result: 51

title of translation: Билбао – Ню Йорк – Билбао

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Boriana Dukova

year of publication of translation: 2012

title of original: Bilbao-New York-Bilbao

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Enthusiast

source language(s): basque

Bridge language(s): spanish

target language(s): bulgarian

year of publication of original: 2008


title of translation: Бильбао — Нью-Йорк — Бильбао

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Roman Ignatiev; Zoia Khibrikova

year of publication of translation: 2013

title of original: Bilbao-New York-Bilbao

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Gernika Press

source language(s): basque

Bridge language(s): spanish

target language(s): russian

year of publication of original: 2008


title of translation: Пока же возьми мою руку

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Roman Ignatiev

year of publication of translation: 2010

title of original: Bitartean heldu eskutik

text type: Poetry

publisher: Gernika Press

source language(s): basque

target language(s): russian

year of publication of original: 2001


title of translation: ビルバオ-ニューヨーク-ビルバオ

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Nami Kaneko

year of publication of translation: 2012

title of original: Bilbao-New York-Bilbao

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Hakusuisha

source language(s): basque

target language(s): japanese

year of publication of original: 2008


title of translation: ムシェ 小さな英雄の物語

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Nami Kaneko

year of publication of translation: 2015

title of original: Mussche

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Hakusuisha

source language(s): basque

target language(s): japanese

year of publication of original: 2012


title of translation: Čas kada se budimo zajedno

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Nataša Vujnović

year of publication of translation: 2020

title of original: Elkarrekin esnatzeko ordua

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Areté

source language(s): basque

target language(s): serbian

year of publication of original: 2016


title of translation: ბილბაო - ნიუ-იორკი - ბილბაო

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Vladimer Luarsabixvili

year of publication of translation: 2013

title of original: Bilbao-New York-Bilbao

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Ilia State University Press

source language(s): basque

Bridge language(s): spanish

target language(s): georgian

year of publication of original: 2008


title of translation: მომეცი ხელი

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Vladimer Luarsabixvili

year of publication of translation: 2013

title of original: Bitartean heldu eskutik

text type: Poetry

publisher: Ilia State University Press

source language(s): basque

Bridge language(s): spanish

target language(s): georgian

year of publication of original: 2001


title of translation: Την ώρα που ξυπνάμε μαζί

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Vassiliki Knitou

year of publication of translation: 2018

title of original: Elkarrekin esnatzeko ordua

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Kastaniotis Editions

source language(s): basque

target language(s): greek (modern)

year of publication of original: 2016


title of translation: 17 segundos

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

year of publication of translation: 2020

title of original: 17 segundo

text type: Poetry

publisher: Visor

series: Palabra de Honor

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2019


title of translation: 17 segundos

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Isaac Xubín

year of publication of translation: 2020

title of original: 17 segundo

text type: Poetry

publisher: Galaxia

source language(s): basque

target language(s): galician

year of publication of original: 2019


title of translation: A Hora de Acordarmos Juntos

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Artur Guerra; Cristina Rodriguez

year of publication of translation: 2017

title of original: Elkarrekin esnatzeko ordua

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Elsinore

source language(s): basque

Bridge language(s): spanish

target language(s): portuguese

year of publication of original: 2016


title of translation: A hora de espertarmos xuntos

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Isaac Xubín

year of publication of translation: 2017

title of original: Elkarrekin esnatzeko ordua

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Xerais

source language(s): basque

target language(s): galician

year of publication of original: 2016


title of translation: An Ancient Country in Love with Modernity : Euskadi Basque Country

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Nere Lete

year of publication of translation: 2018

title of original: Abangoardia maite duen antzinako herria : Euskadi Basque Country

text type: Essay

publisher: Eusko Jaurlaritza

source language(s): basque

target language(s): english

year of publication of original: 2018


title of translation: Bar Puerto

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Jose María Isasi; Elizabeth Macklin

year of publication of translation: 2010

text type: Fiction

publisher: Elkar

source language(s): basque

target language(s): english, spanish


title of translation: Bilbao - Nju-Jork - Bilbao

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Bashkim Shehu

year of publication of translation: 2013

title of original: Bilbao-New York-Bilbao

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Toena

source language(s): basque

Bridge language(s): spanish

target language(s): albanian

year of publication of original: 2008


title of translation: Bilbao - Njujork - Bilbao

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Zorica Novakov-Kovačević

year of publication of translation: 2013

title of original: Bilbao-New York-Bilbao

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Geopoetika

source language(s): basque

Bridge language(s): spanish

target language(s): serbian

year of publication of original: 2008


title of translation: Bilbao-New York-Bilbao

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Pau Joan Hernàndez

year of publication of translation: 2010

title of original: Bilbao-New York-Bilbao

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Edicions 62

source language(s): basque

target language(s): catalan

year of publication of original: 2008


title of translation: Bilbao-New York-Bilbao

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Ana Arregui

year of publication of translation: 2010

title of original: Bilbao-New York-Bilbao

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Seix Barral

series: Biblioