisher: Astui

source language(s): latin

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: K. a.


title of translation: Yahya Hassan

author: Hassan, Yahya

translator: Juan Mari Mendizabal

year of publication of translation: 2017

title of original: Yahya Hassan

text type: Poetry

publisher: Denonartean

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2013

country of publication of original : Denmark


title of translation: Zauriaren salmoak = Salmos de la herida

author: Ezkiaga, Patxi

translator: Jokin Otaegi

year of publication of translation: 1997

title of original: Zauriaren salmoak

text type: Poetry

publisher: Bermingham

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Zerueren mugetan = En los márgenes del cielo

author: Gutierrez Cabriada, Marisa


year of publication of translation: 1987

title of original: En los márgenes del cielo

text type: Poetry

publisher: Maiatz

source language(s): spanish

target language(s): basque


title of translation: Zuri-beltzaren koloreak = Los colores del blanco y negro

author: Maia Anabitarte, Asier

translator: Asier Maia

year of publication of translation: 2020

title of original: Zuri-beltzaren koloreak

text type: Poetry

publisher: Oihartzun Kutxa Argitalpenak

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2020

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: [Elurra elurraren gainean]

author: Suarez, Castillo

translator: Fernando Rey

year of publication of translation: 2021

title of original: Elurra elurraren gainean

text type: Poetry

publisher: Egilea(k) editore

series: Helduentzako albumak

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2021

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: [Prisons and Exiles]

author: Sarrionandia, Joseba

translator: Christina Kocharyan

year of publication of translation: 2022

title of original: Prisons and Exiles [antologia]

text type: Poetry

publisher: Vogi-Nairi Arts Center

source language(s): basque

Bridge language(s): english

target language(s): armenian

year of publication of original: 2019

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Камень и народ = Harri eta herri

author: Aresti, Gabriel

translator: Roman Ignatiev; Roberto Serrano

year of publication of translation: 2009

title of original: Harri eta herri

text type: Poetry

publisher: Gernika Press

target language(s): russian

year of publication of original: 1964

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Пока же возьми мою руку

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Roman Ignatiev

year of publication of translation: 2010

title of original: Bitartean heldu eskutik

text type: Poetry

publisher: Gernika Press

target language(s): russian

year of publication of original: 2001

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: მომეცი ხელი

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Vladimer Luarsabixvili

year of publication of translation: 2013

title of original: Bitartean heldu eskutik

text type: Poetry

publisher: Ilia State University Press

Bridge language(s): spanish

target language(s): georgian

year of publication of original: 2001

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: ქვა და ერი

author: Aresti, Gabriel

translator: Vladimer Luarsabixvili

year of publication of translation: 2011

title of original: Harri eta herri

text type: Poetry

publisher: Ilia State University Press

Bridge language(s): spanish

target language(s): georgian

year of publication of original: 1964

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Νερά μάνες (Nepa manes)

author: Bilbao, Leire

translator: Nancy Angeli

year of publication of translation: 2022

title of original: Etxeko urak

text type: Poetry

publisher: Vakxikon

Bridge language(s): spanish

target language(s): greek (modern)

year of publication of original: 2020

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: (Tras)lúcidas : poesía escrita por mujeres, (1980-2016) [Antologia]

author: Bilbao, Leire ; Meabe, Miren Agur


year of publication of translation: 2016

text type: Poetry

publisher: Bartleby

series: Bartleby poesía

target language(s): spanish


title of translation: 100 kantu [Antologia]

author: Dylan, Bob

translator: Xabier Paya

year of publication of translation: 2021

text type: Poetry

publisher: Elkar

series: Elkar poesia

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : USA


title of translation: 112 poema : biziari hegalak jartzeko

author: Abad de la Parte, Begoña

translator: Fernando Rey

year of publication of translation: 2020

text type: Poetry

publisher: Denonartean

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Spain


title of translation: 17 segundos

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

year of publication of translation: 2020

title of original: 17 segundo

text type: Poetry

publisher: Visor

series: Palabra de Honor

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2019

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: 17 segundos

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Isaac Xubín

year of publication of translation: 2020

title of original: 17 segundo

text type: Poetry

publisher: Galaxia

target language(s): galician

year of publication of original: 2019

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: 77.eko barne erretratua

author: Gurrutxaga, Jose I.

translator: Rikardo Badiola

year of publication of translation: 1978

title of original: Retrato interior del 77

text type: Poetry

publisher: Itzultzailea(k) editore

target language(s): basque


title of translation: 9 Kiveä, 27 sanaa

author: Atxaga, Bernardo

translator: Tarja Roinila

year of publication of translation: 2001

title of original: Etiopia; Henry Bengoa, Inventarium

text type: Poetry

publisher: Tammi Publishers

target language(s): finnish

year of publication of original: 1978 ; 1986

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: A ponte das palabras : poesia vasca 1990-2000 = Hitzezko zubia : euskal poesia 1990-2000 [Antologia]

author: Aristi, Pako ; Arkotxa, Aurelia; Arregi Diaz de Heredia, Rikardo; Berasaluze, Gari; Cano, Harkaitz; Estankona, Igor; Etxeberria, Martín; García de Cortazar, Mirari; Linazasoro, Karlos; Markuleta, Gerardo; Meabe, Miren Agur; Olasagarre, Juanjo; Olaso Bengoa, Xabier

translator: Eduardo Estévez; Marilar Jiménez ; Rafael Xesús Villar

year of publication of translation: 2000

title of original: Hitzezko zubia

text type: Poetry

publisher: Letras de Cal

target language(s): galician

year of publication of original: 2000

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text


title of translation: Aŕats-Beran : traducción española de las poesías euzkéricas así tituladas

author: Lauaxeta

translator: Lauaxeta

year of publication of translation: 1935

title of original: Aŕats-Beran

text type: Poetry

publisher: Emeterio Verdes Achirica (= Atxirika )

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1935

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text


title of translation: Abd El Kader : Olerkia, poème, poema

author: Peillen, Txomin

translator: Txomin Peillen; Salah Serour

year of publication of translation: 2006

title of original: Abd El Kader

text type: Poetry

publisher: Labayru

series: Idatz & Mintz, 42-separata

target language(s): arabic, french, spanish

year of publication of original: 2006

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text


title of translation: Adatsa (Zatiak)

author: Rodriguez Fer, Claudio

translator: Antton Juaristi; Ane Marcellán; Yurre Ugarte

year of publication of translation: 2016

title of original: A cabeleira (Fragmentos)

text type: Poetry

publisher: A cabeleira

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1985

country of publication of original : Galicia

        online text


title of translation: Aguas madres

author: Bilbao, Leire

translator: Angel Erro

year of publication of translation: 2023

title of original: Etxeko urak

text type: Poetry

publisher: La Bella Varsovia

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2020

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Ahotsa, hitzak, hizkuntzak : euskal olerki antologia = Voz, palabras, lenguas : Antología de poesía vasca = Voix, mots, langues : Anthologie de la poésie basque = Voice, words, languages : Anthology of Basque Poetry.

author: Figuera, Angela ; Otero, Blas de ; de Bengoechea, Javier ; Lekuona, Juan Mari ; Gandiaga, Bitoriano ; Aresti, Gabriel ; Gonzalez Aranguren, Jose ; Sarasua, Blanca ; Lete, Xabier ; Atxaga, Bernardo

translator: Luigi Anselmi; Itxaro Borda; Amaia Gabantxo; Amaia Iturbide; Felipe Juaristi; Jose Ramón Zabala

year of publication of translation: 2010

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Euskaltzaindia

target language(s): basque, english, french, spanish

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text


title of translation: Aienatze-marra = Línea de fugacidad

author: Igerabide, Juan Kruz

translator: Juan Kruz Igerabide

year of publication of translation: 2009

title of original: Aienatze-marra

text type: Poetry

publisher: Atenea

series: Biblioteca Vasca Bilingüe

target language(s): spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Aienatze-marra = Línea de fugacidad = Linea efemera

author: Igerabide, Juan Kruz

translator: Perla Brăileanu; Juan Kruz Igerabide

year of publication of translation: 2012

title of original: Aienatze-marra

text type: Poetry

publisher: Atenea

series: Biblioteca Vasca Bilingüe

target language(s): romanian, spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Aingeruaren angelua = El ángulo del ángel

author: Juaristi, Felipe


year of publication of translation: 2011

title of original: Aingeruaren angelua

text type: Poetry

publisher: Luces de Gálibo

target language(s): spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Akaberako poesia amodioaz eta gaitzaz

author: Pereiro, Lois

translator: Joxemari Sestorain

year of publication of translation: 2013

title of original: Poesía última de amor e enfermidade

text type: Poetry

publisher: Denonartean

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1995

country of publication of original : Galicia


title of translation: Alegiak = Fábulas

author: Samaniego, Felix Maria

translator: Koldo Biguri

year of publication of translation: 2003

title of original: Fábulas

text type: Poetry

publisher: Arabako Foru Aldundia

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1781

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Alegiak = Fábulas [Antologia]

author: Samaniego, Felix Maria

translator: Jesus Egea

year of publication of translation: 1979

title of original: Fábulas en verso castellano para el uso del Real Seminario Bascongado

text type: Poetry

publisher: Arabako Foru Aldundia

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1781

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Alén da Fronteira : Sete poetas vascos [Antologia]

author: Anselmi, Luigi; Atxaga, Bernardo; Gerediaga, Jon; Irastortza, Tere; Lete, Xabier; Montoia, Xabier; Sarrionandia, Joseba

translator: Isaac Xubín

year of publication of translation: 2012

title of original: Siete poetas vascos

text type: Poetry

publisher: Faktoria K de Libros

series: Tambo

target language(s): galician

year of publication of original: 2009

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Alfa y Omega bajo la lluvia

author: Borda, Itxaro

translator: Kape Fernández; Eli Tolaretxipi

year of publication of translation:

title of original: ("Bestaldean" liburutik)

text type: Poetry

publisher: Artistas de Cobre

target language(s): spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Alguien anda en la escalera de incendios

author: Cano, Harkaitz

translator: Harkaitz Cano

year of publication of translation: 2008

title of original: Norbait dabil sute eskaileran

text type: Poetry

publisher: El Gaviero

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2001

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Alkohola poemak [antologia]

author: Kavafis, Konstantinos; Pavese, Cesare; Bai, Li; Villon, François; Blake, William; Cowley, Abraham; Aguirre Gandarias, Javier; Miloscz, Czeslaw; Lowry, Malcolm; Fu, Du; Cardarelli, Vincenzo; Benn, Gottfried; Thomas, Dylan; Burns, Robert

translator: Pedro Diez de Ulzurrun; Juan Martin Elexpuru; Tere Irastortza; Joseba Sarrionandia

year of publication of translation: 1984

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pamiela

series: Akademia sekretuaren liburuak

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.


title of translation: Amaibako heriotza

author: Gorostiza, Jose

translator: Josu Landa Goiogana

year of publication of translation: 2009

title of original: Muerte sin fin

text type: Poetry

publisher: Labayru

series: Idatz & Mintz, 47-separata

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1939

        online text


title of translation: Amaitu bako poemak

author: Arostegi Gamboa, Luis

translator: Santiago Onaindia

year of publication of translation: 1969

title of original: Poemas inacabados

text type: Poetry

publisher: Gráficas Bilbao

target language(s): basque


title of translation: Amaitu gabeko poema bat

author: He, Jiang


year of publication of translation: 1985

text type: Poetry

publisher: Maiatz, 10

target language(s): basque

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title of translation: Amodiozko hogei poema eta kanta bat bakar-mindua

author: Neruda, Pablo

translator: Jose Luis Padron

year of publication of translation: 2004

title of original: Veinte poemas de amor y una canción desesperada

text type: Poetry

publisher: Baigorri , Gara

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1924

country of publication of original : Chile


title of translation: Anakpeon (greko-euskaraz)

author: Anakreonte

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

year of publication of translation: 1987

text type: Poetry

publisher: Itzultzailea(k) editore

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Greece


title of translation: Anales de Trotomrotro. Trotomrotroren Ipurdikoak

author: Maraña, Felix

translator: Josu Landa Ijurko

year of publication of translation: 1981

title of original: Anales de Trotomrotro

text type: Poetry

publisher: Luis Haranburu

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1981

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Antologia

author: Bandeira, Manuel

translator: Joseba Sarrionandia

year of publication of translation: 1999

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pamiela

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Brasil

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title of translation: Antologia

author: Fuertes, Gloria

translator: Josu Landa Ijurko

year of publication of translation: 2017

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: armiarma.eus

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Spain

        online text


title of translation: Antologia : Poeta katalan garaikideak

author: Carner, Josep; Riba, Carles; Foix, J.V.; Salvat-Papasseit, Joan; Quart, Pere; Espriu, Salvador; Vinyoli, Joan; Ferrater, Gabriel; Andrés i Estellés, Vicent

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

year of publication of translation: 2014

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Elkar

series: Urrezko Biblioteka; 10

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Catalonia


title of translation: Antologia : Zenbait poeta katalan

author: Carner, Josep; Riba, Carles; Foix, J.V.; Salvat-Papasseit, Joan; Quart, Pere; Espriu, Salvador; Vinyoli, Joan; Ferrater, Gabriel; Andrés i Estellés, Vicent

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

year of publication of translation: 1997

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Ibaizabal

series: Literatura Unibertsala; 70

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1980

country of publication of original : Catalonia

        online text


title of translation: Antología de la poesía vasca = Euskal poesiaren antologia

author: Aranbarri, Iñigo; Atxaga, Bernardo; Aresti, Gabriel; Izagirre, Koldo; Juaristi, Felipe; Lasa, Mikel; Lekuona, Juan Mari; Lete, Xabier; Mirande, Jon; Sarasola, Ibon; Sarrionandia, Joseba


year of publication of translation: 1993

title of original: Euskal poesiaren antologia

text type: Poetry

publisher: Visor

series: Visor de poesía

target language(s): spanish


title of translation: Antología de la poesía vasca. Euskal poesiaren antologia

author: Mirande, Jon; Aresti, Gabriel; Lasa, Mikel; Sarasola, Ibon; Lekuona, Juan Mari; Izagirre, Koldo; Atxaga, Bernardo; Sarrionandia, Joseba; Juaristi, Felipe; Aranbarri, Iñigo; Lete, Xabier


year of publication of translation: 1991

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Visor

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Antologia eta aldiriko poemak

author: Fuertes, Gloria

translator: Josu Landa Ijurko

year of publication of translation: 2017

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Booktegi

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Spain

        online text


title of translation: Antología poética vasca : Frankismoaren biktimei eta askatasunaren aldeko borrokariei omenaldia: A los 50 años de Gernika

author: Arzallus, Jon


year of publication of translation: 1987

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Vanguardia obrera

target language(s): basque, spanish

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Antologia poética: poesía vasca contemporánea = Poesia basca contemporânea

author: Arregi Diaz de Heredia, Rikardo; Fernández de la Sota, José; Iribarren, Karmelo C. ; Landa, Josu; Madariaga, Juan Ramón; Maizkurrena, María; Murua, Kepa; Tolaretxipi, Eli; Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Angela Caon

year of publication of translation: 2003

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Maneco Livraria & Editora

year of publication of original: s.n.

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Antologiak

author: Salvat-Papasseit, Joan

translator: Koldo Izagirre

year of publication of translation: 1995

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pamiela

series: Marulanda

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Catalonia

        online text


title of translation: Antoloxia homenaxe

author: Manuel María

translator: Koldo Izagirre

year of publication of translation: 2005

text type: Poetry

publisher: Fato Cultural Daniel Castelao

target language(s): basque


title of translation: Antoloxía poética = Poesia antologia = Antología poètica : (1990-2003) : Galeusca.


year of publication of translation: 2004

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pamiela

target language(s): basque, catalan, galician

country of publication of original : Basque Country

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title of translation: Antzinako berri-berriak

author: Tempest, Kae

translator: Itziar Diez de Ultzurrun

year of publication of translation: 2022

title of original: Brand New Ancients

text type: Poetry

publisher: Igela

series: Mintaka

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2013

country of publication of original : England


title of translation: Argi-koroak

author: Díaz Castro, Xosé María

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

year of publication of translation: 2014

title of original: Nimbos

text type: Poetry

publisher: Eusko Jaurlaritza ; Galizako Xunta

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1961

country of publication of original : Galicia


title of translation: Ariel eta beste poema batzuk

author: Plath, Sylvia

translator: Iñigo Astiz

year of publication of translation: 2013

title of original: Ariel

text type: Poetry

publisher: Denonartean

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1965

country of publication of original : USA


title of translation: Arrats beran = A la caída de la tarde

author: Lauaxeta

translator: Lauaxeta

year of publication of translation: 2005

title of original: Arrats beran

text type: Poetry

publisher: Atenea

series: Biblioteca Vasca Bilingüe

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1935

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Askatasuna kontu serioa da [antologia]

author: Linton Kwesi Johnson

translator: Beñat Gabiña

year of publication of translation: 2021

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pantx Liburuak ; DDT Liburuak

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : USA


title of translation: Aterpe paganoa

author: Diaz Viana, Luis

translator: Jose Luis Padron

year of publication of translation: 2000

text type: Poetry

publisher: Bermingham

series: Kezkak

target language(s): basque


title of translation: Ave Sombra = Itzal hegazti

author: Aramburu, Fernando

translator: Josu Landa Ijurko

year of publication of translation: 1981

title of original: Ave Sombra

text type: Poetry

publisher: Luis Haranburu

series: Harria

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1981

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Azken bala = La última bala

author: Larretxea, Hasier

translator: Angel Erro

year of publication of translation: 2008

title of original: Azken bala

text type: Poetry

publisher: Point de Lunettes

target language(s): spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Azken harria = La piedra final

author: Aresti, Gabriel


year of publication of translation: 1980

title of original: Azken harria

text type: Poetry

publisher: Luis Haranburu

target language(s): spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Bakar-autuak

author: Vega, Lope de

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

year of publication of translation: 1966

title of original: Soliloquios?

text type: Poetry

publisher: S. Anton Katekesia

series: Euskal-argitalpenak

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1612/1


title of translation: Balea

author: Ros, Joy


year of publication of translation: 2016

text type: Poetry

publisher: Maiatz

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Barrenetik zulatzen zaitut : 8 ahots itsasertzetik [antologia]

author: Giglio, Yanina ; Montaño, Sara ; Griffith, Denise ; Bringas, Ingrid

translator: Miren Irizar; Jone Makazaga; Sarai Robles; Leire Vargas Nieto

year of publication of translation: 2022

text type: Poetry

publisher: Liberoamerika

target language(s): basque


title of translation: Barreras

author: Larretxea, Hasier

translator: Hasier Larretxea; Zuri Negrín

year of publication of translation: 2013

title of original: Atakak

text type: Poetry

publisher: La Garúa

target language(s): spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Basairisa

author: Glück, Louise

translator: Garazi Ugalde

year of publication of translation: 2021

title of original: The Wild Iris

text type: Poetry

publisher: Elkar

series: Elkar poesia

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1992

country of publication of original : USA


title of translation: Basuku no densetu [Antologia]

author: s.n.

translator: Hiromi Yoshida

year of publication of translation: 1994

title of original: Euskalerriko ipuin eta kondairak

text type: Poetry

publisher: Daigaku Syorin

target language(s): japanese

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Basuku Shobunshû : Basuku go saiko no shomotsu

author: Etxepare, Bernard

translator: Hagio Sho; Hiromi Yoshida

year of publication of translation: 2014

title of original: Linguae Vasconum Primitiae

text type: Poetry

publisher: Heibonsha

target language(s): japanese

year of publication of original: 1545

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Bazterrak = Os Eidos I

author: Novoneyra, Uxio

translator: Koldo Izagirre

year of publication of translation: 1988

title of original: Os Eidos

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pamiela

series: Sirena. Poesia

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1955

country of publication of original : Galicia

        online text


title of translation: Bazterrak = Os Eidos II

author: Novoneyra, Uxio

translator: Koldo Izagirre

year of publication of translation: 1988

title of original: Os Eidos

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pamiela

series: Sirena. Poesia

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1974

country of publication of original : Galicia

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title of translation: Belar-hostoak

author: Whitman, Walt

translator: Xabier Galarreta

year of publication of translation: 2003

title of original: Leaves of Grass

text type: Poetry

publisher: Hiria

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1855

country of publication of original : USA


title of translation: Beltxarga urdin edo beltxarga beltz

author: Hualde, Isabel

translator: Iñaki Bastarrika

year of publication of translation: 2024

title of original: Cisne azul o cisne negro

text type: Poetry

publisher: Booktegi

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2015

        online text


title of translation: Bergili'ren idazlanak osorik

author: Virgilio Marón, Publio

translator: Andima Ibinagabeitia; Santiago Onaindia

year of publication of translation: 1966

title of original: Bucolica ; Georgica ; Aeneis (Eneida)

text type: Poetry

publisher: Gráficas Bilbao

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Rome


title of translation: Bergiliren Unai- eta Alor-kantak

author: Virgilio Marón, Publio

translator: Andima Ibinagabeitia

year of publication of translation: 1992

title of original: Bucolica ; Georgica

text type: Poetry

publisher: Gero , Mensajero = Mezulari

series: Klasikoak ; 55

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Rome


title of translation: Bertze itsasoaren itzala

author: Margarit, Joan

translator: Josu Jimenez

year of publication of translation: 2021

title of original: L'ombra de l'altre mar

text type: Poetry

publisher: Booktegi

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1981

country of publication of original : Catalonia

        online text


title of translation: Bertzerenak [Antologia]

author: Hölderlin, Friedrich; Pessoa, Fernando; Apollinaire, Guillaume; Pound, Ezra; Yeats, William Butler; Jandl, Ernst; Gil de Biedma, Jaime; Heaney, Seamus; Bai, Li; Fu, Du; Jones, Bobi; Katulo, Gaio Valerio; Day-Lewis, Cecil; Walcott, Derek; Shakespeare, William; Larkin, Philip; Dickinson, Emily; Martzial, Marko Valerio; Tennyson, Alfred; Quasimodo, Salvatore; Lowell, Robert; Goytisolo, Jose Agustin; Vallejo, Cesar; Aguirre Gandarias, Javier; Dalton, Roque; Cernuda, Luis; Zongyuan, Liu; Gorostiza, Jose; Borges, Jorge Luis; Sanchez Ostiz, Miguel; Pavese, Cesare; Verlaine, Paul; Khayyam, Omar; Pacheco, Jose Emilio; Stevenson, Robert Louis

translator: Luigi Anselmi

year of publication of translation: 2006

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pamiela

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.


title of translation: Besarkadarako olerkiak

author: Mendiola, Ana

translator: Patxi Ezkiaga

year of publication of translation: 2021

title of original: Poemas para el abrazo

text type: Poetry

publisher: Egilea(k) editore

target language(s): basque


title of translation: Bi

author: Carramiñana Miranda, Idoia


year of publication of translation: 2018

text type: Poetry

publisher: Amargord

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2018

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Bide barrijak = Nuevos rumbos

author: Lauaxeta

translator: Lauaxeta

year of publication of translation: 2007

title of original: Bide barrijak

text type: Poetry

publisher: Atenea

series: Biblioteca Vasca bilingüe

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1931

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Bigarren bizia = La vida paralela (1964-1992)

author: Zabaleta, Pello

translator: Joseba Barriola; Gerardo Markuleta; Jose Luis Padron

year of publication of translation: 1995

title of original: Bigarren bizia

text type: Poetry

publisher: EHU

series: Gaur Egungo Euskal Poesia

target language(s): spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Bilduma bat [antologia]

author: Penna, Sandro

translator: Iñigo Astiz

year of publication of translation: 2019

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Farmazia Beltza

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.n.

country of publication of original : Italy


title of translation: Biotz begietan

author: Lizardi, Xabier


year of publication of translation: 1932

title of original: Bihotz begietan

text type: Poetry

publisher: Emeterio Verdes Achirica (= Atxirika )

target language(s): spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Bizientzat eta hilentzat - Poema guztiak 1954-2004

author: Tranströmmer, Tomas

translator: Juanmari Agirreurreta

year of publication of translation: 2012

text type: Poetry

publisher: Elkar

series: Poesia

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Sweden


title of translation: Bizitza irakurri = Leer la vida

author: Markuleta, Gerardo

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

year of publication of translation: 2023

title of original: Bizitza irakurri

text type: Poetry

publisher: Olifante

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2023


title of translation: Bruma y conciencia = Lanbroa eta kontzientzia

author: Aramburu, Fernando

translator: Felipe Juaristi; Patziku Perurena

year of publication of translation: 1993

title of original: Bruma y conciencia

text type: Poetry

publisher: EHU

series: Gaur egungo euskal poesia

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1990

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Bukaeraren poema

author: Tsvetaieva, Marina

translator: Josu Landa Ijurko

year of publication of translation: 2016

title of original: Поэма конца

text type: Poetry

publisher: armiarma.eus

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1924

        online text


title of translation: Bukolikak eta Georgikak

author: Virgilio Marón, Publio

translator: Iñigo Ruiz

year of publication of translation: 1998

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: EHU

series: Bibliotheca Scriptorum Classicorum Vasconica ; 3

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Rome


title of translation: Burges ttipien zazpi bekatu buruzagi

author: Brecht, Bertolt

translator: Patxi Salaberri

year of publication of translation: 2014

title of original: Die Sieben Todsünden der Kleinbürger

text type: Poetry

publisher: armiarma.eus

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1933

country of publication of original : Germany

        online text


title of translation: Burges ttipien zazpi bekatu buruzagiak

author: Brecht, Bertolt

translator: Patxi Salaberri

year of publication of translation: 2021

title of original: Die Sieben Todsünden der Kleinbürger

text type: Poetry

publisher: Booktegi

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1933

country of publication of original : Germany

        online text


title of translation: Burning Bones

author: Meabe, Miren Agur

translator: Amaia Gabantxo

year of publication of translation: 2022

title of original: Hezurren erretura

text type: Poetry

publisher: Parthian Books

target language(s): english

year of publication of original: 2019

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Cancionero popular vasco [Antologia]

author: s.n.

translator: Jose Ignazio Ansorena; Jesus Lasa; Pello Zabaleta

year of publication of translation: 2007

title of original: Euskal kantak

text type: Poetry

publisher: Erein

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1993

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Cancionero vasco = Euskal abestiak [Antologia]


year of publication of translation: 1980

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Caja de Ahorros Vizcaína [Bilbao Bizkaia Kutxa]

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Cantar de Roncesvalles y otros poemas navarros

author: Estornes Lasa, Bernardo


year of publication of translation: 1979

text type: Poetry

publisher: Auñamendi

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Cartografía

author: Arregi Diaz de Heredia, Rikardo

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

year of publication of translation: 2000

title of original: Kartografia

text type: Poetry

publisher: Bassarai

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1998

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Catalunya'ko olerkariak [antologia]

author: Costa i Llobera, Miquel ; Maragall, Joan ; Verdaguer, Jacint

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

year of publication of translation: 1967

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: S. Anton Katekesia

series: Euskal argitalpenak

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Catalonia


title of translation: Cathay

author: Pound, Ezra

translator: Xabier Kaltzakorta

year of publication of translation: 1988

text type: Poetry

publisher: Labayru

series: Idatz & Mintz, 15-separata

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1915

country of publication of original : USA


title of translation: Cesare Pavese [Antologia]

author: Pavese, Cesare

translator: Ion Olano

year of publication of translation: 2019

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko poesia kaierak; 29

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Italy

        online text


title of translation: Cielos segados = Zeru segaz jotakoak

author: Irazoki, Fancisco Jose

translator: Patziku Perurena

year of publication of translation: 1992

title of original: Cielos segados

text type: Poetry

publisher: EHU

series: Gaur egungo euskal poesia

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Ciudad limbo

author: Serrano, Asier

translator: Asier Serrano

year of publication of translation: 2020

title of original: Linbotarrak

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pamiela

series: La Sirena Poesía

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2016

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Cómo guardar ceniza en el pecho

author: Meabe, Miren Agur

translator: Miren Agur Meabe

year of publication of translation: 2021

title of original: Nola gorde errautsa kolkoan

text type: Poetry

publisher: Bartleby

series: Bartleby poesia

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2020

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Dall'altra parte della frontiera: poesie e ibridi

author: Atxaga, Bernardo

translator: Giuliano Soria

year of publication of translation: 2002

title of original: Etiopia ; Henry Bengoa, Inventarium

text type: Poetry

publisher: Ugo Guanda

Bridge language(s): spanish

target language(s): italian

year of publication of original: 1978; 1986

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Danteren comediaren lehen zatia

author: Dante Alighieri

translator: Emmanuel Intxauspe

year of publication of translation: 1892

title of original: Divina Commedia: Inferno

text type: Poetry

publisher: E. S. Dodgson

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1308/1


title of translation: Dardaren interpretazioa = La interpretación de los temblores [Antologia]

author: Cano, Harkaitz

translator: Harkaitz Cano

year of publication of translation: 2004

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Atenea

series: Biblioteca Vasca Bilingüe

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Debe decirse dos veces

author: Arregi Diaz de Heredia, Rikardo

translator: Angel Erro

year of publication of translation: 2014

title of original: Bitan esan beharra

text type: Poetry

publisher: Salto de Página

series: Poesia

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2012

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Denbora eta egunak

author: Conte, Ánchel

translator: Joxemari Sestorain

year of publication of translation: 2015

title of original: O tiempo y os dias

text type: Poetry

publisher: Denonartean

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1996

country of publication of original : Spain


title of translation: Denok bat

author: Orixe


year of publication of translation: 1995

title of original: Euskaldunak (VII. Kapitulua)

text type: Poetry

publisher: Orain

target language(s): spanish, spanish

year of publication of original: 1950

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Die Stimmen der Amsel [Antologia]

author: Aire, Henriette ; Alberdi, Uxue ; Anonimoa ; Anselmi, Luigi ; Aresti, Gabriel ; Arkotxa, Aurelia ; Arregi Diaz de Heredia, Ricardo ; Arrese Beitia, Felipe ; Artze, Joxean ; Azkona, Josetxo ; Bilbao, Leire ; Borda, Itxaro ; Chivite, Beatriz ; Dicharry, Eric ; Esteban, Mari Luz ; Gandiaga, Bitoriano ; Garde, Luis ; Goikoetxea, Jule ; Igerabide, Juan Kruz ; Irastorza, Tere ; Iturbide, Amaia ; Korta, Gabriel ; Lasa, Amaia ; Lete, Xabier ; Lizardi, Xabier ; Luigi Anselmi ; Lujanbio, Maialen ; Magdalena, Peru ; Meabe, Miren Agur ; Mirande, Jon ; Mujika, Tene ; Salamero, Andoni ; Sarriondandia, Joseba ; Suarez, Castillo ; Unzueta, Sorne ; Urretabizkaia, Arantxa

translator: Mikel Babiano

year of publication of translation: 2019

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: EYE Literaturverlag der Wenigerheiten

series: Am Herzen Europas ; 12

target language(s): german

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Diez cantos para el otoño

author: Ezkiaga, Patxi

translator: Jorge González ; Felipe Juaristi

year of publication of translation: 2000

title of original: Udazkenerako hamar kanta

text type: Poetry

publisher: Kutxa Fundazioa

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1999

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Dónde está Basques' Harbour y otras blasfemias

author: Koldo Izagirre

translator: Koldo Izagirre

year of publication of translation:

title of original: Non dago Basques' Harbour

text type: Poetry

publisher: armiarma.eus

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1997

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text


title of translation: Donibane Gurutz, olerkari

author: Donibane, Gurutz

translator: Santiago Onaindia

year of publication of translation: 1990

text type: Poetry

publisher: Karmel

target language(s): basque


title of translation: Dos pobles, un cor = Bi herri, bihotz bat

author: Ferran i Mora, Eulalia

translator: Xabier Kintana

year of publication of translation: 1979

title of original: Dos pobles, un cor

text type: Poetry

publisher: s.n.

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Catalonia


title of translation: Downhill ; Rock & Core

author: Aresti, Gabriel

translator: Amaia Gabantxo

year of publication of translation: 2017

title of original: Maldan behera ; Harri eta herri

text type: Poetry

publisher: University of Nevada , Center for Basque Studies

series: Basque Classics Series, 12

target language(s): english

year of publication of original: 1960 ; 1964

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Duida'ren arribitxiak

author: Athilano, Andrés

translator: Sabin Muniategi

year of publication of translation: 1973

title of original: Las Esmeraldas del duida

text type: Poetry

publisher: Arantzazuko Frantziskotar argitaldaria = EFA

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1972


title of translation: Egun oroz pentsamentukatzeko = Une pensé pour chaque jour

author: Berzaitz, Pier Paul


year of publication of translation: 2020

text type: Poetry

publisher: Association Lilia Elkartea

target language(s): not determined


title of translation: El ciclo de la piedra : Antología

author: Aresti, Gabriel

translator: Jon Kortazar

year of publication of translation: 2020

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Visor

series: Visor de Poesía

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: El codi de la pell

author: Meabe, Miren Agur

translator: Maria Josep Escrivà i Vidal

year of publication of translation: 2006

title of original: Azalaren kodea

text type: Poetry

publisher: Edicions 96

target language(s): catalan

year of publication of original: 2000

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: El código de la piel

author: Meabe, Miren Agur

translator: Miren Agur Meabe; Kepa Murua

year of publication of translation: 2002

title of original: Azalaren kodea

text type: Poetry

publisher: Bassarai

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2000

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: El manifiesto de las mujeres viejas

author: Esteban, Mari Luz

translator: Ainhoa Aranburu; Mari Luz Esteban; Eva Fernández

year of publication of translation: 2020

title of original: Andrezaharraren manifestua

text type: Poetry

publisher: La Oveja Roja

series: Poesía

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2019

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: El paraíso y los gatos

author: Atxaga, Bernardo

translator: Bernardo Atxaga

year of publication of translation: 2013

title of original: Paradisua eta katuak

text type: Poetry

publisher: Círculo de Bellas Artes

target language(s): spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: El poder del cuerpo: antología de poesía femenina contemporánea


year of publication of translation: 2009

text type: Poetry

publisher: Castalia

series: Biblioteca de escritoras; 53

target language(s): spanish


title of translation: El primer libro impreso en euskera

author: Etxepare, Bernard

translator: Lino Akesolo

year of publication of translation: 1966

title of original: Linguae Primitiae Vasconum

text type: Poetry

publisher: La Gran Enciclopedia Vasca

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1545

country of publication of original : France


title of translation: Elorri = Espino

author: Gandiaga, Bitoriano

translator: Pedro de Anasagasti

year of publication of translation: 1962

title of original: Elorri

text type: Poetry

publisher: Arantzazuko Frantziskotar argitaldaria = EFA

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1962

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Els orientals

author: Etxarte, Hedoi

translator: Lluís Riera

year of publication of translation: 2023

title of original: Sortaldekoak

text type: Poetry

publisher: Manifest

target language(s): catalan

year of publication of original: 2021

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Emakume olerkariak = Poetas vascas

author: Otxoa, Julia

translator: Jon Iñaki Lasa; Manu López Gaseni; Patziku Perurena

year of publication of translation: 1990

text type: Poetry

publisher: Torremozas

series: Antologias

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: En las ciudades = Nas ciudades = Hirietan [Antologia]

author: Chivite, Beatriz

translator: Beatriz Chivite; Isaac Xubín

year of publication of translation: 2020

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Papeles mínimos

target language(s): galician, spanish

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Enblemak

author: Janes, Clara

translator: Juan Mari Lekuona

year of publication of translation: 2010

title of original: Emblemas

text type: Poetry

publisher: EIZIE

series: Itzultzaile Aitzindariak

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1991

country of publication of original : Catalonia

        online text


title of translation: Entre-temps, donne-moi la main

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Kattalin Totorika

year of publication of translation: 2006

title of original: Bitartean heldu eskutik

text type: Poetry

publisher: Le Castor Astral

target language(s): french

year of publication of original: 2001

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Es morta la poesia? = Hilda dago poesia? [Antologia]

author: Sarrionandia, Joseba

translator: Ainara Munt

year of publication of translation: 2018

title of original: Hilda dago poesia?

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pol·len ; Pamiela

target language(s): catalan

year of publication of original: 2016

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Escolma salvaxe : Ferrol, 2007-2013 : Seis años de poesía salvaxe [Antologia]

author: Bilbao, Leire


year of publication of translation: 2014

text type: Poetry

publisher: M. Lorenzo

target language(s): galician


title of translation: Españi'ko olerkariak euskeraz

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

year of publication of translation: 1969

text type: Poetry

publisher: S. Anton Katekesia

series: Euskal argitalpenak

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Spain


title of translation: Espuma en las manos

author: Meabe, Miren Agur

translator: Miren Agur Meabe

year of publication of translation: 2017

title of original: Bitsa eskuetan

text type: Poetry

publisher: Trea

series: Poesía

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2010

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Este pueblo de piedra

author: Aresti, Gabriel

translator: Gabriel Aresti

year of publication of translation: 1979

title of original: Harrizko herri hau

text type: Poetry

publisher: Luis Haranburu

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1970

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Estelles euskaraz : antologia elebiduna valentziera-euskara

author: Andres i Estelles, Vicent

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

year of publication of translation: 2013

title of original: Estelles euskaraz : antología bilingüe valencià-basc

text type: Poetry

publisher: Bostezo liburuak

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2013

country of publication of original : Spain


title of translation: Etiopia

author: Atxaga, Bernardo


year of publication of translation: 1978

title of original: Etiopia

text type: Poetry

publisher: Egilea(k) editore

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1978

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Euskal Harria

author: Aresti, Gabriel


year of publication of translation: 1967

title of original: Euskal Harria

text type: Poetry

publisher: Kriselu

target language(s): spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Euskal harria

author: Aresti, Gabriel

translator: Eduardo Gil Bera

year of publication of translation: 1995

title of original: Euskal Harria

text type: Poetry

publisher: Orain

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1967

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Euskal Harria = La piedra vasca

author: Aresti, Gabriel

translator: Gabriel Aresti

year of publication of translation: 1979

title of original: Euskal Harria

text type: Poetry

publisher: Luis Haranburu

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1967

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Euskal poemak

author: Blas de Otero

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

year of publication of translation: 2020

title of original: Poemas vascos

text type: Poetry

publisher: El gallo de oro

series: Blas de Otero

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2002

country of publication of original : Spain


title of translation: Euskal poesiaren antologia = Baskuri poeziis ant‘ologia [Antologia]

author: s.n.

translator: Salome Gabunia; Natela Sturua

year of publication of translation: 1991

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Metsniereba

target language(s): georgian

year of publication of original: s.d.


title of translation: Eusko olerkiak

author: Marrodan, Mario Angel

translator: Joseba Gotzon Gomez

year of publication of translation: 2002

text type: Poetry

publisher: Beta III Milenio

series: Poesia

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Eusko olerkiak: Ernani'ko Olerti Jaietarako eratu zan olerti gudara bidaldutakoenatatik autuak, 1932 = Poesías vascas: selección de las remitidas al certamen poético organizado con motivo del Día de la Poesía Vasca de Hernani


year of publication of translation: 1933

title of original: Eusko olerkiak: Ernani'ko Olerti Jaietarako eratu zan olerti gudara bidaldutakoenatatik autuak, 1932 / Poesías vascas: selección de las remitidas al certamen poético organizado con motivo del Día de la Poesía Vasca de Hernani

text type: Poetry

publisher: Euskaltzaleak

target language(s): spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Eusko olerkiak: Errenderi'ko Olerti Jaietarako eratu zan olerti gudara bidaldutakoenetatik autuak = Poesías vascas: selección de las remitidas al certamen poético organizado con motivo del Día de la Poesía Vasca de Rentería


year of publication of translation: 1930

title of original: Eusko olerkiak: Errenderi'ko Olerti Jaietarako eratu zan olerti gudara bidaldutakoenetatik autuak / Poesías vascas: selección de las remitidas al certamen poético organizado con motivo del Día de la Poesía Vasca de Rentería

text type: Poetry

publisher: Euskaltzaleak

target language(s): spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Exilioaren sonetoak

author: Unamuno, Miguel de

translator: Jean Louis Davant

year of publication of translation: 2013

text type: Poetry

publisher: Maiatz

target language(s): basque


title of translation: Ezabatuak [Antologia]

author: Toller, Ernst; Lasker-Schüler, Else; Goll, Yvan; Mühsam, Erich; Hardekopf, Ferdinand; Ehrenstein, Albert; Goll, Claire; Herrmann-Neisse, Max; Mehring, Walter; Ludwig, Paula; Klabund

translator: Eduardo Gil Bera

year of publication of translation: 1995

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pamiela

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Germany

        online text


title of translation: Ezponda (1557-1595): bersu eta hamalaurkunak, herioaz, maitasunaz, eta bertze olerki zenbait

author: Sponde, Jean de

translator: Jean Baptiste Orpustan

year of publication of translation: 1995

text type: Poetry

publisher: Izpegi

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Fableac edo aleguiac

author: La Fontaine, Jean de

translator: Martin Goihetxe

year of publication of translation: 1852

title of original: Fables

text type: Poetry

publisher: Forec eta Lasserrec Imprimatuac

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1668

        online text


title of translation: Flor de Baladas Vascas [Antologia]

translator: Jon Juaristi

year of publication of translation: 1989

title of original: [Euskal Baladen Lorea]

text type: Poetry

publisher: Visor

series: Visor de Poesía

target language(s): spanish


title of translation: Forked Tongues : Galician, Basque and Catalan women’s poetry in translations by Irish Writers [Antologia]

author: Borda, Itxaro ; Meabe, Miren Agur ; Suárez, Castillo ; Bilbao, Leire

translator: Paddy Bushe; Susan Connolly; Celia de Freine; Catherine Phil MacCarthy

year of publication of translation: 2012


Contents and edition / Manuela Palacios.

Basque writers have been translated by the following writers: Itxaro Borda by Celia de Fréine; Miren Agur Meabe by Catherine Phil MacCarthy ; Castillo Suárez by Susan Connolly; Leire Bilbao by Paddy Bushe

The publication also includes translations into English of other poets from Galicia and Catalonia.


text type: Poetry

publisher: Shearsman books

target language(s): english


title of translation: Fuego lento = Gar mantsoa

author: Gonzalez Aranguren, Jorge

translator: AA. AA.

year of publication of translation: 1989

title of original: Fuego lento

text type: Poetry

publisher: EHU

series: Gaur egungo euskal poesia

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Gainontzekoa, kontuak dira

author: Iribarren, Karmelo C.

translator: Xabier Etxart

year of publication of translation: 2000

text type: Poetry

publisher: Erein

series: Poesia

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Galdutako hitza = Palabra perdida (1977-1989)

author: Aurtenetxe, Carlos

translator: Joseba Barriola; Felipe Juaristi; Pello Zabaleta

year of publication of translation: 1990

title of original: Palabra perdida

text type: Poetry

publisher: EHU

series: Gaur egungo euskal poesia

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Gartzelako egunkaria

author: Ho, Chi Minh

translator: Iñaki Aramaio

year of publication of translation: 1985

title of original: 狱中日记 (Yu Zhong Riji)

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Susa 83-86

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1942-1943

country of publication of original : Vietnam

        online text


title of translation: Gaviota

author: Celaya, Gabriel; Koch, S.

translator: Maite Gonzalez; Felipe Juaristi; Mikel Lasa; Patziku Perurena

year of publication of translation: 1987

title of original: Gaviota

text type: Poetry

publisher: Repsol

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Gente que trabaja en los tejados [Antologia]

author: Cano, Harkaitz

translator: Harkaitz Cano

year of publication of translation: 2019

text type: Poetry

publisher: Fundación Ortega Muñoz

series: Voces sin tiempo

target language(s): spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Geografía de las preguntas

author: Juaristi, Felipe

translator: Felipe Juaristi

year of publication of translation: 1999

title of original: Galderen geografia

text type: Poetry

publisher: Bassarai

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1997

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Gernikarena

author: Manciet, Bernard

translator: Lucien Etxezaharreta

year of publication of translation: 2005

title of original: Lo Dider de Guernica

text type: Poetry

publisher: Maiatz

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2001


title of translation: Gertatzen ari den munduaren akaberari buruz

author: Lopes, Charo

translator: Txerra Rodriguez

year of publication of translation: 2021

title of original: De como acontece o fin de mundo

text type: Poetry

publisher: Booktegi

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2015

country of publication of original : Galicia

        online text


title of translation: Girgileria

author: Dolores, Juana

translator: Maider Ramirez

year of publication of translation: 2024

title of original: Bijuteria

text type: Poetry

publisher: Katakrak

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2020

country of publication of original : Catalonia


title of translation: Giro gori = Tiempo ardiente : (1954 - 1977) [Antologia]

author: San Martin, Juan

translator: Jorge González ; Felipe Juaristi

year of publication of translation: 1998

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: EHU

series: Gaur Egungo Euskal Poesia

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Gitanjali : eskaintza kantak

author: Tagore, Rabindranath

translator: Patxi Ezkiaga

year of publication of translation: 2008

title of original: গীতাঞ্জলি

text type: Poetry

publisher: Arantzazuko Frantziskotar argitaldaria = EFA

series: Ostertza

Bridge language(s): english

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1910

country of publication of original : India


title of translation: Goardià en la boira

author: Juaristi, Felipe

translator: Vitor Sunyol

year of publication of translation: 1994

title of original: Laino artean zelatari

text type: Poetry

publisher: Vich

target language(s): catalan

year of publication of original: 1993

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Good Wolf, Bad Wolf

author: Cano, Harkaitz

translator: Kristin Addis

year of publication of translation: 2021

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Poetrywala

target language(s): english

year of publication of original: s.n.

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Gu = Nosotros

author: Lahoz Ruesga, Laura

translator: Mitxel Murua

year of publication of translation: 2021

text type: Poetry

publisher: Letra de Molde

series: Asuntos internos; II

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Spain


title of translation: Hainbat poema

author: Nelli, Renat

translator: Itxaro Borda

year of publication of translation: 1994

text type: Poetry

publisher: Hegats, 11

target language(s): basque

        online text


title of translation: Haizearen hegaletan : poesi antologia = ['aley kenafey ruah] = Sobre las alas del viento : antología poética

author: Yehuda ha-Levi

translator: Xabier Kintana

year of publication of translation: 2002

title of original: ['aley kenafey ruah]

text type: Poetry

publisher: EHU

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

        online text


title of translation: Haizegua. El viento sur

author: Indaburu, Martin

translator: Pío Caro Baroja; Juan Garmendia

year of publication of translation: 1994

title of original: Haizegua

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pamiela

target language(s): spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Halabiz, kamarada

author: Rodriguez Fer, Claudio

translator: Aurelia Arkotxa; Joseba Andoni Lakarra

year of publication of translation: 2017

title of original: Pai meu : Amén Camarada

text type: Poetry

publisher: A cabeleira

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1999

country of publication of original : Galicia

        online text


title of translation: Hamabi poema = Dvanajst pesmi = Двенадцать стихотворений = Dvylika eilėraščių [Antologia]

author: Sarrionandia, Joseba

translator: Laura Liubinavičiūtė; Karina Mishchenkova; Bárbara Pregelj

year of publication of translation: 2016

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: EIZIE

target language(s): lithuanian, russian, slovenian

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text


title of translation: Hamairu ate [Antologia]

author: Anonimoa; Picabia, Francis; Kafka, Franz; Calders, Pere; Machado, Anibal; Carrington, Leonora; Axelos, Kostas; Bierce, Ambrose; Saki; Piñera, Virgilio; Hagiwara, Sakutaro; Aub, Max; Suarez, Gonzalo; García Márquez, Gabriel

translator: Mitxel Sarasketa; Joseba Sarrionandia

year of publication of translation: 1985

text type: Poetry

publisher: Elkar

target language(s): basque

        online text


title of translation: Harri eta herri : (kopla, bertso, ditxo eta poemak) = Piedra y pueblo

author: Aresti, Gabriel

translator: Gabriel Aresti

year of publication of translation: 1964

title of original: Harri eta herri (elebiduna)

text type: Poetry

publisher: Itxaropena

target language(s): spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Hasta cuándo se puede tener razón

author: Igerabide, Juan Kruz

translator: Juan Kruz Igerabide

year of publication of translation: 2021

title of original: Noiz arte arrazoi : aforismoak

text type: Poetry

publisher: Cypress & Apeadero de Aforistas

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2020

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Hau da ene ondasun guzia

author: Sarrionandia, Joseba


year of publication of translation: 1999

title of original: Hau da ene ondasun guzia

text type: Poetry

publisher: Txalaparta ; Esan Ozenki

target language(s): english, french, german, spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Hautsak errautsa bezain = Tant la cendre que la poussière

author: Borda, Itxaro

translator: Itxaro Borda

year of publication of translation: 2002

title of original: Hautsak errautsa bezain

text type: Poetry

publisher: Maiatz

target language(s): french

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Haxixaren poema

author: Baudelaire, Charles

translator: Oier Alonso

year of publication of translation: 1998

title of original: Le Poème du haschisch

text type: Poetry

publisher: Infomart

series: Humanismoa; 2

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1858

country of publication of original : France

        online text


title of translation: Haztamuka = Dol i sol

author: Etxeberria, Luisa

translator: Jon Elordi

year of publication of translation: 2017

title of original: Dol i sol

text type: Poetry

publisher: Denonartean

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2017

country of publication of original : Catalonia


title of translation: Heine'ren olerkiak

author: Heine, Heinrich

translator: Joseba Arregi

year of publication of translation: 1927

text type: Poetry

publisher: Rementeria

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 18??

        online text


title of translation: Hezurrezko xirulak [Antologia]

author: Touqan, Fadwa; Murua, Martin de; Bandeira, Manuel; Agatias Eskolastikoa; Marvell, Andrew; Turtiainen, Arvo; Donne, John; Anonimoa; Al Qassim, Samih; Assaqilah, Hayil; Silentiarius, Paulus; Ostaijen, Paul van; Lermontov, Mijail Iur'evich; Blandiana, Ana; Kassak, Lajos; Drummond de Andrade, Carlos; Williams, Tennessee; Puxkin, Alexandr; Chretien de Troyes; Staff, Leopold; Bukowski, Charles; Kahlau, Heinz; Filodemo, Gadarako; Brecht, Bertolt; Petofi, Sandor; Huong, Ho Xuan; Heine, Heinrich; Wei, Wang; Marti i Pol, Miquel; Quasimodo, Salvatore; Yunque, Alvaro; Spenser, Edmund; Vallejo, Cesar; Ziad, Tawfiq; Blok, Alexander; Mqhayi, Samuel Edward; Jabran, Salim; Vanzetti, Bartolomeo; Darwish, Mahmud; Lonnrot, Elias; Stesikoro, Himerako; Berryman, John; Jozsef, Attila; Goethe, Johann Wolfgang; Levertov, Denise; Pound, Ezra; Tenreiro, Francisco Jose

translator: Joseba Sarrionandia

year of publication of translation: 1991

text type: Poetry

publisher: Elkar

series: Literatura

target language(s): basque


title of translation: Hilda dago poesia? = ¿La poesía está muerta? [Antologia]

author: Sarrionandia, Joseba

translator: Joseba Sarrionandia

year of publication of translation: 2016

title of original: Hilda dago poesia?

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pamiela

series: Poesia

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2016

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Hiria uhaskan (1970-2002)

author: Viar, Javier


year of publication of translation: 2003

text type: Poetry

publisher: EHU

series: Gaur Egungo Euskal Poesia

target language(s): basque


title of translation: Hiru emakume

author: Plath, Sylvia

translator: Harkaitz Cano

year of publication of translation: 2018

title of original: Three Women

text type: Poetry

publisher: Denonartean

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1962


title of translation: Hitzak palmondo : Jujua, poemak eta akuarelak

author: Federici, Silvia

translator: Amaia Astobiza

year of publication of translation: 2023

text type: Poetry

publisher: Txalaparta

series: Amaiur

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2023


title of translation: Hondar eta gauezko loturak = Ataduras de noche y arena

author: Maraña, Felix

translator: Juan San Martin

year of publication of translation: 1980

title of original: Ataduras de noche y arena

text type: Poetry

publisher: Luis Haranburu

series: Harria

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1980

country of publication of original : Basque Country

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title of translation: Hyperion

author: Hölderlin, Friedrich

translator: Eduardo Gil Bera

year of publication of translation: 2001

title of original: Hyperion oder Der Eremit in Griechenland

text type: Poetry

publisher: Erein

series: Poesia

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1797

country of publication of original : Germany

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title of translation: Ibilaldia = Itinerario

author: Lekuona, Juan Mari

translator: Inazio Mujika Iraola

year of publication of translation: 1996

title of original: Ibilaldia

text type: Poetry

publisher: EHU

target language(s): spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Idazlan autatuak

author: Joan Gurutzekoa


year of publication of translation: 1992

text type: Poetry

publisher: El Carmen = Karmel

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Spain


title of translation: Idazlan guztiak

author: Joan Gurutzekoa

translator: Luis Baraiazarra

year of publication of translation: 2021

text type: Poetry

publisher: Karmel

series: Karmel sorta, 15

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Spain


title of translation: Idea Vilariño [Antologia]

author: Vilariño, Idea

translator: Garazi Arrula

year of publication of translation: 2019

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko poesia kaierak; 30

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Uruguay

        online text


title of translation: Iemand loopt op de brandtrap

author: Cano, Harkaitz

translator: Henrike Olasolo; Luk Van Mensel

year of publication of translation: 2013

title of original: Norbait dabil sute-eskaileran

text type: Poetry

publisher: Zirimiri Press

target language(s): dutch

year of publication of original: 2001

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Ilargi = Luna

author: Nuño, Sihara

translator: Nagore Pérez

year of publication of translation: 2024

title of original: Ilargi = Luna

text type: Poetry

publisher: Ultramarina Cartonera & Digital

series: Bilingüe Mar

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2024


title of translation: Ilhun-argiak = Claroscuros

author: Mirande, Jon

translator: Felipe Juaristi

year of publication of translation: 1992

title of original: Ilhun-argiak

text type: Poetry

publisher: EHU

series: Gaur Egungo Euskal Poesia

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1992

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Iliasena

author: Homero

translator: Gaizka Barandiaran

year of publication of translation: 1956

title of original: Iliás

text type: Poetry

publisher: Talleres Tipográficos de las Escuelas Profesionales

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: K. a.V


title of translation: Iliasena: Iliada Euzkeraz

author: Homero

translator: Gaizka Barandiaran

year of publication of translation: 1954

title of original: I????: Iliás; ????da: Iliáda

text type: Poetry

publisher: Josephus Sudupe

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: K. a.V


title of translation: Infernuko hesteetan

author: Bukowski, Charles

translator: Mikel Olano

year of publication of translation: 2008

title of original: Septuagenarian Stew

text type: Poetry

publisher: Elkar

series: Poesia

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1990

country of publication of original : Germany


title of translation: Intza begietan

author: Sagarzazu, Claudio


year of publication of translation: 1957

title of original: Intza begietan

text type: Poetry

publisher: Valverde

target language(s): spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Iraupenari poema

author: Handke, Peter

translator: Asier Sarasola

year of publication of translation: 2021

title of original: Gedicht an die Dauer

text type: Poetry

publisher: Booktegi

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1986

country of publication of original : Australia

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title of translation: Istorioak, alegiazkoak nahiz egiazkoak

author: Blas de Otero

translator: Andrés Urrutia

year of publication of translation: 2016

title of original: Historias fingidas y verdaderas

text type: Poetry

publisher: Bilboko Udala

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1970

country of publication of original : Spain


title of translation: Itzulpena - Traducción

author: Erro, Anjel

translator: Angel Erro

year of publication of translation: 2024

text type: Poetry

publisher: Nafarroako Gobernua

target language(s): not determined

year of publication of original: 2024

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Izkiriaturik aurkitu ditudan ene poemak [Antologia]

author: Anonimoa; Arbiter, C. Petronio; Fu, Du; Katulo, Gaio Valerio; Statius, Zezilio; Pavese, Cesare; Kavafis, Konstantinos; Melville, Herman; Martzial, Marko Valerio; Kinto Flako, Horazio; Khayyam, Omar; Holan, Vladimir; Blaga, Lucian; Auden W.H.; Yeats, William Butler; Andrade, Eugenio de; Sands, Bobby; Thomas, Dylan; Billard, Christine; Baudelaire, Charles; Apollinaire, Guillaume; Pessoa, Fernando; Arp, Jean; Enio, Kinto; Vogelweide, Walther von der; Rilke, Rainer Maria; Lucrecio Caro, Tito; Henri, Adrian

translator: Joseba Sarrionandia

year of publication of translation: 1985

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pamiela

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.


title of translation: Jainko antzerkia. Infernua

author: Dante Alighieri

translator: Santiago Onaindia

year of publication of translation: 2001

title of original: Divina Commedia Inferno

text type: Poetry

publisher: Hiria

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1304

country of publication of original : Italy


title of translation: Jainko antzerkia: paradisua

author: Dante Alighieri

translator: Jose Antonio Agirre

year of publication of translation: 2003

title of original: Divina Commedia

text type: Poetry

publisher: Hiria

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1304

country of publication of original : Italy


title of translation: Jainko antzerkia: purgatorioa

author: Dante Alighieri

translator: Jose Antonio Agirre

year of publication of translation: 2002

title of original: Divina Commedia

text type: Poetry

publisher: Hiria

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1304

country of publication of original : Italy


title of translation: Jainko-antzerkia

author: Dante Alighieri

translator: Santiago Onaindia

year of publication of translation: 1985

title of original: Commedia

text type: Poetry

publisher: Bizkaiko Foru Aldundia

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1321

country of publication of original : Italy


title of translation: Jimmy Potxolo

author: Atxaga, Bernardo


year of publication of translation:

title of original: Jimmy Potxolo

text type: Poetry

publisher: Laboratorio Educativo

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1984

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Kartografia

author: Arregi Diaz de Heredia, Rikardo

translator: Barbara Stawicka-Pirecka

year of publication of translation: 2016

title of original: Kartografia

text type: Poetry

publisher: Wroclaw 2016

target language(s): polish

year of publication of original: 1998

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Katulo

author: Catulo

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

year of publication of translation: 1989

text type: Poetry

publisher: Itzultzailea(k) editore

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Rome


title of translation: Kismi-ren kantua = El Cantar de Kixmi

author: Estornes Lasa, Bernardo

translator: Joan Inazio Goikoetxea "Gaztelu"

year of publication of translation: 1982

title of original: El Cantar de Kixmi: poema mitológico vasco

text type: Poetry

publisher: Auñamendi

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Kointzidentzia hutsa

author: Itziar, Minguez

translator: Aritz Gorrotxategi

year of publication of translation: 2010

title of original: Pura coincidencia

text type: Poetry

publisher: Point de Lunettes

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2010

country of publication of original : Spain


title of translation: Kronoform

author: Igerabide, Juan Kruz

translator: Aurelia Arkotxa; Juan Kruz Igerabide; Caroline-Jane Williams

year of publication of translation: 2021

title of original: Kronoform

text type: Poetry

publisher: ZTK

target language(s): english, french, spanish

year of publication of original: 2021

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Ktoś chodzi po drabinie przeciwpożarowej

author: Cano, Harkaitz

translator: Barbara Stawicka-Pirecka

year of publication of translation: 2016

title of original: Norbait dabil sute eskaileran

text type: Poetry

publisher: Wroclaw 2016

Bridge language(s): english

target language(s): polish

year of publication of original: 2001

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: La casa del presente : 14 poetas vascos [Antologia]

author: Celaya, Gabriel ; Otero, Blas de ; Mirande, Jon ; Aresti, Gabriel ; Sarasua, Blanca ; Mariano Iñigo ; Atxaga, Bernardo ; Serna, Angela ; Sarrionandia, Joseba ; Iribarren, Karmelo ; Tolaretxipi, Eli ; Minguez, Itziar ; Linaje, Iñigo ; Cano, Harkaitz


year of publication of translation: 2021

text type: Poetry

publisher: Olifante

series: Serie maior

target language(s): spanish


title of translation: La Fontaineren aleghia-berheziak : neurt-hitzez franzesetik uskarara itzuliak = Choix de fables de La Fontaine : traduites en vers basques

author: La Fontaine, Jean de

translator: Jean Baptiste Archu

year of publication of translation: 1848

title of original: Choix de fables de La Fontaine traduites en vers basques

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pasquieren Moldeteghia

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1668

country of publication of original : France

        online text


title of translation: La jeunesse d'Oihenart en vers basques

author: Oihenart, Arnaud

translator: René Lafon

year of publication of translation: 1955

title of original: Oihenarten gastaroa neurthitzetan

text type: Poetry

publisher: Euskalerriaren Adiskideen Elkartea

target language(s): french

year of publication of original: 1657

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: La luz, la tierra, el árbol, el cielo

author: Gerediaga, Jon

translator: Jon Gerediaga

year of publication of translation: 2017

title of original: Argia, lurra, zuhaitza, zerua

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pamiela

target language(s): spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: La mort de la mare em va fer mes lliure

author: Esteban, Mari Luz

translator: Ainara Munt

year of publication of translation: 2017

title of original: Amaren heriotzak libreago egin ninduen

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pol·len ; Pamiela

series: De-fracciones

target language(s): catalan

year of publication of original: 2013

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: La muerte de mi madre me hizo más libre

author: Esteban, Mari Luz

translator: Mari Luz Esteban

year of publication of translation: 2017

title of original: Amaren heriotzak libreago egin ninduen

text type: Poetry

publisher: La Oveja Roja

series: Poesía

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2013

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: La primavera en llamas (casi cien haikus)

author: Iturralde, Joxemari

translator: Joxemari Iturralde

year of publication of translation: 2023

title of original: Udaberria sutan : ia ehun haiku

text type: Poetry

publisher: El Desvelo

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2021

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Lainoa janez = Lento asedio

author: Igerabide, Juan Kruz

translator: Juan Kruz Igerabide

year of publication of translation: 2017

title of original: Lainoa janez

text type: Poetry

publisher: Valparaíso

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2015

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Las aguas tranquilas : Ocho poetas vascos actuales [Antologia]

author: Arregi Diaz de Heredia, Rikardo ; Garde Iriarte, Luis ; Meabe, Miren Agur ; Madariaga, Juan Ramon ; Linazasoro, Karlos ; Cano, Harkaitz ; Erro, Anjel ; Bilbao, Leire


year of publication of translation: 2017

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Renacimiento

series: Poesía Universal

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Las ateridas manos del alba

author: Lete, Xabier

translator: Javier Imaz; Jose Angel Irigaray

year of publication of translation: 2011

title of original: Egunsentiaren esku izoztuak

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pamiela

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2008

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Lau gartzelak

author: Hikmet, Nazim

translator: Gabriel Aresti

year of publication of translation: 1971

title of original: Dört Hapishaneden [From the Four Prisons]?

text type: Poetry

publisher: Lur

series: Kriselu

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1966


title of translation: Le monde est un grand homme et l'homme un petit monde

author: Artze, J.A.

translator: Edurne Alegria

year of publication of translation: 1994

title of original: Gizon handia da mundua, eta mundu ttikia gizona

text type: Poetry

publisher: Iratze

target language(s): french

year of publication of original: 1988

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Lento asedio de niebla

author: Igerabide, Juan Kruz

translator: Juan Kruz Igerabide

year of publication of translation: 2017

title of original: Lainoa janez

text type: Poetry

publisher: Valparaíso

series: Poesía

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2015

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Les Bucoliques Basques = Euskal bukolikoak = Los bucólicos vascos

author: Cocteau, Jean ; Rostand, Maurice

translator: Felipe Juaristi

year of publication of translation: 2010

title of original: Les bucoliques

text type: Poetry

publisher: Labayru

series: Idatz & Mintz, 50-separata

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1912

country of publication of original : France

        online text


title of translation: Les exilés des sept : recueil de poèmes 1977 = Zazpietako desterratuak = Los exiliados de las siete : selección de poemas 1977

author: Courougnon, Michel


year of publication of translation: 1977

title of original: Les exilés des sept

text type: Poetry

publisher: Mugalde

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1977

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Les Proverbes Basques recuellis par le Sr. D'Oihenart. Plus les Poésies basques du même Auteur.

author: Oihenart, Arnaud


year of publication of translation: 1657

title of original: (Atsotitzak edo refrauak eta O.ten gastaroa neurthitzetan)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): french

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Linguae Vasconum Primitiae

author: Etxepare, Bernard

translator: Douglas Gifford; Rosa Lejardi

year of publication of translation: 1989

title of original: Linguae Vasconum Primitiae

text type: Poetry

publisher: St. Andrews

target language(s): english

year of publication of original: 1545

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Linguae Vasconum Primitiae

author: Etxepare, Bernard


year of publication of translation: 1995

title of original: Linguae Vasconum Primitiae

text type: Poetry

publisher: Orain

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1545

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Linguae Vasconum Primitiae

author: Etxepare, Bernard

translator: Patxi Altuna; Johannes Kabatek; René Lafon; Danilo Manera; Mikel Edorta Morris

year of publication of translation: 1995

title of original: Linguae Vasconum Primitiae

text type: Poetry

publisher: Euskaltzaindia ; Eusko Legebiltzarra

target language(s): english, french, german, italian, spanish

year of publication of original: 1545

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text


title of translation: Linguae Vasconum Primitiae

author: Etxepare, Bernard

translator: Salome Gabunia; Wim Jansen; Dorota Krajewska; Hanna Lantto ; Mordechay Mishor; Natela Sturua

year of publication of translation: 2015

title of original: Linguae Vasconum Primitiae

text type: Poetry

publisher: Euskaltzaindia ; Eusko Legebiltzarra

target language(s): dutch, finnish, georgian, hebrew, polish, russian

year of publication of original: 1545

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Linguae Vasconum Primitiae

author: Etxepare, Bernard

translator: Maria Hilda Chaluisa; Delia Mihaela Cristea; Manuel González ; Joseph Hares; Shaalan Hares; Joan Martí i Castell ; Cesar Pilataxi

year of publication of translation: 2014

title of original: Linguae Vasconum Primitiae

text type: Poetry

publisher: Euskaltzaindia ; Eusko Legebiltzarra

target language(s): arabic, catalan, chinese, galician, quechua, romanian

year of publication of original: 1545

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Llenabais el mundo = Mundua betetzen zenuten

author: Irastortza, Tere

translator: Tere Irastortza

year of publication of translation: 2022

title of original: Mundua betetzen zenuten

text type: Poetry

publisher: Olifante

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2022

country of publication of original : Spain


title of translation: Llueve siempre y no es en vano [Antologia]

author: Linazasoro, Karlos

translator: Karlos Linazasoro

year of publication of translation: 2016

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Ediciones Oblicuas

series: Alejandría

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1995-2010

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Lore mutuak eta tuaren ezkontzak = Flores mudas y las bodas de la saliva

author: Iturbide, Amaia

translator: Amaia Iturbide

year of publication of translation: 2007

title of original: Lore mutuak eta tuaren ezkontzak

text type: Poetry

publisher: Atenea

series: Biblioteca Vasca Bilingüe

target language(s): spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Lurrerako atari gisa = Introducción a la Tierra

author: Apodaca, Eduardo

translator: Luigi Anselmi

year of publication of translation: 1991

title of original: Introducción a la Tierra

text type: Poetry

publisher: EHU

series: Gaur egungo poesia

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1991

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Mailu isila = Martillo silencioso

author: Igerabide, Juan Kruz

translator: Juan Kruz Igerabide

year of publication of translation: 2004

title of original: Mailu isila

text type: Poetry

publisher: Atenea

series: Biblioteca Vasca Bilingüe

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2002

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Malgu da gaua : Chopin gogoan = La noche flexible: Homenaje a Chopin = Flexible is the Night: Homage to Chopin

author: Cano, Harkaitz; Mendoza, Arkaitz

translator: Kristin Addis; Kristin Addis; Harkaitz Cano

year of publication of translation: 2014

title of original: Malgu da gaua

text type: Poetry

publisher: Etxepare Euskal Institutua

series: Euskal Sortzaileak

target language(s): english, spanish

year of publication of original: 2014

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text


title of translation: Mallarmeren betazalak

author: Lepicouche, Michel Hubert

translator: Jesus Mari Olaizola "Txiliku"

year of publication of translation: 1997

text type: Poetry

publisher: Itzal

target language(s): basque


title of translation: Mandarin dotore : VIII. mendeko olerkiak [antologia]

author: Fu, Du ; Wei, Wang ; Bai, Li

translator: Rafa Egiguren

year of publication of translation: 2003

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Gaztelupeko Hotsak

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

        online text


title of translation: Manifest de la nova dona vella

author: Esteban, Mari Luz

translator: Ainhoa Aranburu

year of publication of translation: 2020

title of original: Andrezaharraren manifestua

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pol·len ; Pamiela

series: De-fracciones

target language(s): catalan

year of publication of original: 2019

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Marinel zaharraren balada

author: Coleridge, S. T.

translator: Joseba Sarrionandia

year of publication of translation: 1995

title of original: The Rime of the Ancyent Marinere

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pamiela

series: Ilargi

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1798

country of publication of original : England

        online text


title of translation: Marta Maitea

author: Marti i Pol, Miquel

translator: Joxemari Sestorain

year of publication of translation: 2011

title of original: Estimada Marta

text type: Poetry

publisher: Denonartean

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1978

country of publication of original : Catalonia


title of translation: Martial'en ziri-bertsoak

author: Martzial, Marko Valerio

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

year of publication of translation: 1965

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: S. Anton Katekesia

series: Euskal-argitalpenak

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.


title of translation: Más allá del hilo

author: Gorrotxategi, Aritz

translator: Aritz Gorrotxategi

year of publication of translation: 2017

title of original: Hariaz beste

text type: Poetry

publisher: Baile del Sol

series: Colección Poesía

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2011

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Matxin Burdin

author: Hernandez, Jose

translator: Txomin Iakakortexarena

year of publication of translation: 1972

title of original: Martín Fierro

text type: Poetry

publisher: Ekin

series: Biblioteca de cultura vasca

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1872


title of translation: Meanwhile Take My Hand

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Elizabeth Macklin

year of publication of translation: 2007

title of original: Bitartean heldu eskutik

text type: Poetry

publisher: Graywolf Press

target language(s): english

year of publication of original: 2001

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Medearen iratzartzea : eta beste poemak = Le réveil de Médée : et autres poèmes

author: Borda, Itxaro

translator: Itxaro Borda

year of publication of translation: 2012

title of original: Medearen iratzartzea

text type: Poetry

publisher: Maiatz

target language(s): french

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Melibeo ta Titiroren arteko alkar-izketa

author: Virgilio Marón, Publio

translator: Luzio Arregi

year of publication of translation: 1923

title of original: Bucolica?

text type: Poetry

publisher: Eusko Argitaldaria [Euzko] = Editorial Vasca

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: K.a. I


title of translation: Memory Dump

author: Lasa, Mikel

translator: Inazio Mujika Iraola

year of publication of translation: 1993

title of original: Memory Dump

text type: Poetry

publisher: EHU

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1993

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Mentrestant agafa'm la mà [Antologia]

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Jon Elordi; Laia Noguera

year of publication of translation: 2010

title of original: Bitartean heldu eskutik ; Zaharregia, txikiegia agian

text type: Poetry

publisher: Proa

target language(s): catalan

year of publication of original: 2001 ; 2003

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Metro : [Siete poemas]

author: Chivite, Beatriz

translator: Beatriz Chivite

year of publication of translation: 2016

title of original: Metro

text type: Poetry

publisher: Papeles mínimos

series: monos, 11

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2014

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Mientras tanto cógeme la mano

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Ana Arregi; Gerardo Markuleta; Kirmen Uribe

year of publication of translation: 2008


Bilingual edition.

title of original: Bitartean heldu eskutik

text type: Poetry

publisher: Visor

series: Visor de poesía; 548

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2001

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Mientras tanto dame la mano

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Ana Arregi; Gerardo Markuleta; Kirmen Uribe

year of publication of translation: 2004

title of original: Bitartean heldu eskutik

text type: Poetry

publisher: Visor

series: Visor de Poesía

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2001

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Mireio

author: Mistral, Frédéric

translator: Orixe

year of publication of translation: 1930

title of original: Mirèio

text type: Poetry

publisher: Emeterio Verdes Achirica (= Atxirika )

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1859

        online text


title of translation: Miserikordia etxea

author: Margarit, Joan

translator: Juan Ramon Makuso

year of publication of translation: 2009

title of original: Casa de Misericòrdia

text type: Poetry

publisher: Meettok

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2007

country of publication of original : Catalonia


title of translation: Montañas en la niebla : Poesía vasca de los años 90 [Antologia]

author: Arregi Diaz de Heredia, Rikardo; Linazasoro, Karlos; Olasagarre, Juanjo; Meabe, Miren Agur; Cano, Harkaitz; Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Ana Arregi; Rikardo Arregi Diaz de Heredia; Harkaitz Cano; Jon Kortazar; Gerardo Markuleta; Miren Agur Meabe; Juanjo Olasagarre; Kirmen Uribe

year of publication of translation: 2006

text type: Poetry

publisher: DVD

series: DVD poesía

target language(s): spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Muga [antologia]

author: Juaristi, Felipe ; Makuso, Juan Ramon ; Otxoteko, Pello ; Gorrotxategi, Aritz

translator: Manel Rodríguez-Castelló

year of publication of translation: 2021

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pruna Llibres ; Edicions del Buc

target language(s): catalan

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Muga [Antologia]

author: Juaristi, Felipe ; Makuso, Juan Ramon ; Otxoteko, Pello ; Gorrotxategi, Aritz


year of publication of translation: 2016

text type: Poetry

publisher: El gallo de oro

series: Gallo rojo

target language(s): spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Murmurioa

author: Elfyn, Menna

translator: Arantza Fernandez; Eli Tolaretxipi

year of publication of translation: 2016

title of original: Murmur

text type: Poetry

publisher: Maiatz

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2012

country of publication of original : Wales


title of translation: Musika ixilla = Música callada : Fray Luis Leon eta Donibane Gurutzen olerkirik onenak, erderaz eta euskeraz Gaztel´k autatuak eta itzuliak

author: León, Luis de; Joan Gurutzekoa

translator: Joan Inazio Goikoetxea "Gaztelu"

year of publication of translation: 1963

text type: Poetry

publisher: Auñamendi

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Spain


title of translation: Nada más necesito

author: Linazasoro, Karlos

translator: Karlos Linazasoro

year of publication of translation: 2017

title of original: Ezer gehiago behar gabe

text type: Poetry

publisher: Adeshoras

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2012

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Nueva Etiopia: conversaciones, poemas y locuras

author: Atxaga, Bernardo

translator: Bernardo Atxaga

year of publication of translation: 1996

title of original: Etiopia

text type: Poetry

publisher: Galeria Detursa

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1978

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Obras completas

author: Aresti, Gabriel

translator: Gabriel Aresti; Jon Juaristi

year of publication of translation: 1976

title of original: Lehen poemak; Bizkaitarra I, II, III; Maldan behera; Zuzenbide debekatua; 200 puntu; Euskal trajedia; Euskal komedia; Mailu batekin; Harri eta herri; Euskal harria; Harrizko herri hau; Azken harria

text type: Poetry

publisher: Luis Haranburu

target language(s): spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Odak eta Epodoak

author: Horacio Flaco, Quinto

translator: Santiago Onaindia

year of publication of translation: 1992

title of original: Carmina

text type: Poetry

publisher: Igarri

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: -23

country of publication of original : Rome


title of translation: Odesan dantzan

author: Kaminsky, Ilya

translator: Eli Tolaretxipi

year of publication of translation: 2024

title of original: Dancing in Odesa

text type: Poetry

publisher: Balea Zuria

series: Itzulpen Saila

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2004

country of publication of original : USA


title of translation: Ogella line

author: Borda, Itxaro

translator: Itxaro Borda

year of publication of translation: 2009

title of original: Ogella line

text type: Poetry

publisher: La Malle d'Aurore

target language(s): french

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Oihangintzako eskuliburua [antologia]

author: Andrés, Ramón

translator: Castillo Suarez

year of publication of translation: 2023

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pamiela

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Olerki guztiak

author: Hölderlin, Friedrich

translator: Luis Arostegi

year of publication of translation: 2012

text type: Poetry

publisher: El Carmen = Karmel

series: Karmel sorta, 13

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Germany


title of translation: Olerki-bilduma [antologia]

author: Benedetti, Mario

translator: Iban Laka

year of publication of translation: 2019

text type: Poetry

publisher: Booktegi

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Uruguay

        online text


title of translation: Olerkiak

author: Katulo, Gaio Valerio

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

year of publication of translation: 1989

text type: Poetry

publisher: Jakintza Baitha

series: Liburu Sorta

target language(s): basque


title of translation: Oraiko olerki sorta bat = Anthologie poésie basque contemporaine [Antologia]

author: Anselmi, Luigi ; Aranbarri, Iñigo ; Aresti, Gabriel ; Arrieta, Joxe Austin ; Artze, Jose Antonio ; Atxaga, Bernardo ; Azurmendi, Joxe ; Etxaniz, Nemesio ; Ezkiaga, Patxi ; Gandiaga, Bitoriano ; Goikoetxea, Joan Inazio ; Irastortza, Tere ; Iturbide, Amaia ; Jimenez, Edorta ; Lasa Alegria, Amaia ; Lasa, Mikel ; Lauaxeta ; Lekuona, Juan Mari ; Lete, Xabier ; Lizardi, Xabier ; Loramendi ; Mitxelena, Salbatore ; Monzón, Telesforo ; Mujika, Luis Mari ; Orixe; Perurena, Patziku ; San Martin, Juan ; Santisteban, Karlos ; Sarrionandia, Joseba ; Sestorain, Gotzone ; Urkizu, Patri ; Urretabizkaia, Arantxa ; Zabaleta, Patxi ; Zarate, Mikel ; Zulaika, Joseba


year of publication of translation: 1990

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Centre Culturel du Pays basque , J et D éd.

target language(s): french

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Orígenes = Hastapenak

author: Celaya, Gabriel

translator: Joseba Barriola; Felipe Juaristi

year of publication of translation: 1990

title of original: Orígenes

text type: Poetry

publisher: EHU

series: Gaur egungo euskal poesia

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Oroitzapen lirikoa (1964-2002)

author: Echevarria, German


year of publication of translation: 2003

text type: Poetry

publisher: EHU

series: Gaur Egungo Euskal Poesia

target language(s): basque


title of translation: Oscuridad sin fecha = Datagabeko iluntasuna

author: Cruchaga, André

translator: Eukene Lizeaga

year of publication of translation: 2006

title of original: Oscuridad sin fecha

text type: Poetry

publisher: El Salvador

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2006

country of publication of original : El Salvador


title of translation: Oteiza. Profetaren 14 hitz = Oteiza. 14 palabras proféticas

author: Ezkiaga, Patxi

translator: Patxi Ezkiaga

year of publication of translation: 2012

title of original: Oteiza. Profetaren 14 hitz

text type: Poetry

publisher: Bermingham

target language(s): spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Otra ribera = Bestaldeko ibaiertza : (1978-1998)

author: Ezkerra Greño, Iñaki

translator: Javier Rojo; Pello Zabaleta

year of publication of translation: 1999

title of original: Otra ribera

text type: Poetry

publisher: EHU

series: Gaur egungo euskal poesia

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1999

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Ovidiusen Maita-bidea

author: Ovidio

translator: Andima Ibinagabeitia

year of publication of translation: 1994

title of original: Ars amatoria

text type: Poetry

publisher: Ibaizabal

series: Klasikoak; 74

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Rome


title of translation: Parnaso colombiano en euzkera = Kolonbiar olerti-txorta euzkeraz [Antologia]

author: Amortegui, Octavio ; Artel, Jorge ; Barba Jacob, Porfirio ; Botero, Juan José ; Caro, Jose Eusebio ; Carranza, Eduardo ; Castro Saavedra, Carlos ; Castillo, Eduardo ; Flores, Julio ; Gómez Jaime, Alfredo ; Gutiérrez González, Gregorio ; de Greiff, León ; Hispano, Cornelio ; Isaacs, Jorge ; López Escauriaza, Luis Carlos ; Mac Douall, Roberto ; Marroquín, José Manuel ; Maya, Rafael ; Mejía, Epifanio ; Nieto, Ricardo ; Pombo, Rafael ; Posada, Eduardo ; Rivas Groot, José ; Rivera, José Eustasio ; Rojas Herazo, Hector ; Rojas, Jorge ; Silva, José Asunción ; Uribe Velasquez, Manuel ; Valencia Salgado, Guillermo ; Vidales, Luis ; Arciniegas, Ismael Enrique

translator: Lino Akesolo; Jon Beiztegi; Joan Inazio Goikoetxea "Gaztelu"; Sabin Muniategi; Santiago Onaindia

year of publication of translation: 1968

title of original: Parnaso colombiano : colección de poesías escogidas

text type: Poetry

publisher: Ekin

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1886

country of publication of original : Colombia


title of translation: Pasos : El sueño de la piedra = Urratsak : Harriaren loa

author: Serna, Angela

translator: Juan Garzia

year of publication of translation: 2010

title of original: Pasos : El sueño de la piedra

text type: Poetry

publisher: Olifante

series: Poesía

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2010

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Pendiente abajo ; Piedra y pueblo

author: Aresti, Gabriel

translator: Gabriel Aresti; Javier Atienza

year of publication of translation: 1979

title of original: Maldan behera ; Harri eta herri

text type: Poetry

publisher: Cátedra

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1960 ; 1964

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Permanencia

author: Suarez, Castillo

translator: Isaac Xubín

year of publication of translation: 2021

title of original: Irautera

text type: Poetry

publisher: Edicións Laiovento

series: Ventoalto, 12

target language(s): galician

year of publication of original: 2019

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Permanència

author: Suarez, Castillo

translator: Jaume Gelabert

year of publication of translation: 2022

title of original: Irautera

text type: Poetry

publisher: Documenta Balear

series: Magatzem Can Toni

target language(s): catalan

year of publication of original: 2019

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Permanencia

author: Suarez, Castillo

translator: Fernando Rey

year of publication of translation: 2024

title of original: Irautera

text type: Poetry

publisher: Cuadernos del Vigía

series: Mundana

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2019

country of publication of original : Spain


title of translation: Pesme i hibridi

author: Atxaga, Bernardo

translator: Biljana Isalović

year of publication of translation: 2022

title of original: Etiopia ; Henry Bengoa, Inventarium

text type: Poetry

publisher: Treci trg

Bridge language(s): spanish

target language(s): serbian

year of publication of original: 1978 ; 1986

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Pido la paz y la palabra = I ask for peace and the right to speak = Eskatzen dut bakea eta hitza

author: Otero, Blas de

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

year of publication of translation: 2012

title of original: Pido la paz y la palabra

text type: Poetry

publisher: Eusko Jaurlaritza

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1955

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Piedra de sol = Eguzki harria

author: Paz, Octavio

translator: Josu Landa Goiogana

year of publication of translation: 1997

title of original: Piedra de sol

text type: Poetry

publisher: Instituto Vasco-Mexicano de Desarrollo

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1957

country of publication of original : Mexico


title of translation: Poema antologia

author: Bukowski, Charles

translator: Josu Lartategi

year of publication of translation: 1997

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Erreferentziak

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Germany

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title of translation: Poema hautatuak = Ausgewählte gedichte

author: Brecht, Bertolt ; Aresti, Gabriel

translator: EuskAlema

year of publication of translation: 2011

title of original: Poema hautatuak = Ausgewählte gedichte

text type: Poetry

publisher: EuskAlema

target language(s): basque, german

year of publication of original: 2011


title of translation: Poema xipiak laxoan

author: Baudelaire, Charles

translator: Jean Baptiste Orpustan

year of publication of translation: 2007

title of original: Petits poèmes en prose

text type: Poetry

publisher: Atlantica

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1869

country of publication of original : France


title of translation: Poema-antologia

author: Kavafis, Konstantinos

translator: Andolin Eguzkitza; Olga Omatos

year of publication of translation: 1995

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pamiela

series: Marulanda

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Egypt

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title of translation: Poemak

author: Auden, W.H.

translator: Juanjo Olasagarre

year of publication of translation: 1994

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Erreferentziak

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : England

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title of translation: Poemak

author: Hölderlin, Friedrich

translator: Eduardo Gil Bera

year of publication of translation: 2001

text type: Poetry

publisher: Erein

series: Poesia

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Germany


title of translation: Poemak

author: Maiakovski, Vladimir

translator: Koldo Izagirre

year of publication of translation: 1993

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Erreferentziak

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Russia

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title of translation: Poemak

author: Rimbaud, Arthur

translator: Mikel Lasa

year of publication of translation: 1993

text type: Poetry

publisher: Erein

series: Literatura

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : France

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title of translation: Poemak pluralean

author: Pessoa, Fernando

translator: Iñigo Roque

year of publication of translation: 2012

text type: Poetry

publisher: Denonartean

target language(s): basque


title of translation: Poemas & híbridos

author: Atxaga, Bernardo

translator: Bernardo Atxaga

year of publication of translation: 1990

title of original: Etiopia ; Henry Bengoa, Inventarium

text type: Poetry

publisher: Visor

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1978 ; 1986

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Poemas & híbridos

author: Atxaga, Bernardo


year of publication of translation: 1997

title of original: Etiopia ; Henry Bengoa, Inventarium

text type: Poetry

publisher: Plaza&Janés

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1978 ; 1986

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Poemas de amor para principiantes

author: Igerabide, Juan Kruz


year of publication of translation: 2016

title of original: Maite poemak hasiberrientzat

text type: Poetry

publisher: Cénlit

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2016

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Poemas náufragos : Galegoz heldutako poemak [antologia]

author: Manuel Antonio ; Carballo, Luis Amado ; Cunqueiro, Alvaro ; Iglesia Alvariño, Aquilino ; Pimentel, Luis ; Seoane, Luis ; Ferreiro, Celso Emilio ; Manuel María

translator: Joseba Sarrionandia

year of publication of translation: 1991

title of original: Poemas náufragos

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

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title of translation: Poemes & híbrids

author: Atxaga, Bernardo

translator: Vicenç Llorca

year of publication of translation: 1994

title of original: Etiopia ; Henry Bengoa, Inventarium

text type: Poetry

publisher: Bromera

target language(s): catalan

year of publication of original: 1978; 1986

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Poèmes & hybrides : anthologie personnelle (1974-1989)

author: Atxaga, Bernardo

translator: André Gabastou

year of publication of translation: 1995

title of original: Etiopia; Henry Bengoa, Inventarium

text type: Poetry

publisher: La Presqu'île

Bridge language(s): spanish

target language(s): french

year of publication of original: 1978 ; 1986

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Poèmes basque de Salvat Monho (1749-1821), présentés, transcrits, traduits et annotés par Pierre Lafitte

author: Monho, Salvat


year of publication of translation: 1972

text type: Poetry

publisher: Ikas

target language(s): french


title of translation: Poesia

author: Smith, Patti

translator: Jose Mari Segurola

year of publication of translation: 2008

text type: Poetry

publisher: Bassarai

series: ARTIUM estetikazko oharrak

target language(s): basque


title of translation: Poesia antologia = Antología poética

author: Champourcin, Ernestina de

translator: Rikardo Arregi Diaz de Heredia

year of publication of translation: 2005

text type: Poetry

publisher: Arabako Foru Aldundia

target language(s): basque


title of translation: Poesia guztia

author: Safo

translator: Maite Lopez Las Heras

year of publication of translation: 2020

text type: Poetry

publisher: Balea Zuria

series: Itzulpen saila; 2

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Greece


title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Aragon, Louis

translator: Itziar Diez de Ultzurrun

year of publication of translation: 2019

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 31

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : France

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Berger, John

translator: Iñigo Roque

year of publication of translation: 2019

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 32

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : England

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Berto, Al

translator: Joxemari Sestorain

year of publication of translation: 2018

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 26

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Portugal

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Pavese, Cesare

translator: Ion Olano

year of publication of translation: 2019

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 29

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Italy

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Pizarnik, Alejandra

translator: Asier Sarasola

year of publication of translation: 2018

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 28

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Argentina

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Pound, Ezra

translator: Luigi Anselmi

year of publication of translation: 2018

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 25

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Ritsos, Yannis

translator: Joannes Jauregi

year of publication of translation: 2018

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 27

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Greece

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Vilariño, Idea

translator: Garazi Arrula

year of publication of translation: 2019

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 30

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Uruguay

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Whitman, Walt

translator: Josu Goikoetxea

year of publication of translation: 2022

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 41

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : USA

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Yeats, William

translator: Juan Kruz Igerabide

year of publication of translation: 2022

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 42

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Ireland

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Akhmatova, Anna

translator: Josu Landa Ijurko

year of publication of translation: 2022

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 44

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Russia

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Andresen, Sophia de Mello Breyner

translator: Iñigo Roque

year of publication of translation: 2015

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 8

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Portugal

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Ayim, May

translator: Garazi Ugalde

year of publication of translation: 2020

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 35

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Germany

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Bachmann, Ingeborg

translator: Nagore Tolosa

year of publication of translation: 2015

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 10

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Austria

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Benedetti, Mario

translator: Inma Errea

year of publication of translation: 2023

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 46

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Uruguay

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Brecht, Bertolt

translator: Irati Majuelo

year of publication of translation: 2023

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 45

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Germany

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Carver, Raymond

translator: Harkaitz Cano

year of publication of translation: 2020

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 36

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : USA

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Castro, Rosalia de

translator: Koldo Izagirre

year of publication of translation: 2017

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 23

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Galicia

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Celan, Paul

translator: Xabier Montoia

year of publication of translation: 2016

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 15

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Césaire, Aimé

translator: Iñigo Aranbarri

year of publication of translation: 2014

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 3

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Martinique

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Dickinson, Emily

translator: Angel Erro

year of publication of translation: 2014

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 4

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : USA

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Drummond de Andrade, Carlos

translator: Koldo Izagirre

year of publication of translation: 2014

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 5

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Brasil

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Farrokhzad, Forugh

translator: Miren Agur Meabe

year of publication of translation: 2020

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 33

Bridge language(s): french, spanish

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Iran

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Ferrater, Gabriel

translator: Aritz Galarraga

year of publication of translation: 2015

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 9

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Catalonia

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: García Lorca, Federico

translator: Juan Luis Zabala

year of publication of translation: 2022

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak; 43

target language(s): basque

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Gonzalez, Angel

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

year of publication of translation: 2016

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 14

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Spain

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Heaney, Seamus

translator: Xabi Borda

year of publication of translation: 2017

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 24

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Ireland

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Hebert, Anne

translator: Aiora Jaka

year of publication of translation: 2024

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 49

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Canada


title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Hernández, Miguel

translator: Josu Landa Ijurko

year of publication of translation: 2014

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 6

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Spain

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Holub, Miroslav

translator: Karlos Cid Abasolo

year of publication of translation: 2016

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 18

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Czech Republic

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Jordan, June

translator: Ane Garcia

year of publication of translation: 2020

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 34

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : USA

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Larkin, Philip

translator: Juanjo Olasagarre

year of publication of translation: 2023

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 47

target language(s): basque


title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Lorde, Audre

translator: Danele Sarriugarte Mochales

year of publication of translation: 2016

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 13

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : USA

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Mallarmé, Stéphane

translator: Josu Landa Ijurko

year of publication of translation: 2016

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 17

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : France

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Marçal, Maria Mercè

translator: Itxaro Borda

year of publication of translation: 2014

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 2

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Catalonia

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Merini, Alda

translator: Aiora Enparantza

year of publication of translation: 2021

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 39

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Italy

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Miliauskaite, Nijole

translator: Leire Bilbao

year of publication of translation: 2016

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 16

Bridge language(s): english, spanish

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Lithuania

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Millay, Edna St. Vincent

translator: Ana Isabel Morales

year of publication of translation: 2021

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 38

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : USA

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Montale, Eugenio

translator: Anjel Lertxundi

year of publication of translation: 2015

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 11

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Italy

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Nakahara, Chuya

translator: Hiromi Yoshida

year of publication of translation: 2017

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 22

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Japan

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Okigbo, Christopher

translator: Karmen Irizar

year of publication of translation: 2021

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 37

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Nigeria

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Pasolini, Pier Paolo

translator: Irene Hurtado de Saratxo

year of publication of translation: 2023

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 48

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Italy


title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Perse, Saint-John

translator: Santi Leoné

year of publication of translation: 2021

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 40

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : France

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title of translation: Poesia Kaiera [antologia]

author: Rich, Adrienne

translator: Maialen Berasategi

year of publication of translation: 2017

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 19

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : USA

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Seferis, Giorgos

translator: Maite Lopez Las Heras

year of publication of translation: 2024

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 50

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Greece


title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Sena, Jorge de

translator: Rikardo Arregi Diaz de Heredia

year of publication of translation: 2015

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 12

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Portugal

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Sexton, Anne

translator: Harkaitz Cano

year of publication of translation: 2015

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 7

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : USA

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Storni, Alfonsina

translator: Uxue Alberdi

year of publication of translation: 2017

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 20

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

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title of translation: Poesia Kaiera [antologia]

author: Thomas, Dylan

translator: Iker Alvarez

year of publication of translation: 2017

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 21

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : United Kingdom

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title of translation: Poesia kaiera [antologia]

author: Trakl, Georg

translator: Antton Garikano

year of publication of translation: 2014

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Susa

series: Munduko Poesia Kaierak, 1

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Austria

        online text


title of translation: Poesies basques de Bernard Dechepare d'Eyheralarre (Province de Basse-Navarre) : Nouvelle edition absolument conforme à la première de 1545.

author: Etxepare, Bernard


year of publication of translation: 1874

title of original: Linguae Vasconum Primitiae

text type: Poetry

publisher: P. Cazals

target language(s): french

year of publication of original: 1545

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Poesies basques de Bernard Dechepare recteur de Saint-Michel-le-Vieux : Publiées d'après l'edition de Bordeaux de 1545 et traduites pour la première fois en Français

author: Etxepare, Bernard

translator: M. Archu

year of publication of translation: 1847

title of original: Linguae Vasconum Primitiae

text type: Poetry

publisher: Faye

target language(s): french

year of publication of original: 1545

country of publication of original : Basque Country

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title of translation: Poesíes Franciscano-Maragallianes… oraingoa ta laistergerokoa

author: Cases Carbó, Joaquim

translator: Agustin Zumalabe

year of publication of translation: 1934

title of original: Poesíes franciscano-moragallianes : i d'altres que potser no en són prou... : conventuáls, diverses, polítiques

text type: Poetry

publisher: Llibrería Catalónia

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1934

country of publication of original : Catalonia


title of translation: Poeta ibiltariak = Poetas itinerantes [Antologia]

author: Bilbao, Leire ; Juaristi, Felipe ; Meabe, Miren Agur ; Hermo, Gonzalo ; Rivas, Manuel ; Tembrás, Dores

translator: Iñigo Roque; Isaac Xubín

year of publication of translation: 2016

title of original: Poeta ibiltariak = Poetas itinerantes

text type: Poetry

publisher: Consello da Cultura Galega

target language(s): basque, galician

year of publication of original: 2016

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title of translation: Poeta ibiltariak = Poetes itinerants [Antologia]

author: Arregi, Rikardo ; Astiz, Iñigo ; Borda, Itxaro ; Calafell, Mireia ; Julià, Jordi ; Llavina, Jordi

translator: Maria Colera Intxausti; Pau Joan Hernàndez; Gerardo Markuleta

year of publication of translation: 2016

title of original: Poeta ibiltariak = Poetes itinerants

text type: Poetry

publisher: Etxepare Euskal Institutua ; Institut Ramon Llull

target language(s): basque, catalan

year of publication of original: 2016

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title of translation: Poeta New Yorken

author: Garcia Lorca, Federico

translator: Juan Luis Zabala

year of publication of translation: 2003

title of original: Poeta en Nueva York

text type: Poetry

publisher: Erein

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1930

country of publication of original : Spain

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title of translation: Poetandreak literatura greko-latindarrean : antologia poetikoa

translator: Maite Lopez Las Heras

year of publication of translation: 2022

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Balea Zuria

series: Itzulpen saila; 3

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.


title of translation: Poza

author: Ungaretti, Giuseppe

translator: Eduardo Gil Bera

year of publication of translation: 1992

title of original: L'Allegria

text type: Poetry

publisher: Erein

series: Literatura

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1931

country of publication of original : Egypt

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title of translation: Prisons and Exiles [Antologia]

author: Sarrionandia, Joseba

translator: William A. Douglass

year of publication of translation: 2019

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: University of Nevada , Center for Basque Studies

series: Basque Literature Series, 12

target language(s): english

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Profeta

author: Gibran, Khalil

translator: Patxi Ezkiaga

year of publication of translation: 2008

title of original: The Prophet

text type: Poetry

publisher: Arantzazuko Frantziskotar argitaldaria = EFA

series: Ostertza

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1923

country of publication of original : USA


title of translation: Quan els focs s'encenen

author: Soto, Mikel

translator: Jon Elordi

year of publication of translation: 2022

title of original: Suak pizten direnean

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pol·len ; Elkar

target language(s): catalan

year of publication of original: 2020

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Quan plou en les entrenyes = Erraietan barrena euria egiten digunean

author: Eguzkitza Bilbao, Andolin

translator: Manel Alonso; Andolin Eguzkitza

year of publication of translation: 2001

title of original: Erraietan barren euria egiten digunean

text type: Poetry

publisher: Brosquil

target language(s): catalan

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Quintus Horatius Flaccus. Olerkiak

author: Horacio Flaco, Quinto

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

year of publication of translation: 1988

text type: Poetry

publisher: Itzultzailea(k) editore

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Rome


title of translation: Quinze dies a Urgain

author: Loidi Bizkarrondo, Jose Antonio

translator: Josep Agirre

year of publication of translation: 1961

title of original: Amabost egun Urgain'en

text type: Poetry

publisher: Alberti

target language(s): catalan

year of publication of original: 1955

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Requiem

author: Akhmatova, Anna

translator: Josu Landa Ijurko

year of publication of translation: 2016

title of original: Реквием

text type: Poetry

publisher: armiarma.eus

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1963

country of publication of original : Germany

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title of translation: Rifqa

author: El-Kurd, Mohammed

translator: Eider Beobide

year of publication of translation: 2024

title of original: Rifqa

text type: Poetry

publisher: Katakrak

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2022

country of publication of original : Palestina


title of translation: Rostro desnudo [Antologia]

author: Igerabide, Juan Kruz


year of publication of translation: 2023

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Demipage

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: s.d.


title of translation: Ryookan-en 101 haikuak

author: Ryookan, Taigu

translator: Josu Jimenez

year of publication of translation: 2016

text type: Poetry

publisher: Denonartean

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Japan


title of translation: Saliva [Antologia]

author: Bilbao, Leire

translator: Leire Bilbao; Jaume Subirana

year of publication of translation: 2022

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Edicions 96

series: Razef

target language(s): catalan

year of publication of original: 2020

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Sangrantes [Antologia]

author: Bilbao, Leire


year of publication of translation: 2013

text type: Poetry

publisher: Origami

target language(s): spanish


title of translation: Santa Grazi ene bortia = Sainte Engrace ma montagne

author: Aytaberro, Suzanne

translator: Junes Casenave

year of publication of translation: 1979

title of original: Sainte Engrace ma montagne

text type: Poetry

publisher: Itzultzailea(k) editore

target language(s): basque


title of translation: Sapho (Olerkiak)

author: Safo

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

year of publication of translation: 1989

text type: Poetry

publisher: Itzultzailea(k) editore

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Greece


title of translation: Sediento de mar

author: Otxoteko, Pello

translator: Pello Otxoteko

year of publication of translation: 2022

title of original: Itsas bizimina

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pre-Textos

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2019

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Séjour au Nevada

author: Atxaga, Bernardo

translator: André Gabastou

year of publication of translation: 2016

title of original: Nevadako egunak

text type: Poetry

publisher: Christian Bourgois Editeur

Bridge language(s): spanish

target language(s): french

year of publication of original: 2013

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Siete poetas vascos [Antologia]

author: Anselmi, Luigi; Atxaga, Bernardo; Gerediaga, Jon; Irastortza, Tere; Lete, Xabier; Montoia, Xabier; Sarrionandia, Joseba


year of publication of translation: 2009

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pamiela

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2009

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Six Basque Poets [Antologia]

author: Arregi Diaz de Heredia, Rikardo; Atxaga, Bernardo; Juaristi, Felipe; Meabe, Miren Agur; Uribe, Kirmen; Sarrionandia, Joseba

translator: Amaia Gabantxo

year of publication of translation: 2007

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Arc Publications

target language(s): english

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Sodobna slovenska poezija v španskih in baskovskih prevodih : izbrani pesniki na Festivalu Pranger-trojezična izdaja = Poesía eslovena contemporánea en traducciones al español y al euskera : poetas escogidos para el Festival Pranger-edición trilingüe

author: Anja Cimerman, Kristina Hočevar, Aleš Mustar, Tibor Hrs Pandur, Ana Pepelnik, Tone Škrjanec, Nataša Velikonja, Vid Sagadin Žigon

translator: Juan Kruz Igerabide; Bárbara Pregelj

year of publication of translation: 2018

title of original: Sodobna slovenska poezija v španskih in baskovskih prevodih : izbrani pesniki na Festivalu Pranger-trojezična izdaja

text type: Poetry

publisher: KUD Pranger

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2018

country of publication of original : Slovenia


title of translation: Soles = Eguzkiak

author: Aguirre Gandarias, Javier

translator: Inazio Mujika Iraola

year of publication of translation: 1991

title of original: Soles

text type: Poetry

publisher: EHU

series: Gaur egungo euskal poesia

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1991

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Sombras di-versas : 17 poetas españolas actuales (1970-1991)[Antologia]

author: Bilbao, Leire


year of publication of translation: 2017

text type: Poetry

publisher: Vaso Roto

series: Poesia

target language(s): spanish


title of translation: Soneto hautatuak

author: Shakespeare, William

translator: Juan Garzia

year of publication of translation: 1995

text type: Poetry

publisher: Alberdania

series: Poesia

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : England


title of translation: Sonetoak

author: Quevedo, Francisco de

translator: Lukas Dorronsoro

year of publication of translation: 2008

text type: Poetry

publisher: Hiria

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Spain


title of translation: Sonetoak : Zeru horren infernuak

author: Shakespeare, William

translator: Juan Garzia

year of publication of translation: 2014

title of original: Shakespeare's Sonnets

text type: Poetry

publisher: Aztarna

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : England


title of translation: Spoon River Antologia

author: Masters, Edgar Lee

translator: Alain López de Lacalle

year of publication of translation: 2023

title of original: Spoon River Anthology

text type: Poetry

publisher: Balea Zuria

series: Itzulpen saila; 4

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1915

country of publication of original : USA


title of translation: Su karrak = Brasero phréatique

author: Arrieta, Serge

translator: Lucien Etxezaharreta

year of publication of translation: 1990

title of original: Brasero phreatique

text type: Poetry

publisher: Maiatz

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : France


title of translation: Sugarrak, hausterreak, desmemoriak

author: Goytisolo, Juan

translator: Rikardo Arregi Diaz de Heredia

year of publication of translation: 2012

title of original: Ardores, cenizas, desmemoria

text type: Poetry

publisher: Salto de Página

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2012

country of publication of original : Spain

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title of translation: Sugarraren sakontasuna

author: Manso, Oscar

translator: Joseba Barriola

year of publication of translation: 2022

title of original: Profundidad de la llama

text type: Poetry

publisher: Booktegi

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : Spain


title of translation: T.S. Eliot euskaraz [antologia]

author: Eliot, T.S.

translator: Gabriel Aresti; Jon Juaristi; Joseba Sarrionandia

year of publication of translation: 1983

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Hordago ; Lur

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

country of publication of original : USA

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title of translation: Tao te king

author: Tzeu, Lao

translator: Mikel Asurmendi Agirre

year of publication of translation: 2021

title of original: Tao te king

text type: Poetry

publisher: Booktegi

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : China

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title of translation: Tempo de exilio

author: Sarrionandia, Joseba

translator: Isaac Xubín

year of publication of translation: 2014

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Faktoria K de Libros

series: Tambo

target language(s): galician

year of publication of original: s.d.


title of translation: The Blue Line : Poems in Basque

author: Chivite, Beatriz

translator: Clive Boutler; Beatriz Chivite

year of publication of translation: 2021

title of original: Metro

text type: Poetry

publisher: Francis Boutler

target language(s): english

year of publication of original: 2014

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: The Tree of Gernika : Complete Poems = Gernikako arbola : bertsoak

author: Iparragirre, Jose Mari

translator: Xabier Irujo; David Romtvedt

year of publication of translation: 2020

text type: Poetry

publisher: University of Nevada , Center for Basque Studies

series: The Bidart Family

target language(s): english

year of publication of original: 2020

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Tierra de molinos imaginarios

author: Koldo Izagirre

translator: Koldo Izagirre

year of publication of translation:

title of original: Balizko erroten erresuma

text type: Poetry

publisher: armiarma.eus

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1989

country of publication of original : Basque Country

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title of translation: Uhartearen mugetan = Aux confins de l'île

author: Borda, Itxaro


year of publication of translation: 2022

title of original: Uhartearen mugetan

text type: Poetry

publisher: Maiatz

target language(s): french

year of publication of original: 2022

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Uraren bezpera

author: Andrade, Eugenio de

translator: Maite Gonzalez

year of publication of translation: 1990

title of original: Véspera de água

text type: Poetry

publisher: Pamiela

series: Sirena. Poesia

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1973

country of publication of original : Portugal

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title of translation: Urrutira bidalia

author: Bai, Li

translator: Albert Galbany; Pello Otxoteko

year of publication of translation: 2005

text type: Poetry

publisher: Alberdania

series: Poesia

target language(s): basque

country of publication of original : China


title of translation: Viento cercano (poesías)

author: Ezkiaga, Patxi

translator: Martin Lasa

year of publication of translation: 1994

title of original: Haize hurbila

text type: Poetry

publisher: EHU

series: Gaur Egungo Euskal Poesia

target language(s): spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Virgilio'ren Artzain-abestijak

author: Virgilio Marón, Publio

translator: Kesara Miangolarra

year of publication of translation: 1912

title of original: Bucolica

text type: Poetry

publisher: Astui

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: K. a.


title of translation: Yahya Hassan

author: Hassan, Yahya

translator: Juan Mari Mendizabal

year of publication of translation: 2017

title of original: Yahya Hassan

text type: Poetry

publisher: Denonartean

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2013

country of publication of original : Denmark


title of translation: Zauriaren salmoak = Salmos de la herida

author: Ezkiaga, Patxi

translator: Jokin Otaegi

year of publication of translation: 1997

title of original: Zauriaren salmoak

text type: Poetry

publisher: Bermingham

target language(s): spanish

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: Zerueren mugetan = En los márgenes del cielo

author: Gutierrez Cabriada, Marisa


year of publication of translation: 1987

title of original: En los márgenes del cielo

text type: Poetry

publisher: Maiatz

target language(s): basque


title of translation: Zuri-beltzaren koloreak = Los colores del blanco y negro

author: Maia Anabitarte, Asier

translator: Asier Maia

year of publication of translation: 2020

title of original: Zuri-beltzaren koloreak

text type: Poetry

publisher: Oihartzun Kutxa Argitalpenak

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2020

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: [Elurra elurraren gainean]

author: Suarez, Castillo

translator: Fernando Rey

year of publication of translation: 2021

title of original: Elurra elurraren gainean

text type: Poetry

publisher: Egilea(k) editore

series: Helduentzako albumak

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2021

country of publication of original : Basque Country


title of translation: [Prisons and Exiles]

author: Sarrionandia, Joseba

translator: Christina Kocharyan

year of publication of translation: 2022

title of original: Prisons and Exiles [antologia]

text type: Poetry

publisher: Vogi-Nairi Arts Center

Bridge language(s): english

target language(s): armenian

year of publication of original: 2019

country of publication of original : Basque Country

result: 1738 (result in TXT format)

"Etcherat" eztiya.  s.n. (1904)

translator: Edward Spencer Dodgson

title of original: Dulce Donum

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

year of publication of original: 1876

place of publication: Eskual-Herria, 302

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"Joana" (Amaiera).  Hernandez, Jose (1987)

translator: Ion Egidazu

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Lanbroa, 8

"Mayo Interior".  Martan Gongora, Helcias (1971)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Agur, 19

"Véante mis ojos" - Lenbailen il nai det.  Teresa Jesusena (1923)

translator: Manuel Lekuona

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Aranzazu, 24

キルメン・ウリベ小詩集.  Uribe, Kirmen (2014)

translator: Nami Kaneko

text type: Poetry

target language(s): japanese

source language(s): basque

place of publication: Shichosha

country of publication of original : Basque Country

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(Arratoie).  Heine, Heinrich (1985)

translator: Kaekus

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Egin, 2561

(Bigarren gaua). Ardiak eta bildotsak.  Tynan, Katharine (1936)

translator: Gurutz Sarasola "Lotsati"

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Euzkadi, 7236

(pasarteak).  Otxoa, Julia (2016)

translator: Asier Sarasola

title of original: (exractos)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: DSS2016.EU

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...Y LLUEVE.  Bitoriano Gandiaga (2004)

translator: Pedro de Anasagasti

title of original: T'EURIA

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1961

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

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10 poema.  Margarit, Joan (2021)

translator: Josu Goikoetxea

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Catalonia

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109. Sonetoa.  Shakespeare, William (1954)

translator: Gabriel Aresti

title of original: Sonnet number 109

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

year of publication of original: 1609

place of publication: Euzko-Gogoa

country of publication of original : England

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11 poema.  Casaldaliga, Pere (2022)

translator: Xabier Boveda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: armiarma.eus

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11 poema.  Creus, Estevo (2016)

translator: Iñigo Astiz

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): galician

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Galicia

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11 poema.  Levi, Primo (2017)

translator: Xabier Boveda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): italian

year of publication of original: 1984

place of publication: Lavayru, 61

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11 poema.  Milosz, Czeslaw (2020)

translator: Iñigo Astiz

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): polish

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Poland

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11 poema.  Sodergran, Edith (2023)

translator: Jon Gerediaga

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): swedish

place of publication: armiarma.eus

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12 sardinzahar lehenbailehen kontsumituak izateko = 12 old sardines for immediate consumption = 12 sardinas viejas para consumo inmediato = 12 vieilles sardines a consommer immediatement = Twaalf oude sardienen om onmiddellijk op te eten.  Cano, Harkaitz (2017)

translator: Itxaro Borda; Justin Crumbaugh; Bart Vonck

title of original: 12 sardinzahar lehenbailehen kontsumituak izateko

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

place of publication: Transpoesie.eu

country of publication of original : Basque Country

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129. salmoa.  s. n. (1992)

translator: Jean Pierre Duvoisin

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

place of publication: Senez, 13

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129. salmoa.  s. n. (1992)

translator: Xabier Iratzeder

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

place of publication: Senez, 13

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14 poema.  Dalton, Roque (2012 otsaila)

translator: Hedoi Etxarte

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Zuzeu

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14 poema.  Guerra, Tonino (2022)

translator: Xabier Boveda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): italian

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Italy

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14 poema.  Seifert, Jaroslav (2021)

translator: Iñigo Astiz

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): czech

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Czech Republic

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14 poema.  Urondo, Paco (2019)

translator: Josu Jimenez

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Maiatz, 69

country of publication of original : Argentina

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15 poema.  Gómez, Lupe (2021)

translator: Juan Kruz Igerabide

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): galician

place of publication: Senez, 52

country of publication of original : Galicia

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15 poema.  Miquel, Dolors (2018)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Maiatz, 67

15 poema.  Otero, Blas de (2016)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: armiarma.eus

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16 poema.  Müller, Inge (2017)

translator: Elena Martinez

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Germany

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19 poema.  Lowry, Malcolm (2008)

translator: Karlos del Olmo

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Senez, 35

country of publication of original : England

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1907an zen....  Marti, Claude (1987)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Maiatz, 13

1976ko urtarrilaren 22.  Garcia, Antón (1994)

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

title of original: 22 de xinero de 1976

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Hegats, 11

        online text

1983.  Marin Estrada, Pablo Anton (1994)

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

title of original: 1983

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Hegats, 11

        online text

1990eko uztailak 10.  Piñan, Berta (1994)

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

title of original: 10 xulio, 1990

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Hegats, 11

        online text

1990ko uztailak 10.  Piñan, Berta (1994)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Maiatz, 22

20. lana.  Hengtai, Lin (1985)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): chinese

place of publication: Maiatz, 10

        online text

3 poema.  Adonis (2016)

translator: Iñigo Aranbarri

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): arabic

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

357garrena.  Dalton, Roque (1989)

translator: Gorka Arrese

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Susa, 23/24

        online text

4 poema.  Bandopadhyay, Subhro (2019)

translator: Miren Agur Meabe

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): bengali

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : India

        online text

40 poema eta hitzaldi bat.  Szymborska, Wislawa (2018)

translator: Josu Jimenez

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): polish

place of publication: Maiatz, 67

46. lana.  Hengtai, Lin (1985)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): chinese

place of publication: Maiatz, 10

5 poema.  Sarachu, Julia (2013)

translator: Beñat Sarasola

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Separata

        online text

6 poema.  Alvarez Caccamo, Xose Maria (2019)

translator: Miren Agur Meabe

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): galician

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

6 poema.  Berger, Timo (2019)

translator: Miren Agur Meabe

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

6 poema.  Branco, Rosa Alice (2019)

translator: Miren Agur Meabe

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): portuguese

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Portugal

        online text

6 poema.  Hadi Sadoun, Abdul (2019)

translator: Miren Agur Meabe

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

6 poema euskaraz.  Baraka, Amiri (2014)

translator: Jon Trollope

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Itu aldizkaria, 4

        online text

66. amalaukoa.  Shakespeare, William (1954)

translator: Bingen Ametzaga

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

year of publication of original: 1609

place of publication: Euzko-Gogoa, 9/10

country of publication of original : England

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7 kantu.  Dylan, Bob (1999)

translator: Juan Garzia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Senez, 21

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9 poema.  Gelman, Juan (2007)

translator: Kevin Heredia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Berria

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A brasileira.  Piñan, Berta (1994)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Maiatz, 22

A caída de Ícaro.  Sarrionandia, Joseba (2017)

title of original: Ikaroren erorketa

text type: Poetry

target language(s): galician

source language(s): basque

place of publication: Odio Barcelona

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A Heart Like a Bridge.  Ormazabal, Joxantonio ()

translator: Kristin Addis

title of original: Bihotza zubi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2001

place of publication: basqueliterature.com

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

A la sombra de un amate.  Orixe (2004)

translator: Joan Inazio Goikoetxea "Gaztelu"; Koldo Izagirre

title of original: Amate baten itzalean

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1950

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

A Memory.  Meabe, Miren Agur (2017)

translator: Amaia Gabantxo

title of original: Oroitzapen bat

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

place of publication: Words Without Borders

        online text

A plea for a kiss.  Bernat Etxepare (2004)

translator: Toni Strubell

title of original: Potaren galdatzea

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1545

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

A un obrero asesinado.  Lauaxeta (2004)

translator: Koldo Izagirre; Lauaxeta

title of original: Langille eraildu bati

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1931

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

A.Lincoln'en eriotzean.  Whitman, Walt (1944)

translator: Bingen Ametzaga

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Euzko Deya, 177

country of publication of original : USA

Abere doatsuak. Bostgarren gaua. Astoa.  Chesterton, G. K. (1936)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Euzkadi, 7339

country of publication of original : England

Abere dontsuak. Bostgarren gaua.  Chesterton, G. K. (1936)

translator: Bernardo Garro "Otxolua"

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Euzkadi, 7357

country of publication of original : England

Abere dontsuak. Bostgarren gaua.  Tynan, Katharine (1936)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Euzkadi - 7292

Abere dontsuak. Bostgarren gaua.  Tynan, Katharine (1936)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Euzkadi - 7337

Abere dontsuak. Seigarren gaua.  Chesterton, G. K. (1936)

translator: Bernardo Garro "Otxolua"

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Euzkadi - 7365

country of publication of original : England

Abere dontsuak. Zazpigarren gaua.  Chesterton, G. K. (1936)

translator: Bernardo Garro "Otxolua"

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Euzkadi - 7367

country of publication of original : England

Aberri ikasia.  Otero, Blas de (1986)

translator: Jokin Otaegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Ihintza - 8

Aberria.  Gonzali, Humberto (2012)

translator: Karlos del Olmo

title of original: Patria

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Senez, 43

        online text

Aberria.  Gutiérrez, Vanessa (2012)

translator: Karlos del Olmo

title of original: Patria

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Senez, 43

        online text

Abestien Dorrea.  Cohen, Leonard (2011)

translator: Irati Jimenez

title of original: Tower of Song

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Nabarra-121

        online text

Abisua.  Burton, Richard Francis (2002)

translator: Gerardo Markuleta; Iban Zaldua

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Senez, 25

        online text

Abraham Lincoln Brigadako Beteranoentzat.  Taggard, Genevieve (1978)

translator: Beltza

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Zeruko Argia - 804

        online text

Adan eta bizitza = Life according to Adan = La vida según Adán.  Atxaga, Bernardo (2016)

translator: Margaret Jull Costa

title of original: Adan eta bizitza

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

place of publication: Transpoesie.eu

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Adiachoak. Barbara zeritzan katibu bati.  Camoes, Luis de (1894)

translator: Jose Ignazio Arana

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): portuguese

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 31

Adiskide bi eta artza.  Samaniego, Felix Maria (1888)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 18

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Adiskidearen kanta.  Otero, Blas de (1960)

translator: Gabriel Aresti

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Egan, 1/2

        online text

Afusilatua.  Prévert, Jacques (1984)

translator: Joseba Sarrionandia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Maiatz, 5

country of publication of original : France

        online text

Agintzen dizugu, Asturias.  Valdes, Xuaquin (1984)

translator: Juan San Martin

title of original: Prometémoste Asturias

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Egan, 3-4

        online text

Agripa-ri.  Horacio Flaco, Quinto (1986)

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

place of publication: Excerpta - 5. gehigarria

Agur Artzamendi jaunari.  Pey, Serge (2006)

translator: Luzien Etxezaharreta

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Maiatz, 43

Agur, sur txiki, oin polit, begi.  Katulo, Gaio Valerio (1987)

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

place of publication: Excerpta - 12

Agure zarra ta sartzen doan eguzkia.  Hugo, Victor (1933)

translator: Iokin Zaitegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Euzkadi - 6510

country of publication of original : France

Agurea eta Herioa.  Esopo (2002)

translator: Imanol Zurutuza

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): greek (modern)

place of publication: Senez, 25

        online text

Agurra.  Espriu, Salvador (1984)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Korrok

        online text

Agurra.  Guimera, Angel (1931)

translator: O.

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Euzkadi - 5898

Agurtze bat Shoku-tik hur.  Pound, Ezra (1988)

translator: Xabier Kaltzakorta

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Bertso papera - 34

country of publication of original : USA

Ah, ah! ; Il est defendu de cracher par terre et de parler breton.  Keineg, Paol (1987)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Maiatz, 13

Ahizparen laudorioa eta beste zenbait poema.  Szymborska, Wislawa (1997)

translator: Rikardo Arregi Diaz de Heredia; Kirmen Uribe; Magdalena Wegzryn

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): polish

place of publication: Hegats, 17/18

        online text

Ahots.  Sende, Sechu (2020)

translator: Iñigo Roque

title of original: Voz

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): galician

year of publication of original: 2020

place of publication: Berria

country of publication of original : Galicia

        online text

Ahotsak.  Valdés, Xosé Manuel (2012)

translator: Karlos del Olmo

title of original: Voces

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Senez, 43

        online text

Aingeru bat, yayotzan albistari izana.  Unamuno, Miguel de (1965)

translator: Lino Akesolo

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Zeruko Argia - 135

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Aingeruen zuzenbidea.  Figuera, Angela (1960)

translator: Gabriel Aresti

title of original: La justicia de los ángeles

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1958

place of publication: Egan, 1/2

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Aintza ilgatxari!.  Clave i Camps, Josep Anselm (1912)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Bizkaitarra - 210

Aintzinako disziplina.  Pavese, Cesare (1984)

translator: Juan Martin Elexpuru

title of original: Disciplina antica

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): italian

place of publication: Alkohola poemak

country of publication of original : Italy

        online text

Airea.  Motyl, Petr (2009)

translator: Hedoi Etxarte

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): czech

place of publication: Ihes ederra

Aireko-zain batek herioa aitzinetik dakusa.  Yeats, William Butler (2006)

translator: Luigi Anselmi

title of original: An Irish Airman Foresees His Death

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Ireland

        online text

Aita bere semeakin.  Samaniego, Felix Maria (1887)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 17

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Aitameri.  Gibran, Khalil (1985)

translator: Itxaro Borda

title of original: On Children

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Maiatz, 9

country of publication of original : USA

        online text

Aitaren eresia.  Strand, Mark (2014)

translator: Kirmen Uribe

title of original: Elegy For My Father

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

year of publication of original: 1978

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Aitaren etxetik.  Prieto, Esther (2012)

translator: Karlos del Olmo

title of original: De la casa del padre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Senez, 43

        online text

Aizekirri aldakorra.  Larrea, Juan (1984)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Karmel

        online text

Aizkora eta kirtena.  Samaniego, Felix Maria (1888)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 19

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Aizu, hau ez da adio esateko modua.  Cohen, Leonard (2015)

translator: Juan Luis Zabala

title of original: Hey, That’s No Way To Say Goodbye

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: 31eskutik.eus

        online text

Akerman'eko etze luzeak.  Mickiewicz, Adam (1927)

translator: O. M.

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): polish

place of publication: Euskal Esnalea [Martin eta Mena]

Akilesen ezkutuaau.  Auden, W.H. (1999)

translator: Lur erredakzioa

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Lur Entziklopedia Tematikoa

country of publication of original : England

Alaska [échantillon].  Suarez, Castillo (2023)

translator: Itxaro Borda

title of original: Alaska

text type: Poetry

target language(s): french

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2023

place of publication: BasqueBooks.eus

country of publication of original : Basque Country


Introduction and four poems

        online text

Alaska [sample].  Suarez, Castillo (2023)

translator: Itxaso del Olmo

title of original: Alaska

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2023

place of publication: BasqueBooks.eus

country of publication of original : Basque Country


Introduction and four poems.

        online text

Albiste txarrak egunkari puska batean.  Dalton, Roque (1989)

translator: Gorka Arrese

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Susa, 23-24

        online text

Aldaketa.  Apollinaire, Guillaume (2009)

translator: Hedoi Etxarte

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Ihes ederra

Aldakortasun.  Hesse, Hermann (1986)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Zer - 93

country of publication of original : Germany

Aldian edatzen naizelarik.  Robles, Mireya (1973)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): galician

place of publication: Agur - 71

Aldiaren atzetik, urruntasunean....  Robles, Mireya (1973)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): galician

place of publication: Agur - 71

Aldiaren ezkutapena.  Robles, Mireya (1973)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): galician

place of publication: Agur - 71

Aldiari oda.  Neruda, Pablo (1993)

translator: Gillermo Etxeberria

title of original: Oda al tiempo

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1953

place of publication: Egan, 1

country of publication of original : Chile

Aldizka.  Rilke, Rainer Maria (1961)

translator: Luis Mari Mujika

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Arnas - 6

country of publication of original : Czech Republic

Aldizka arkitu oi-det.  Becquer, Gustavo Adolfo (1935)

translator: Koldobika Jauregi "Jautarkol"

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euzkadi - 7014

country of publication of original : Spain

Aldizka arkitu oi-det.  Becquer, Gustavo Adolfo (1930)

translator: Gireuja

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euzkadi - 5480

country of publication of original : Spain

Alegiazko izeberga.  Bishop, Elizabeth (2024)

translator: Aritz Gorrotxategi

title of original: The Imaginary Iceberg

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

year of publication of original: 1955

place of publication: Poesialeku

country of publication of original : USA


From the book North & South

        online text

Algunos poemas .  Igerabide, Juan Kruz (2007)

translator: Juan Kruz Igerabide

title of original: Hainbat poema

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1999/2002

place of publication: basqueliterature.com

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Algunos poemas .  Juaristi, Felipe (2005)

translator: Felipe Juaristi

title of original: Hainbat poema

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1997/2004

place of publication: basqueliterature.com

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Algunos poemas.  Aranbarri, Iñigo (2010)

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

title of original: Haibat poema

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1986/1998

place of publication: basqueliterature.com

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Algunos poemas.  Irastortza, Tere (2010)

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

title of original: Hainbat poema

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1980/2004

place of publication: basqueliterature.com

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Algunos poemas.  Markuleta, Gerardo (2011)

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

title of original: Hainbat poema

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1990/2006

place of publication: basqueliterature.com

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Algunos poemas.  Otxoteko, Pello (2011)

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

title of original: Hainbat poema

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2001/2003

place of publication: basqueliterature.com

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Alkibiades de Rouan.  Lasker-Schüler, Else (1995)

translator: Eduardo Gil Bera

title of original: Alkibiades de Rouan

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Germany

Ama.  Carrere, Charles (1987)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Maiatz, 14

Ama = [Madre].  Moulier, Jules, "Otsobi" (s.d.)

title of original: Ama

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

        online text

Ama Birjiñaren zerura-alchatzeari.  Leon, Fray Luis de (1885)

translator: Jose Ignazio Arana

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 13

        online text

Ama gaintipiñia.  Guerrero, Teodoro (1881)

translator: Klaudio Otaegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 4

        online text

Ama hil zaigu = [Ha muerto mi madre].  Artze, J. A. (s.d.)

title of original: Ama hil zaigu (Nere ama hil zait)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

        online text

Ama maitea.  Sands, Bobby (2015)

translator: Maddalen Subijana

title of original: Dear Mum

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: berbaratza.wordpress.com

country of publication of original : Ireland

        online text

Ama Neketsua.  Verdaguer, Jacint (1926)

translator: I. Basterrika

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Jesus'sen Biotzaren Deya - 112

Amarduna.  Calderón de la Barca, Pedro (1881)

translator: Klaudio Otaegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 3

        online text

Amets.  Arzuaga Lasagabaster, Javier (2014)

translator: Miel Angel Elustondo

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: 31eskutik.eus

        online text

Amets.  Javier Arzuaga (2014)

translator: Miel Angel Elustondo

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2006

place of publication: 31eskutik.eus

        online text

Amets kutuna.  Verlaine, Paul (1930)

translator: Lauaxeta

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Euzkadi - 5357

Amodio gutun guziak dira erridikuluak.  Pessoa, Fernando (2001)

translator: Joseba Sarrionandia

title of original: Todas as Cartas de Amor são Ridículas

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): portuguese

place of publication: Senez, 23

        online text

Amodio-gutun guztiak barregarriak dira.  Pessoa, Fernando (2000)

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): portuguese

place of publication: Literatura Unibertsala – Batxilergoa

country of publication of original : Portugal

Amodioa baino ez dela.  Brel, Jacques (2018)

translator: Josu Landa Ijurko

title of original: Quand on n'a que l'amour

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

year of publication of original: 1956

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Belgium

        online text

Amodiozko zinta ; Anai zuria orrit zaite.  Diakhaté, Ndèye Coumba Mbengue (1987)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Maiatz, 14

Amoriyo makurra.  Campoamor, Ramón (1913)

translator: Emeterio Arrese

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 68

Amsterdam portuan.  Brel, Jacques (2002)

translator: Andoni Lekuona

title of original: Dans le port d'Amsterdam

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Itzulpen Antologia III - EIZIE

        online text

An die Freude. (Poza, Jainkotxinpart eder).  Schiller, Friedrich von (1914)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 70

country of publication of original : Germany

AN JENEM TAG IN ZUBEROA....  Jon Mirande (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: BEHIN BATEZ, ZUBEROAN...

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1951

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Andaluza.  Musset, Alfred de (1967)

translator: Gabriel Aresti

title of original: L'andalouse

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

year of publication of original: 1830

place of publication: Egan

country of publication of original : France

        online text

Andere errezeta.  Moraes, Vinicius de (1986)

translator: Javier Oronoz

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): portuguese

place of publication: Arbola - 3

Andre erraldoia.  Baudelaire, Charles (2000)

translator: Bernardo Atxaga

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Literatura Unibertsala – Batxilergoa

country of publication of original : France

Andre irakaslearen kanta.  Mistral, Gabriela (1957)

translator: Nemesio Etxaniz

title of original: La oración de la maestra

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1930

place of publication: Egan, 1/2

country of publication of original : Chile

        online text

Andregeya = La Fiancée.  Guibert, Edmond (1870)

translator: Julien Vinson

title of original: La Fiancée

text type: Poetry

target language(s): french

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1870

place of publication: Revue de Linguistique et de Philologie comparée

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Angela Duvali.  Le Dantec, Denise (1987)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Maiatz, 13

Antologia.  Brossa, Joan (2019)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Antología de poemas.  Borda, Itxaro (2011)

translator: Manu López Gaseni

title of original: Poema hautatuak

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

place of publication: Senez, 40

        online text

Anton eche-galgarria.  Samaniego, Felix Maria (1887)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 17

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Antzinako bihotz = [Tú, arcaico corazón].  Atxaga, Bernardo (s.d.)

translator: Bernardo Atxaga

title of original: Antzinako bihotz

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

        online text

Apur dezagun katea = [Rompamos la cadena].  Aresti, Gabriel (s.d.)

title of original: Apur dezagun katea

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

        online text

Arboletan....  Jiménez, Juan Ramón (1961)

translator: Luis Mari Mujika

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Arnas - 6

Ardantzila.  Apollinaire, Guillaume (2013)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

title of original: Vendémiaire

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

year of publication of original: 1913

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Ardiak eta bildotsak.  Tynan, Katharine (1933)

translator: Bernardo Garro "Otxolua"

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Euzkadi - 6444

Argia, argi nerea!....  Tagore, Rabindranath (1961)

translator: Jose Antonio Loidi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): bengali

place of publication: El Bidasoa - 820

country of publication of original : India

        online text

Argiari erantzuna.  Salinas, Pedro (1973)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Goiz-argi - 173

Arjentina'ko emakumea.  Darío, Rubén (1928)

translator: Emeterio Arrese

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: La Vasconia / La Baskonia - 1236

Arkatz bat.  Storni, Alfonsina (2017)

translator: Maddalen Subijana

title of original: Un lápiz

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1938

place of publication: berbaratza.wordpress.com

country of publication of original : Argentina

        online text

Arkumea eta otsoa.  Samaniego, Felix Maria (1884)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 11

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Arrantzalea eta arraya.  Samaniego, Felix Maria (1887)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 16

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Arratoi eta saguen batzarrea.  Samaniego, Felix Maria (1887)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 17

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Arratoi eta saguen batzarrea.  Samaniego, Felix Maria (1887)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 17

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Arratsaldeko biozkada.  Hebbel, Friedrich (1965)

translator: Markue

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Egan, 1/6

        online text

Arrazoia.  Hierro, Jose (1988)

translator: Jokin Otaegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Ihintza - 13

Arrizko burua ta aiseria.  Samaniego, Felix Maria (1881)

translator: Felipe Arrese

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 3

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Arrosa.  Garcia Lorca, Federico (1958)

translator: Juan Thalamas

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: El Bidasoa

country of publication of original : Spain

        online text

Arrosak.  Verdaguer, Jacint (1928)

translator: Manuel María Apalategui

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Zeruko Argia - 111

        online text

Arrotza.  Baudelaire, Charles (2000)

translator: Bernardo Atxaga

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Literatura Unibertsala – Batxilergoa

country of publication of original : France

Arrotzaren kantua.  Cohen, Leonard (2014)

translator: Juan Luis Zabala

title of original: The Stranger Song

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: 31eskutik.eus

        online text

Arte poetikoa.  Santori Vázquez, Xuan (2012)

translator: Karlos del Olmo

title of original: Arte poética

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Senez, 43

        online text

Artearen poetika.  Dalton, Roque (2010-05-16)

translator: Jon Benito

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Berria

        online text

Artisteak eta malkoak.  Selgas, Jose (1889)

translator: Karmelo Etxegarai

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 20

        online text

Artoaren ipuina.  Martan Gongora, Helcias (1974)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Esparavel - 80

Artogi.  Basterra, Ramon (1984)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Zer - 75

Artzaia eta ardiak.  Samaniego, Felix Maria (1887)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 16

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Artzaiaren igande-abestia.  Uhland, Ludwig (1932)

translator: O.

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Euzkadi - 5947

Artzain maitesminduak Cere Maiteari.  Marlowe, Christopher (1943)

translator: Bingen Ametzaga

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Euzko Deya - 155

Artzaintxoa.  Joan Gurutzekoa (2019)

translator: Luis Baraiazarra

title of original: El pastorcico

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Karmel, 308

        online text

Artzaitxoa.  Joan Gurutzekoa (1981)

translator: Inaki Berakoetxea; Iñaki Berakoetxea

title of original: El pastorcico

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Olerti

        online text

Artzaitxoa ta ardiak.  Samaniego, Felix Maria (1980)

translator: Jesus Egea

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Lankide - 233

country of publication of original : Basque Country

Asieran.  Otero, Blas de (1983)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Zer - 68

Aska nazazu Jauna....  Decor, Miquel (1994)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): polish

place of publication: Hegats, 11

        online text

Assentiré de grat .  Espriu, Salvador (s.d.)

translator: Bernardo Atxaga

title of original: Assentiré de grat

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

        online text

Astirik eza.  Quoist, Michel (1967)

translator: Anes Lazkau'ko

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Zeruko Argia - 212

        online text

Astoa.  Chesterton, G. K. (1933)

translator: Bernardo Garro "Otxolua"

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Euzkadi - 6563

country of publication of original : England

Astoa berbaz.  Tynan, Katharine (1933)

translator: Bernardo Garro "Otxolua"

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Euzkadi - 6558

Astoa eta chakurra.  Samaniego, Felix Maria (1887)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 16

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Astoa eta cherria.  Samaniego, Felix Maria (1913)

translator: Agustin Iturriaga

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euzkadi - 162

country of publication of original : Basque Country

Astoa eta igelak.  Samaniego, Felix Maria (1887)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 16

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Ateoaren otoitza.  Unamuno, Miguel de (1989)

translator: Anjel Bidaguren

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Zer - 126

country of publication of original : Basque Country

Atzarrabita eskuan.  Hernandez, Jose (1973)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Agur - 74

Atzerriko neskatila.  Schiller, Friedrich von (1959)

translator: Jon Mirande

title of original: Das Mädchen aus der Fremde

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

year of publication of original: 1796

place of publication: Egan, 1/4

country of publication of original : Germany

        online text

Atzerritar olerkiak. Ene begi aundiak.  Altolaguirre, Manuel (1936)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euzkadi - 7388

AUF DEN FELSEN DER ZEIT II.  Borda, Itxaro (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1986

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

AUFFORDERUNG ZUM KUSS.  Bernat Etxepare (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: POTAREN GALDATZEA

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1545

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Auntzak eta akerrak.  Samaniego, Felix Maria (1887)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 16

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Aur bati on-esanak.  Torres Muñoz de Luna, Ramon (1880)

translator: M.A. de A.

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 1

        online text

Aurka eresia.  Venn, Mea (1987)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Maiatz, 13

Aurkientzia.  Goll, Yvan (1995)

translator: Eduardo Gil Bera

title of original: Entdeckung

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Germany

        online text

Aurkikuntza.  Andrade, Mario de (2015)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

title of original: Descobrimento

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): portuguese

year of publication of original: 1922

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Aurpegi hirukoa.  Graves, Robert (1990)

translator: Jose Mª

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Zurgai - Ek.

Aurra ta bere aingerua.  Denk, Otto (1925)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Zeruko Argia - 74

Aurregogoa.  Mühsam, Erich (1995)

translator: Eduardo Gil Bera

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

year of publication of original: Vorbedacht

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Germany

        online text

Aurrera.  Tilman, Pierre (2016)

translator: Asier Sarasola

title of original: Continuer

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: DSS2016.EU

        online text

Aurrerantzean, ez: badakit.  Fuertes, Gloria (1982)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: s.d.

place of publication: Aranzazu

Aurtasuna.  Selgas, Jose (1884)

translator: Klaudio Otaegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 10

        online text

Aurtxo maiteak atozte!.  Blasco, Eusebio (1928)

translator: Emeterio Arrese

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: La Vasconia / La Baskonia - 1235

Aurtxo maiteak atozte!.  Blasco, Eusebio (1928)

translator: Emeterio Arrese

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Aranzazu - 82

Aurtxo txikia = [El niño pequeño].  [Herrikoia] ()

title of original: Aurtxo txikia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

        online text

AUS RUSSLAND....  Federiko Krutwig (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: ERRUSITIK...

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1952

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Azeria eta matsak.  Samaniego, Felix Maria (1888)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 19

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Azeria eta ollarra.  Samaniego, Felix Maria (1888)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 19

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Azken albisteak.  Sala-Valldaura, Josep Maria (2009)

translator: Amaia Iturbide

title of original: Darreres noticies

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Egan, 1/2

Azken poema bat.  Graves, Robert (1990)

translator: Jose Mª

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Zurgai - Ek.

Azoka-eguna Gernikan.  Melua, Katie (2016)

translator: Ainhoa Eguren

title of original: Market day in Guernica

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

year of publication of original: 2005

place of publication: berbaratza.wordpress.com

country of publication of original : Georgia

        online text

Aztarnak.  Martan Gongora, Helcias (1974)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Esparavel - 71


translator: Gabriele Schwab


text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 17??

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Back from the Cannery.  Uribe, Kirmen (2020)

translator: Elizabeth Macklin

title of original: Emakumeak fabrikatik bueltan

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2019

place of publication: The New Yorker

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Badirau maitasunak heriotzaz haraindi.  Quevedo, Francisco de (2016)

translator: Harkaitz Cano

title of original: Amor constante más allá de la muerte

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: DSS2016.EU

        online text

Baga biga higa = [Un, dos, tres].  [Herrikoia] (s.d.)

title of original: Baga biga higa (Lekeitio 2) 1969

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1964

        online text

Bai-dakit, bai!.  Heine, Heinrich (1919)

translator: Joseba Arregi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Hermes - 38

Bakarrik.  Otero, Blas de (1987)

translator: Jokin Otaegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Ihintza - 11

Bakarrik urak.  Martan Gongora, Helcias (1973)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Esparavel - 67

Bakartasuna.  Pope, Alexander (1943)

translator: Bingen Ametzaga

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Euzko Deya - 146

Balada.  Mistral, Gabriela (1957)

translator: Nemesio Etxaniz

title of original: Balada

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1922

place of publication: Egan, 1/2

country of publication of original : Chile

        online text


translator: Koldo Izagirre; Felipe Juaristi


text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1950

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Balantzearen aurrean, bihar.  Castillo, Otto Rene (1984)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Hots - 18

Baldin eta ni hil ondorengoan.  Pessoa, Fernando (2001)

translator: Josetxo Azkona; Ana Iribar

title of original: Se Depois de Eu Morrer

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): portuguese

place of publication: Senez, 23

        online text

Baldin eta ni hil ondorengoan....  Pessoa, Fernando (2000)

translator: Joakin Balentzia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): portuguese

place of publication: Literatura Unibertsala – Batxilergoa

country of publication of original : Portugal


translator: Gabriele Schwab


text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1950

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Banator.  Brel, Jacques (2018)

translator: Josu Landa Ijurko

title of original: J'arrive

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

year of publication of original: 1968

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Belgium

        online text

Banbuzko txapela.  Jimming, He (1985)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): chinese

place of publication: Maiatz, 10

        online text

Barberinaren kantua.  Musset, Alfred de (1967)

translator: Gabriel Aresti

title of original: Barberina

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

year of publication of original: 1835

place of publication: Egan, 1/6

country of publication of original : France

        online text

Barne-gaiazko animalia.  Jimenez, Juan Ramon (2016)

translator: Joxemiel Bidador

title of original: Animal de fondo

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1949

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Spain

        online text

Barra kodea.  Negro, Carlos (2017)

translator: Txerra Rodriguez

title of original: Código de barras

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): galician

year of publication of original: 2016

place of publication: Hitzen Uberan

        online text

Barrena.  Shakespeare, William (1969)

translator: Jon Beiztegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Olerti

country of publication of original : England

        online text

Barrengo loreil.  Martan Gongora, Helcias (1971)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Esparavel - 44

Barruko ikuspegia.  Martan Gongora, Helcias (1972)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Esparavel - 57

Barrutikoa.  Hierro, Jose (1990)

translator: Jokin Otaegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Ihintza - 20

Basa akaziak.  Manent, Marià (1994)

translator: Tere Irastortza

title of original: Les acacies salvatges

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

year of publication of original: 1986

place of publication: Egan, 2

country of publication of original : Catalonia

Basairisa (zatia).  Gluck, Louise (2023)

translator: Garazi Ugalde

title of original: The Wild Iris

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

year of publication of original: 1992

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : USA

        online text

Basaran pattarra.  Heaney, Seamus (2006)

translator: Luigi Anselmi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Ireland

        online text

Basoen oroiminez.  Nhi, Y (2016)

translator: Asier Sarasola

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): vietnamese

place of publication: DSS2016.EU

        online text

Batasun librea.  Breton, André (1999)

translator: Lur erredakzioa

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Lur Entziklopedia Tematikoa

BAUM VON GERNIKA.  Iparragirre, Jose Mari (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: GERNIKAKO ARBOLA

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1853

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Bazen egunero ateratzen zen ume bat.  Whitman, Walt (1985)

title of original: There was a child went forth

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Hotsizki-1

country of publication of original : USA

        online text

Baztan.  Artze, J. A. (s.d.)

title of original: Baztan

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

        online text

Beatricen agurra.  Dante Alighieri (1930-martxoa)

translator: Lauaxeta

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): italian

place of publication: Euzkadi

country of publication of original : Italy

        online text

Bedeinkatua = [Bendito].  Lete, Xabier (s.d.)

title of original: Bedeinkatua

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

        online text

Bedeinkazioa.  Baudelaire, Charles (1957)

translator: Gabriel Aresti

title of original: Les Fleurs du mal

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

year of publication of original: 1857

place of publication: Egan

country of publication of original : France

        online text

Bederatzi kantu.  Young, Neil (2021)

translator: Juan Azpillaga

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Canada

        online text

Bederatzi kantu.  Young, Neil (2021)

translator: Juan Azpillaga

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Egan 3/4

country of publication of original : Canada

Bederatzi poema.  Bogza, Geo (2018)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): romanian

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Romania

        online text

Bederatzi poema.  Darwish, Mahmud (2021)

translator: Xabier Boveda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): arabic

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Palestina

        online text

Bederatzi poema.  Lispector, Clarice (2020)

translator: Mikel Elorza

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): portuguese

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Brasil

        online text

Bederatzi poema.  Merini, Alda (2020)

translator: Iñigo Aranbarri

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): italian

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Italy

        online text

Bederatzi poema.  Storni, Alfonsina (2015)

translator: Xabier Boveda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Idatz & Mintz, 58

        online text

Bederatzi poema.  Thenon, Susana (2015)

translator: Iñigo Aranbarri

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Bederatzi poema.  Verdins, Karlis (2015)

translator: Leire Bilbao

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latvian

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Begi berarexek.  Heine, Heinrich (1921)

translator: Joseba Arregi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Hermes - 75

Begiko ahots....  Quevedo, Francisco de (1992)

translator: Pello Zabaleta

title of original: La voz del ojo, que llamamos pedo

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Senez, 13

        online text

Behialako emaztekien balada.  Villon, François (1999)

translator: Lur erredakzioa

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Lur Entziklopedia Tematikoa

Bekaitzak.  Selgas, Jose (1883)

translator: Karmelo Etxegarai

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 8

        online text

Bela.  Poe, Edgar Allan (1950)

translator: Jon Mirande

title of original: The Raven

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

year of publication of original: 1845

place of publication: Euzko Gogoa, 9-10

country of publication of original : England

        online text

Belar hostoak.  Whitman, Walt (2000)

translator: Maite Gonzalez

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Literatura Unibertsala – Batxilergoa

country of publication of original : USA

Belar hostoak (zazpi kantu).  Whitman, Walt (2017)

translator: Txomin Artola

title of original: Leaves of Grass

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

year of publication of original: 1855

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : USA

        online text

Belaunaldi bat.  Pavese, Cesare (1985)

translator: Joseba Sarrionandia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): italian

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Italy

        online text

Belaunaldia.  Garcia, Antón (1994)

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

title of original: Xeneracion

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Hegats, 11

        online text

Beldur eta ikara, beldur eta ikara, beldurra....  Kuxner, Alexandre (1986)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): russian

place of publication: Maiatz, 12

Belea.  Poe, Edgar Allan (2000)

translator: Harkaitz Cano

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Literatura Unibertsala – Batxilergoa

country of publication of original : England

Belea eta acheria.  La Fontaine, Jean de (1911)

translator: Goietxe

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Eskualduna - 1267

country of publication of original : France

        online text

Belea eta azeria.  Samaniego, Felix Maria (1887)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 17

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Belea ta axaria.  Esopo (1968)

translator: Agustin Iturriaga

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): greek (modern)

place of publication: Zeruko Argia - 268

Beltzakin dantzan.  Neruda, Pablo (1973)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Agur - 111

country of publication of original : Chile

Bénédictions.  Brives, Martial de (1939)

translator: A.S.

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euzko Enda - 8

Bentara noa = [Voy a la venta].  [Herrikoia] (s.d.)

title of original: Bentara noa

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

        online text

Berak bakarrik!.  Heine, Heinrich (1920)

translator: Joseba Arregi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Hermes - 62

Berandu.  Hardekopf, Ferdinand (1995)

translator: Eduardo Gil Bera

title of original: Spät

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Germany

        online text

Berbak.  Álvarez, Lourdes (2012)

translator: Karlos del Olmo

title of original: Palabres

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Senez, 43

        online text

Berberak enara bati.  Anakreonte (1988)

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): greek (modern)

place of publication: Bertso papera - 36

country of publication of original : Greece

Berberak oturuntza-buruari.  Anakreonte (1988)

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): greek (modern)

place of publication: Bertso papera - 36

country of publication of original : Greece

Berdeak dira zelaiak....  Camoes, Luis de (1999)

translator: Lur erredakzioa

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): portuguese

place of publication: Lur Entziklopedia Tematikoa

Bere abotsa egon zan tokia.  Paredes, Pedro Pablo (1973)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Agur - 97

Bere malko beroakaz!.  Heine, Heinrich (1920)

translator: Joseba Arregi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Hermes - 61

Bereizketa.  Bekas, Sherko (2010)

translator: Urtzi Urrutikoetxea

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): kurdish

place of publication: Hegats, 46

        online text

BERLINER MAUER.  Borda, Itxaro (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1991

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Bernardo eta Erroldanen arteko jazarra.  Balbuena, Bernardo de (1889)

translator: Felipe Arrese

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria

        online text

Bernardoa / Ronzesballesko Batallea.  Balbuena, Bernardo de (1900)

translator: Felipe Arrese

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Jose Astuy

        online text

Berriro sartu naiz etxean. Zu joana zara.  Alvarez Caccamo, Xose Maria (1987)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Arbola - 6

Berritsua.  Samaniego, Felix Maria (1888)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 19

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Bertso txatalak.  Peman, Jose Maria (1985)

translator: Argintxona

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Zer - 82

Bertsoaren gatazka.  Aguilera, Julio Fausto (1985)

translator: Aitor Arana

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Hotsizki - 2

Beste bat neska bati.  Anakreonte (1988)

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): greek (modern)

place of publication: Bertso papera - 36

country of publication of original : Greece

Beste buruz-buruko gudua.  Borges, Jorge Luis (1985)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Maiatz, 9

country of publication of original : Argentina

        online text

Besterik ezagutu ez eta = [Sin conocer nada más].  Artze, J. A. (s.d.)

title of original: Besterik ezagutu ez eta

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

        online text

Beti nagoela nik det amets egiten.  Calderón de la Barca, Pedro (1893)

translator: Klaudio Otaegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: La Vasconia / La Baskonia - 3

Beti, etengabe, ez dario euria.  Horacio Flaco, Quinto (1933)

translator: Iokin Zaitegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

place of publication: Euzkadi - 6529

Betidanik... .  Roqueta, Ives (1994)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): occitan

place of publication: Hegats, 11

        online text

Betikara.  Benedetti, Mario (2018)

translator: Iban Laka

title of original: Parpadeo

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Hitzen Uberan

country of publication of original : Uruguay

        online text

Betiko lorratza.  Castellanos, Dora (1973)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Agur - 75

BEWAHRT IN MEINEM INNERN.  Borda, Itxaro (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: BEGIRATZEN DUT GOGOAN

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1982

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Bi gehi bi.  Dorfman, Ariel (1985)

translator: Aitor Arana

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Hotsizki - 4

country of publication of original : Spain

Bi kantu.  Shakespeare, William (1964)

translator: Juan San Martin

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Olerti

country of publication of original : England

        online text

Bi mikroipuin.  Arreola, Juan José (2002)

translator: Gerardo Markuleta; Iban Zaldua

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Senez, 25

        online text

Bi mikroipuin.  Cortázar, Julio (2002)

translator: Gerardo Markuleta; Iban Zaldua

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Senez, 25

        online text

Bi mikroipuin.  Torri, Julio (2002)

translator: Gerardo Markuleta; Iban Zaldua

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Senez, 25

        online text

Bi munduen sinfonia.  Camara, Helder (2002)

translator: Juan Mari Lekuona

title of original: La Symphonie des deux mondes

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Itzulpen Antologia III - EIZIE

        online text

Bi mutil.  Cooper, Dennis (2005)

translator: Rikardo Arregi Diaz de Heredia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Volgako Batelariak

        online text

Bi poema.  Abu Salma (2020)

translator: Mikel Elorza

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): arabic

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Palestina

        online text

Bi poema.  Carducci, Giosuè (2015)

translator: Maite Urzaa

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): italian

year of publication of original: 1871/1875

place of publication: berbaratza.wordpress.com

country of publication of original : Italy

        online text

Bi poema.  Carranza, Eduardo (1993)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Egan, 1

Bi poema.  Claus, Hugo (2018)

translator: Iñigo Aranbarri

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): dutch

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Bi poema.  Cohen, Leonard (2011)

translator: Xabier Lete

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Senez, 41

        online text

Bi poema.  Cunqueiro, Alvaro (2005)

translator: Jon Arego

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): galician

place of publication: Idatz & Mintz, 41

country of publication of original : Galicia

        online text

Bi poema.  Elytis, Odisseas (2015)

translator: Koldo Ruiz de Azua

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): greek (modern)

place of publication: Senez, 46

        online text

Bi poema.  Freitas, Angélica (2020)

translator: Hitzen Uberan

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): portuguese

year of publication of original: 2013

place of publication: Hitzen uberan

country of publication of original : Brasil

        online text

Bi poema.  Gold, Michael (2022)

translator: Ekida

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Ekida

country of publication of original : USA

        online text

Bi poema.  Limonov, Eduard (2020)

translator: Hedoi Etxarte

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): russian

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Bi poema.  Llach, Lluis (2011)

translator: Xabier Lete

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Senez, 41

        online text

Bi poema.  Putuma, Koleka (2020)

translator: Uxue Alberdi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Egan 1/2

country of publication of original : South Africa

        online text

Bi poema.  Qaji, Seyide (2010)

translator: Urtzi Urrutikoetxea

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): zazaki

place of publication: Hegats, 46

        online text

Bi poema.  Salgado, Daniel (2019)

translator: Ibon Rodríguez

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): galician

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Galicia

        online text

Bi poema.  Seferis, Giorgos (2015)

translator: Koldo Ruiz de Azua

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): greek (modern)

place of publication: Senez, 46

        online text

Bi poema.  Souza, Eunice de (2018)

translator: Ane Garcia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : India

        online text

Bi poema.  Storni, Alfonsina (2015)

translator: Maddalen Subijana

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: berbaratza.wordpress.com

        online text

Bi poema.  Szymborska, Wislawa (2012)

translator: Asier Sarasola

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): polish

place of publication: Hitzen Uberan

        online text

Bi poema.  Szymborska, Wislawa (2001)

translator: Harkaitz Cano

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): polish

place of publication: Egan

        online text

Bi poema.  Tchicaya U'Tamsi (2018)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

title of original: Torures / Le Trésor

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Bi poema.  Vilariño, Idea (2018)

translator: Ainara Maia Urroz

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Egan 3/4

country of publication of original : Uruguay

        online text

Bi poema.  Yeats, William Butler (2016)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Bi poema eta promesa bat.  Hammad, Suheir (2016)

translator: Iñigo Aranbarri

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Bidaia.  Fernan-Vello, Miguel Anxo (1994)

translator: Juan Luis Zabala

title of original: A viaxe

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): galician

place of publication: Hegats, 11

        online text

Bidaia koadroak.  Heine, Heinrich (1999)

translator: Lur erredakzioa

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Lur Entziklopedia Tematikoa

Bidaiarentzako albistea.  Cortazar, Julio (1984)

translator: Bego Montorio

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Aizu - 25

country of publication of original : Argentina

Bidaztien arrats-abestia.  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1926)

translator: O. M.

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Euskal Esnalea [Martin eta Mena]

country of publication of original : Germany

Bideko Lorea (Platero eta biok).  Jiménez, Juan Ramón (1956)

translator: Bingen Ametzaga

title of original: Platero y yo

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Egan, 5/6

        online text

Biennale [sample].  Chivite, Beatriz (2023)

translator: Leire Erviti

title of original: Biennale

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2017

place of publication: BasqueBooks.eus

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Bigarren etorrera.  Yeats, William Butler (1993)

translator: Andolin Eguzkitza

title of original: The Second Coming

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Mazantini-4

        online text

Bihotz babes.  Benedetti, Mario (2018)

translator: Iban Laka

title of original: Corazón coraza

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Hitzen Uberan

country of publication of original : Uruguay

        online text

Bihotza jauzten jat.  Wordsworth, William (1941)

translator: Bingen Ametzaga

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

        online text

Bildotsa.  Blake, William (1936)

translator: Gurutz Sarasola "Lotsati"

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Euzkadi - 7236

Bildotsa.  Blake, William (1933)

translator: Bernardo Garro "Otxolua"

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Euzkadi - 6436

Bildur.  Mistral, Gabriela (1958)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Karmel

        online text

Biografia.  Garcia, Antón (1994)

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

title of original: Biografia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Hegats, 11

        online text

Biok zarie ixilkor eta lañotsubat.  Baudelaire, Charles (1931)

translator: Lauaxeta

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Euzkadi - 5765

country of publication of original : France

Biotz on, mutillak!.  Evtuxenko, Evgeni (1970)

translator: Santiago Onaindia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): russian

place of publication: Karmel

        online text

Biotz-begietan.  Otero, Blas de (1960)

translator: Gabriel Aresti

title of original: Biotz-begietan

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1955

place of publication: Egan, 1/2

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Bird on the wire (Txoriak kaiolan).  Cohen, Leonard (2006)

translator: Xabier Lete

title of original: Bird on the wire

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Abestitzak eta poema kantatuak

        online text

Birjinak orduan: Hona, diozunez, Jaunaren.  Juvencus (1987)

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

place of publication: Excerpta - 8

Birtutea.  Selgas, Jose (1884)

translator: Karmelo Etxegarai

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 11

        online text

Bitarte. Ezin det.  Heine, Heinrich (1920)

translator: Sata

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: La Vasconia / La Baskonia - 968

Biursari argidotarraren oroitzari.  Selgas, Jose (1884)

translator: Karmelo Etxegarai

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 10

        online text

Biyotz donetiyari.  Coll i Vehi, Josep (1884)

translator: Karmelo Etxegarai

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 10

        online text

Bizi.  Feliu, Nuria (1966)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Jakin - 22

Bizi gaitezen, ene Lesbia.  Katulo, Gaio Valerio (1986)

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

place of publication: Excerpta - 2

Bizi izan da, bein alai....  Nerval, Gerard de (1994)

translator: Luis Arostegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Karmel-209

        online text

Bizien eguna.  Zupancic, Oton (1974)

translator: Jokin Apalategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): slovenian

place of publication: Zabal - 9

Biziki.  Atwood, Margaret (2020)

translator: Nere Arruti

title of original: Dearly

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

year of publication of original: 2017

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Canada

        online text

Bizitza?.  Marcos Ana (2014)

translator: Miel Angel Elustondo

title of original: Decidme cómo es un árbol

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: 31eskutik.eus

country of publication of original : Spain

        online text

Bizitzari otoitza.  Salome, Lou (2015)

translator: Garazi Arrula

title of original: Gebet an das Leben

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

year of publication of original: 1881

place of publication: Elearazi

        online text

Bizitzen jakin.  Cora Coralina (2014)

translator: Fernando Rey

title of original: Saber viver

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): portuguese

year of publication of original: 1965

place of publication: 31eskutik.eus

country of publication of original : Brasil

        online text

Bizkaia nire lurreko mendiak.  Unamuno, Miguel de (1984)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Zer - 75

country of publication of original : Basque Country

Bladi Oterori.  Celaya, Gabriel (1960)

translator: Gabriel Aresti

title of original: A Blas de Otero

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1951

place of publication: Egan, 1/2

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Blas de Oterok Gabriel Arestiren heriotzean.  Otero, Blas de (2014)

translator: Miel Angel Elustondo

title of original: En la muerte de mi gran amigo el gran poeta euskaldun Gabriel Aresti

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1975

place of publication: 31eskutik.eus

country of publication of original : Spain

        online text

Blas de Oteroren poemak.  Otero, Blas de (2016)

translator: Gabriel Aresti

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Boia salamandrentzat.  Voinova, Irina (2008)

translator: Ivanina Asenoca

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Maiatz, 47

Bosquejos vasco-uruguayos.  Mendiague, Jose (2002)

translator: Txomin Peillen

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

place of publication: Itzulpen Antologia III - EIZIE

        online text

Bost arrosa.  Verdaguer, Jacint (1934)

translator: Koldobika Jauregi "Jautarkol"

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Euzkadi - 6677

Bost arrosa.  Verdaguer, Jacint (1935)

translator: Koldobika Jauregi "Jautarkol"

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Zeruko Argia - 193

Bost poema.  Bukowski, Charles (1998)

translator: Josu Lartategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Hegats, 19/20

country of publication of original : Germany

        online text

Bost poema.  Castillo, Otto Rene (2017)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Macedonia

        online text

Bost poema.  Cernuda, Luis (1995)

translator: Jesus Lete "Ibaiertz"

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Egan, 1

        online text

Bost poema.  Daye, Tyree (2024)

translator: Beñat Sarasola

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : USA

        online text

Bost poema.  Djebar, Assia (2015)

translator: Josu Landa Ijurko

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Bost poema.  Eliot, T.S. (2016)

translator: Xabier Boveda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Idatz & Mintz, 60

        online text

Bost poema.  Esteve, Yolanda (2017)

translator: Iñigo Astiz

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Bost poema.  Fernandez Rial, Rosalia (2016)

translator: Iñigo Astiz

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): galician

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Bost poema.  Gripenberg, Catharina (2015)

translator: Leire Bilbao

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): swedish

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Bost poema.  Guillen, Nicolas (2003)

translator: Mikel Agirre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Maiatz, 37

Bost poema.  Hagiwara, Sakutaro (2017)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): japanese

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Bost poema.  Meehan, Paula (2013)

translator: Garazi Arrula

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Elearazi

        online text

Bost poema.  Michaux, Henri (2018)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : France

        online text

Bost poema.  Pasolini, Pier Paolo (1986)

translator: Bego Montorio

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): italian

place of publication: Susa, 18

country of publication of original : Italy

        online text

Bost poema.  Pato, Chus (2014)

translator: Danele Sarriugarte Mochales

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): galician

place of publication: Elearazi

        online text

Bost poema.  Rabearivelo, Jean-Joseph (2015)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

year of publication of original: 1934

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Bost poema.  Radnoti, Miklos (2013)

translator: Iñigo Aranbarri

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): hungarian

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Bost poema.  Sarajlic, Izet (2013)

translator: Oier Guillan

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1992

place of publication: Hitzen Uberan

        online text

Bost poema.  Shakur, Assata (2017)

translator: Hedoi Etxarte

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Bozkario.  Hierro, Jose (1990)

translator: Jokin Otaegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Ihintza - 18

Bozkariozko eskerrak kommunione ondorean.  Teresa Jesusena (1886)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria : Revista bascongada, 15

        online text

Brassens-en kantuak.  Brassens, George (2011)

translator: Anje Duhalde; Josu Landa Ijurko; Xabier Lete

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Bretañako arrantzaleen kanta. Arrantzaleak.  Caballero, Fernán (1889)

translator: Manuel Antonio Antia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 21

        online text

Burges ttipien zazpi bekatu buruzagiak.  Brecht, Bertolt (2010)

translator: Sara Maio

title of original: Die Sieben Todsünden der Kleinbürger

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

year of publication of original: 1933

place of publication: Egan, 3/4

country of publication of original : Germany

Burgesaren laudamena.  Andrade, Mario de (2015)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

title of original: Ode ao burguês

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): portuguese

year of publication of original: 1922

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Burnt Norton.  Eliot, T.S. (1979)

translator: Gabriel Aresti

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Pott Bandaren Braga

country of publication of original : USA

        online text

Buru ta biotz.  Unamuno, Miguel de (1968)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Karmel

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text


translator: Koldo Izagirre


text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1545

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

CANCION DEL VASCO VIAJERO.  Xabier Lizardi (2004)

translator: Koldo Izagirre; Xabier Lizardi

title of original: EUSKO BIDAZTIARENA

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1931

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text


translator: Toni Strubell


text type: Poetry

target language(s): catalan

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1545

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Cansiz, Fidan Dogan eta Leyla Soylemez-entzat.  Bekas, Sherko (2013)

translator: Urtzi Urrutikoetxea

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): kurdish

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Cantar de Bereterretxe.  Anonimoa ()

translator: Koldo Izagirre

title of original: Cantar de Bereterretxe

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

place of publication: Wikipedia

        online text

Cantar de Bereterretxe.  Anonimoa ()

title of original: Bereterretxen khantoria

text type: Poetry

target language(s): galician

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: [1434-1449]

place of publication: Wikipedia

        online text

Cantiga de Meendiño.  Meendinho (1982)

translator: Juan San Martin

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): galician

place of publication: Egan, 1-6

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Cantigas.  Codax, Martin (1984)

translator: Juan San Martin

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): galician

place of publication: Egan, 1-2

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Cañu, 1990eko abenduaren 31n.  Piñan, Berta (1994)

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

title of original: Cañu, 31 d'avientu de 1990

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Hegats, 11

        online text

Carmina Burana (2010)

translator: Karlos del Olmo

title of original: Carmina Burana

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

place of publication: Senez, 39

        online text

Carson McCullers.  Bukowski, Charles (2021)

translator: Iban Zaldua

title of original: Carson McCullers

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

year of publication of original: 1981

place of publication: Oharrak & Hondarrak

country of publication of original : USA

        online text

Cartografía.  Arregi, Rikardo (2000)

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

title of original: Kartografia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1998

place of publication: basqueliterature.com

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Cartographie.  Arregi, Rikardo ()

translator: Edurne Alegria

title of original: Kartografia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): french

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1998

place of publication: basqueliterature.com

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Cartography.  Arregi, Rikardo ()

title of original: Kartografia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1998

place of publication: basqueliterature.com

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Cernudaren bost poema.  Cernuda, Luis (2013)

translator: Luis Mari Mujika

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Egan, 3/4

Cesar Vallejoren heriotzaren 75. urteurrenean (poema bilduma).  Vallejo, Cesar (2013)

translator: zenbait

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Chaitako haizea.  Bhushan Bal, Krishna (2015)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): nepali

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Changurrua.  Hartzenbusch, Juan Eugenio (1885)

translator: Karmelo Etxegarai

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 13

        online text

Changurruak.  Samaniego, Felix Maria (1887)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 16

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Chelsea Hotela.  Cohen, Leonard (2013)

translator: Juan Luis Zabala

title of original: Chelsea Hotel

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: 31eskutik.eus

        online text

Chicarra eta chingurria.  Samaniego, Felix Maria (1884)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 11

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Chimua lotsaturik.  Samaniego, Felix Maria (1885)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 12

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Choarrea eta erbia.  Samaniego, Felix Maria (1888)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 18

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Chuang tzu-ren ametsa.  Giles, Herbert Allen (2002)

translator: Gerardo Markuleta; Iban Zaldua

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Senez, 25

        online text

CONTRAPAS.  Bernat Etxepare (2004)

translator: Toni Strubell

title of original: KONTRAPAS

text type: Poetry

target language(s): catalan

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1545

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

CONTRAPAS.  Bernat Etxepare (2004)

translator: Toni Strubell

title of original: KONTRAPAS

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1545

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

CONTRAPAS.  Bernat Etxepare (2004)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

title of original: KONTRAPAS

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1545

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

CONTRE-PAS.  Bernat Etxepare (2004)

translator: René Lafon

title of original: KONTRAPAS

text type: Poetry

target language(s): french

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1545

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

CONTRETANZ.  Bernat Etxepare (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: KONTRAPAS

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1545

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

CRIDANT EN EL MOLL DE ZORROTZA.  Gabriel Aresti (2004)

translator: Toni Strubell


text type: Poetry

target language(s): catalan

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1963

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Curriculum Vitae.  Denevi, Marco (2002)

translator: Gerardo Markuleta; Iban Zaldua

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Senez, 25

        online text

Daitekeena da bihar hiltzea.  Lermontov, Mijail Iur'evich (1985)

translator: Aitor Arana

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): russian

place of publication: Hotsizki - 2

Damutasuna.  Martan Gongora, Helcias (1975)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Esparavel - 86

Danielen Geometria.  Desnos, Robert (2015)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

title of original: La Géométrie de daniel

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

year of publication of original: 1939

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Dantzan egingo dogu.  Heine, Heinrich (1919)

translator: Joseba Arregi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Hermes - 41


translator: Gabriele Schwab


text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 14??

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

De Sobrietate.  Davies, W.H. (1992)

translator: Eduardo Gil Bera

title of original: De Sobrietate

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Mazantini-2, 2

        online text

Dekazavilleko meatzaleek….  Boudou, Jean (1987)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Maiatz, 13

Delia Zapata'rentzako zarrapata.  Martan Gongora, Helcias (1974)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Esparavel - 79

Denak ala iñor ez.  Brecht, Bertolt (s.d.)

translator: Jose Angel Irigaray

title of original: Keiner oder alle

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

        online text

Denboraren ama, emakumea, beltza.  Bôt, Ngo (2016)

translator: Asier Sarasola

title of original: La mère du temps, femme, noire

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: DSS2016.EU

        online text

Denboraren mugikortasunean galdua….  Grall, Veronica (1987)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Maiatz, 13

Denborarik gabeko astia.  Benedetti, Mario (2018)

translator: Iban Laka

title of original: Tiempo sin tiempo

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Hitzen Uberan

country of publication of original : Uruguay

        online text

Denpora asko da.  March, Susana (1986)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Karmel

        online text

Depart.  Huidobro, Vicente (1992)

translator: Jesus Lete "Ibaiertz"

title of original: Depart

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Egan

country of publication of original : Chile

DER DRITTE PSALM VON ARTASO.  Bitoriano Gandiaga (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab


text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1974

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

DER SEEMANN.  Betiri Olhondo (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: MARINELA

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1863

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

DER SPATZ VON PARIS.  Xabier Lizardi (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: PARISKO TXOLARREA

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1930

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text


translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: URTE-GIROAK ENE BEGIAN

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1930

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Deseo.  Juaristi, Felipe (2016)

title of original: Desira

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2014

place of publication: DSS2016.EU

        online text

Deseo.  Juaristi, Felipe (2016)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2014

place of publication: DSS2016.EU

        online text

Desertorea.  Vian, Boris (2009)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

title of original: Le déserteur

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

year of publication of original: 1954

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : France

        online text

Despedida.  Piñan, Berta (1994)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Maiatz, 22

(Canción mañanera)
.  Sabino Arana

translator: Koldo Izagirre

title of original: ITXARKUNDIA (Goiz-abestija)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1896

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

(Cançó matinera)
.  Sabino Arana

translator: Toni Strubell

title of original: ITXARKUNDIA (Goiz-abestija)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): catalan

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1896

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Deusentzat olerkia....  Roch, Alan (1994)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): occitan

place of publication: Hegats, 11

        online text

Dhankutta.  Ashesh, Malla (2015)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): nepali

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Dialektikaren laudorioa (Lekeitio 3) 1971.  Brecht, Bertolt (1971)

translator: Jose Angel Irigaray

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

        online text


translator: Gabriele Schwab

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1998

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Die Beste Zeit Im Jahr Main'n.  Luther, Martin (1957)

translator: Sabin Berasaluze

title of original: Die Beste Zeit Im Jahr Main'n

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

year of publication of original: 1538

place of publication: Egan

country of publication of original : Germany

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translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: GAZTALONDOKO PRIMA

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1838

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

DIE FREUNDE IN MADRID.  Bitoriano Gandiaga (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: MADRILGO LAGUNAK

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1977

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

DIE LANGEN UND NASSEN ZÜGE DER NACHT.  Joseba Sarrionandia (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1987

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

DIE SIEBEN VEREINT1.  Pedro Mari Otaño (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: ZAZPIAK BAT

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1900

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

DIE VERABREDUNG.  Joseba Sarrionandia (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: ZITA

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1993

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

DIE VOR LANGEM VERLASSENE ZELLE.  Joseba Sarrionandia (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1991

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

DIESE SACHE MIT DEM VATERLAND.  Iñigo Aranbarri (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1998

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text


translator: Gabriele Schwab


text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1971

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Donostia, hiri irekia.  Celaya, Gabriel (2016)

translator: Harkaitz Cano

title of original: San Sebastián ciudad abierta

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: DSS2016.EU

        online text

Dulce Domum = "Etcherat" eztiya.  s.n. (1893)

translator: Edward Spencer Dodgson

title of original: Dulce Donum

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

year of publication of original: 1876

place of publication: Euskara, 13

        online text

DUNKLE TAGE.  Amaia Lasa (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: EGUN ILUNETAN NABIL

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1977

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Ebano zura.  Roumain, Jacques (2019)

translator: Mikel Elorza

title of original: Bois d'ébène

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

year of publication of original: 1945

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Haiti

        online text

Ecclesiastes.  Mahon, Derek (2010)

translator: Koro Navarro

title of original: Ecclesiastes

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

year of publication of original: 1991

place of publication: Erlea, 2

Eche arratoya eta soro arratoya.  La Fontaine, Jean de (1845)

translator: Agustin Iturriaga

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Ariel - 20

country of publication of original : France

Edateko kanta.  Yeats, William Butler (2006)

translator: Luigi Anselmi

title of original: A Drinking Song

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Ireland

        online text

Edertasun beltza (pasarteak).  Moreton, Romaine (2016)

translator: Asier Sarasola

title of original: Blak beauty

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: DSS2016.EU

        online text

Edertasunagatik hil nintzen.  Dickinson, Emily (1999)

translator: Luigi Anselmi

title of original: I died for beauty

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Idatz & Mintz, 27

Egaka ta igeska.  Zorrilla, Jose (1967)

translator: Tene Mujika

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Zeruko Argia - 233

        online text

Egaz.  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1931)

translator: O.

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Euzkadi - 5908

country of publication of original : Germany

Egia narea.  Otero, Blas de (1987)

translator: Jokin Otaegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Ihintza - 9

Egiazko amorioa.  Campoamor, Ramón (1883)

translator: Klaudio Otaegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Revista Euskara - 6

Egiazko amorioa.  Campoamor, Ramón (1887)

translator: Klaudio Otaegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 17

        online text

Egizu, Aita, nitzat atea andiago.  Unamuno, Miguel de (1965)

translator: Lino Akesolo

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Zeruko Argia - 135

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Egun da Santi Mamiña = [Hoy es San Mames].  Aresti, Gabriel (s.d.)

title of original: Egun da Santi Mamiña

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

        online text

Egun finlandiar bat (Garikanorekin hizketan telefonoz) = A Finnish Day = Un largo día finlandés.  Atxaga, Bernardo (2016)

translator: Amaia Gabantxo

title of original: Egun finlandiar bat (Garikanorekin hizketan telefonoz)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

place of publication: Transpoesie.eu

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Egunberriko cantico bat.  Byron, John (1934)

translator: Edward Spencer Dodgson

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Revista internacional de estudios vascos - 25

Eguneroko abotsa.  Martan Gongora, Helcias (1973)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Esparavel - 70

Egunerokoa.  Bekas, Sherko (2013)

translator: Urtzi Urrutikoetxea

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): kurdish

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Egunsentia.  Garcia Lorca, Federico (2000)

translator: Harkaitz Cano

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Literatura Unibertsala – Batxilergoa

country of publication of original : Spain

Egunsentia.  Sodergran, Edith (2008)

translator: Teodoro Sorrondegi

title of original: Gryningen

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): finnish

place of publication: Hegats, 42

        online text

Egutegia.  Larzac, Joan (1994)

translator: Itxaro Borda

title of original: Calendier

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): occitan

place of publication: Hegats, 11

        online text

Eguzki harri.  Paz, Octavio (2009)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Maiatz, 49

country of publication of original : Mexico

Eguzkia.  Giehrl, Emilia (1925)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Zeruko Argia - 74

Eguzkiaren sarrera.  Rubio i Ors, Joaquim (1897)

translator: Karmelo Etxegarai

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Eskual Herria - 38

Eguzkiaren sarrera.  Rubio i Ors, Joaquim (1897)

translator: Karmelo Etxegarai

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Eskual Herria - 39

Eguzkipean gorraildu teilatu….  Durand, Sofia (1987)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Maiatz, 13

EIN HEIMATLAND.  Borda, Itxaro (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: ABERRIA

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1991

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

EIN KLEINES ALMOSEN.  Pedro Mari Otaño (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: LIMOSNATXO BAT

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1893

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

EINE ALTE GITARRE.  Iparragirre, Jose Mari (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: GITARRA ZAHARTXO BAT

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 18??

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

EINE FANTASIE.  Amaia Lasa (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: FANTASIA BAT

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1997

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

EINER WAHRHEIT WEGEN.  Gabriel Aresti (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: EGIA BAT ESATEAGATIK

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1963

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

EINST UND JETZT.  Jean Baptiste Elizanburu (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: LEHEN ETA ORAI

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1879

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Ekacha.  Zorrilla, Jose (1887)

translator: Felipe Arrese

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 16

        online text

Ekaitza.  Jiménez, Juan Ramón (1961)

translator: Luis Mari Mujika

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Arnas-5

        online text

Ekaitzaldia.  Bekas, Sherko (2010)

translator: Urtzi Urrutikoetxea

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): kurdish

place of publication: Hegats, 46

        online text

Ekatxa.  Zorrilla, Jose (1900)

translator: Felipe Arrese

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Jose Astuy

        online text

EL ARBOL DE GERNIKA.  Iparragirre, Jose Mari (2004)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

title of original: GERNIKAKO ARBOLA

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1853

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text


translator: Koldo Izagirre


text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 14??

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

El esclavo herrero = Esir demirci.  Sarrionandia, Joseba (2011)

title of original: Esklabu errementaria

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

place of publication: La Lista de Porbes

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

EL HUMO DE LA CASA.  Xabier Lizardi (2004)

translator: Koldo Izagirre; Xabier Lizardi

title of original: ETXEKO KÊA

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1932

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

EL MARINER.  Betiri Olhondo (2004)

translator: Toni Strubell

title of original: MARINELA

text type: Poetry

target language(s): catalan

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1863

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

EL MARINERO.  Betiri Olhondo (2004)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

title of original: MARINELA

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1863

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

El son entero poemak.  Guillen, Jorge (1994)

translator: Luis Mari Mujika

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Egan, 1

El tamarindo y la higuera.  Lasa, Mikel (2009)

translator: Inazio Mujika Iraola

title of original: Tamariza eta pikondoa

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1993

place of publication: basqueliterature.com

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Elena Medelen lau poema.  Medel, Elena (2011)

translator: Leire Bilbao

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Ea-ko Poesia Egunak

        online text

Elgeta.  Atxaga, Bernardo; Sarrionandia, Joseba (s.d.)

title of original: Elgeta

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

        online text

Elur-jausia.  Cohen, Leonard (2014)

translator: Juan Luis Zabala

title of original: Avalanche

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: 31eskutik.eus

        online text

Elursentia (oharra).  Tolaretxipi, Eli (2016)

translator: Asier Sarasola

title of original: Mañana nevada (nota)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: DSS2016.EU

        online text

Em neixes….  Bilbao, Leire (2022)

translator: Jaume Subirana

title of original: Jaiotzen nauzu…

text type: Poetry

target language(s): catalan

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2020

place of publication: Anostrats

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Emakume guztizkoa.  Peralta, Bertalicia (2024)

translator: Fernando Rey

title of original: La única mujer

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: 31eskutik.eus

        online text

Emakume logille ederra.  Martan Gongora, Helcias (1973)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Esparavel - 63

Emakumearen soiña.  Otero, Blas de (1971)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Karmel

        online text

EN DEFENSA DE LAS MUJERES.  Bernat Etxepare (2004)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

title of original: EMAZTEN FABORE

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1545

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

EN DEFENSA DE LES DONES.  Bernat Etxepare (2004)

translator: Toni Strubell

title of original: EMAZTEN FABORE

text type: Poetry

target language(s): catalan

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1545

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

EN FAVEUR DES FEMMES.  Bernat Etxepare (2004)

translator: René Lafon

title of original: EMAZTEN FABORE

text type: Poetry

target language(s): french

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1545

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

EN HIVER, PAR UN TEMPS DE NEIGE.  Arnaut Oihenarte (2004)

translator: René Lafon; Jean Baptiste Orpustan

title of original: NEGUAN, ELURTE BATEZ

text type: Poetry

target language(s): french

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1657

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

En la Capital Cultural de Europa = In the European Capital of Culture.  Aiestaran Uriz, Ignazio (2016)

translator: Ignazio Aiestaran

title of original: Europako Kultur Hiriburuan

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2016

place of publication: argia.eus

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

EN LAS PAMPAS AMERICANAS.  Pedro Mari Otaño (2004)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

title of original: AMERIKAKO PANPETAN

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1900

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Enaz aztuko, enaz aztuko.  Hood, Thomas (1934)

translator: Ibai-gane

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Euzkadi - 6596

Ene etxola.  González-Quevedo González, Roberto (2012)

translator: Karlos del Olmo

title of original: La mia cabana

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Senez, 43

        online text

Ene Iubentiar loretxoa, ez.  Katulo, Gaio Valerio (1987)

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

place of publication: Excerpta - 17

Ene lagun handi, euskal poeta Gabriel Arestiren heriocean.  Otero, Blas de (1976)

translator: Jon Juaristi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Zubikoak - [4]

Ene laztana.  Brecht, Bertolt (2004)

translator: Xabier Montoia

title of original: meine Einzige

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Senez, 27

country of publication of original : Germany

        online text

Ene ontzi ori! Berriz itxasorantz.  Horacio Flaco, Quinto (1986)

translator: Iokin Zaitegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

place of publication: Excerpta - 5. gehigarria

Ene ontzi ori!, berriz itxasorantz.  Horacio Flaco, Quinto (1933)

translator: Iokin Zaitegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

place of publication: Euzkadi - 6528

Ene sekretua.  Petrarca, Francesco (1999)

translator: Lur erredakzioa

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): italian

place of publication: Lur Entziklopedia Tematikoa

Ene-biotzoi!.  Heine, Heinrich (1920)

translator: Joseba Arregi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Hermes - 58

Enearena I.  Virgilio Marón, Publio (1959)

translator: Santiago Onaindia

title of original: Aeneis

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

place of publication: Olerti

country of publication of original : Rome

        online text

Engainuerria.  Ehrenstein, Albert (1995)

translator: Eduardo Gil Bera

title of original: Täuschland

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Germany

        online text

Enheduanna poemako pasartea, Inanna-ri eskainia.  Enheduana (2016)

translator: Asier Sarasola

title of original: Fragmento del poema de enheduanna dedicado a inanna

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: DSS2016.EU

        online text

Entre-temps, donne-moi la main.  Uribe, Kirmen (2006)

translator: Kattalin Totorika

title of original: Bitartean heldu eskutik

text type: Poetry

target language(s): french

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2001

place of publication: basqueliterature.com

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Epail-Eguna.  Liliencron, Detlev von (1951)

translator: Iokin Zaitegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Euzko Deya - 339

Era landuan.  Sala-Valldaura, Josep Maria (2009)

translator: Amaia Iturbide

title of original: Cultivadament

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Egan, 1/2

country of publication of original : Catalonia

Erbi bizitzeaz gogaituakta ugaraxioak.  La Fontaine, Jean de (1998)

translator: Juan Mateo Zabala

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Senez, 20

country of publication of original : France

        online text

Erbia eta igelak.  La Fontaine, Jean de (1998)

translator: Jean Baptiste Archu

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Senez, 20

country of publication of original : France

        online text

Erbia eta igelak.  La Fontaine, Jean de (1998)

translator: Juan Garzia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Senez, 20

country of publication of original : France

        online text

Erbia eta igelak.  La Fontaine, Jean de (1998)

translator: Jesus Mari Mendizabal

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Senez, 20

country of publication of original : France

        online text

Erdu.  Banville, Theodore de (1930-otsaila)

translator: Lauaxeta

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Euzkadi

        online text

Eretratua: Nire amaren istorioa.  Cruchaga, André (2004)

translator: Eukene Lizeaga

title of original: Retrato: Historia de mi madre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Palabra virtual

country of publication of original : El Salvador

        online text

Erio.  Unamuno, Miguel de (1988)

translator: Anjel Bidaguren

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Zer - 120

country of publication of original : Basque Country

Erioaren bizitza.  Unamuno, Miguel de (1988)

translator: Anjel Bidaguren

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Zer - 121

country of publication of original : Basque Country

Eriotza argiaren Kasida.  Garcia Lorca, Federico (1987)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Karmel

country of publication of original : Spain

        online text

Eriotzorria.  Selgas, Jose (1884)

translator: Karmelo Etxegarai

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 11

        online text

ERKENNTNIS.  Iñigo Aranbarri (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1985

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Erlikidun astoa.  Samaniego, Felix Maria (1884)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 11

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Ernai.  Ungaretti, Giuseppe (1955)

translator: Nemesio Etxaniz

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): italian

place of publication: Egan, 3/4

country of publication of original : Egypt

        online text

Eroitzorri.  Selgas, Jose (1936)

translator: Jagoba

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Karmen'go Argia - 62

Erradazu zuk Juan.  Vannier, Angela (1987)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Maiatz, 13

Errainu arrastoa.  Rivas, Manuel (1987)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): galician

place of publication: Arbola - 6

Erranak izan aitzin.  Voinova, Irina (2008)

translator: Ivanina Asenoca

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Maiatz, 47

Errautsen gorakoa.  Ben Jelloun, Tahar (1992)

translator: Bego Montorio

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Susa, 28

        online text

Errealitatearen erasoa liburutik poemak.  Bousoño, Carlos (1993)

translator: Luis Mari Mujika

title of original: Invasión De La Realidad

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1962

place of publication: Egan, 2

country of publication of original : Spain

Errepublikari.  Horacio Flaco, Quinto (1986)

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

place of publication: Excerpta - 5. gehigarria

Erretratua.  Machado, Antonio (1999)

translator: Lur erredakzioa

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Lur Entziklopedia Tematikoa

Erri-min.  Schiller, Friedrich von (1959)

translator: Jon Mirande

title of original: Sehnsucht

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

year of publication of original: 1801

place of publication: Egan, 1/4

country of publication of original : Germany

        online text

Erroiak.  Marti i Pol, Miquel (1975)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Goiz-argi - 262

country of publication of original : Catalonia

Erroma eskala bat baizik ez da.  Okoundji, Gabriel Mwene (2007)

translator: Lucien Etxezaharreta

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Maiatz, 46

Erromantizismoa Georgiara.  Barataxvili, Nikoloz (1984)

translator: Xabier Kintana

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): georgian

place of publication: Egan, 1/2

        online text

Erromulo-ren iloba-artean.  Katulo, Gaio Valerio (1986)

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

place of publication: Excerpta - 5

Errueza - Birtutea.  Selgas, Jose (1884)

translator: Karmelo Etxegarai

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 10

        online text

Errusiako mintzoa.  Turgenev, Ivan Sergeievitx (2006)

translator: Bingen Ametzaga

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): russian

place of publication: Itsaso aurrean

        online text

Erupzioak.  Porbjarnarson, Jonas (2015)

translator: Antonio Casado da Rocha

title of original: Umbrot

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): icelandic

year of publication of original: 2001

place of publication: argia.eus

        online text

.  Sabino Arana

translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: ITXARKUNDIA (Goiz-abestija)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1896

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Esaidak lorak non dagozan.  Seeger, Pete (1989)

translator: I. Martiartu

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Zer - 127

Esakunak.  Biblia (1996)

translator: Jaime Kerexeta

title of original: Proverbios

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Itzulpen Antologia I - EIZIE

        online text

Esentzia guzien sargelan.  Voinova, Irina (2008)

translator: Ivanina Asenoca

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Maiatz, 47

Eskaria.  Mistral, Gabriela (1957)

translator: Nemesio Etxaniz

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Egan, 1/2

        online text

Eskatzen dut bakea eta hitza.  Otero, Blas de (1960)

translator: Gabriel Aresti

title of original: Pido la paz y la palabra

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1955

place of publication: Egan, 1/2

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Eskelak.  García, Chechu (2012)

translator: Karlos del Olmo

title of original: Esqueles

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Senez, 43

        online text

Esker onezko akta.  Touseg, An (1987)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Maiatz, 13

Eskerrak bizitza.  Parra, Violeta (2014)

translator: Amets Arzallus

title of original: Gracias a la vida

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1966

place of publication: archive.org

        online text

Eskerrak bizitzari.  Parra, Violeta (2014)

translator: Garazi Arrula

title of original: Gracias a la vida

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1966

place of publication: Elearazi

        online text

Esku 3 = Mà 3.  Lekuona, Juan Mari (1984)

translator: Josep Daurella

title of original: Esku 3

text type: Poetry

target language(s): catalan

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1978-79

place of publication: Reduccions

country of publication of original : Basque Country

Eskuka ibiliko neska Ameana.  Katulo, Gaio Valerio (1987)

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

place of publication: Excerpta - 8

Esnaera.  Pizarnik, Alejandra (2010)

translator: Asier Sarasola

title of original: El despertar

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Hitzen uberan

        online text

Esnatze gogorra izan zen....  Martin, Xuan (1994)

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

title of original: Duru recobrar foi...

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Hegats, 11

        online text

Esne saltzallea.  Samaniego, Felix Maria (1887)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 17

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Esola.  Llach, Lluis (1982)

translator: Xabier Lete

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Habe - 11

        online text

Espainiako Guardia Zibilaren erromantzea.  Garcia Lorca, Federico (2016)

translator: Hedoi Etxarte

title of original: Romance de la Guardia Civil

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1928

place of publication: katakrak.net

country of publication of original : Spain

        online text

Espainiaren izenean, bakea.  Otero, Blas de (1960)

translator: Gabriel Aresti

title of original: En el nombre de España, paz

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1955

place of publication: Egan, 1/2

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Espaloian.  Holan, Vladimir (1985)

translator: Joseba Sarrionandia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): czech

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Czech Republic

        online text

Espondilitis Ankilosatzailea.  Armitage, Simon (2009)

translator: Pello Zubiria

title of original: Ankylosing Spondylitis

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

year of publication of original: 1993

place of publication: argia.eus

        online text

Estalpe hartan.  Peguy, Charles (1990)

translator: Jokin Otaegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Ihintza - 20


translator: Joan Inazio Goikoetxea "Gaztelu"; Koldo Izagirre

title of original: PAMPETAN IZAR

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1950

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

ESTREÑIMIENTO.  Orixe (2004)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

title of original: IDORRERIA

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 194?

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Estutasuna.  Ibarbourou, Juana (1972)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Karmel

        online text

Eta aztertuz.  Sabato, Ernesto (1985)

translator: Aitor Arana

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Hotsizki - 2

country of publication of original : Argentina

Eta bapatean gaua.  Panero, Juan Luis (1991)

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

title of original: Y de pronto anochece

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Egan

Eta bapatean gaua.  Panero, Juan Luis (1990)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Arrasate Press - 53.zk.

Etengabeko eztanda.  Celaya, Gabriel (1984)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Karmel

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Etorkizuneko jendeari.  Brecht, Bertolt (1991)

translator: Joseba Sarrionandia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Germany

        online text

Etorriko da heriotza eta zure begiak izango ditu.  Pavese, Cesare (2008)

translator: Migel Anjel Unanua

title of original: Verrá la mortte e avrá i tuoi occhi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): italian

year of publication of original: 1950

place of publication: Hegats, 41

country of publication of original : Italy

        online text

Etxahun euskaldunaren arrangura.  Chamisso, Adelbert von (1980)

translator: Joseba Sarrionandia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Pott tropikala

country of publication of original : Germany

        online text

Etxahun euskaldunaren deitorea.  Chamisso, Adelbert von (1935)

translator: Polikarpo Iraizoz

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Yakintza - 17

country of publication of original : Germany

Etxe-min.  Bellay, Joachim du (1960)

translator: Nemesio Etxaniz

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Egan, 1/2

        online text

Etxea.  Shire, Warsan (2016)

translator: Garazi Ugalde

title of original: Home

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: 31eskutik.eus

country of publication of original : United Kingdom

        online text

Etxeak.  Wegner, Armin T. (1995)

translator: Eduardo Gil Bera

title of original: Häuser

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Germany

        online text

Etxeratzea.  Guerra Junqueiro, Abilio Manuel (1931)

translator: O.

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): portuguese

place of publication: Euzkadi - 5905

Etxeratzea.  Hölderlin, Friedrich (2012)

translator: Luis Arostegi

title of original: Heimkunft

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Karmel, 279

country of publication of original : Germany

        online text

Eu bakarrik.  Heine, Heinrich (1922)

translator: Klaudio Sagarzazu

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Euzko Deya

Eufrates.  Bekas, Sherko (2013)

translator: Urtzi Urrutikoetxea

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): kurdish

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Euliak.  Samaniego, Felix Maria (1884)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 11

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Euria ari zuen.  Orlova, Alina (2014)

translator: Garazi Arrula

title of original: Lijo

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): lithuanian

year of publication of original: 2008

place of publication: Elearazi

        online text

Euria dagi.  Verlaine, Paul (1930-martxoa)

translator: Lauaxeta

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Euzkadi

        online text

Euria dala Bilbotik urteeran 1910'ko irailaren 20'an.  Unamuno, Miguel de (1988)

translator: Anjel Bidaguren

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Zer - 120

country of publication of original : Basque Country

Europa berriz ere isilik dago.  Petofi, Sandor (1998)

translator: Joseba Sarrionandia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): hungarian

place of publication: Vladimir-7

        online text

Euskal Herria.  Espriu, Salvador (2013)

translator: Aritz Galarraga

title of original: Pais Basc

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

year of publication of original: 1966

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Evar eta Bazyar.  Husseyni, Ehmed (2010)

translator: Urtzi Urrutikoetxea

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Hegats, 46

        online text

Exodoa (pasartea).  as-Sayigh, May (2016)

translator: Asier Sarasola

title of original: L'exode (extrait)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): arabic

place of publication: DSS2016.EU

        online text

Extase.  Hugo, Victor (1927-iraila)

translator: Lauaxeta

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Euzkadi

country of publication of original : France

        online text

Ez ardurarik izan.  Heine, Heinrich (1921)

translator: Joseba Arregi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Hermes - 71

Ez atzo, ez gaur, eta ez bihar.  Felipe, Leon (1977)

translator: Xabier Basurko

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Jaunaren deia - 59-61

Ez besterik espero nigandik.  Rita Joe (2016)

translator: Aiora Jaka

title of original: Expect nothing else from me

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

year of publication of original: 1978

place of publication: 31eskutik.eus

country of publication of original : Canada

        online text

Ez bildurrik izan.  Heine, Heinrich (1921)

translator: Joseba Arregi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Hermes - 73

Ez da bakerik.  Fano, Lluis (2012)

translator: Karlos del Olmo

title of original: Nun hai paz

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Senez, 43

        online text

Ez dakit ere nola askatasun.  Llach, Lluis (1986)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Egin - 2731

Ez dezala gure besarkadak.  Sabina, Joaquin (1989)

translator: G.M.

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Arrasate Press - 42

Ez diteke nor-nai izan pagano.  Clercq, René de (1960)

translator: Jon Mirande

title of original: Niet ledereen kan helden zijn

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): dutch

place of publication: Egan, 1/2

        online text

Ez ditut zure hitzak.  Takahashi, Shinkichi (1985)

translator: Aitor Arana

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): japanese

place of publication: Hotsizki - 1

Ez dugu....  Solle, Dorothee (1985)

translator: Aitor Arana

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Hotsizki - 4

Ez etsi.  Lennon, John ; McCartney, Paul (2020)

translator: Joxerra Garzia

title of original: Let It Be

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

year of publication of original: 1970

place of publication: Berria

country of publication of original : England

        online text

Ez naiz ezertan bermatuko.  Ibaragi, Noriko (2016)

translator: Asier Sarasola

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): japanese

place of publication: DSS2016.EU

        online text

Ez naiz kexu, ez naiz borrokatzen....  Tsvetaieva, Marina (2009)

translator: Hedoi Etxarte

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): russian

place of publication: Ihes ederra

Ez nastu ezergatik = Nada te turbe.  Teresa Jesusena (1886)

title of original: Letrilla : que llevaba por registro en su breviario…

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria : Revista bascongada, 15

        online text

Ez nazazu utzi.  Brel, Jacques (2002)

translator: Andoni Lekuona

title of original: Ne me quitte pas

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Itzulpen Antologia III - EIZIE

        online text

Ez nazu maite.  Liliencron, Detlev von (1922)

translator: Klaudio Sagarzazu

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Euskal Esnalea [Martin eta Mena]

Ez omen beste inor.  Katulo, Gaio Valerio (1986)

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

place of publication: Excerpta - 4

Ez zait gustatzen.  Duval, Angela (1987)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Maiatz, 13

Ez zaitez salba.  Benedetti, Mario (2018)

translator: Iban Laka

title of original: No te salves

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Hitzen Uberan

        online text

Ez zaitut ikusten.  Salinas, Pedro (1973)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Goiz-argi - 173

Ez zen arrunta, ez, haien maitasuna.  Benedetti, Mario (2002)

translator: Gerardo Markuleta; Iban Zaldua

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Senez, 25

        online text

Ezerez barririk ez danik.  Fried, Erich (1989)

translator: I. Martiartu

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Zer - 130

Ezezaguna.  Benitez Reyes, Felipe (1990)

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Arrasate Press - 49

Ezin det.  Heine, Heinrich (1920)

translator: Klaudio Sagarzazu

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: La Baskonia

        online text

Ezin duzu imajinatu.  Reich, Wilhelm (1985)

translator: Aitor Arana

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Hotsizki - 2

Ezki illa.  Garcia Lorca, Federico (1959)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Olerti

country of publication of original : Spain

        online text

ezmunduak.  Perec, Georges (2011)

translator: Asier Sarasola

title of original: l'inhabitable

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

year of publication of original: 1974

place of publication: Hitzen Uberan

        online text

Ezti zuriya.  Selgas, Jose (1883)

translator: Karmelo Etxegarai

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 9

        online text

Falerno zaharra dakarzun morroia.  Katulo, Gaio Valerio (1987)

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

place of publication: Excerpta - 8

Filosofia.  Heine, Heinrich (1991)

translator: Joseba Sarrionandia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Germany

        online text

Flay Away.  Alfred Tennyson (1928)

translator: Lauaxeta

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Euzkadi - 4926

FLIEGEN.  Orixe (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: EGAN

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1950

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Formentor'ko lerrandoa.  Costa i Llobera, Miquel (1934)

translator: Iokin Zaitegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Euzkadi - 6577

Forte.  Krechel, Ursula (2016)

translator: Maramara* taldea

title of original: Forte

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: DSS2016.EU

        online text

From Poems of the Infinite Silence.  Borda, Itxaro (2004)

translator: Iñaki Mendiguren; Sarah Jane Turtle

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

place of publication: Metamorphoses

country of publication of original : Basque Country


translator: Gabriele Schwab


text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1633

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text


translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: LANGILLE ERAILDU BATI

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1931

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Furi eta Aureli, Katulo-ren lagun.  Katulo, Gaio Valerio (1987)

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

place of publication: Excerpta - 19

Gabardina urdin ospetsua.  Cohen, Leonard (2014)

translator: Juan Luis Zabala

title of original: Famous Blue Raincoat

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: 31eskutik.eus

        online text

Gaberako aterbea.  Brecht, Bertolt (1989)

translator: Mikel Laboa

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Habe - 164

country of publication of original : Germany

Gaberako aterbea.  Brecht, Bertolt (s.d.)

translator: Jose Angel Irigaray

title of original: Die Nachtlager

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

        online text

Gabon gau haiek.  González Ovies, Aurelio (2012)

translator: Karlos del Olmo

title of original: Aquelles Nochebuenes

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Senez, 43

        online text

Gabon-gabeko lilia.  Verdaguer, Jacint (1932)

translator: Santiago Onaindia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Karmen'go Argia - 13

Gabriel Arestiren heriotzean.  Otero, Blas de (2014)

translator: Miel Angel Elustondo

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1975

place of publication: 31eskutik.eus

        online text

Gaiaren edertasun goibela.  Graça Moura, Vasco (2003)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): portuguese

place of publication: Hegats, 34

        online text

Gaitza ez da itzultzea.  Cayarga, Xabiero (2012)

translator: Karlos del Olmo

title of original: Lo difícil nun ye volver

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Senez, 43

        online text

Gaixo Katulo, lelokeriak.  Katulo, Gaio Valerio (1987)

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

place of publication: Excerpta - 7

Galdetu egin dizu.  Holan, Vladimir (1985)

translator: Joseba Sarrionandia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): czech

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Czech Republic

        online text

Galdutakoa.  Yeats, William Butler (1985)

translator: Joseba Sarrionandia

title of original: What Was Lost

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Ireland

        online text

Gallarta.  Otero, Blas de (1960)

translator: Gabriel Aresti

title of original: Gallarta

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Egan, 1/2

        online text

Galtzaileak.  Diolier, Per (1987)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Maiatz, 13

Ganbara.  Piñan, Berta (1994)

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

title of original: Desvan

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Hegats, 11

        online text

Garai makoa.  Paredes, Pedro Pablo (1973)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Agur - 97

Garai makoa.  Paredes, Pedro Pablo (1973)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Esparavel - 68

Garaikidegoa.  Goll, Claire (1995)

translator: Eduardo Gil Bera

title of original: Mitwelt

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Germany

        online text

Gari-alea.  Tagore, Rabindranath (1988)

translator: Anes

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): bengali

place of publication: Zer - 119

country of publication of original : India

Gastearen eriotza.  Uhland, Ludwig (1917)

translator: Euskeratzalle

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Euzko Deya - 28

Gau iluna ; Maitasun gar bizia.  Joan Gurutzekoa (2021)

translator: Luis Baraiazarra

title of original: Noche oscura ; Llama del amor viva

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Karmel, 313

        online text

Gau izarti.  Ming, Yan (1985)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): chinese

place of publication: Maiatz, 10

        online text

Gau-jantziz.  Perez Cruz, Silvia (2014)

translator: Danele Sarriugarte Mochales

title of original: Vestida de nit

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

year of publication of original: 1988

place of publication: Elearazi

        online text

Gau....  Rilke, Rainer Maria (1961)

translator: Luis Mari Mujika

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Arnas - 5

country of publication of original : Czech Republic

Gaua.  Galeano, Eduardo (2002)

translator: Gerardo Markuleta; Iban Zaldua

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Senez, 25

        online text

Gauaren erdian.  Dalton, Roque (2010-05-16)

translator: Jon Benito

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Berria

        online text

Gauazko topaketa.  Herrmann-Neisse, Max (1995)

translator: Eduardo Gil Bera

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

year of publication of original: Nächtliche B

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Germany

        online text

Gaueko atseginak.  Pavese, Cesare (1986)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): italian

place of publication: Maiatz, 11

country of publication of original : Italy

        online text

Gaueko atseginak.  Pavese, Cesare (1985)

translator: Joseba Sarrionandia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): italian

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Italy

        online text

Gauekoa Lisboan.  Andrade, Eugenio de (1985)

translator: Joseba Sarrionandia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): portuguese

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Portugal

        online text

Gauez etxean, elkarrekin.  Raimon (1973)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Zeruko Argia - 561

        online text

Gauza bat esango dizut.  McCartney, Paul (1980)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Goiz-argi - 507

Gauzak oro bi ditun.  Garcia, Antón (1994)

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

title of original: Toles cosas son dos

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Hegats, 11

        online text

Gauzak, nola diren.  Celaya, Gabriel (1960)

translator: Gabriel Aresti

title of original: Las cosas como son

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1949

place of publication: Egan, 1/2

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Gay poesia: Brane Mozetic.  Mozetic, Brane (2006)

translator: Rikardo Arregi Diaz de Heredia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): slovenian

place of publication: Volgako Batelariak

        online text

Gay poesia: Cathal Ó Searcaigh.  Ó Searcaigh, Cathal (2006)

translator: Rikardo Arregi Diaz de Heredia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): irish

place of publication: Volgako Batelariak

        online text

Gay poesia: Jacek Dehnel.  Dehnel, Jacek (2007)

translator: Rikardo Arregi Diaz de Heredia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): polish

place of publication: Volgako Batelariak

        online text

Gay poesia: Karlis Verdins.  Verdins, Karlis (2006)

translator: Rikardo Arregi Diaz de Heredia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latvian

place of publication: Volgako Batelariak

        online text

Gaztaro.  Machado, Manuel (1966)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: El Bidasoa - 126

GEH NICHT FORT.  Amaia Lasa (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1971

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Gehienetan.  Otero, Blas de (1986)

translator: Jokin Otaegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Ihintza - 8

Gehientasun handiari.  Otero, Blas de (1960)

translator: Gabriel Aresti

title of original: A la inmnesa mayoría

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1955

place of publication: Egan, 1/2

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Gela gogora datorkit gela bat berdin da zein.  Aragon, Louis (2004)

translator: Xabier Galarreta

title of original: Je revois la chambre une chambre n'importe quelle

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Senez, 27

        online text

Gerizondo loratuei.  Andrade, Eugenio de (1985)

translator: Joseba Sarrionandia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): portuguese

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Portugal

        online text

Gerlako poemak.  Owen, Wilfred (2014)

translator: Gotzon Barandiaran

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

year of publication of original: 1918

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Gerlan hildakoen eresia.  Amichai, Yehuda (2015)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): hebrew

year of publication of original: 1955

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Gerlariak ; Nahasketa.  Leal, Andre (1987)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Maiatz, 13

Gernikaren garaipena.  Eluard, Paul (2020)

translator: Mikel Antza

title of original: La victoire de Guernica

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

year of publication of original: 1937

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : France

        online text

Gernikaren garaitza.  Eluard, Paul (1987)

translator: Mikel Antza

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

year of publication of original: 1937

place of publication: Susa, 20

country of publication of original : France

        online text

Gero etorri dirade.  Heine, Heinrich (1947)

translator: Klaudio Sagarzazu

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Euzko Deya

        online text

Gertaerak gertaera.  Ammons, A.R. (2014)

translator: Antonio Casado da Rocha

title of original: In View of the Fact

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: argia.eus

        online text

Gezurrak.  Marti i Pol, Miquel (1975)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Goiz-argi - 261

country of publication of original : Catalonia

Gizatasuna.  Celaya, Gabriel (1984)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Karmel

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Gizon.  Otero, Blas de (1987)

translator: Jokin Otaegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Ihintza - 11

Gizon bat bidez bilutsik doa.  Vian, Boris (1982)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Olerti

country of publication of original : France

        online text

Gizon bat eta zakur bat.  Belmonte Muller, Guillermo (1882)

translator: Klaudio Otaegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 5

        online text

Gizona.  Otero, Blas de (1972)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Karmel

        online text

Gizonaren ugartea.  Martan Gongora, Helcias (1972)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Esparavel - 60

Gizontxo baten kanta harroa ; Askatasuna.  Dorje, Orgyän (2016)

translator: Asier Sarasola

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

place of publication: DSS2016.EU

        online text

Glanmoreko xoxoa.  Heaney, Seamus (2010)

translator: Patxi Ezkiaga

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

year of publication of original: 2006

place of publication: Erlea, 2

        online text

Gloria.  Smith, Patti (2014)

translator: Danele Sarriugarte Mochales

title of original: Gloria

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

year of publication of original: 1975

place of publication: Elearazi

        online text

Gogartea.  Navarro Villoslada, Francisco (1887)

translator: Klaudio Otaegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 16

        online text

Gogo abestia.  Maragall, Joan (1934)

translator: Iokin Zaitegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Euzkadi - 6576

Gogo eta gorputzaren zilbor hesteak = [cordones umbilicales].  Artze, J. A. (s.d.)

title of original: Gogo eta gorputzaren zilbor hesteak (Zilbor-hesteak)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

        online text

Gogoratu!.  Musset, Alfred de (1967)

translator: Gabriel Aresti

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Egan

country of publication of original : France

        online text

Goi-errian nire biotza.  Burns, Robert (1979)

translator: Kaca

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Zer - 21

Goiz argiak ezagutu ditut.  Gwernig, Youenn (1987)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Maiatz, 13

Goiz eresia.  Uhland, Ludwig (1951)

translator: Iokin Zaitegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Euzko Deya - 339

Goiza eta ni.  Francisco, Nia (2016)

translator: Asier Sarasola

title of original: Morning and myself

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: DSS2016.EU

        online text

Goizak garden iragaiten dira.  Pavese, Cesare (1985)

translator: Joseba Sarrionandia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): italian

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Italy

        online text

Goizeko otoitza.  Laxmi Prasad Devkota (2015)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): nepali

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Goizparkiak.  Verlaine, Paul (1931-martxoa)

translator: Lauaxeta

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Euzkadi

        online text

Good-Bye.  Emerson, Ralph Waldo (1944)

translator: Bingen Ametzaga

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Euzko Deya - 176

Goraintzi!.  Arnim, Bettina von (1934)

translator: Polikarpo Iraizoz

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Yakintza - 9

Gordailua .  Holan, Vladimir (1985)

translator: Joseba Sarrionandia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): czech

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Czech Republic

        online text

Gorespena.  Baudelaire, Charles (1930-azaroa)

translator: Lauaxeta

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Euzkadi

country of publication of original : France

        online text

Gorputza txikia da eta ezaguna.  Stephens, Nathalie (2004)

translator: Antton Garikano

title of original: The body is small and familiar

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Senez, 27

        online text

GORRION PARISINO.  Xabier Lizardi (2004)

translator: Koldo Izagirre; Xabier Lizardi

title of original: PARISKO TXOLARREA

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1930

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Gorroto eta maite.  Katulo, Gaio Valerio (1986)

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

place of publication: Excerpta - 5

Gorroto eta maite.  Katulo, Gaio Valerio (1987)

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

place of publication: Zutik - 441

Gotzainak esan zuen....  Sassoon, Siegfried (2000)

translator: Harkaitz Cano

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Literatura Unibertsala – Batxilergoa

Graffiti V.  Marti i Pol, Miquel (1991)

translator: Joseba Sarrionandia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Catalonia

        online text

Gramsciren errautsak.  Pasolini, Pier Paolo (2017)

translator: Iñigo Aranbarri

title of original: Le ceneri di Gramsci

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): italian

year of publication of original: 1957

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Green.  Verlaine, Paul (1930-otsaila)

translator: Lauaxeta

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Euzkadi

        online text

Gregeria bat.  Gómez de la Serna, Ramón (2002)

translator: Gerardo Markuleta; Iban Zaldua

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Senez, 25

        online text

Grodek.  Trakl, Georg (2000)

translator: Harkaitz Cano

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Literatura Unibertsala – Batxilergoa

Gurdi ardatzik.  Yupanki, Atahualpa (1968)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Dantzari - 12

Gure bazterrak = [Nuestros rincones].  Artze, J. A. (s.d.)

title of original: Gure bazterrak

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

        online text

Gure biziko egun bat.  Vladislaw, Jan (2004)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): czech

year of publication of original: 1977

place of publication: KM kulturunea

        online text

Gure bizitzako urterik onenak = The Best Years Of Our Lives = Los mejores años de nuestra vida = Les Meilleures Annees de notre vie = De beste jaren van ons leven.  Cano, Harkaitz (2017)

translator: Kristin Addis; Itxaro Borda; Bart Vonck

title of original: Gure bizitzako urterik onenak

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

place of publication: Transpoesie.eu

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Gure herria.  Cajander, Paavo (2008)

translator: Xila Philstrom

title of original: Maamme

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): finnish

place of publication: Hegats, 42

        online text

Gure herria.  Ritsos, Yannis (2004)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): greek (modern)

year of publication of original: 1967

place of publication: KM kulturunea

        online text

Gure herriari.  Mistral, Frédéric (2014)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

title of original: Au pople nostre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): occitan

year of publication of original: 1905

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Gure ixillekoa.  Unamuno, Miguel de (1988)

translator: Anjel Bidaguren

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Zer - 120

country of publication of original : Basque Country

Gure oroitzapenak = [Nuestros recuerdos].  Sarrionandia, Joseba (s.d.)

title of original: Gure oroitzapenak

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

        online text

Gure poesia malkoz idazten da.  Bozarslan, Mehmed Emin (2010)

translator: Urtzi Urrutikoetxea

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): zazaki

place of publication: Hegats, 46

        online text

Gurpila.  Yeats, William Butler (1985)

translator: Joseba Sarrionandia

title of original: The Wheel

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Ireland

        online text

Gutariko bat baino ez.  Bekas, Sherko (2013)

translator: Urtzi Urrutikoetxea

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): kurdish

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Guzman Onari.  Quintana, Manuel Jose (1900)

translator: Felipe Arrese

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Jose Astuy

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Habanera.  Mendoza Pinto, Roberto (2009)

translator: Iñaki Azkune

title of original: Habanera

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

year of publication of original: 2002

place of publication: Senez, 37

        online text

Haikuak.  Baxo, Matsuo (2007)

translator: Ibon Uribarri

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): japanese

place of publication: Senez, 32

        online text

Haikuak.  Buson, Yosa (2007)

translator: Ibon Uribarri

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Senez, 32

        online text

Haikuak.  Issa, Kobayaxi (2007)

translator: Ibon Uribarri

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): japanese

place of publication: Senez, 32

        online text

Haikuak.  Xiki, Masaoka (2007)

translator: Ibon Uribarri

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): japanese

place of publication: Senez, 32

        online text

Hain lidaisitar andreen artean nabarmentzen da.  Safo (1987)

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Zutik, 441

Hainbat gaixto ; Ibili.  Kergedal (1987)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Maiatz, 13

Hainbat kanta.  Aragon, Louis ; Prévert, Jacques ; Moustaki, Georges ; Brel, Jacques ; Sylvestre, Anne (2002)

translator: Andoni Lekuona

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Itzulpen Antologia III - EIZIE

        online text

Hainbat poema.  Brassens, George (2000)

translator: Anje Duhalde

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Senez, 22

        online text

Hainbat poema.  Brel, Jacques (2011)

translator: Xabier Lete

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Senez, 41

        online text

Hainbat poema.  Hackl, Erich (2017)

translator: Juan Kruz Igerabide

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Senez, 48

        online text

Hainbat poema.  Jiménez Tirado, Gràcia (2017)

translator: talde itzulpena

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Senez, 48

        online text

Hainbat poema.  Martinson, Harry (2004)

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): swedish

place of publication: Hegats, 35

        online text

Hainbat poema.  Plantada, Esteve (2017)

translator: talde itzulpena

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Senez, 48

        online text

Hainbat poema.  Proust, Marcel (2014)

translator: Josu Zabaleta

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Senez, 45

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Hainbat poema.  Strand, Mark (2013)

translator: Karlos del Olmo

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Senez, 44

        online text

Hainbat poema.  Tabidze, Galaktion (1993)

translator: Xabier Kintana

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): georgian

place of publication: Egan, 1

Haizea dator ifarraldetik = [Sopla el viento del norte].  Lete, Xabier (s.d.)

title of original: Haizea dator ifarraldetik

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

        online text

Haizearen alabak.  Chedid, Andrée (2016)

translator: Asier Sarasola

title of original: Les filles du vent

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: DSS2016.EU

        online text

Halabja.  Bekas, Sherko (2013)

translator: Urtzi Urrutikoetxea

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): kurdish

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Hallelujah.  Cohen, Leonard (2011)

translator: Irati Jimenez

title of original: Hallelujah

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Nabarra-121

        online text

Hamabi kantu.  Moustaki, Georges (2013)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Hamabi poema.  Felipe, Leon (2018)

translator: Josu Landa Ijurko

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Spain

        online text

Hamabi poema.  Foppa, Alaide (2014)

translator: Josu Landa Ijurko

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Hamabi poema.  Komunyakaa, Yusef (2020)

translator: Jose Luis Otamendi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

year of publication of original: 1988

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : USA

        online text

Hamabi poema.  Pereira, Gustavo (2013)

translator: Jose Luis Otamendi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Hamabi poema.  Souto, Paco (2017)

translator: Iñigo Aranbarri

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): galician

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Hamabost poema.  Peri Rossi, Cristina (2022)

translator: Maria Oses

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Spain

        online text

Hamabost poema.  Pizarnik, Alejandra (2018)

translator: Xabier Boveda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Idatz & Mintz, 63

        online text

Hamahiru kantu.  Seeger, Pete (2014)

translator: Josu Landa Ijurko

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Hamahiru poema.  Benedetti, Mario (2016)

translator: Xabier Boveda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Idatz & Mintz, 59

        online text

Hamahiru poema.  Castellanos, Rosario (2017)

translator: Iñigo Aranbarri

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Hamahiru poema.  Peri Rossi, Cristina (2020)

translator: Gotzon Barandiaran

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Spain

        online text

Hamaika poema.  Neto, Agostinho (2004)

translator: Iñigo Aranbarri; Koldo Izagirre; Bego Montorio; Urtzi Urrutikoetxea

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): portuguese

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Hamaika poema.  Parra, Nicanor (2015)

translator: Garazi Arrula

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Elearazi

        online text

Hamar poema.  Andrés i Estellés, Vicent (2006)

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Senez, 30

        online text

Hamar poema .  Berger, John (2017)

translator: Iñigo Aranbarri

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Hamar poema.  Fayadh, Ashraf (2015)

translator: Ignazio Aiestaran

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): arabic

place of publication: argia.eus

        online text

Hamar poema.  Grass, Günter (2015)

translator: Paul Beitia; Ane Garcia

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

year of publication of original: s.d.

place of publication: Lekore, 0

country of publication of original : Germany

        online text

Hamar poema.  Jamis, Fayad (2020)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Cuba

        online text

Hamar poema.  Jandl, Ernst (2019)

translator: Iñigo Astiz; Samara Velte

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Hamar poema.  Madzirov, Nikola (2011)

translator: Harkaitz Cano

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Hitzen Uberan

        online text

Hamar poema.  Meireles, Cecilia (2016)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): portuguese

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Hamar poema.  Olds, Sharon (2020)

translator: Juan Kruz Igerabide; Jon Kortazar

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Senez, 51

        online text

Hamar poema.  Oliver, Mary (2022)

translator: Ane Garcia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Senez, 53

        online text

Hamar poema.  Parra, Nicanor (2014)

translator: Josu Landa Ijurko

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Hamar poema.  Piarais, Padraig Mac (Patrick H. Pearse) (2016)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Hamar poema.  Subirana, Jaume (2021)

translator: Leire Bilbao

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Catalonia

        online text

Hamar poema.  Vinyoli, Joan (2014)

translator: Aritz Galarraga

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Hamar poema.  Yeats, William Butler (2017)

translator: Xabier Boveda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Idatz & Mintz, 62

country of publication of original : Ireland

        online text

Hamar poema (Spoon River).  Masters, Edgar Lee (2018)

translator: Gotzon Barandiaran

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

year of publication of original: 1915

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : USA

        online text

Hamasei poema.  Darwish, Mahmud (1988)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): arabic

place of publication: Maiatz, 16

country of publication of original : Palestina

Hamasei poema.  Zagajewski, Adam (2021)

translator: Iñigo Astiz

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): polish

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Poland

        online text

Hand 3.  Lekuona, Juan Mari (2017)

translator: Amaia Gabantxo

title of original: Esku 3

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1978-79

place of publication: Words Without Borders

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Haralda.  Uhland, Ludwig (1917)

translator: Euzkeratzalle

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Euzko Deya - 31

Harpa ehulearen balada.  Millay, Edna St. Vincent (2015)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

title of original: The Ballad of the Harp Weaver

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

year of publication of original: 1922

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Harreman ilizitoak.  Giri, Banira (2015)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): nepali

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Harri beltza harri zuriaren gainean.  Vallejo, Cesar (1991)

translator: Joseba Sarrionandia

title of original: Piedra negra sobre piedra blanca

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1939

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Peru

        online text

Harri beltza zuriaren gainean.  Vallejo, Cesar (2006)

translator: Luigi Anselmi

title of original: Piedra negra sobre piedra blanca

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1939

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Peru

        online text

Harri oihua.  Fan, Xiao (1985)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): chinese

place of publication: Maiatz, 10

        online text

Harriaren otoitza.  Holan, Vladimir (1985)

translator: Joseba Sarrionandia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): czech

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Czech Republic

        online text

Harrizko gau luzeak....  Gonzalez, Gabriela (1985)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Balance cultural - 3

Hasiera berria = Un nouveau départ = Een nieuw begin.  Garde Iriarte, Luis (2019)

translator: Itxaro Borda; Bart Vonck

title of original: Hasiera berria

text type: Poetry

target language(s): french

source language(s): basque

place of publication: Transpoesie.eu

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Hastapen adierazpena.  Amaro, Nel (2012)

translator: Karlos del Olmo

title of original: Declaración de principios

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Senez, 43

        online text

Hastapena eta bukaera.  Voinova, Irina (2008)

translator: Ivanina Asenoca

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Maiatz, 47

Hasten direnentzat.  Nananan, Kiriko (2009)

translator: Hedoi Etxarte

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): japanese

place of publication: Ihes ederra

Hau anarkista nerabe batek erran zidan behin.  Dalton, Roque (2006)

translator: Luigi Anselmi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : El Salvador

        online text

Haur batek....  Whitman, Walt (1989)

translator: Maite Gonzalez

title of original: A child

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Hegats, 1

country of publication of original : USA

        online text

Haziak.  Bekas, Sherko (2010)

translator: Urtzi Urrutikoetxea

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): kurdish

place of publication: Hegats, 46

        online text

Hegazti errariak = [Pájaros errantes].  Sarrionandia, Joseba (s.d.)

title of original: Hegazti errariak

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

        online text

Hegaztin arraroa.  Mehring, Walter (1995)

translator: Eduardo Gil Bera

title of original: Der seltene Vogel

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Germany

        online text

Hegoak.  Anderson Imbert, Enrique (2002)

translator: Gerardo Markuleta; Iban Zaldua

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Senez, 25

        online text

Hegohaizea....  Jiménez, Juan Ramón (1961)

translator: Luis Mari Mujika

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Arnas-6

        online text

Heildelberg.  Hölderlin, Friedrich (1999)

translator: Lur erredakzioa

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Lur Entziklopedia Tematikoa

        online text

HEIMELIGER RAUCH.  Xabier Lizardi (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: ETXEKO KÊA

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1932

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Hélas chère ! , Oh chère tête !.  Dodgson, Edward Spencer (1902)

translator: Edward Spencer Dodgson

title of original: Heuscara! Oi buru maitea

text type: Poetry

target language(s): french

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1902

place of publication: Eskual-Herria, 170

        online text

Helduren dun heriotza eta heure begiak ukanen dizkin.  Pavese, Cesare (1985)

translator: Joseba Sarrionandia

title of original: Verrà la morte e avrà i tuoi occhi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): italian

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Italy

        online text

Hemen.  Paz, Octavio (1993)

title of original: Aquí

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Egan, 1

country of publication of original : Mexico

Hemen xoilik ezin sinetsizko….  Bergholtz, Olga (1986)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): russian

place of publication: Maiatz, 12

Hemen zaudete.  Baez, Joan (2020)

translator: Hedoi Etxarte; Hedoi Etxarte

title of original: Here's to You

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

year of publication of original: 1971

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : USA

Hendaia.  Celan, Paul (2005)

translator: Iñigo Aranbarri

title of original: Hendaye

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

year of publication of original: 1968

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Her Shadow.  Meabe, Miren Agur (2007)

translator: Brian Cole

title of original: Haren geriza

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

place of publication: basqueliterature.com

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Herbia eta igelak.  La Fontaine, Jean de (1998)

translator: Leon Leon

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Senez, 20

country of publication of original : France

        online text

Herbia eta igelak.  La Fontaine, Jean de (1998)

translator: Martin Goihetxe

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Senez, 20

country of publication of original : France

        online text

Here [sample].  Toledo, Maite (2023)

translator: Kristin Addis

title of original: Hemen

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2013

place of publication: BasqueBooks.eus

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Herioaren mezularia agertu baino lehen.  Samic, Jasna (1994)

translator: Itxaro Borda

title of original: Prije no sto vjesnik smrti pojavi se

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): serbo-croatian

place of publication: Hegats, 11

        online text

Heriofuga.  Celan, Paul (2000)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

title of original: Todesfuge

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Literatura Unibertsala – Batxilergoa

        online text

Heriofuga.  Celan, Paul (2004)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

title of original: Todesfuge

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Senez, 27

        online text

Heriotz amets bat.  Yeats, William Butler (1985)

translator: Joseba Sarrionandia

title of original: A Dream Of Death

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Ireland

        online text

Heriotz ikaragarria.  Dosse, Jakez (1987)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Maiatz, 13

Heriotza etorriko da eta zure begiak ukanen ditu.  Pavese, Cesare (1986)

translator: Itxaro Borda

title of original: Verrà la morte e avrà i tuoi occhi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): italian

place of publication: Maiatz, 11

country of publication of original : Italy

        online text

Heriotza etorriko da eta zure begiak ukanen ditu.  Pavese, Cesare (2006)

translator: Xabier Lete

title of original: Verrà la morte e avrà i tuoi occhi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): italian

place of publication: Abestitzak eta poema kantatuak

country of publication of original : Italy

        online text

Heriotza etorriko da eta zure begiak ukanen ditu.  Pavese, Cesare (2011)

translator: Xabier Lete

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): italian

place of publication: Senez, 41

country of publication of original : Italy

        online text

Heriotzarako ezkilak.  Llach, Lluis (1977)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Pasaia / Gaur - 3

Heriotzarako ezkilak.  Llach, Lluis (1977)

translator: Gorka Knör

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Zeruko Argia - 739

        online text

Heriotzearen itsasertza.  Sanchez, Cesareo (1987)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): galician

place of publication: Arbola - 5

Herria.  Paz, Octavio (1993)

title of original: Pueblo

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Egan, 1

country of publication of original : Mexico

Herria eta hiria.  Hem Hamal (2015)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): nepali

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Herriaren gogortasuna.  Gonzalez, Otto-Raul (1984)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Hots - 18


translator: Gabriele Schwab

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1986

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Hiazintaren Parterrea.  Desnos, Robert (2015)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

title of original: Le Parterre d'Hyacinthe

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

year of publication of original: 1939

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Hibaiaren uholdea.  Otero, Blas de (1960)

translator: Gabriel Aresti

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Egan, 1/2

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HIER ET AUJOURD'HUI.  Jean Baptiste Elizanburu (2004)

translator: Peio Heguy

title of original: LEHEN ETA ORAI

text type: Poetry

target language(s): french

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1879

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Hildakoak euri aintzinako....  Miloscz, Czeslaw (1984)

translator: Tere Irastortza

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): polish

place of publication: Alkohola poemak

        online text

Hilen ehorzketa.  Eliot, T.S. (1986)

translator: Joseba Sarrionandia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Egin - 2931

country of publication of original : USA

Hileta lanbide.  Sala-Valldaura, Josep Maria (2009)

translator: Amaia Iturbide

title of original: Ofici de difunts

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Egan, 1/2

Hiletako tangoa.  Brel, Jacques (2018)

translator: Josu Landa Ijurko

title of original: Le tango funèbre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

year of publication of original: 1965

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Belgium

        online text

Hilik daude dagoeneko.  Dos Passos, John (2020)

translator: Hedoi Etxarte

title of original: They Are Dead Now

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

year of publication of original: 1927

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : USA

        online text

HINAUS AUFS MEER!.  Lauaxeta (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: ITXASORA!

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1931

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Hirekin.  Cernuda, Luis (2006)

translator: Luigi Anselmi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Spain

        online text

Hiria.  Sakar, Shailendra (2015)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): nepali

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Hiria I.  Piñan, Berta (1994)

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

title of original: Ciuda I

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Hegats, 11

        online text

Hiria II.  Piñan, Berta (1994)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Maiatz, 22

Hirian ibiltzeko jarraibideak = Conseils pour marcher en ville = Raadgevingen voor een wandeling in de stad.  Meabe, Miren Agur (2020)

translator: Itxaro Borda; Bart Vonck

title of original: Hirian ibiltzeko jarraibideak

text type: Poetry

target language(s): french

source language(s): basque

place of publication: Transpoesie.eu

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Hiru kume jostaketan ikusirik.  Marin Estrada, Pablo Anton (1994)

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

title of original: Viendo enredar a tres cachorros

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Hegats, 11

        online text

Hiru mikroipuin.  Monterroso, Augusto (2002)

translator: Gerardo Markuleta; Iban Zaldua

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Senez, 25

country of publication of original : Guatemala

        online text

Hiru poema.  Behan, Brendan (2016)

translator: Paddy Rekalde

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Hiru poema.  Brassens, George (2011)

translator: Xabier Lete

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Senez, 41

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Hiru poema.  Carver, Raymond (1997)

translator: Kirmen Uribe

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

year of publication of original: 1986

place of publication: Hegats, 15/16

country of publication of original : USA

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Hiru poema.  Celaya, Gabriel (1982-1984)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Karmel

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Hiru poema.  Ebtehaj, Hushang (2022)

translator: Mikel Elorza

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): arabic

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Iran

        online text

Hiru poema.  Espriu, Salvador (1985)

translator: Jose Mari Pastor

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Argia

Hiru poema.  Garcia Lorca, Federico (2005)

translator: Lauaxeta

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Ilargi Handi Zauri Zarae

        online text

Hiru poema.  Garcia Lorca, Federico (2005)

translator: Bitoriano Gandiaga

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Ilargi Handi Zauri Zarae

        online text

Hiru poema.  Machado, Gilka (2015)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): portuguese

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Hiru poema.  Mistral, Gabriela (1992)

translator: Jesus Lete "Ibaiertz"

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Egan

Hiru poema.  Morgan, Edwin (2020)

translator: Nere Arruti

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Scotland

        online text

Hiru poema.  Otero, Blas de (1971-72-83)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Zer - Karmel

        online text

Hiru poema.  Ritsos, Yannis (2015)

translator: Koldo Ruiz de Azua

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): greek (modern)

place of publication: Senez, 46

        online text

Hiru poema.  Schiller, Friedrich (2005)

translator: Jon Mirande

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Senez, 28

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Hiru poema.  Szymborska, Wislawa (2011)

translator: Kalina Bartnicka; Hedoi Etxarte

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): polish

place of publication: Zuzeu

        online text

Hiru poema.  Vallejo, Cesar (1992)

translator: Jesus Lete "Ibaiertz"

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Egan

        online text

Hiru poema emakumeentzat.  Griffin, Susan (2004)

translator: Karlos del Olmo

title of original: Three poems for women

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): chinese

place of publication: Senez, 27

        online text

Hiru soneto.  Shakespeare, William (1964)

translator: Juan San Martin

title of original: Sonnets

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

year of publication of original: 1609

place of publication: Olerti

country of publication of original : England

        online text

Hitlertarrak zintzilikatu zenituen.  Reich, Wilhelm (1985)

translator: Aitor Arana

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Hotsizki - 2

Hitza gelditzen zait.  Otero, Blas de (2012)

translator: Fernando Rey

title of original: Me queda la palabra

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Hitza bide, bizia xede

Hitzak.  Negm, Cheik Imam (1985)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): arabic

place of publication: Maiatz, 9

country of publication of original : Egypt

        online text

Horati eta Lidia'ren elkarrizketa.  Horacio Flaco, Quinto (1986)

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

place of publication: Excerpta - 5. gehigarria

Horra.  Hameury, Jean Paul (1987)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Maiatz, 13

Hortaz, idazlea izan nahi duzu?.  Bukowski, Charles ()

translator: DJ Xoxorrio

title of original: So you want to be a writer?

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Pop pilulak, 5

country of publication of original : USA

        online text

Hosto hilak.  Prévert, Jacques, Jacques (1992)

translator: Andoni Lekuona

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Euskaldunon Egunkaria

country of publication of original : France

        online text

Ia zugatz bat.  Martan Gongora, Helcias (1973)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Esparavel - 63

Ibaitar egunerokoa.  Martan Gongora, Helcias (1974)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Esparavel - 72

Ibiltari, biderik ez da.  Machado, Antonio (2023)

translator: Itziar Diez de Ultzurrun

title of original: Caminante no hay camino

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: 31eskutik.eus

country of publication of original : Spain

        online text

Ibiltariaren kanta.  Ehrenstein, Albert (1995)

translator: Eduardo Gil Bera

title of original: Wanderers Lied

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Germany

        online text

ICH BIN EINE FRAU.  Amaia Lasa (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1971

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text


translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: MÜNDIAN MALERUSIK

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1827

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

ICH WÜRDE.  Amaia Lasa (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: OHERATUKO NINTZATEKE

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1977

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Ici [échantillon].  Toledo, Maite (2023)

translator: Itxaro Borda

title of original: Hemen

text type: Poetry

target language(s): french

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2013

place of publication: BasqueBooks.eus

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Idaztea.  Maillard, Chantal (2023)

translator: Itziar Ugarte

title of original: Escribir

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2004

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Spain

        online text

Idaztearen lekua….  Roqueta, Ives (1994)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): occitan

place of publication: Hegats, 11

        online text

Idazten dut errimatuz.  Yeats, William Butler (1986)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Egin - 2755

Idia.  Carducci, Giosue (1928)

translator: Lauaxeta

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): italian

place of publication: Euzkadi - 4991

Idiak.  Hardy, Thomas (1957)

translator: Ayalde

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Egan, 5/6

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IF FOR TELLING THE TRUTH....  Gabriel Aresti (2004)

translator: Toni Strubell

title of original: EGIA BAT ESATEAGATIK

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1963

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Igarokor.  Hierro, Jose (1990)

translator: Jokin Otaegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Ihintza - 18

Igelak errege eskatzen.  Samaniego, Felix Maria (1888)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 18

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Igelak idia bardintu nahi.  La Fontaine, Jean de (1939)

translator: Orhiko Txoria

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Euzko Enda - 4

country of publication of original : France

Igitariak.  Guanyavents, Emili (2017)

translator: Itziar Diez de Ultzurrun; Joxemari Sestorain

title of original: Els segadors

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

year of publication of original: 1899

place of publication: euskalerriairratia.eus

country of publication of original : Catalonia

        online text

Ihesa zilegi balitz = [Si fuera lícito huir].  Lete, Xabier (s.d.)

title of original: Ihesa zilegi balitz

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

        online text

Iheslaria.  Mistral, Gabriela (2016)

translator: Maite Urzaa

title of original: La fugitiva

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: berbaratza.wordpress.com

country of publication of original : Chile

        online text

Ikaslearen eriotza.  Verdaguer, Jacint (1930-abendua)

translator: Lauaxeta

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Euzkadi

        online text

Ikaslearen iltzea.  Verdaguer, Jacint (1921)

translator: E.

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Euzkadi - 2866. VII-14

Ikusi arte, Marianne.  Cohen, Leonard (2016)

translator: Juan Luis Zabala

title of original: So long, Marianne

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: 31eskutik.eus

        online text

Il-ezinez.  Teresa Jesusena (1975)

translator: Santiago Onaindia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Príncipe de Viana - 117-118

Il-ezinez.  Teresa Jesusena (1982)

translator: Santiago Onaindia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Karmel, 2/4

        online text

Ilargi betea.  Fu, Du (2004)

translator: Rafa Egiguren

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): chinese

place of publication: Senez, 27

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Ill-oge ondoan.  Hood, Thomas (1979)

translator: L. Arteaga

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Karmel

        online text

Illargi barria.  Tagore, Rabindranath (1996)

translator: Santiago Onaindia

title of original: The Crescent Moon

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): bengali

place of publication: Itzulpen Antologia I - EIZIE

country of publication of original : India

        online text

Illargia eta Eriotza.  Garcia Lorca, Federico (1959)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Olerti

country of publication of original : Spain

        online text

Iluntasunaren goiz alba.  Ngugi wa Thiong'o (2020)

translator: Garazi Arrula

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: txalaparta.eus

country of publication of original : Kenia

        online text

IM BETT.  Amaia Lasa (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1971

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text


translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: AMATE BATEN ITZALEAN

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1950

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

IN DEFENCE OF WOMEN.  Bernat Etxepare (2004)

translator: Toni Strubell

title of original: EMAZTEN FABORE

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1545

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text


translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: AMERIKAKO PANPETAN

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1900

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

IN FRÜHESTER JUGEND.  Iparragirre, Jose Mari (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: GAZTE-GAZTETATIKAN

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 18??

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

IN MEINEM AUGE GEBOREN.  Bitoriano Gandiaga (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: BEGIAN JAIO ZAN

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1961

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

In memoriam.  Piñan, Berta (1994)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Maiatz, 22

In memoriam.  Piñán, Berta (2012)

translator: Karlos del Olmo

title of original: In memoriam

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Senez, 43

        online text

In the Coastal Town.  Uribe, Kirmen (2021)

translator: Elizabeth Macklin

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2019

place of publication: The Paris Review ; 236

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Indiar mintzoa.  Rita Joe (2016)

translator: Aiora Jaka

title of original: Indian talk

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

year of publication of original: 1978

place of publication: 31eskutik.eus

country of publication of original : Canada

        online text

Inguma txar.  Tangi, Pier (1987)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Maiatz, 13

Inguru.  Apollinaire, Guillaume (2013)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

title of original: Zone

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

year of publication of original: 1913

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Injustizia baten aurka.  Jiadi, Zhou (1985)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): chinese

place of publication: Maiatz, 10

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Inner Voices [sample].  Bilbao, Leire (2023)

translator: Kristin Addis

title of original: Barruko hotsak

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2021

place of publication: BasqueBooks.eus

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Inorrezak.  Galeano, Eduardo (2016)

translator: Iñigo Aranbarri

title of original: Los nadies

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1999

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Uruguay

        online text

Inozentada.  Campoamor, Ramón (1987)

translator: Jon Iriarte

title of original: La inocentada

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Egan, 1/2

        online text

Inscription X.  Pessoa, Fernando (1996)

translator: Joseba Sarrionandia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): portuguese

place of publication: Zantzoa-1

country of publication of original : Portugal

        online text

Internazionala.  Poitter, Eugène (2023)

translator: Gabriel Aresti

title of original: L'internationale

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

year of publication of original: 1871

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : France

        online text

Intza.  Selgas, Jose (1895)

translator: Bonifazio Etxegarai

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 33

Ioaleak.  Poe, Edgar Allan (1969)

translator: Jon Beiztegi

title of original: The Bells

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

year of publication of original: 1849

place of publication: Olerti, 1-2

country of publication of original : England

        online text

Ioan zan uria.  Neruda, Pablo (1973)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Goiz-argi - 177

country of publication of original : Chile

Iragan urtean erre mendiaren kaskoan....  Decor, Miquel (1994)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): polish

place of publication: Hegats, 11

        online text

Iragarki.  Piñan, Berta (1994)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Maiatz, 22

Iraultzailea.  Mühsam, Erich (1995)

translator: Eduardo Gil Bera

title of original: Der revoluzzer

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Germany

        online text

Iraupenari poema.  Handke, Peter (2021)

translator: Asier Sarasola

title of original: Gedicht an die Dauer

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

year of publication of original: 1986

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Australia

        online text

IRGENDWO.  Joseba Sarrionandia (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1992

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Iristean, gris ala berde....  Miloscz, Czeslaw (1984)

translator: Tere Irastortza

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): polish

place of publication: Alkohola poemak

        online text

Irlandar abiadoreak bere heriotza igarri du.  Yeats, William Butler (1985)

translator: Joseba Sarrionandia

title of original: An Irish Airman Foresees His Death

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Ireland

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Irrika.  Brel, Jacques (2018)

translator: Josu Landa Ijurko

title of original: La quête

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

year of publication of original: 1967

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Belgium

        online text

Irrikaz neure heriotzaren zain.  Goll, Claire (1995)

translator: Eduardo Gil Bera

title of original: Ich freue mich auf meinen Tod

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Germany

        online text

Iru egakada.  Verdaguer, Jacint (1930)

translator: Iokin Zaitegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Jesus'sen Biotzaren Deya - 164

Iru egakada.  Verdaguer, Jacint (1934)

translator: Iokin Zaitegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Euzkadi - 6575

Iru egazkada.  Verdaguer, Jacint (1934)

translator: Koldobika Jauregi "Jautarkol"

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Euzkadi - 6659

Iru neskatillak.  Maeterlinck, Maurice (1930-otsaila)

translator: Lauaxeta

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Euzkadi

        online text

Irulea.  Brentano, Clemens (1934)

translator: Polikarpo Iraizoz

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Yakintza - 12

        online text

Iso!.  Selgas, Jose (1885)

translator: Karmelo Etxegarai

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 13

        online text

Iso!.  Selgas, Jose (1928)

translator: Karmelo Etxegarai

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal Esnalea [Martin eta Mena]

Ispilua.  Herrmann-Neisse, Max (1995)

translator: Eduardo Gil Bera

title of original: Der Spiegel

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Germany

        online text

Ispilua.  Plath, Silvia (2016)

translator: Maria Garzia

title of original: Mirror

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: DSS2016.EU

        online text

It Must Be Said Twice [sample].  Arregi Diaz de Heredia, Rikardo (2023)

translator: Lawrence Schimel

title of original: Bitan esan beharra

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2012

place of publication: BasqueBooks.eus

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Ithaka.  Kavafis, Konstantinos (2000)

translator: Joseba Sarrionandia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): greek (modern)

place of publication: Literatura Unibertsala – Batxilergoa

country of publication of original : Egypt

Itsas hilerria.  Valery, Paul (1990)

translator: Migel Anjel Unanua

title of original: Le cimetière marin

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

year of publication of original: 1920

place of publication: Hegats, 3

        online text

Itsas-malda zuriak.  Miller, Alice Duer (1998)

translator: Maritxu Urreta

title of original: The White Cliffs

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Itzulpen Antologia II - EIZIE

        online text

Itsasaldia Bizantziora.  Yeats, William Butler (2009)

translator: Hedoi Etxarte

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Ihes ederra

        online text

Itsaso billa, beti gixon aske ori.  Baudelaire, Charles (1931)

translator: Lauaxeta

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Euzkadi - 5765

country of publication of original : France

Itsasoak maitatuko zaitunean.  Marel, Jorge (1985)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Zer - 86

Itsasoak zer pentsatuko.  González, María Teresa (2012)

translator: Karlos del Olmo

title of original: Qué pensará la mar

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Senez, 43

        online text

Itsasoaren atsegiña.  Martan Gongora, Helcias (1974)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Esparavel - 71

Itsasoaren isiltasuna.  Benedetti, Mario (2018)

translator: Iban Laka

title of original: El silencio del mar

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Hitzen Uberan

country of publication of original : Uruguay

        online text

Itsasorako botila.  Benedetti, Mario (2018)

translator: Iban Laka

title of original: Botella al mar

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Hitzen Uberan

country of publication of original : Uruguay

        online text

Itsasotik bueltan.  Llope, Ignaciu (2012)

translator: Karlos del Olmo

title of original: De vuelta del mar

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Senez, 43

        online text

Itunik.  Heine, Heinrich (1920)

translator: Joseba Arregi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Hermes - 66

Iturrian.  Tagore, Rabindranath (1924)

translator: Sagar

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): bengali

place of publication: Argia - 189

country of publication of original : India

        online text

Iturriko oriña.  Samaniego, Felix Maria (1887)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 17

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Itxaropena: Gure neskatx ori....  Peguy, Charles (1966)

translator: Ximun Odriozola

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Jesus'sen Biotzaren Deya

Itxas-gazteluan.  Uhland, Ludwig (1930)

translator: O.

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Argia - 476

Itxasoko ura .  Garcia Lorca, Federico (1959)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Olerti

country of publication of original : Spain

        online text

Itxuren zalantza izugarriaz.  Whitman, Walt (1999)

translator: Lur erredakzioa

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Lur Entziklopedia Tematikoa

country of publication of original : USA

Itz-ontzia.  Samaniego, Felix Maria (1888)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 18

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Itzari lotua (Encadenado a las palabras).  Martan Gongora, Helcias (1972)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Agur - 55

Itzulera.  Celaya, Gabriel (2011)

translator: Xabier Lete

title of original: Retorno

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Senez, 41

        online text

Itzulera.  Celaya, Gabriel (2006)

translator: Xabier Lete

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Abestitzak eta poema kantatuak

        online text

Itzuliko gara.  Rachid, Haroun Hachim (2016)

translator: Asier Sarasola

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): arabic

place of publication: DSS2016.EU

        online text

Itzultzaileak.  Piqueras, Juan Vicente (2015)

translator: Fernando Rey

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: 31eskutik.eus

        online text

Itzultzeko artea.  Juan Antonio González (2013)

translator: Angel Erro

title of original: El arte de traducir

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2007

place of publication: 31eskutik.eus

country of publication of original : Spain

        online text

Iubenti, zure begi gozoak.  Katulo, Gaio Valerio (1986)

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

place of publication: Excerpta - 5

Ixillean agertzen ziran....  Robles, Mireya (1973)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): galician

place of publication: Agur - 71

Izadia dendungarri.  Wordsworth, William (1970)

translator: Jon Beiztegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Karmel

        online text

Izan, hala da.  Gelman, Juan (2014)

translator: Asier Sarasola

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Hitzen uberan

        online text

Izarren hautsa = [El polvo de las estrellas].  Lete, Xabier ()

title of original: Izarren hautsa (Izarraren hautsa)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1975

        online text

Izaya.  Baudelaire, Charles (1929-urria)

translator: Lauaxeta

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Euzkadi

country of publication of original : France

        online text

Izendapena.  Connie Fife (2016)

translator: Aiora Jaka

title of original: The naming

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

year of publication of original: 1999

place of publication: 31eskutik.eus

country of publication of original : Canada

        online text

Izerdiak.  Hernández, Miguel (1990)

translator: Anjel Bidaguren

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Zer - 145

Izpia.  Mori, Marta (2012)

translator: Karlos del Olmo

title of original: El rayu

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Senez, 43

        online text

Izpirituaren eresia.  Theodorakis, Mikis (2011)

translator: Xabier Lete

title of original: Πνευματικό Εμβατήριο

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): greek (modern)

place of publication: Senez, 41

        online text

Izpirituaren eresia.  Theodorakis, Mikis (2006)

translator: Xabier Lete

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): greek (modern)

place of publication: Abestitzak eta poema kantatuak

        online text

J.E. Pachecoren bertso batzuk gogoan.  Bello, Xuan (1994)

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

title of original: Remembranza d’unos versos de J.E. Pacheco

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Hegats, 11

        online text

Jaime Gil de Biedmaren kontra.  Gil de Biedma, Jaime (2000)

translator: Harkaitz Cano

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Literatura Unibertsala – Batxilergoa

Jainko bakarrik naikoa.  Teresa Jesusena (1922)

translator: Arrue

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Aranzazu, 18

Jainko ilunari.  Ludwig, Paula (1995)

translator: Eduardo Gil Bera

title of original: Dem dunklen Gott

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Germany

        online text

Jainkoak daki zer bihurtuko ote den orain Bahadur.  Adhikari, Kshetra Pratap (2015)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): nepali

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Jakintsuna eta nekazaria.  Samaniego, Felix Maria (1887)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 16

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Jauna-donokiratzian.  Leon, Fray Luis de (1920)

translator: Bingen Ametzaga

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euzko Deya - 90

Jaundone Jacueco hiriari madrigala.  García Lorca, Federico (1999)

translator: Gabriel Aresti

title of original: Madrigal a cibdá de Santiago

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): galician

place of publication: Senez, 21

        online text

Je me levais le matin.  Anonimoa (2004)

translator: Jean Ithurriague


text type: Poetry

target language(s): french

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1633

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Jeneral jauna, zure tankea sendoa da.  Brecht, Bertolt (1985)

translator: Aitor Arana

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Hotsizki - 1

country of publication of original : Germany

Jenerala, zure tankea auto bat baino indartsuagoa da.  Brecht, Bertolt (2000)

translator: Harkaitz Cano

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Literatura Unibertsala – Batxilergoa

country of publication of original : Germany

Jesukristoren edo igandean.  Leon, Fray Luis de (1882)

translator: Klaudio Otaegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 6

        online text

Jesus Aurrarekin.  Teresa Jesusena (1927)

translator: L.

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Gymnasium - 1

Jesus Aurrarekin.  Teresa Jesusena (1981)

translator: Lekuona

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Karmel, 4

        online text

Jesusen Biotzari.  Verdaguer, Jacint (1930)

translator: Manuel María Apalategui

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Irugarrengo Prantzisko'tarra - 203

Joan dira ; Komedia.  Helias, Pier Jakes (1987)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Maiatz, 13

Joan Gurutzekoren erromantzeen sail bat (5-9).  Joan Gurutzekoa (2020)

translator: Luis Baraiazarra

title of original: Parte de los romances de San Juan de la Cruz (5-9)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Karmel, 312

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Joana Arc-ekoa.  Cohen, Leonard (2013)

translator: Juan Luis Zabala

title of original: Joan of Arc

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: 31eskutik.eus

        online text

Joango gaituk denok zerura!.  Feliu, Nuria (1966)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Jakin - 22

Josu'ren biotzari.  Verdaguer, Jacint (1934)

translator: Koldobika Jauregi "Jautarkol"

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Euzkadi - 6704

Jupiter eta astoa.  Samaniego, Felix Maria (1884)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 11

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Justizia kontu batetan.  Campoamor, Ramón (1986)

translator: Jon Iriarte

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Egan, 1/2

        online text

Justizia ukatua Massachusettsen.  Millay, Edna St. Vincent (2020)

translator: Hedoi Etxarte

title of original: Jusitce Denied in Massachusetts

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

year of publication of original: 1927

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : USA

        online text

Ka ni ger.  Otero, Blas de (1960)

translator: Gabriel Aresti

title of original: Guernica

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1960

place of publication: Egan, 1/2

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Kaioa.  Celaya, Gabriel (1992)

translator: Pello Zabaleta

title of original: Gaviota

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Senez, 13

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Kalatxoriak = Seagulls = Las gaviotas.  Atxaga, Bernardo (2016)

translator: Margaret Jull Costa

title of original: Kalatxoriak

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

place of publication: Transpoesie.eu

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Kalevala.  Lonnrot, Elias (2008)

translator: Mia Rissanen

title of original: Kalevala

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): finnish

place of publication: Hegats, 42

        online text

Kaliza hutsak.  Agostini, Delmira (2016)

translator: Ainara Maia Urroz

title of original: Los cálices vacíos

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1913

place of publication: Egan

country of publication of original : Uruguay

Kanpoan jaten dute.  Atwood, Margaret (2023)

translator: Josu Goikoetxea

title of original: They eat out

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

year of publication of original: 1976

place of publication: Deabruaren eskola

country of publication of original : Canada

        online text

Kanpoko bizitza.  Leon, Fray Luis de (1913)

translator: Klaudio Otaegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: La Vasconia / La Baskonia - 706

Kantu espirituala (B).  Joan Gurutzekoa (2020)

translator: Luis Baraiazarra

title of original: Canto espiritual (B)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Karmel, 311

        online text

Kantua.  Yan, Li (1985)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): chinese

place of publication: Maiatz, 10

        online text

Kapitaina!.  Tzara, Tristan (2000)

translator: Harkaitz Cano

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Literatura Unibertsala – Batxilergoa

Karitatearen ahizpak.  Cohen, Leonard (2015)

translator: Juan Luis Zabala

title of original: The Sisters of Mercy

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

year of publication of original: 1968

place of publication: 31eskutik.eus

        online text

Kartzelatuak lo har dezan haur kanta.  Hierro, Jose (1988)

translator: Jokin Otaegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Ihintza - 14

Katastroa.  Metail, Michèle (2016)

translator: Asier Sarasola

title of original: Cadastre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: DSS2016.EU

        online text

Katea.  Klabund (1995)

translator: Eduardo Gil Bera

title of original: Die Kette

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Germany

        online text

Katmandu.  Giri, Banira (2015)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): nepali

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Kausa.  Pound, Ezra (1992)

translator: Eduardo Gil Bera

title of original: Causa

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Mazantini-2, 2

country of publication of original : USA

        online text

Kiriskiletachoa.  Lentz, Michel (1904)

translator: Edward Spencer Dodgson

title of original: De Kanarésfilchen

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): luxembourgish

place of publication: Eskual-Herria, 294

Klar eta hutsik....  Pavese, Cesare (2006)

translator: Luigi Anselmi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): italian

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Italy

        online text

Koadroa.  Haulot, Arthur (2004)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

year of publication of original: 1976

place of publication: KM kulturunea

        online text

Kode deontologikoa.  Sala-Valldaura, Josep Maria (2009)

translator: Amaia Iturbide

title of original: Codi deontologic

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Egan, 1/2

Koktela.  Martan Gongora, Helcias (1975)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Esparavel - 86

Koloreak.  Shyamal (2015)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): nepali

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Koloreduna.  s.n. (2014)

translator: Elixabet San Sebastian

title of original: Colored

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: berbaratza.wordpress.com

country of publication of original : Australia

        online text

Komunikazio-klasea.  Connie Fife (2016)

translator: Aiora Jaka

title of original: Communications class

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

year of publication of original: 1992

place of publication: 31eskutik.eus

country of publication of original : Canada

        online text

Komunione ondoko Santa Teresaren esker bozkariozkoak.  Teresa Jesusena (1930)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Gure Herria, 1

        online text

Kontenplazio handiko estasi batez egindako koplak.  Joan Gurutzekoa (2020)

translator: Luis Baraiazarra

title of original: Coplas hechas sobre un éxtasis de harta contemplación

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Karmel, 310

        online text

Koplak.  Mühsam, Erich (1995)

translator: Eduardo Gil Bera

title of original: Bänkellieder

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Germany

        online text

Kornifizio, gaizki, zinez gaizki dabil.  Katulo, Gaio Valerio (1987)

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

place of publication: Excerpta - 8

Korta.  Mistral, Gabriela (1956)

translator: Gabriel Aresti

title of original: El Establo

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Egan

        online text

Kristo Gurutzatua.  Hugo, Victor (1951)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Karmel

country of publication of original : France

        online text

Kurdistango ereserkia.  Dildar (2010)

translator: Urtzi Urrutikoetxea

title of original: Ey Raqib

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Hegats, 46

        online text

Kutizia.  Selgas, Jose (1882)

translator: Klaudio Otaegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 7

        online text

Kutizia.  Selgas, Jose (1882)

translator: Klaudio Otaegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Revista Euskara - 5


translator: Jean Haritschelhar

title of original: GAZTALONDOKO PRIMA

text type: Poetry

target language(s): french

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1838

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

LA CASA DE MI PADRE.  Gabriel Aresti (2004)

translator: Gabriel Aresti

title of original: NIRE AITAREN ETXEA

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1963

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

LA CASA DEL MEU PARE.  Gabriel Aresti (2004)

translator: Toni Strubell

title of original: NIRE AITAREN ETXEA

text type: Poetry

target language(s): catalan

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1963

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

La chanson de Bereterretxe.  anonimoa (2004)

translator: Jean Ithurriague

title of original: Bereterretxeren Kantorea

text type: Poetry

target language(s): french

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 14??

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text


translator: René Lafon


text type: Poetry

target language(s): french

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1545

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text


translator: Jean Haritschelhar

title of original: OFIZIALENAK

text type: Poetry

target language(s): french

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 18??

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

LA DEMANDE DU BAISER.  Bernat Etxepare (2004)

translator: René Lafon

title of original: POTAREN GALDATZEA

text type: Poetry

target language(s): french

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1545

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

La Divina Commedia.  Dante Alighieri (1999)

translator: Lur erredakzioa

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): italian

place of publication: Lur Entziklopedia Tematikoa

country of publication of original : Italy

LA MAISON DE MON PÈRE.  Gabriel Aresti (2004)

translator: Jean Haritschelhar; Mattin Larzabal

title of original: NIRE AITAREN ETXEA

text type: Poetry

target language(s): french

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1963

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

La Pietá, baina alderantziz = Pietá = Una altra Pietá .  Atxaga, Bernardo (2016)

translator: Margaret Jull Costa

title of original: La Pietá, baina alderantziz

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

place of publication: Transpoesie.eu

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

La porta oberta en el cel, i aixo.  Borda, Itxaro (2016)

translator: Maria San Raimundo

title of original: La porta oberta en el cel, i aixo

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

place of publication: DSS2016.EU

        online text

Laburpen zoragarria.  Brines, Francisco (1990)

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Arrasate Press - 56

Lagunen malkoak.  Brel, Jacques (2018)

translator: Josu Landa Ijurko

title of original: Voir un ami pleurer

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

year of publication of original: 1977

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Belgium

        online text

Lainopeko goiz sentia.  Hierro, Jose (1990)

translator: Jokin Otaegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Ihintza - 20

Lan egitea nekagarria da.  Pavese, Cesare (1985)

translator: Joseba Sarrionandia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): italian

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Italy

        online text

Lan egiteak nekatzen du.  Pavese, Cesare (1986)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): italian

place of publication: Maiatz, 11

country of publication of original : Italy

        online text

Lanaren kantua.  Kleinkunstpunk, Konny (2016)

translator: Maddalen Subijana

title of original: Karrieresong

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

year of publication of original: 2012

place of publication: berbaratza.wordpress.com

country of publication of original : Germany

        online text

Lanaren zientzia.  Mehring, Walter (1995)

translator: Eduardo Gil Bera

title of original: Arbeitswischenschaft

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Germany

        online text

Langile baten galderak liburu baten aurrean.  Brecht, Bertolt (s.d.)

translator: Joxe Azurmendi

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

        online text

Langille baten galderak liburu baten aurrean.  Brecht, Bertolt (1983)

translator: Mikel Laboa

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Sustraia - 41

country of publication of original : Germany

Lantegira ; Musika.  Dey, Jean Luc (1987)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Maiatz, 13

LAS SIETE UNIDAS.  Pedro Mari Otaño (2004)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

title of original: ZAZPIAK BAT

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1900

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Last blues, to be read some day.  Pavese, Cesare (1986)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): italian

place of publication: Maiatz, 11

country of publication of original : Italy

        online text

Lau heriotzarentzat kantak.  Sesto Lopez, Xose (1980-1981)

translator: Juan San Martin

title of original: Cantigas pra catro mortes

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): galician

place of publication: Egan, 1-6

        online text

Lau poema.  Arendt, Hannah (2018)

translator: Hedoi Etxarte

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Lau poema.  Begikhani, Nazand (2010)

translator: Urtzi Urrutikoetxea

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Hegats, 46

        online text

Lau poema.  Cattana, Gata (2020)

translator: Gotzon Barandiaran

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Spain

        online text

Lau poema.  Estevez, Eduardo (2016)

translator: Iñigo Astiz

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): galician

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Lau poema.  Holan, Vladimir (2020)

translator: Hedoi Etxarte

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): czech

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Lau poema.  Le Guin, Ursula K. (2020)

translator: Hedoi Etxarte

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : USA

        online text

Lau poema.  MacAoidh, Pàdraig (Peter Mackay) (2019)

translator: Nere Arruti

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): scotish gaelic

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Scotland

        online text

Lau poema.  McKay, Claude (2018)

translator: Iñigo Astiz

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Lau poema.  Müller, Heiner (2011)

translator: Oier Guillan

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Hitzen Uberan

        online text

Lau poema.  northSun, nila (2017)

translator: Iñigo Astiz

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Lau poema.  Novo, Olga (2009)

translator: Iñigo Aranbarri

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Lau poema.  O'Hara, Frank (2021)

translator: Julen Apella

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : USA

        online text

Lau poema.  Panero, Leopoldo Maria (2014)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Lau poema .  Peret, Benjamin (2015)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Lau poema.  Sanchez, Maria (2020)

translator: Uxue Alberdi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2017

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Spain

        online text

Lau poema.  Shire, Warsan (2018)

translator: Garazi Ugalde

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : United Kingdom

        online text

Lau poema.  Tatour, Dareen (2018)

translator: Mikel Elorza

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): arabic

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Palestina

        online text

Lau poema.  Unamuno, Miguel de (1970)

translator: Lino Akesolo

title of original: En mi cudragésimo aniversarioa

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Egan, 1/3

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Lau poema.  Vesovic, Marko (2000)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Maiatz, 33

Lau poema.  Vivanti, Annie (2016)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): italian

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Lau poema.  Yeats, William Butler (1999)

translator: Lur erredakzioa

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Lur Entziklopedia Tematikoa

        online text

Le coeur passerelle.  Ormazabal, Joxantonio ()

translator: Kattalin Totorika

title of original: Bihotza zubi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): french

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2001

place of publication: basqueliterature.com

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Le tamarinier et le figuier.  Lasa, Mikel ()

translator: Kattalin Totorika

title of original: Tamariza eta pikondoa

text type: Poetry

target language(s): french

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1993

place of publication: basqueliterature.com

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Lêdo Ivoren poesia.  Ivo, Lêdo (2016)

translator: Juan Kruz Igerabide

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): portuguese

place of publication: Senez 47

country of publication of original : Brasil

        online text

Lehen abisua.  Akhmatova, Anna (2007)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): russian

place of publication: Maiatz, 45

Lehen oroitzapena.  Labordeta, Jose Antonio (2004)

translator: Felipe Juaristi

title of original: Primer recuerdo

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Senez, 27

        online text

Lehenik Manhattan hartuko dugu.  Cohen, Leonard (2015)

translator: Juan Luis Zabala

title of original: First we take Manhattan

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: 31eskutik.eus

        online text

Lehergailua zartatuko denean.  Halas, Frantisek (2009)

translator: Hedoi Etxarte

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): czech

place of publication: Ihes ederra

Leihorrean herrixka xume bat.  Steinbeck, John (1985)

translator: J.P. Lahiregoyen

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Herria - 1826

country of publication of original : USA

        online text

Lekaidea ta artzaia.  Uhland, Ludwig (1931)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Euzkadi - 5900

Len arrosak.  Rilke, Rainer Maria (1961)

translator: Luis Mari Mujika

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Arnas - 5

country of publication of original : Czech Republic

Lengadok Gorria.  Marti i Pol, Miquel (1975)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Goiz-argi - 263

country of publication of original : Catalonia

Lengengo gaua.  Tynan, Katharine (1936)

translator: Bernardo Garro "Otxolua"

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Euzkadi - 7212

Lengua para todo.  Lizardi, Xabier (2016)

title of original: Oro mintzo

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

place of publication: DSS2016.EU

        online text

Leoia eta arratoia.  Samaniego, Felix Maria (1887)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 17

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Leoia zarrez iltzen.  Samaniego, Felix Maria (1887)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 16

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Leopardi: 200 urte.  Leopardi, Giacomo (1998)

translator: Roberto Mielgo

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): italian

place of publication: Idatz & Mintz, 25

        online text

Leoya ta bere gudarostea.  Samaniego, Felix Maria (1924)

translator: Bingen Ametzaga

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Argia - 190

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Lepantoko garaipena.  Herrera, Fernando de (1897)

translator: Felipe Arrese

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria

        online text


translator: Jean Haritschelhar

title of original: MÜNDIAN MALERUSIK

text type: Poetry

target language(s): french

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1827

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Lesbia beti nigatik gaizki.  Katulo, Gaio Valerio (1986)

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

place of publication: Excerpta - 5

Lesbia, zenbat musu emanda.  Katulo, Gaio Valerio (1986)

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

place of publication: Excerpta - 3

LET'S BREAK THE CHAIN.  Gabriel Aresti (2004)

translator: Toni Strubell

title of original: APUR DEZAGUN KATEA

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1963

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Leuntasuna.  Verlaine, Paul (1929-martxoa)

translator: Lauaxeta

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Euzkadi

        online text

Lezea.  Unamuno, Miguel de (1989)

translator: Anjel Bidaguren

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Zer - 126

country of publication of original : Basque Country

Libertade dirudiena.  Hartzenbusch, Juan Eugenio (1885)

translator: Karmelo Etxegarai

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 13

        online text


translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: EUSKO BIDAZTIARENA

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1931

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text


translator: Gabriele Schwab


text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1545

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Life with a Tiger.  Cano, Harkaitz (2017)

translator: Amaia Gabantxo

title of original: Tigre batekin bizi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

place of publication: Words Without Borders

        online text

Lili bat = [Una rosa].  Sarrionandia, Joseba (s.d.)

title of original: Lili bat

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

        online text

Lili-gorri.  Jammes, Francis (1929)

translator: Lauaxeta

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Euzkadi

        online text

Lillurakizuna.  Celaya, Gabriel (1982)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Karmel

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Liluraren kontra.  Brecht, Bertolt (1984)

translator: Mikel Laboa

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Habe - 36

country of publication of original : Germany

Liluraren kontra.  Brecht, Bertolt (s.d.)

translator: Jose Angel Irigaray

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

        online text

Lirari.  Horacio Flaco, Quinto (1986)

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

place of publication: Excerpta - 5. gehigarria

LITERATUR UND REVOLUTION.  Joseba Sarrionandia (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: LITERATURA ETA IRAULTZA

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1987

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Lizardi.  Atxaga, Bernardo (s.d.)

title of original: Lizardi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

        online text

LLANTO DE UN PATRIOTA.  Sabino Arana (2004)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

title of original: ABERTZALE BATEN NEGARRA

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1904

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Lo egiten dut. Amets eginez gero, esnatzeanez dakit.  Pessoa, Fernando (2001)

translator: Joseba Sarrionandia

title of original: Durmo. Se sonho, ao despertar não sei

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): portuguese

place of publication: Senez, 23

        online text

Lo pasatzen duzun gaua.  Pavese, Cesare (1985)

translator: Joseba Sarrionandia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): italian

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Italy

        online text

Locus amenus.  Meabe, Miren Agur (2016)

translator: Miren Agur Meabe

title of original: Locus amenus

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2010

place of publication: DSS2016.EU

        online text

Locus amoenus, locus horridus.  Sala-Valldaura, Josep Maria (2009)

translator: Amaia Iturbide

title of original: Locus amoenus, locus horridus

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Egan, 1/2

Loire ibaia.  Borne, Bertrand (1987)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Maiatz, 13

Lois Pereiroren 21 poema.  Pereiro, Lois (2012)

translator: Iñigo Aranbarri

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): galician

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Galicia

        online text

Lorailla.  Heine, Heinrich (1919)

translator: Joseba Arregi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Hermes - 45

Lore artean.  Verdaguer, Jacint (1934)

translator: Iokin Zaitegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Euzkadi - 6576

Lore galkorrak (pasarteak).  Un, Ko (2016)

translator: Asier Sarasola

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): korean

place of publication: DSS2016.EU

        online text

Lore gorrien odoljarioa.  Sala-Valldaura, Josep Maria (2009)

translator: Amaia Iturbide

title of original: L'hemorragia de les flors vermelles

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Egan, 1/2

Loreillekua.  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1948)

translator: Basati

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Alderdi - 10

country of publication of original : Germany

Lorontzi ausia.  Prudhomme, Sully (1930)

translator: Lauaxeta

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Euzkadi

        online text

LOS AMIGOS DE MADRID.  Bitoriano Gandiaga (2004)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

title of original: MADRILGO LAGUNAK

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1977

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Los mejores años de nuestra vida.  Cano, Harkaitz (2016)

translator: Harkaitz Cano

title of original: Gure bizitzako urterik onenak

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

place of publication: DSS2016.EU

        online text

Lotsa zer den.  Sternberg, Jacques (2002)

translator: Gerardo Markuleta; Iban Zaldua

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Senez, 25

        online text

Lurra eta heriotza.  Pavese, Cesare (2008)

translator: Migel Anjel Unanua

title of original: La Terra e la Morte

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): italian

year of publication of original: 1945

place of publication: Hegats, 41

country of publication of original : Italy

        online text

Lurra murrizten ari zaigu.  Darwish, Mahmud (2004)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): arabic

year of publication of original: 2000

place of publication: KM kulturunea

country of publication of original : Palestina

        online text

Lurrin-uts.  Jiménez, Juan Ramón (1957)

translator: Bingen Ametzaga

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Tierra Vasca - 8

LXXXII.  Shakespeare, William (1995)

translator: Juan Garzia

title of original: LXXXII

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Senez, 16

        online text

Magali'ren eresia.  Mistral, Frédéric (1921)

translator: Euskeratzalle

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): occitan

place of publication: Euzkadi - 2938

Maiatza (zati bat).  Hynek Macha, Karel (2017)

translator: Ainara Maia Urroz

title of original: Máj

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): czech

year of publication of original: Maia

place of publication: Maiatz, 64

Maisuaren kantua.  Cohen, Leonard (2015)

translator: Juan Luis Zabala

title of original: Master Song

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: 31eskutik.eus

        online text

Maitale zaharren kantua.  Brel, Jacques (2018)

translator: Josu Landa Ijurko

title of original: La chanson des vieux amants

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

year of publication of original: 1967

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Belgium

        online text

Maitasun hau.  Prévert, Jacques (1982)

translator: Maya

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Maiatz, 1

country of publication of original : France

        online text

Maitasun lorea.  Verdaguer, Jacint (1934)

translator: Iokin Zaitegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Euzkadi - 6575

Maitasun teknokrata.  Azua, Felix de (2009)

translator: Hedoi Etxarte

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Ihes ederra

Maitasuna.  Verdaguer, Jacint (1933)

translator: Santiago Onaindia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Karmen'go Argia - 25

Maitatzearen bigirada.  Hesse, Hermann (1985)

translator: Aitor Arana

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Hotsizki - 2

country of publication of original : Germany

Maitatzen zailak diren emakumeei.  Shire, Warsan (2018)

translator: Ane Garcia

title of original: For women who are difficult to love

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : United Kingdom

        online text

Maitatzen zaitut.  Heine, Heinrich (1947)

translator: Klaudio Sagarzazu

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Euzko Deya - 292

Maite bati.  Safo (1985)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Maiatz, 9

country of publication of original : USA

        online text

Maite zaitut eta!.  Heine, Heinrich (1919)

translator: Joseba Arregi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Hermes - 31-32

Maitearen erretratua egiteko (Itzulpen desleial bat).  Prévert, Jacques (2024)

translator: Itziar Otegi

title of original: Pour faire le portrait d’un oiseau

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: 31eskutik.eus

country of publication of original : France

        online text

Maitetasuna eta aztuta.  Selgas, Jose (1884)

translator: Karmelo Etxegarai

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 11

        online text

Majoria handiarekin.  Otero, Blas de (1962)

translator: Gabriel Aresti

title of original: A la inmensa mayoría

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1955

place of publication: Egan, 4/6

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text


translator: Koldo Izagirre


text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1963

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Malkoak jario zaizkio lurrari.  Brahim, Aziza (2015)

translator: Ainhoa Eguren

title of original: La tierra derrama lágrimas

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): arabic

year of publication of original: 2012

place of publication: berbaratza.wordpress.com

country of publication of original : Algeria

        online text

Malte Laurids Brigge-ren koadernoko oharrak.  Rilke, Rainer Maria (1999)

translator: Lur erredakzioa

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Lur Entziklopedia Tematikoa

country of publication of original : Czech Republic

Mandingue meza… ; Eza naiz ; Begiak galde.  Sall, Ibrahima (1987)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Maiatz, 14

Mandingue meza… ; Eza naiz ; Begiak galde.  Sall, Ibrahima (1987)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Maiatz, 14

Mando zamatuak.  Samaniego, Felix Maria (1888)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 18

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text


translator: Gabriele Schwab


text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1963

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Marian Anderson.  Martan Gongora, Helcias (1975)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Esparavel - 86

Mariren kantua.  Anonimoa (2008)

translator: Mia Rissanen

title of original: Marilaulu

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): finnish

place of publication: Hegat, 42

        online text

Marraskilloa.  Palacio, Manuel del (1931)

translator: Bernardo Garro "Otxolua"

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euzkadi - 5638

Marrazoak pertsonak balira.  Brecht, Bertolt (2014)

translator: Galder Ruiz

title of original: Wenn die Haifischen Menschen wären

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Elearazi

country of publication of original : Germany

        online text

Martxa baten lehen notak = [Apuntes para una marcha].  Artze, J. A. (1977)

title of original: Martxa baten lehen notak

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

        online text

Martxoaren zortzia.  Marçal, Maria Merce (2011-03-08)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Hitzen uberan

        online text

Mass media.  Benedetti, Mario (2018)

translator: Iban Laka

title of original: Mass media

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Hitzen Uberan

country of publication of original : Uruguay

        online text

Masusta zugatz bateri.  Rubio i Ors, Joaquim (1889)

translator: Felipe Arrese

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 20

        online text

Matsmordo ta galburuak.  Verdaguer, Jacint (1921)

translator: Polikarpo Iraizoz

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Zeruko Argia - 25

        online text

May.  Uribe, Kirmen (2013)

translator: Elizabeth Macklin

title of original: Maiatza

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2001

place of publication: The New Yorker

country of publication of original : Basque Country

Meanwhile Take My Hand.  Uribe, Kirmen (2007)

translator: Elizabeth Macklin

title of original: Bitartean heldu eskutik

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2001

place of publication: basqueliterature.com

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Mebio-ren aurka.  Horacio Flaco, Quinto (1986)

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

place of publication: Excerpta - 5. gehigarria

Mebio-ren aurka.  Horacio Flaco, Quinto (1988)

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

place of publication: Bertso papera - 44

Mediku itz-ontzia eta eria.  Samaniego, Felix Maria (1884)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 11

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

MEINES VATERS HAUS.  Gabriel Aresti (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: NIRE AITAREN ETXEA

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1963

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Melpomen-i.  Horacio Flaco, Quinto (1986)

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

place of publication: Excerpta - 5. gehigarria

Melpomen-i.  Horacio Flaco, Quinto (1988)

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

place of publication: Bertso papera - 44

Memoria.  Otamendi, Jose Luis (2015)

translator: María Alonso Seisdedos |

title of original: Memoria

text type: Poetry

target language(s): galician

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2014

place of publication: Palavra Comun

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

MEMORIAL.  Arantxa Urretabizkaia (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: MEMORIAL

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1982

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Mendian.  Bai, Li (1985)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): chinese

place of publication: Maiatz, 9

Mendira jo dot atsegin billa.  Benson, Arthur Christopher (1974)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Agur - 124

Menpekotasun gozoa.  Verdaguer, Jacint (1929)

translator: Manuel María Apalategui

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Zeruko Argia - 129

        online text

Menpekotasun gozoa.  Verdaguer, Jacint (1934)

translator: Koldobika Jauregi "Jautarkol"

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Euzkadi - 6665

Menpekotasun gozoa.  Verdaguer, Jacint (1934)

translator: Koldobika Jauregi "Jautarkol"

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Zeruko Argia - 186

        online text

Menturaz habitatzen baduzu elikatzen duen lurrean.  Seoane, Xavier (1987)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): galician

place of publication: Arbola - 7

Miarritze.  Humboldt, Wilhelm von (1991)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Mazantini-1

country of publication of original : Germany

        online text

Middle age.  Olasagarre, Juanjo (2018)

translator: Kristin Addis; Itxaro Borda; Bart Vonck

title of original: Middle age

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

place of publication: Transpoesie.eu

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Mientras tanto dame la mano.  Uribe, Kirmen (2002)

translator: Gerardo Markuleta; Kirmen Uribe

title of original: Bitartean heldu eskutik

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2001

place of publication: basqueliterature.com

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Mientras tanto dame la mano.  Uribe, Kirmen (2002)

translator: Gerardo Markuleta; Kirmen Uribe

title of original: Bitartean heldu eskutik

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2001

place of publication: susa-literatura.eus

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Mikropoemak.  Ajo (2013)

translator: Danele Sarriugarte Mochales

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): galician

place of publication: Elearazi

        online text

Mila eta bat.  Barnas, Rojen (2010)

translator: Urtzi Urrutikoetxea

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): kurdish

place of publication: Hegats, 46

        online text

MILIA DE LASTUR.  anonimoa (2004)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

title of original: MILIA LASTURKO

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 14??

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

MILIA VON LASTUR.  anonimoa (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: MILIA LASTURKO

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 14??

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Mingarria.  Jammes, Francis (1931-martxoa)

translator: Lauaxeta

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Euzkadi

        online text

Mintzaira galdu da.  Rouquette, Max (2009)

translator: Andrés Urrutia

title of original: La lenga s’es perduda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): occitan

place of publication: Idatz & Mintz, 47

        online text

Mirari goxoa.  Ibarbourou, Juana (2018)

translator: Ainara Maia Urroz

title of original: El dulce milagro

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Egan, 3/4

country of publication of original : Uruguay

        online text

Miriam Reyesen hiru poema.  Reyes, Miriam (2016)

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Hitzen Uberan

        online text

Mississipiko croupierraren kanta.  Panero, Leopoldo Maria (2014)

translator: Asier Sarasola

title of original: La canción de croupier del Mississippi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Hitzen Uberan

        online text

MOI JE N'AIME PERSONNE SAUF VOUS.  Arnaut Oihenarte (2004)

translator: René Lafon; Jean Baptiste Orpustan

title of original: NIK EZ DUT EHOR MAITE ZU BEIZI

text type: Poetry

target language(s): french

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1657

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Mona bat.  Samaniego, Felix Maria (1881)

translator: Felipe Arrese

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 3

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Monograma.  Elytis, Odisseas (2021)

translator: Joannes Jauregi

title of original: το μονογραμμα

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): greek (modern)

year of publication of original: 1972

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Greece

        online text

Morroi gaztetxo bat....  Martin, Xuan (1994)

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

title of original: Un rapacín esclavu...

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Hegats, 11

        online text

Muga.  Sala-Valldaura, Josep Maria (2009)

translator: Amaia Iturbide

title of original: Extrem

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Egan, 1/2

Mugako zaindariaren deitorea.  Pound, Ezra (1988)

translator: Xabier Kaltzakorta

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Bertso papera - 34

country of publication of original : USA

Mugaldean Bizitzea.  Anzaldua, Gloria (2024)

translator: Irene Hurtado de Saratxo

title of original: To live in Borderlands

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

year of publication of original: 1987

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : USA

        online text

Mulieres.  Juvenal, Decio Junio (1970)

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

place of publication: Agur - 6

Munduan ez da ura.  Tzeu, Lao (1985)

translator: Aitor Arana

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): chinese

place of publication: Hotsizki - 1

country of publication of original : China

Munduaren esker ona.  Brecht, Bertolt (s.d.)

translator: Jose Angel Irigaray

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

        online text

Musa alemana.  Schiller, Friedrich (2005)

translator: Joxe Azurmendi

title of original: Die Deutsche Muse

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Senez, 28

        online text

Musa alemana.  Schiller, Friedrich von (1990)

translator: Joxe Azurmendi

title of original: Die deutsche Muse

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

year of publication of original: 1800

place of publication: Euskera, euskaldunon hizkuntza

country of publication of original : Germany

Muskezko zigilua.  Al-Qasim, Salim (1988)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): arabic

place of publication: Maiatz, 16

Mutikoa.  Holan, Vladimir (2009)

translator: Hedoi Etxarte

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): czech

place of publication: Ihes ederra

Mutilla ta zoria.  Samaniego, Felix Maria (1924)

translator: Bingen Ametzaga

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Argia - 187

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

MY FATHER'S HOUSE.  Gabriel Aresti (2004)

translator: Toni Strubell

title of original: NIRE AITAREN ETXEA

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1963

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

My heart leaps up when y behold (Zeruan ostadarra begiztatzen).  Wordsworth, William (1944)

translator: Bingen Ametzaga

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Euzko Deya - 179

N.N.tzako testigantza.  Miloscz, Czeslaw (1985)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): polish

year of publication of original: 1974

place of publication: Maiatz, 9

        online text

NACHSPIEL EINES VORABENDS VON PETER UND PAUL 1 -- I.  Arantxa Urretabizkaia (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: SAN PEDRO BEZPERAREN ONDOKOAK 1 -- I

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1972

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text


translator: Gabriele Schwab


text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1972

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text


translator: Gabriele Schwab

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1972

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text


translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: SAN PEDRO BEZPERAREN ONDOKOAK 1 -- XI

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1972

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text


translator: Gabriele Schwab

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1972

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

NACIO EN MI OJO.  Bitoriano Gandiaga (2004)

translator: Pedro de Anasagasti

title of original: BEGIAN JAIO ZAN

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1961

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Nahi duzun bezala.  Tangy, F.R. (1987)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Maiatz, 13

Nahi genuen bizi.  Bolado, Xosé Manuel (2012)

translator: Karlos del Olmo

title of original: Queríamos vivir

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Senez, 43

        online text

Nahi nuen.  Dalton, Roque (2010-05-16)

translator: Jon Benito

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Berria

        online text

Nahikoa dut horrekin.  Gonzalez, Angel (2000)

translator: Harkaitz Cano

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Literatura Unibertsala – Batxilergoa

Nahiz eta heriotza.  Artze, J. A. (s.d.)

title of original: Nahiz eta heriotza

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

        online text

Naizen emakumea.  Khaxas, Elisabeth (2016)

translator: Asier Sarasola

title of original: The Woman that I Am

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: DSS2016.EU

        online text

Neba-arreba.  Fedin, Konstantin (1990)

translator: Karlos Santisteban

title of original: Le cimetière marin

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): russian

place of publication: Hegats, 3

        online text

Negar egizue, maitale ederrak.  Katulo, Gaio Valerio (1986)

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

place of publication: Excerpta - 1

Negarra ari du ene bihotzean.  Verlaine, Paul (2001)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

title of original: Il pleut dans mon coeur

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

year of publication of original: 1874

place of publication: Poesia Kaierak - Susa

        online text

Negro song.  Denez, Per (1987)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): breton

place of publication: Maiatz, 13

        online text

Negu hurbilak = [El cercano invierno].  Lete, Xabier (s.d.)

title of original: Negu hurbilak

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

        online text

Negua.  Coppée, François (s.d.)

translator: Bernardo Atxaga

title of original: La mort des oiseaux

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

        online text

Negua.  Darío, Rubén (1983)

translator: Anjel Bidaguren

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Zer - 70

Negua Korsikan.  Casanova, Santu (2016)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

title of original: L'invernu in Corsica

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): corsican

year of publication of original: 1930

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Neguko dama.  Cohen, Leonard (2016)

translator: Juan Luis Zabala

title of original: Winter Lady

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: 31eskutik.eus

        online text

Neguko jauregia.  Larkin, Philip (2004)

translator: Juanjo Olasagarre

title of original: The Winter Palace

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Senez, 27

        online text

Nekatua nago.  Amichai, Yehuda (2004)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): hebrew

place of publication: KM kulturunea

        online text

Nere juaneteak (Larraitz 2) = [Mis juanetes].  Artze, J. A. (s.d.)

title of original: Nere juaneteak (Larraitz 2)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

        online text

Neska zapuztua.  Mörike, Eduard (1951)

translator: Iokin Zaitegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Euzko Deya - 339

Neskak garai geldiarazietan [zatiak].  Kamenszain, Tamara (2022)

translator: Josu Landa Ijurko

title of original: Chicas en tiempos suspendidos

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2021

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Argentina

        online text

NEUJAHR.  Andolin Eguzkitza (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: URTATSA

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1998

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Neure 70 urte betetzerakoan.  Unamuno, Miguel de (1988)

translator: Anjel Bidaguren

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Zer - 120

country of publication of original : Basque Country

Neure buruari etxe bat.  Browne, Jackson (1985)

translator: Aitor Arana

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Hotsizki - 1

Neurea.  March, Susana (1985)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Karmel

        online text

New Yorkeko hamar poema.  Gwernig, Youenn (2016)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

title of original: Un dornad plu

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): breton

year of publication of original: 1997

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Ni naiz ikatza.  Craveirinha, Jose (1992)

translator: Pello Zabaleta

title of original: Eu sou carvao!

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): portuguese

place of publication: Senez, 13

        online text

Nik eginak dira versuchuak.  Virgilio Marón, Publio (1899)

translator: Edward Spencer Dodgson

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

place of publication: Eskual-Herria, 302

        online text

Nik zu nola maite?.  Barrett, Elizabeth (2015)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

title of original: How do I love thee?

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1856

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Niobideren oroitzapena.  Perez Montaner, Jaume (2002)

translator: Andolin Eguzkitza

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Hegats, 31

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Nire aitaren etxea.  García, Antón (2012)

translator: Karlos del Olmo

title of original: La casa del mío padre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Senez, 43

        online text

Nire amarentzat, jainkoa ez da hil.  Begikhani, Nazand (2016)

translator: Asier Sarasola

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): kurdish

place of publication: DSS2016.EU

        online text

Nire azken adioa.  Rizal, Jose (2017)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

title of original: Mi último adiós

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1896

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Nire berezitasunetik mintzo naiz.  Lemebel, Pedro (2024)

translator: Iñigo Satrustegi

title of original: Manifiesto : Hablo por mi diferencia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1986

place of publication: 31eskutik.eus

country of publication of original : Chile

        online text

Nire izate berberean bezela.  Castellanos, Dora (1973)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Agur - 75

Nire izenaren gaineko galderak.  Marin Estrada, Pablo Anton (1994)

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

title of original: Variaciones sobre el mio nome

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Hegats, 11

        online text

Nire lurraldearen deia.  Hello, Magali (1959)

translator: Juan San Martin

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Euzko Deya, 228

Nire mintzoa galdu nuen.  Rita Joe (2016)

translator: Aiora Jaka

title of original: I lost my talk

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

year of publication of original: 1978

place of publication: 31eskutik.eus

country of publication of original : Canada

        online text

Niretzat, negu.  Neruda, Pablo (1985)

translator: Aitor Arana

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Hotsizki - 1

country of publication of original : Chile

No se puede decir.  Uribe, Kirmen (2016)

title of original: Ezin esan

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

place of publication: DSS2016.EU

        online text

Nocturne.  Leino, Eino (2008)

translator: Teodoro Sorrondegi

title of original: Nocturne

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): finnish

place of publication: Hegats, 42

        online text

Noizean behin.  Klabund (1995)

translator: Eduardo Gil Bera

title of original: Zuweilen

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Germany

        online text

Nola ebiltan da odei artean.  Doron, Aviva (1983)

translator: JEL

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Príncipe de Viana - 153

Nola uste duen iraun nazio batek?.  Min Bahadur Bista (2015)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): nepali

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Non eskutu zara, Janko?.  Unamuno, Miguel de (1982)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Aranzazu

country of publication of original : Basque Country

Nonbait.  Goll, Yvan (1995)

translator: Eduardo Gil Bera

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

year of publication of original: Irgendwo

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Germany

        online text

Nor dabil hizketan? (soinu olerkia).  Van Der Drische, Janie (2016)

title of original: Qui parle?

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): haitian

place of publication: DSS2016.EU

        online text

Nor naiz ni?.  Cigerxwin, Seyde (2010)

translator: Urtzi Urrutikoetxea

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Hegats, 46

        online text

Nor zaldiz, ain belu, aize ta gau-zear?.  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1916)

translator: Koldobika Eleizalde

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Euzko Deya - 15

country of publication of original : Germany

Nor zara zu?.  Rita Joe (2016)

translator: Aiora Jaka

title of original: Who are you?

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

year of publication of original: 1978

place of publication: 31eskutik.eus

country of publication of original : Canada

        online text

Norbaitek esan zuen.  Sabato, Ernesto (1985)

translator: Aitor Arana

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Hotsizki - 2

country of publication of original : Argentina

Nortasuna.  Tardieu, Jean (2002)

translator: Gerardo Markuleta; Iban Zaldua

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Senez, 25

        online text

Noruntz amiltzen, noruntz deungeok?.  Horacio Flaco, Quinto (1933)

translator: Iokin Zaitegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

place of publication: Euzkadi - 6528

Nun ote dago Gillermina?.  Neruda, Pablo (1982)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Karmel

country of publication of original : Chile

        online text

O itsaso maita nazazu.  Chong, Gu (1985)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): chinese

place of publication: Maiatz, 10

        online text

Obren aitzin solasa.  Pope, Alexander (1999)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Lur Entziklopedia Tematikoa

Occitaniako erregea....  Roch, Alan (1994)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): occitan

place of publication: Hegats, 11

        online text

Octava de Santa Teresa de Jesús : versión euskara.  Teresa Jesusena (1882)

translator: Felipe Arrese

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria = Revista bascongada, 7

country of publication of original : Spain

        online text

Oczekiwanie.  Arregi Diaz de Heredia, Rikardo (2023)

translator: Aitor Arruza Zuazo; Magdalena Anna Gajewska

title of original: Zain

text type: Poetry

target language(s): polish

source language(s): basque

place of publication: Wiersze w mieście

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Oda greziar anfora bati.  Keats, John (1999)

translator: Lur erredakzioa

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Lur Entziklopedia Tematikoa

Odak (1).  Horacio Flaco, Quinto (1955)

translator: Santiago Onaindia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

place of publication: Egan, 5/6

        online text

Odak (2).  Horacio Flaco, Quinto (1956)

translator: Santiago Onaindia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

place of publication: Egan, 3/4

        online text

Odak (3).  Horacio Flaco, Quinto (1957)

translator: Santiago Onaindia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

place of publication: Egan, 5/6

        online text

Odeia.  Vadier, Berthe (1958)

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Karmel

        online text

Odol-iturrija.  Baudelaire, Charles (1930-urria)

translator: Lauaxeta

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Euzkadi

country of publication of original : France

        online text

Ogei urteko semearen aldezko otoitza.  Ibarbourou, Juana (1972)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Karmel

        online text

Ogia.  Prévert, Jacques (1990)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Herria

country of publication of original : France

        online text

Oh Freude, nicht diese Töne (Adiskideok! Ez gaitezen goinu zarata hoietan e.  Schiller, Friedrich von (1979)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Urrats - 1

country of publication of original : Germany

Ohekide zaidan dama.  Moustaki, Georges (2002)

translator: Andoni Lekuona

title of original: La femme qui est dans mon lit (Sarah)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Itzulpen Antologia III - EIZIE

        online text

Ohiturak.  Piñan, Berta (1994)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Maiatz, 22

OHNE SEIN ZU KÖNNEN.  Amaia Lasa (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1971

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Oi, zer duzu miña, zaldun.  Keats, John (1978)

translator: Jon Mirande

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Saioak - 2

Oihan.  Fall, Kiné Kirama (1987)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Maiatz, 14

Oinaztargia.  Fernández Lorences, Taresa (2012)

translator: Karlos del Olmo

title of original: Rellumu

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Senez, 43

        online text

Oinezko zamaketaria.  Laxmi Prasad Devkota (2015)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): nepali

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Ointxoak.  Mistral, Gabriela (1992)

translator: Iñaki Berakoetxea

title of original: Piececitos

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Senez, 13

        online text

Ointxoak.  Mistral, Gabriela (1992)

translator: Nemesio Etxaniz

title of original: Piececitos

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Senez, 13

        online text

Olerkariaren gainean.  Mazo, Eduardo (1985)

translator: Aitor Arana

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Hotsizki - 1

Olerkia.  Hesse, Hermann (1968)

translator: Markue

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Egan, 1/6

country of publication of original : Germany

        online text

Ollarra eta azeria.  Samaniego, Felix Maria (1887)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 17

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Onde os alacráns : III Obradoiro internacional de tradución poética en San Simón [Antologia].  Bilbao, Leire (2015)

translator: Marilar Jiménez

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

target language(s): galician

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

place of publication: Deputación de Pontevedra

Onezko hitzak esan: Jaiotza da altaran.  Tibulo, Albio (1986)

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

place of publication: Excerpta - 1

Onezkoak egin.  Whitman, Walt (1959)

title of original: Reconciliation

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Olerti-II

country of publication of original : USA

        online text

Onik onena.  Texón Castañón, Pablo (2012)

translator: Karlos del Olmo

title of original: Lo meyor de too

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Senez, 43

        online text

Ontza ("La lechuza").  Machado, Antonio (1989)

translator: Julene Azpeitia

title of original: Apuntes

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskerazaintza, 6

        online text

Ontzi bat ezberdiña.  Neruda, Pablo (1982)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Karmel

country of publication of original : Chile

        online text

Or dator....  Verdaguer, Jacint (1926)

translator: Polikarpo Iraizoz

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Zeruko Argia - [95]

        online text

Orlando haserre.  Ariosto, Ludovico (1999)

translator: Lur erredakzioa

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): italian

place of publication: Lur Entziklopedia Tematikoa

Orma-choria.  Samaniego, Felix Maria (1881)

translator: Felipe Arrese

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 3

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Oroiminaren atea.  Ghanem, Raja'a (2016)

translator: Asier Sarasola

title of original: بوابة الحنين

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): arabic

place of publication: DSS2016.EU

        online text

Oroit gaitezen poetaz.  Voinova, Irina (2008)

translator: Ivanina Asenoca

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Maiatz, 47

Oroitzen zaitudanean, ama = [Siempre que te recuerdo, madre].  Sarrionandia, Joseba (s.d.)

title of original: Oroitzen zaitudanean, ama

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

        online text

Ortzargia.  Hugo, Victor (1933)

translator: Bingen Aizkibel

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Euzkadi - 6510

country of publication of original : France

Oso hurrutian.  Otero, Blas de (1960)

translator: Gabriel Aresti

title of original: Lejos

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1960

place of publication: Egan, 1/2

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Otoitza.  Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre (1967)

translator: E. Aldaz

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Egan, 1/6

        online text

Oton-en burua txikia da guztiz.  Katulo, Gaio Valerio (1987)

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

place of publication: Excerpta - 12

Otsemea.  Storni, Alfonsina (2015)

translator: Maddalen Subijana

title of original: La loba

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1916

place of publication: berbaratza.wordpress.com

country of publication of original : Argentina

        online text

Otsoa eta arkumea.  Samaniego, Felix Maria (1888)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 18

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Otsoa eta artzanora.  Samaniego, Felix Maria (1986)

translator: Agustin Iturriaga

title of original: El lobo y el mastín

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Senez, 6

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Otsoak artzainak.  Esopo (1987)

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): greek (modern)

place of publication: Excerpta - 17

Ozeano.  Neruda, Pablo (1973)

translator: Ibon Sarasola

title of original: El gran océano

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Egan, 1/6

country of publication of original : Chile

        online text

Ozeano Atlantikoa.  Maiakovski, Vladimir (2021)

translator: Ekaitz Sirvent

title of original: Атлантический океан

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): russian

year of publication of original: 1925

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Russia

        online text

Ozkorrian ene zeruan....  Neruda, Pablo (1982)

translator: Bingen Zupiria

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Idatz & Mintz, 2

country of publication of original : Chile

PACEM IN LAPURDUM.  Borda, Itxaro (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: PACEM IN LAPURDUM

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1988

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Pailazo komodina (mp3).  Allende, Miguel (2012)

translator: Karlos del Olmo

title of original: Payasu comodín (mp3)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Senez, 43

        online text

PAISAJE DE LAS ESTACIONES.  Xabier Lizardi (2004)

translator: Koldo Izagirre; Xabier Lizardi

title of original: URTE-GIROAK ENE BEGIAN

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1930

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Pake-leku.  Bellay, Joachim du (1960)

translator: Nemesio Etxaniz

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Egan, 1/2

        online text

Palestina.  Al-Zurkali, Salim (1988)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): arabic

place of publication: Maiatz, 16

Pames and Goems [sample].  Astiz, Iñigo (2023)

translator: Kristin Addis

title of original: Joemak eta polasak

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2019

place of publication: BasqueBooks.eus

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Paniceiros.  Bello, Xuan (1994)

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

title of original: Paniceiros

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Hegats, 11

        online text

Paradisu galdua.  Milton, John (1999)

translator: Lur erredakzioa

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Lur Entziklopedia Tematikoa

PARIS-BEURET.  Jon Mirande (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: PARIS-BEURET

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1951

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

PARIS-BEURET.  Jon Mirande (2004)

translator: Koldo Izagirre; Felipe Juaristi

title of original: PARIS-BEURET

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1951

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Parisen hilko naiz.  Vallejo, Cesar (1971)

translator: Mikel Lasa

title of original: Piedras negra sobre una piedra blanca

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1939

place of publication: Poema bilduma

        online text

Parke menditsu, nahasi, buruhausle....  Kuxner, Alexandre (1986)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): russian

place of publication: Maiatz, 12

Partike Deuna suge uxaketan.  Tynan, Katharine (1933)

translator: Bernardo Garro "Otxolua"

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Euzkadi - 6441

Partisanoa.  Cohen, Leonard (2015)

translator: Juan Luis Zabala

title of original: The Partisan

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

year of publication of original: 1969

place of publication: 31eskutik.eus

        online text

Pasaportea.  Darwish, Mahmud (2014)

translator: Sabaietan Ke

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): arabic

year of publication of original: 1970

place of publication: Itu aldizkaria, 4

country of publication of original : Palestina

        online text

Pasione ondokoa.  Lasker-Schüler, Else (1995)

translator: Eduardo Gil Bera

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

year of publication of original: Nach der Lei

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Germany

        online text

Patmos dream.  Borda, Itxaro (2015)

translator: Itxaro Borda; Alexandre Popowycz

title of original: Patmos dream

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

place of publication: Transpoesie.eu

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Paul Verlaineren bi poema uzkizale.  Verga, Giovanni (2012)

translator: Hedoi Etxarte

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): italian

place of publication: Zuzeu

        online text

Paul Verlaineren bi poema uzkizale.  Verlaine, Paul (2012)

translator: Hedoi Etxarte

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Zuzeu

        online text

Pelotak, baietzez edo ezetzez (1907)

translator: Edward Spencer Dodgson

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: La Vasconia / La Baskonia - 484

Pelotak, baietzez edo ezetzez.  Khayyam, Omar (1907)

translator: Edward Spencer Dodgson

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): arabic

place of publication: La Vasconia / La Baskonia - 484

Pena.  Marín Estrada, Pablo Antón (2012)

translator: Karlos del Olmo

title of original: Señaldá

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Senez, 43

        online text

Penelope.  Torres, Xohana (2024)

title of original: 1992

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): galician

place of publication: Poesialeku


From Tempo de ría

Pentekoste'ko neurtitza.  San Victor, Adan de (1965)

translator: Eustakio Mendizabal

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

place of publication: Jaunaren deia - 11

Pentsamendua.  Calderón de la Barca, Pedro (1881)

translator: Felipe Arrese

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 3

        online text

Peñes lurmuturra.  Rendueles, José Luis (2012)

translator: Karlos del Olmo

title of original: Cabu Peñes

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Senez, 43

        online text

Però els adolescents enamorats.  Izagirre, Koldo (1985)

translator: Josep Daurella

text type: Poetry

target language(s): catalan

source language(s): basque

place of publication: Reduccions, 22

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Peru Erreka eta mutill gaizto bat.  Samaniego, Felix Maria (1881)

translator: Felipe Arrese

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 4

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

PETICIÓ DE PETÓ.  Bernat Etxepare (2004)

translator: Toni Strubell

title of original: POTAREN GALDATZEA

text type: Poetry

target language(s): catalan

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1545

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

PETICION DE BESO.  Bernat Etxepare (2004)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

title of original: POTAREN GALDATZEA

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1545

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Pikondoa.  Ibarbourou, Juana (1968)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Karmel

        online text

Pikotxa ukaldiz.  Jamis, Fayad (2004)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1973

place of publication: KM kulturunea

country of publication of original : Cuba

        online text

Pizkunde, 1916.  Yeats, William Butler (2014)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

title of original: Easter, 1916

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

PLOR D'UN PATRIOTA.  Sabino Arana (2004)

translator: Toni Strubell

title of original: ABERTZALE BATEN NEGARRA

text type: Poetry

target language(s): catalan

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1904

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Poema bat.  Davidman, Joy (2022)

translator: Ekida

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Ekida

country of publication of original : USA

        online text

Poema bat.  Sandburg, Carl (2022)

translator: Ekida

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Ekida

country of publication of original : USA

        online text

Poema nire eskubideez.  Jordan, June (2018)

translator: Ane Garcia

title of original: Poem about My Rigths

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : USA

        online text

Poema nire eskubideez.  Jordan, June (2016)

translator: Ane Garcia

title of original: Poem about My Rigths

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Lekore, 1

country of publication of original : USA

        online text

Poema solteak.  Martí i Pol, Miquel ; Muñoz, Lucio ; Abrunhosa, Pedro (2012)

translator: Joxemari Sestorain

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

place of publication: Hitza bide, bizia xede

Poema zenbait.  Celaya, Gabriel (1984, 85, 86)

translator: Jokin Otaegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Ihintza

Poema-2.  Larkin, Philip (2005)

translator: Juanjo Olasagarre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Volgako Batelariak

        online text

Poema-bilduma.  Jakimovski, Viktor (2016)

translator: Ekaitz Goienetxea

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): macedonian

place of publication: bestehitzak.eus

        online text

Poemak.  Brontë, Emily (2017)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Maiatz, 64

        online text

Poemak.  Holub, Miroslav (1991)

translator: Maite Gonzalez

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): czech

place of publication: Hegats, 5

        online text

Poemak.  Jesenin, Sergei (2024)

translator: Xabier Boveda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): russian

place of publication: Idatz & Mintz, 75

        online text

Poemak.  Jiménez, Juan Ramón (1956)

translator: Nemesio Etxaniz

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Egan, 5/6

        online text

Poemak.  Liddell, Angélica (2011)

translator: Oier Guillan

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Hitzen uberan

        online text

Poemak.  Sabines, Jaime (1999)

translator: Iñaki Sarriugarte

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Idatz & Mintz, 28

Poemak.  Vilariño, Idea (2017)

translator: Josu Jimenez

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Maiatz, 65

        online text

Poemak-1.  Larkin, Philip (2005)

translator: Juanjo Olasagarre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Volgako Batelariak

        online text

Poemas.  Suárez, Castillo (2009)

translator: Joxemari Sestorain

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

place of publication: Zurgai

        online text

Poemes escollidos.  Borda, Itxaro (2011)

translator: Isaac Xubín

title of original: Poema hautatuak

text type: Poetry

target language(s): galician

source language(s): basque

place of publication: Senez, 40

        online text

Poemes escollits.  Borda, Itxaro (2011)

translator: Pau Joan Hernàndez

title of original: Poema hautatuak

text type: Poetry

target language(s): catalan

source language(s): basque

place of publication: Senez, 40

        online text

POESIA.  Gabriel Aresti (2004)

translator: Toni Strubell

title of original: POESIA

text type: Poetry

target language(s): catalan

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1963

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

POESIA.  Gabriel Aresti (2004)

translator: Toni Strubell

title of original: POESIA

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1963

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

POESIA.  Gabriel Aresti (2004)

translator: Gabriel Aresti

title of original: POESIA

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1963

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Poesia.  Karadek, Odile (1987)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Maiatz, 13

Poesia bertikala - 17 poema.  Juarroz, Roberto (2023)

translator: Iñigo Astiz

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Argentina

        online text

Poesía y phrasal verbs = Poetry and phrasal verbs = Puisi dan phrasal verb = Poesia e phrasal verbs.  Chivite, Beatriz (2022)

translator: Beatriz Chivite

title of original: Poesia eta phrasal verbs

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2021

place of publication: Specimen

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Poesiaren alde.  Bonnefoy, Yves (2002)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Maiatz, 36

POESIE.  Gabriel Aresti (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: POESIA

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1963

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Poeta.  Asur, Manuel (2012)

translator: Karlos del Olmo

title of original: Poeta

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Senez, 43

        online text

Poeta.  Delpastre, Marcéla (1994)

translator: Itxaro Borda

title of original: Lo poeta

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): occitan

place of publication: Hegats, 11

        online text

Poetica.  Bello, Xuan (1994)

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

title of original: Arte poetica

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Hegats, 11

        online text

Poetika.  Viejo Fernández, Xulio (2012)

translator: Karlos del Olmo

title of original: Poética

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Senez, 43

        online text

Politika.  Yeats, William Butler (1985)

translator: Joseba Sarrionandia

title of original: Politics

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Ireland

        online text


translator: Gabriele Schwab

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1995

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Pozari.  Schiller, Friedrich (2005)

translator: Ibon Uribarri

title of original: Ode an die Freude

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Senez, 28

        online text

Pozari.  Schiller, Friedrich (2005)

translator: Resurrección María Azkue

title of original: Ode an die Freude

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Senez, 28

        online text

Prantzisko Aita Serafindarraren eztaiak.  Vega, Lope de (1926)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Irugarrengo Prantzisko'tarra - 159

Prantzisko deuna ta txoriak.  Verdaguer, Jacint (1922)

translator: Polikarpo Iraizoz

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Zeruko Argia - 46

        online text

Prezioa.  Acharya, Jeevan (2015)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): nepali

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Prosazko poemak.  Rifbjerg, Klaus (2009)

translator: Juan Mari Mendizabal

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): danish

place of publication: Senez, 37

        online text

Quelques poèmes .  Igerabide, Juan Kruz (2007)

translator: Edurne Alegria

title of original: Hainbat poema

text type: Poetry

target language(s): french

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1999/2002

place of publication: basqueliterature.com

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Quelques poèmes .  Juaristi, Felipe (2008)

translator: Kattalin Totorika

title of original: Hainbat poema

text type: Poetry

target language(s): french

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1997/2004

place of publication: basqueliterature.com

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Quelques poèmes .  Markuleta, Gerardo (2011)

translator: Kattalin Totorika

title of original: Hainbat poema

text type: Poetry

target language(s): french

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1990/2006

place of publication: basqueliterature.com

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Quelques poèmes .  Otxoteko, Pello (2011)

translator: Edurne Alegria

title of original: Hainbat poema

text type: Poetry

target language(s): french

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2001/2003

place of publication: basqueliterature.com

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Quelques poèmes.  Anselmi, Luigi (2009)

translator: Edurne Alegria

title of original: Hainbat poema

text type: Poetry

target language(s): french

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1985/2006

place of publication: basqueliterature.com

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Quelques poèmes.  Aranbarri, Iñigo (2010)

translator: Edurne Alegria

title of original: Hainbat poema

text type: Poetry

target language(s): french

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1986/1998

place of publication: basqueliterature.com

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Quelques poèmes.  Irastortza, Tere (2010)

translator: Edurne Alegria

title of original: Hainbat poema

text type: Poetry

target language(s): french

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1980/2004

place of publication: basqueliterature.com

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Quelques poèmes.  Lete, Xabier (2011)

translator: Edurne Alegria

title of original: Hainbat poema

text type: Poetry

target language(s): french

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1968/1992

place of publication: basqueliterature.com

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Quelques poèmes.  Muñoz, Joxean (2011)

translator: Edurne Alegria

title of original: Hainbat poema

text type: Poetry

target language(s): french

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1984/1992

place of publication: basqueliterature.com

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Quelques poèmes.  Olasagarre, Juanjo (2010)

translator: Edurne Alegria

title of original: Hainbat poema

text type: Poetry

target language(s): french

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1991/2000

place of publication: basqueliterature.com

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Reading baitegiko leloa.  Wilde, Oscar (1954)

translator: Bingen Ametzaga

title of original: The Ballad of Reading Gaol

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

year of publication of original: 1898

place of publication: Euzko-Gogoa, 11-12

country of publication of original : Ireland

        online text

Reasons.  Cano, Harkaitz (2022)

translator: Elizabeth Macklin

title of original: [15 arrazoi]

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

place of publication: The New Yorker

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

RECIT DES QUATRE CARDEUSES.  Arnaut Oihenarte (2004)

translator: René Lafon; Jean Baptiste Orpustan

title of original: LAUR KARBARIEN ERESIA

text type: Poetry

target language(s): french

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1657

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Regresso.  Torga, Miguel (2004)

translator: Fernando Gomez

title of original: Regresso

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): portuguese

place of publication: Senez, 27

country of publication of original : Portugal

        online text


translator: Koldo Izagirre


text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 17??

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text


translator: Pierre Lafitte


text type: Poetry

target language(s): french

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 17??

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Roi Xordo.  Mendez Ferrin, Xose Luis (1978)

title of original: Roi Xordo

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): galician

place of publication: Pott bandaren blaga

country of publication of original : Galicia

        online text

Romiosine.  Ritsos, Yannis (2016)

translator: Joannes Jauregi

title of original: Romiosine

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): greek (modern)

year of publication of original: 1966

place of publication: Lekore, 1

country of publication of original : Greece

        online text

Ronnie, inoiz ez zinatelako esan zergatik.  Connie Fife (2016)

translator: Aiora Jaka

title of original: Ronnie, because they never told you why

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

year of publication of original: 1992

place of publication: 31eskutik.eus

country of publication of original : Canada

        online text

Rubaiyat.  Khayyam, Omar (1988)

translator: Amaia Guijarro

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): arabic

place of publication: Idatz & Mintz, 16/17

        online text

Rudolph Reeden balada.  Brooks, Gwendolyn (2017)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

title of original: The Ballad of Rudolph Reed

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

year of publication of original: 1963

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

s.n..  Arendt, Hannah (2016)

translator: Asier Sarasola

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: DSS2016.EU

        online text

s.n..  Arias, Amable (2016)

translator: Asier Sarasola

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: DSS2016.EU

        online text

s.n..  Atxaga, Bernardo (2008)

translator: Bernardo Atxaga

title of original: Beti lagun. 2008/12/23

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

s.n..  Atxaga, Bernardo (s.d.)

title of original: Gure hitzak

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

        online text

s.n..  Luca, Gherasim (2016)

translator: Asier Sarasola

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: DSS2016.EU

        online text

Saadi'ko Arrosak.  Desbordes-Valmore, Marceline (1930)

translator: Gireuja

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Euzkadi - 5460

Sableroa.  D'Erneville, Annette Mbaye (1987)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Maiatz, 14

Sagarrondoaren tentaldia.  Mendoza Pinto, Roberto (2009)

translator: Iñaki Azkune

title of original: La tentación del manzano

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

year of publication of original: 2004

place of publication: Senez, 37

        online text

SALUDO A MI ALDEA.  Jean Baptiste Elizanburu (2004)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

title of original: AGUR HERRIARI

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1862

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

SALUT A MON VILLAGE!.  Jean Baptiste Elizanburu (2004)

translator: Peio Heguy

title of original: AGUR HERRIARI

text type: Poetry

target language(s): french

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1862

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

San Kevin eta xoxoa.  Heaney, Seamus (2010)

translator: Patxi Ezkiaga

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

year of publication of original: 1996

place of publication: Erlea, 2

        online text

San Mefisto.  Marin Estrada, Pablo Anton (1994)

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

title of original: San Mefisto

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Hegats, 11

        online text

SCHNEETREIBEN IM WINTER.  Arnaut Oihenarte (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: NEGUAN, ELURTE BATEZ

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1657

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Seaska abestia.  Verdaguer, Jacint (1928)

translator: Iñaki A.

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Jesus'sen Biotzaren Deya - 140

Seaska utza.  Selgas, Jose (1883)

translator: Karmelo Etxegarai

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 8

        online text

Sei amalauko.  Shakespeare, William (1959)

translator: Santiago Onaindia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Olerti

country of publication of original : England

        online text

SEI GEGRÜSST, MEIN DORF.  Jean Baptiste Elizanburu (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: AGUR HERRIARI

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1862

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Sei kantu.  Llach, Lluis (2017)

translator: Iñigo Aranbarri

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Sei kantu.  Parra, Violeta (2017)

translator: Josu Landa Ijurko

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Sei poema.  Ana, Marcos (2016)

translator: Iñigo Aranbarri

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Sei poema.  Bolaño, Roberto (2020)

translator: Hedoi Etxarte

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Chile

        online text

Sei poema.  Borges, Jorge Luis (2018)

translator: Xabier Boveda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Idatz & Mintz, 64

        online text

Sei poema.  Cattana, Gata (2022)

translator: Eider Beobide

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Spain

        online text

Sei poema.  Iglesias Pazos, Arsenio (2016)

translator: Iñigo Astiz

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): galician

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Sei poema.  Jesenin, Sergei (2011)

translator: Juan Ramon Makuso; Roberto Serrano

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): russian

place of publication: Senez, 41

        online text

Sei poema.  Mistral, Gabriela (2016)

translator: Josu Landa Ijurko

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Sei poema.  Pang, Alvin (2015)

translator: Leire Bilbao

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): chinese

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Sei poema.  Pasolini, Pier Paolo (2023)

translator: Irene Hurtado de Saratxo

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): italian

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Italy

        online text

Sei poema.  Perta, Cosmin (2015)

translator: Leire Bilbao

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Sei poema.  Rudcenkova, Katerina (2015)

translator: Leire Bilbao

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): czech

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Sei poema (Gaitzaren loreak).  Baudelaire, Charles (2021)

translator: Patxi Apalategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

year of publication of original: 1857

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Sei poema gailego.  Garcia Lorca, Federico (1985)

translator: Gabriel Aresti

title of original: Seis poemas galegos

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1935

place of publication: Egan, 3/4

country of publication of original : Spain

        online text

Sekretua ; Itsasoa.  Baudry, Gilles (1987)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Maiatz, 13

Selected poems .  Markuleta, Gerardo (2011)

translator: Kristin Addis

title of original: Hainbat poema

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1990/2006

place of publication: basqueliterature.com

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Sélection de poèmes.  Borda, Itxaro (2011)

translator: Itxaro Borda; Haizea Parot

title of original: Poema hautatuak

text type: Poetry

target language(s): french

source language(s): basque

place of publication: Senez, 40

        online text

Senarra joan zen.  Sylvestre, Anne (2002)

translator: Andoni Lekuona

title of original: Mon mari est parti

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Itzulpen Antologia III - EIZIE

        online text

Sendi agurgarria.  Verdaguer, Jacint (1924)

translator: Manuel María Apalategui

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Zeruko Argia - 70

Sezkazko geziak.  Gengye, Luo (1985)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): chinese

place of publication: Maiatz, 10

        online text

SHOUTING ON ZORROTZA WHARF.  Gabriel Aresti (2004)

translator: Toni Strubell


text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1963

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Shu-ko arkularien kantua.  Pound, Ezra (1988)

translator: Xabier Kaltzakorta

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Bertso papera - 34

country of publication of original : USA

SI PER DIR UNA VERITAT.  Gabriel Aresti (2004)

translator: Toni Strubell

title of original: EGIA BAT ESATEAGATIK

text type: Poetry

target language(s): catalan

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1963

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

SI POR DECIR UNA VERDAD.  Gabriel Aresti (2004)

translator: Gabriel Aresti

title of original: EGIA BAT ESATEAGATIK

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1963

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Sigismundo-ren itzaldi-beragangoa presondegian.  Calderón de la Barca, Pedro (1881)

translator: J.I.A.

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 3

        online text

Sikologia erreakzionarioa.  Sayigh, Toufiq (1988)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): arabic

place of publication: Maiatz, 16

Simonen aurreko defentsa.  Martin, Xuan (1994)

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

title of original: Defensa ente Simon

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Hegats, 11

        online text

Siniskuntza.  Martan Gongora, Helcias (1973)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Esparavel - 67

Sistro.  Guillevic, Eugene (1987)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Maiatz, 13

Six Poems.  Cid Abasolo, Karlos (2018)

translator: Xabier Goi

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.d.

place of publication: susa-literatura.eus

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Sodobna baskovska poezija (Uvod) [Antologia].  Erro, Anjel ; Meabe, Miren Agur ; Borda, Itxaro; Bilbao, Leire ; Benito, Jon ; Sarasola, Beñat ; Igerabide, Juan Kruz (2019)

translator: Bárbara Pregelj

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

target language(s): slovenian

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: s.n.

place of publication: Sodobnost

country of publication of original : Basque Country

Soldadu ezezaguna.  Peshew, Abdullah (2010)

translator: Urtzi Urrutikoetxea

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): kurdish

place of publication: Hegats, 46

        online text

Soldata, prezioa, irabazia.  Alvarez, Jose Maria (2009)

translator: Hedoi Etxarte

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Ihes ederra

SOLL ICH ES SAGEN?.  Arnaut Oihenarte (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: ERRANEN DUTA?

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1657

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Some poems .  Igerabide, Juan Kruz (2007)

translator: Amaia Gabantxo

title of original: Hainbat poema

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1999/2002

place of publication: basqueliterature.com

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Some poems.  Anselmi, Luigi (2009)

translator: Kristin Addis

title of original: Hainbat poema

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1985/2006

place of publication: basqueliterature.com

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Some poems.  Aranbarri, Iñigo (2010)

translator: Kristin Addis

title of original: Hainbat poema

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1986/1998

place of publication: basqueliterature.com

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Some poems.  Irastortza, Tere (2010)

translator: Kristin Addis

title of original: Hainbat poema

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1980/2004

place of publication: basqueliterature.com

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Some poems.  Lete, Xabier (2011)

translator: Kristin Addis

title of original: Hainbat poema

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1968/1992

place of publication: basqueliterature.com

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Some poems.  Olasagarre, Juanjo (2010)

translator: Kristin Addis

title of original: Hainbat poema

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1991/2000

place of publication: basqueliterature.com

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Some poems.  Otxoteko, Pello (2011)

translator: Kristin Addis

title of original: Hainbat poema

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2001/2003

place of publication: basqueliterature.com

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text


translator: Jon Etxaide; Koldo Izagirre; Jon Mirande

title of original: MÜNDIAN MALERUSIK

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1827

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Son ombre.  Meabe, Miren Agur (2007)

translator: Kattalin Totorika

title of original: Haren geriza

text type: Poetry

target language(s): french

source language(s): basque

place of publication: basqueliterature.com

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Soneto VI .  Dante (1985)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): arabic

place of publication: Maiatz, 9

        online text

Soneto VIII (Vita Nova-tik).  Dante (1985)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): arabic

place of publication: Maiatz, 9

        online text

Sortzez Garbiaren gaba.  Maragall, Joan (1928)

translator: Lauaxeta

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Euzkadi

        online text

Sortzez-Garbiaren gaba.  Maragall, Joan (1928)

translator: Basaraz

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Jesus'sen Biotzaren Deya - 134

SS haiek noiz itzuliko .  Mirande, Jon (2023)

translator: Edorta Jimenez

title of original: Pa zeuio an SS endro

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): breton

year of publication of original: 1962

place of publication: Deabruaren eskola

country of publication of original : France

        online text

Stalin.  Mandelstam, Osip (2000)

translator: Harkaitz Cano

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): russian

place of publication: Literatura Unibertsala – Batxilergoa


translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: PAMPETAN IZAR

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1950

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Su sombra.  Meabe, Miren Agur (2007)

translator: Miren Agur Meabe

title of original: Haren geriza

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

place of publication: basqueliterature.com

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Sufrantza.  Shuyan, Lei (1985)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): chinese

place of publication: Maiatz, 10

        online text

Sugea eta lima.  Samaniego, Felix Maria (1887)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 17

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Super Flumina Babilonis.  Benet, Stephen Vincent (1989)

translator: Joseba Sarrionandia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Hegats, 1

        online text

SUR CET AIR DÉLICIEUX.  Etxahun (2004)

translator: Jean Haritschelhar

title of original: AHAIDE DELEZIUS HUNTAN

text type: Poetry

target language(s): french

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1849

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Sustraiak han dituenak = [Quien allí tiene sus raíces].  Sarrionandia, Joseba (s.d.)

title of original: Sustraiak han dituenak

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

        online text

Sutargidun azaoa.  Paredes, Pedro Pablo (1973)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Agur - 97

Suzanne.  Cohen, Leonard (2006)

translator: Xabier Lete

title of original: Suzanne

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Abestitzak eta poema kantatuak

        online text

Swift zenaren epitafioa.  Yeats, William Butler (1985)

translator: Joseba Sarrionandia

title of original: Swift's Epitaph

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Ireland

        online text

T.-ri bi olerki.  Pavese, Cesare (2008)

translator: Migel Anjel Unanua

title of original: Due poesie a T.

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): italian

year of publication of original: 1946

place of publication: Hegats, 41

country of publication of original : Italy

        online text

Ta atseginduko naz.  Heine, Heinrich (1921)

translator: Joseba Arregi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Hermes - 72

Tabacaria (15-1-1928).  Pessoa, Fernando (2001)

translator: Josetxo Azkona; Ana Iribar; Joseba Sarrionandia

title of original: Tabacaria (15-1-1928)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): portuguese

place of publication: Senez, 23

        online text

Taliarko'ri.  Horacio Flaco, Quinto (1986)

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

place of publication: Excerpta - 5.gehigarria

Taliarko-ri.  Horacio Flaco, Quinto (1988)

translator: Juan Angel Etxebarria

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

place of publication: Bertso papera - 44

Tanger.  Llano, Xilberto (2012)

translator: Karlos del Olmo

title of original: Tánger

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Senez, 43

        online text

Täsfäńnät.  Fernández, Xandru (2012)

translator: Karlos del Olmo

title of original: Täsfäńnät

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Senez, 43

        online text

Taularatuaren dekorazioa.  Mehring, Walter (1995)

translator: Eduardo Gil Bera

title of original: Bühnenausstattung

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Germany

        online text

Tchitchalea eta uñhurria.  La Fontaine, Jean de (1939)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Euzko Enda - 6

country of publication of original : France

Tea Merzugan.  Badiella, Jordi (2017)

translator: Aintzane Galardi

title of original: El te a Merzuga

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

year of publication of original: 2004

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Teilatuen paradisuan.  Pavese, Cesare (1986)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): italian

place of publication: Maiatz, 11

country of publication of original : Italy

        online text

Telesaila.  Veiga, Elías (2012)

translator: Karlos del Olmo

title of original: Teleserie

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Senez, 43

        online text

TERCER SALMO DE ARTASO.  Bitoriano Gandiaga (2004)

translator: Koldo Izagirre


text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1974

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Terebintoa.  Verdaguer, Jacint (1923)

translator: Polikarpo Iraizoz

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Zeruko Argia - 50

        online text

Testu sorta.  Safo (2003)

translator: Migel Angel Unanua

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Hegats, 33

        online text

Testuaren ifrentzua.  Valencia, Sayak (2015)

translator: Danele Sarriugarte Mochales

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Hitzen Uberan

        online text

The blacksmith slave.  Sarrionandia, Joseba (2012)

title of original: Esklabu errementaria

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

place of publication: Wikiwand

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

The Fall of Icarus.  Sarrionandia, Joseba (2017)

translator: Amaia Gabantxo

title of original: Ikaroren erorketa

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

place of publication: Words Without Borders

        online text

THE SONG OF BERTERRETCHE.  anonimoa (2004)

translator: Rodney Gallop


text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 14??

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

The Strange Fruit.  Meeropol, Abel (1986)

translator: Joserra Utretx

title of original: Strange Fruit

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

year of publication of original: 1937

place of publication: Susa, 18

        online text

The Tamarisk and the Fig Tree.  Lasa, Mikel ()

translator: Kristin Addis

title of original: Tamariza eta pikondoa

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1993

place of publication: basqueliterature.com

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text


translator: Gabriele Schwab

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1986

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Top secret.  Sende, Sechu (2018)

translator: Txerra Rodriguez

title of original: Top secret

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

place of publication: argia.eus

        online text

Tractatus.  Goikoetxea, Jule (2016)

title of original: Tractatus

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

place of publication: DSS2016.EU

        online text

Traduttore, traditore.  Pacheco, Jose Emilio (2006)

translator: Luigi Anselmi

title of original: Traduttore, traditore

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Mexico

        online text

Traizio gorena.  Pacheco, Jose Emilio (2014)

translator: Mikel Elorza

title of original: Alta traición

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Traizio larria.  Marin Estrada, Pablo Anton (1994)

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

title of original: Alta traicion

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Hegats, 11

        online text

Trena.  Carducci, Giosuè (2016)

translator: Maite Urzaa

title of original: l’Inno a Satana

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): italian

year of publication of original: 1865

place of publication: berbaratza.wordpress.com

country of publication of original : Italy

        online text

TRENQUEM LA CADENA.  Gabriel Aresti (2004)

translator: Toni Strubell

title of original: APUR DEZAGUN KATEA

text type: Poetry

target language(s): catalan

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1963

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Trikuarena = The tale of the hedgehog = El Erizo.  Atxaga, Bernardo (2016)

translator: Amaia Gabantxo

title of original: Trikuarena

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

place of publication: Transpoesie.eu

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Triptikoa.  Aristimunho, Fabio (2006)

translator: Estebe Ormazabal

title of original: Triptico

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Maiatz, 43

Triptikoa Luciana Rosa-rentzat (2006)

translator: Estebe Ormazabal

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Maiatz, 43

country of publication of original : England

Tristanen Piztiategia.  Desnos, Robert (2015)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

title of original: La Ménagerie de Tristan

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

year of publication of original: 1939

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Tristurazko madrigala.  Baudelaire, Charles (1957)

translator: Gabriel Aresti

title of original: Les Fleurs du mal

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

year of publication of original: 1857

place of publication: Egan

country of publication of original : France

        online text

Trosky for Me Was.  Uribe, Kirmen (2021)

translator: Elizabeth Macklin

title of original: Troski niretzat zen

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2019

place of publication: The Paris Review ; 236

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Ttitta, purra!.  Prévert, Jacques (1990)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Herria

country of publication of original : France

        online text

Tule'ko Erregea.  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1934)

translator: Polikarpo Iraizoz

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Yakintza - 11

country of publication of original : Germany

        online text

Txillida.  Ardisana, Pablo (2012)

translator: Karlos del Olmo

title of original: Chillida

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Senez, 43

        online text

Tximeleta ariñari lora apalak dirautso.  Hugo, Victor (1933)

translator: Iokin Zaitegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Euzkadi - 6511

country of publication of original : France

Txori elbarria legez.  Hierro, Jose (1990)

translator: Jokin Otaegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Ihintza - 19

Txurruka lez aapaldiak.  Hernandez, Jose (1988)

translator: Txomin Iakakortexarena

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskerazaintza - 4

        online text

Udaberria etor dadinean.  Pessoa, Fernando (2001)

title of original: Quando Vier a Primavera

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): portuguese

place of publication: Senez, 23

        online text

Udaberria etor dadinean....  Pessoa, Fernando (2000)

translator: Joakin Balentzia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): portuguese

place of publication: Literatura Unibertsala – Batxilergoa

country of publication of original : Portugal

Udaberriyari.  Selgas, Jose (1884)

translator: Karmelo Etxegarai

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 10

        online text

Udagoiena.  Rilke, Rainer Maria (1966)

translator: Markue

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Egan, 1/6

country of publication of original : Czech Republic

        online text

Udako madrigala.  Garcia Lorca, Federico (1989)

translator: Anjel Bidaguren

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Zer - 136

country of publication of original : Spain

Udazken.  Rilke, Rainer Maria (1961)

translator: Luis Mari Mujika

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Arnas - 6

country of publication of original : Czech Republic

Udazken haize.  Hierro, Jose (1990)

translator: Jokin Otaegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Ihintza - 18

Uholdea.  Otero, Blas de (1986)

translator: Jokin Otaegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Ihintza - 7

Ulalume.  Poe, Edgar Allan (1989)

translator: Migel Anjel Unanua

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Hegats, 1

country of publication of original : England

        online text

Uma-oncitic negarra.  Paz-Andrade, Valentin (1983)

translator: Gabriel Aresti

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): galician

place of publication: Egan, 1/6

        online text

Umea.  Hugo, Victor (1959)

translator: Mikel Zarate

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Karmel

country of publication of original : France

        online text

UN DÍA, EN ZUBEROA....  Jon Mirande (2004)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

title of original: BEHIN BATEZ, ZUBEROAN...

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1951

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Un país a tu dolor.  Otamendi, Jose Luis ()

translator: Iñigo Aranbarri

title of original: Lur bat zure minari

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1995

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

UNA NEVADA EN INVIERNO.  Arnaut Oihenarte (2004)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

title of original: NEGUAN, ELURTE BATEZ

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1657

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

UNA VIEJA GUITARRA.  Iparragirre, Jose Mari (2004)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

title of original: GITARRA ZAHARTXO BAT

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 18??

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Unai-kantak.  Virgilio Marón, Publio (1954)

translator: Andima Ibinagabeitia

title of original: Bucolica

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

year of publication of original: K.a. 35

place of publication: Euzko Gogoa, 9-10

country of publication of original : Rome

        online text

Unai-kantak.  Virgilio Marón, Publio (1954)

translator: Andima Ibinagabeitia

title of original: Bucolica

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

year of publication of original: K.a. 35

place of publication: Euzko-Gogoa

country of publication of original : Rome

        online text

Unai-kantak.  Virgilio Marón, Publio (1955)

translator: Andima Ibinagabeitia

title of original: Bucolica

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

year of publication of original: K.a. 35

place of publication: Euzko-Gogoa

country of publication of original : Rome

        online text

Unai-kantak.  Virgilio Marón, Publio (1955)

translator: Andima Ibinagabeitia

title of original: Bucolica

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

year of publication of original: K.a. 35

place of publication: Euzko-Gogoa

country of publication of original : Rome

        online text

Unai-kantak.  Virgilio Marón, Publio (1955)

translator: Andima Ibinagabeitia

title of original: Bucolica

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

year of publication of original: K.a. 35

place of publication: Euzko-Gogoa

country of publication of original : Greece

        online text

UND ES REGNET.  Bitoriano Gandiaga (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: T'EURIA

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1961

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Unefguko hogeita hamazazpiak.  Badiella, Jordi (2017)

translator: Aintzane Galardi

title of original: Els trenta-set d'Unefgu

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

year of publication of original: 2007

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Unlimited [sample].  Chivite, Beatriz (2023)

translator: Leire Erviti

title of original: Mugi/atu

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2019

place of publication: BasqueBooks.eus

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Ura, nora zoaz?.  Garcia Lorca, Federico (1961)

translator: Luis Mari Mujika

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Arnas - 5

country of publication of original : Spain

Urdea, ahuntça eta cikiroa.  La Fontaine, Jean de (1887)

translator: Goietxe

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Eskualduna - 23. gehigarria

country of publication of original : France

        online text

Urmael zerutiar.  Liangpei, Zhou (1985)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): chinese

place of publication: Maiatz, 10

        online text

Urte batzu geroago amarekin.  Holan, Vladimir (1985)

translator: Joseba Sarrionandia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): czech

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Czech Republic

        online text

Urte oso baterako errezeta.  Textor, Katharina Elisabeth (2015)

translator: Ainhoa Eguren

title of original: Rezept für das neue Jahr

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: berbaratza.wordpress.com

        online text

VAIS-JE LE DIRE?.  Arnaut Oihenarte (2004)

translator: René Lafon; Jean Baptiste Orpustan

title of original: ERRANEN DUTA?

text type: Poetry

target language(s): french

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1657

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Venus Asturiasko itsasotik sortzen.  Sánchez Vicente, Xuan Xosé (2012)

translator: Karlos del Olmo

title of original: Venus desurde de la mar d’Asturies

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Senez, 43

        online text

Verlaine banintz bezala.  Salas Riaño, Luis (2012)

translator: Karlos del Olmo

title of original: Como si fuere Verlaine

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Senez, 43

        online text

VERSE AN EINEN BRIEF.  Joseba Sarrionandia (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1993

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

VERSTOPFUNG.  Orixe (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: IDORRERIA

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1948

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Victoria Erregina.  Cohen, Leonard (2013)

translator: Juan Luis Zabala

title of original: Queen Victoria

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: 31eskutik.eus

        online text

Vidíu lurmuturra (Cuideiru).  Bello, Xuan (2012)

translator: Karlos del Olmo

title of original: Cabu Vidíu (Cuideiru)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Senez, 43

        online text

VIII. Enkontrua.  Holan, Vladimir (1985)

translator: Joseba Sarrionandia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): czech

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Czech Republic

        online text

VOGELGLÜCK.  Jon Mirande (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: TXORIONTASUN

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1961

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

VOLANDO.  Orixe (2004)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

title of original: EGAN

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1950

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

VON DEN HÖHEN JENER BERGE.  Borda, Itxaro (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: HANGO BORTU GAINETIK

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1998

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text


translator: Gabriele Schwab


text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 17??

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Walking around.  Neruda, Pablo (1973)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Agur - 111

country of publication of original : Chile

WAS DORT SEINE WURZELN HAT.  Joseba Sarrionandia (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1980

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text


translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: ABERTZALE BATEN NEGARRA

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1904

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

WEIL ES MIR NIEMAND VORSCHREIBT.  Joseba Sarrionandia (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab


text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1980

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

WEM NICHT?.  Manex Erdozaintzi-Etxart (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: NORI EZ?

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1971

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

WENN DU IHN HÖRST.  Iñigo Aranbarri (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1998

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

WENN MEINE MUTTER DAS WÜSSTE.  Iparragirre, Jose Mari (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: NERE AMAK BALEKI

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1855

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

WERTSCHÄTZUNG DER FRAUEN.  Bernat Etxepare (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: EMAZTEN FABORE

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1545

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Wesendoncken abestiak.  Wesendonck, Mathilde (2011)

translator: Hedoi Etxarte

title of original: Wesendonck Lieder

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

year of publication of original: 1858

place of publication: Zuzeu

        online text

WORTE.  Andolin Eguzkitza (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: HITZAK

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1993

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

XII. poema.  Vallejo, Cesar (1991)

translator: Joseba Sarrionandia

title of original: Masa

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Peru

        online text

Xoriak = [Los pájaros].  Sarrionandia, Joseba (s.d.)

title of original: Xoriak (Xorien ihesa)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

        online text

XX. poema.  Neruda, Pablo (1993)

translator: Gillermo Etxeberria

title of original: Poema XX

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 1924

place of publication: Egan, 1

country of publication of original : Chile

        online text

XXI.  Álvarez Llano, Ángel (2012)

translator: Karlos del Olmo

title of original: XXI

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Senez, 43

        online text

XXVI.  García, Xosé Antonio (2012)

translator: Karlos del Olmo

title of original: XXVI

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Senez, 43

        online text

Yolanda Castañoren lau poema.  Castaño, Yolanda (2012)

translator: Xabier Mendiguren Elizegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2008

place of publication: Hitzen Uberan

        online text

You also encountered….  Lete, Xabier (2011)

translator: Nere Lete

title of original: Ezagutu zenuen…

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

place of publication: Inventory, 2

country of publication of original : Basque Country

Zaborra.  Seeger, Pete (2013)

translator: Pello Zubiria

title of original: Garbage

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: argia.eus

        online text

Zaharra zarenean.  Yeats, William Butler (1980)

translator: Andolin Eguzkitza

title of original: When You Are Old

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Xaguxarra-1

        online text

Zaindaria.  Klabund (1995)

translator: Eduardo Gil Bera

title of original: Besacher

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Germany

        online text

Zainteri sonetoa.  Poe, Edgar Allan (1982)

translator: Mikel Antza

title of original: To Zante

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

year of publication of original: 1837

place of publication: Susa, 4

country of publication of original : England

        online text

Zaldi urdin.  Teitelboim, Dora (2004)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): greek (modern)

year of publication of original: 1982

place of publication: KM kulturunea

        online text

Zaldun beltza.  Uhland, Ludwig (1921)

translator: E.

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Euzkadi - 2871. VII-21

Zantzu oneko ezkontza bat.  Nasreen, Taslima (2016)

translator: Asier Sarasola

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): bengali

place of publication: DSS2016.EU

        online text

Zartzaro alaya.  Anakreonte (1933)

translator: Emeterio Arrese

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): greek (modern)

place of publication: Tierra Vasca - 7

country of publication of original : Greece

Zaude lasai = [Estate tranquilo].  Artze, J. A. (s.d.)

title of original: Zaude lasai

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

        online text

ZAUNKÖNIG.  Pedro Mari Otaño (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: TXEPETXA

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1894

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Zauzk degidak.  Otero, Blas de (1987)

translator: Jokin Otaegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Ihintza - 11

Zazpi poema.  Ablan, Hoda (2017)

translator: Mikel Elorza

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): arabic

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Yemen

        online text

Zazpi poema.  Aguirre, Francisca (2021)

translator: Izaskun Etxebeste

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Spain

        online text

Zazpi poema.  Al-Saadawi, Nawal (2021)

translator: Mikel Elorza; Ana Isabel Morales

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): arabic

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Egypt

        online text

Zazpi poema.  Aleixandre, Marilar (2015)

translator: Leire Bilbao

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Galicia

        online text

Zazpi poema.  Amor, Pita (2018)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Mexico

        online text

Zazpi poema.  Bachmann, Ingeborg (2012)

translator: Iñigo Aranbarri

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Zazpi poema.  Celaya, Gabriel (2016)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Zazpi poema.  Hughes, Langston (2017)

translator: Iñigo Astiz

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : USA

        online text

Zazpi poema.  Iglesias Pazos, Arsenio (2014)

translator: Iñigo Astiz

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

year of publication of original: 2013

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Zazpi poema.  Kunene, Mazisi (2020)

translator: Gotzon Barandiaran

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): zulu

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : South Africa

        online text

Zazpi poema.  March, Ausias (2002)

translator: Ibon Sarasola

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Hegats, 30

        online text

Zazpi poema.  Otero, Blas de (1986-87)

translator: Jokin Otaegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Ihintza

Zazpi poema.  Sarajlic, Izet (2018)

translator: Iñigo Astiz

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): bosnian

year of publication of original: 1992

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Zazpi poema.  Skacel, Jan (2022)

translator: Karlos Cid Abasolo

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): czech

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Czech Republic

        online text

Zazpi poema.  Tanikawa, Shuntaro (2017)

translator: Iñigo Astiz

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): japanese

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Japan

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Zazpi poema.  Yeats, William Butler (2015)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Zazpi poema.  Zukofsky, Louis (2004)

translator: Antton Garikano

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Zazpi soneto.  Unamuno, Miguel de (2013)

translator: Luis Mari Mujika

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Egan, 3-4

country of publication of original : Basque Country

Zelaietan.  Rilke, Rainer Maria (1961)

translator: Luis Mari Mujika

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Arnas - 6

country of publication of original : Czech Republic

Zeltikoa.  Álvarez, Lluis Xabel (2012)

translator: Karlos del Olmo

title of original: Céltica

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Senez, 43

        online text

Zenbait herri kanta.  s.n. (2002)

translator: Jose Maria Satrustegi

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

place of publication: Itzulpen Antologia III - EIZIE

        online text

Zenbait poema.  Alonso i Català, Manel (2001)

translator: Andolin Eguzkitza

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Hegats, 29

country of publication of original : Catalonia

        online text

Zenbait poema.  Amichai, Yehuda (1995)

translator: Jon Aiastui; Gerardo Markuleta

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): hebrew

place of publication: Senez, 16

        online text

Zenbait poema.  Neruda, Pablo (2015)

translator: Xabier Boveda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Idatz & Mintz, 57

country of publication of original : Chile

        online text

Zenbait poema.  Zurita, Raul (2020)

translator: Izaskun Etxebeste

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Egan 1/2-3/4

country of publication of original : Chile

        online text

Zenbatzen.  Bekas, Sherko (2013)

translator: Urtzi Urrutikoetxea

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): kurdish

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Zeñetan ametsa egia dan.  Castellanos, Dora (1973)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Agur - 75

Zer da au?.  Vega, Lope de (1976)

translator: Santiago Onaindia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Príncipe de Viana - 120

Zer da etxea?.  Mosab Abu Toha (2023)

translator: Beñat Sarasola

title of original: What is Home?

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

year of publication of original: 2022

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Palestina

        online text

Zer nahi dezu gehiago?.  Heine, Heinrich (1920)

translator: Klaudio Sagarzazu

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Euskal Esnalea [Martin eta Mena]

        online text

Zer naiz ni zu gabe?.  Aragon, Louis (2002)

translator: Andoni Lekuona

title of original: Que serais-je sans toi?

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Itzulpen Antologia III - EIZIE

        online text

Zergaitik ez zidaten esan?.  Marti i Pol, Miquel (1975)

translator: Sabin Muniategi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Goiz-argi - 254

country of publication of original : Catalonia

Zergatik gara gu amerikarrak.  Baraka, Amiri (2014)

translator: Galder Ruiz

title of original: Why is We americans

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Elearazi

        online text

ZERREISSEN WIR DIE FESSEL.  Gabriel Aresti (2004)

translator: Gabriele Schwab

title of original: APUR DEZAGUN KATEA

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1963

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

        online text

Zeru.  Hemon, Roparz (1987)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Maiatz, 13

Zeru amaitu gabea eta beste poema batzuk.  Tranströmer, Tomas (2011)

translator: Kirmen Uribe

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): swedish

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Ziegatik irtetzean.  Leon, Fray Luis de (1884)

translator: Karmelo Etxegarai

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 10

        online text

Zirkuko artistek badute.  Hesse, Hermann (1985)

translator: Aitor Arana

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Hotsizki - 2

country of publication of original : Germany

Zitalduta dagoz.  Heine, Heinrich (1921)

translator: Joseba Arregi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Hermes - 68

Ziutatea.  Kavafis, Konstantinos (2000)

translator: Bernardo Atxaga

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): greek (modern)

place of publication: Literatura Unibertsala – Batxilergoa

country of publication of original : Egypt

Zoria.  Vitale, Ida (2024)

translator: Irene Hurtado de Saratxo

title of original: Fortuna

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2005

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Uruguay

        online text

Zoriko Eresia.  Hölderlin, Friedrich (1951)

translator: Federiko Krutwig

title of original: Schicksalslied

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Gernika, 16

        online text

Zorion handia.  Szymborska, Wislawa (2004)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): polish

year of publication of original: 1993

place of publication: KM kulturunea

        online text

Zorionik ez....  Heine, Heinrich (1926)

translator: Martin Oiartzabal

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Euskal Esnalea [Martin eta Mena]

        online text

Zoriontsua zara, adiskide?.  Bimal Nibha (2015)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): nepali

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Zoriontsuago biziko aiz eta.  Horacio Flaco, Quinto (1933)

translator: Iokin Zaitegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

place of publication: Euzkadi - 6528

Zoritxar txarrez.  Heine, Heinrich (1921)

translator: Klaudio Sagarzazu

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Euskal Esnalea [Martin eta Mena]

        online text

Zoritxar zaletan gogo bare jardun.  Horacio Flaco, Quinto (1933)

translator: Iokin Zaitegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): latin

place of publication: Euzkadi - 6529

Zorrotoa.  Samaniego, Felix Maria (1980)

translator: Jesus Egea

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Goiz-argi - 485

country of publication of original : Basque Country

Zortzi poema.  Arbousset, Jean (2018)

translator: Koldo Izagirre

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : France

        online text

Zortzi poema.  Auster, Paul (2024)

translator: Josu Landa Ijurko

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Zortzi poema.  Baudelaire, Charles (2014)

translator: Xabier Boveda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Idatz & Mintz, 56

country of publication of original : France

        online text

Zortzi poema.  Dadie, Bernard (2016)

translator: Mikel Elorza; Josu Landa Ijurko

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

place of publication: armiarma.eus

        online text

Zortzi poema.  Eluard, Paul (2013)

translator: Ekaitz Sirvent

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Ataramiñe 13

Zortzi poema.  Hennings, Emmy (2023)

translator: Mikel Elorza

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Germany

        online text

Zortzi poema.  Nyamubaya, Freedom (2020)

translator: Mikel Elorza

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

year of publication of original: 1985

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Zimbabwe

        online text

Zortzi poema.  Urondo, Paco (2016)

translator: Jose Luis Otamendi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Argentina

        online text

Zortzi poema.  Vicens, Antonia (2023)

translator: Monika Etxebarria

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Catalonia

        online text

Zu bakarrik.  Heine, Heinrich (1922)

translator: Klaudio Sagarzazu

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Euskal Esnalea [Martin eta Mena]

        online text

Zu eta biok Saforekin.  López-Vega, Martín (2012)

translator: Karlos del Olmo

title of original: Tu y yo con Safo

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Senez, 43

        online text

Zu ta ni.  Selgas, Jose (1884)

translator: Klaudio Otaegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 10

        online text

Zugatzak.  Garcia Lorca, Federico (1959)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Olerti

country of publication of original : Spain

        online text

Zugatzak.  Kilmer, Joyce (1943)

translator: Bingen Ametzaga

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Euzko Deya - 147

Zuk ere asko desio zenuen….  Hölderlin, Friedrich (1985)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Maiatz, 9

country of publication of original : USA

        online text

Zuk ez dituzu ezagutzen.  Pavese, Cesare (1985)

translator: Joseba Sarrionandia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): italian

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Italy

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Zure arima gorra.  Sampedro, Miguel (2016)

translator: Maialen Sobrino

title of original: Tu alma sorda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: DSS2016.EU

        online text

Zure begiek = [Tus ojos].  Landart, Daniel (s.d.)

title of original: Zure begiek

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

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Zure begietan.  Haidar, Nabil (1987)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Maiatz, 14

Zure eginbidea.  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1975)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Herria - 1314

country of publication of original : Germany

        online text

Zure sabel ertzak.  Hernández, Miguel (1985)

translator: Anjel Bidaguren

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Zer - 85

Zuretzat ene maitea.  Prévert, Jacques (2000)

translator: Harkaitz Cano

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Literatura Unibertsala – Batxilergoa

country of publication of original : France

Zuretzat nituen larrosak hazi.  Andrade, Eugenio de (1985)

translator: Joseba Sarrionandia

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): portuguese

place of publication: armiarma.eus

country of publication of original : Portugal

        online text

[10 poema = 10 poemas].  Suarez, Castillo (2014)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

place of publication: Ibi Oculus, 8

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

[13 poema = 13 poemas].  Erro, Anjel ()

translator: Aitor Francos

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

place of publication: Ibi Oculus, 9

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

[7 poema = 7 poemas].  Bilbao, Leire ()

translator: Aitor Francos

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

place of publication: Ibi Oculus, 8

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

[Adizu, hau ez da agur esateko era].  Cohen, Leonard (1985)

translator: Aitor Arana

title of original: Hey, That's No Way To Say Goodbye

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Hotsizki-1

[Amarduna].  Calderón de la Barca, Pedro (1881)

translator: Klaudio Otaegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 3

        online text

[Amarduna].  Calderón de la Barca, Pedro (1881)

translator: Klaudio Otaegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Euskal-Erria - 3

        online text

[Amodiozko poemak edo XIV].  Rikardo Arregi (2013)

translator: Angel Erro

title of original: Amodiozko poemak edo XIV

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2012

place of publication: 31eskutik.eus

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

[Amonatxo].  Barbier, Jean (s.d.)

title of original: Amonatxo

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

        online text

[Bi poema].  Llach, Lluis (2006)

translator: Xabier Lete

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): catalan

place of publication: Abestitzak eta poema kantatuak

        online text

[Borroka izan zen].  Pérez Iglesias, Héctor (2012)

translator: Karlos del Olmo

title of original: [Fuere una llucha]

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Senez, 43

        online text

[Bost poema].  Krikorian, Violeta (2006)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): armenian

place of publication: Maiatz, 44

[Bost poema].  Nigolian, Sonia (2006)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): armenian

place of publication: Maiatz, 44

[Dio josek ikus egun bikoitzetako gizona da].  Aurtenetxe, Karlos (1992)

translator: Pello Zabaleta

title of original: Naufragio de José en Pedro

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Senez, 13

        online text

[Ez dabil orruka].  Ungareti, Giuseppe (1992)

translator: Eduardo Gil Bera

title of original: Finale

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): italian

place of publication: Senez, 13

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[Haikuak].  Kerouac, Jack (2008)

translator: Iñaki Sarriugarte

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Idatz & Mintz, 46

country of publication of original : USA

        online text

[Hainbat poema].  Brel, Jacques (2006)

translator: Xabier Lete

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Abestitzak eta poema kantatuak

        online text

[Hiru poema].  Brassens, George (2006)

translator: Xabier Lete

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Abestitzak eta poema kantatuak

        online text

[Hiru poema].  Duval, Angela (1994)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): french

place of publication: Maiatz, 22

[Hiru poema].  Meabe, Miren Agur (2017)

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

place of publication: Fonoteca de Poesía Contemporánea

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

[Hiru poema].  Sevag, Shamiram (2006)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): armenian

place of publication: Maiatz, 44

[Kantuz].  Mendiage, Jose (s.n.)

title of original: Kantuz

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

        online text

[Kiromantzidxa].  Sarrionandia, Joseba (1998)

title of original: Kiromantzidxa (Lekeitio 10) 1998

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

        online text

[Lau poema].  Hölderlin, Friedrich (2012)

translator: Luis Arostegi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: Karmel, 280

country of publication of original : Germany

        online text

[Lau poema].  Horatio ; Donne, John ; Yu, Lu ; Huldén, Lars (2009)

translator: Luigi Anselmi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

place of publication: Idatz & Mintz, 48

        online text

[Lau poema].  Kaputikian, Silva (2006)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): armenian

place of publication: Maiatz, 44

[Matxin Burdin].  Hernandez, Jose (1976)

translator: Txomin Iakakortexarena

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Boletín del Instituto Americano de Estudios Vascos

[Non dira egun galduak].  Rojo, Miguel (2012)

translator: Karlos del Olmo

title of original: [Aú tán los díes perdíos]

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): asturian

place of publication: Senez, 43

        online text

[Non zara, Maite, ostendu].  Joan Gurutzekoa (1992)

translator: Lino Akesolo

title of original: [¿A dónde te escondiste,]

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Senez, 13

        online text

[Non zaude kuku, Maite?].  Joan Gurutzekoa (1992)

translator: Orixe

title of original: [¿A dónde te escondiste,]

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Senez, 13

        online text

[Nora jun zara Maite,].  Joan Gurutzekoa (1992)

translator: Santiago Onaindia

title of original: [¿A dónde te escondiste,]

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Senez, 13

        online text

[Nora zaitut kuku,].  Joan Gurutzekoa (1992)

translator: Joan Inazio Goikoetxea "Gaztelu"

title of original: [¿A dónde te escondiste,]

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Senez, 13

        online text

[Norbaitek, atzeko aldetik].  Pérez Pascual, Ángel (2002)

translator: Gerardo Markuleta; Iban Zaldua

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Senez, 25

        online text

[sans titre].  Suarez, Castillo ()

translator: Itxaro Borda

title of original: Irautera

text type: Poetry

target language(s): french

source language(s): basque

place of publication: Exit. Revue de poésie, 99

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

[Sei poema].  Ní Dhomhnaill, Nuala (2004)

translator: Eli Tolaretxipi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Metamorphoses

country of publication of original : Ireland

[Sorterriko koblak].  Sarrionandia, Joseba (s.d.)

translator: Bernardo Atxaga

title of original: Sorterriko koblak

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

        online text

[Tres poemas].  Juaristi, Felipe (2014)

translator: Felipe Juaristi

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

place of publication: Antología actual de poesía española

        online text

[Txoria txori].  Artze, J. A. ()

title of original: Txoria txori

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1969

        online text

[Zazpi poema].  Petrosian, Marine (2006)

translator: Itxaro Borda

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): armenian

place of publication: Maiatz, 44

[Zenbait poema].  Leverton, Denise ; Kandelek, Leonore , Cowen, Elise ; di Primak, Diane ; Jones, Hettie ; Kyger, Joanne ; Weiss, Ruth ; Pommy Vega, Janine ; Norbert Körte, Mary ; Waldman, Anne ()

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Pop pilulak, 6

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[Zenbait poema].  Suarez, Castillo (2023)

translator: Alemanezko poeta taldea

text type: Poetry

target language(s): german

source language(s): basque

place of publication: Biologie des Gedichts : Gedichts aus Spannienn

country of publication of original : Basque Country

[Zure oihuak eta nire oihuak oilaritean].  Celaya, Gabriel (1992)

title of original: Tus gritos y mis gritos en el alba

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): spanish

place of publication: Senez, 13

country of publication of original : Basque Country

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…eta abrakadabra.  Brender, Irmela (2014)

translator: Ainhoa Eguren

title of original: …und abrakadabra

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): german

place of publication: berbaratza.wordpress.com

        online text

¡A LA MAR!.  Lauaxeta (2004)

translator: Koldo Izagirre; Lauaxeta

title of original: ITXASORA!

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 1931

place of publication: basquepoetry.eus

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Mahmud Darwishen bi poema.  Darwish, Mahmud (2017)

translator: Koldo Izagirre; Ana Isabel Morales

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): arabic

place of publication: Xerezaderen Artxiboa

country of publication of original : Palestina

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Ogia eta arrosak.  Oppenheim, James ; Schneiderman, Rose (2015)

translator: Itziar Diez de Ultzurrun

title of original: Bread and Roses

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

year of publication of original: 1911

place of publication: Xerezaderen Artxiboa

country of publication of original : USA

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Poema hautatuak.  Caeiro, Alberto (2011)

translator: Iñigo Roque

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): portuguese

place of publication: Xerezaderen Artxiboa

country of publication of original : Portugal

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Poemak. 1. zatia.  Millay, Edna St. Vincent (2021)

translator: Ana Isabel Morales

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Xerezaderen Artxiboa

country of publication of original : USA

        online text

Poemak. 2. zatia.  Millay, Edna St. Vincent (2021)

translator: Ana Isabel Morales

text type: Poetry

target language(s): basque

source language(s): english

place of publication: Xerezaderen Artxiboa

country of publication of original : USA

        online text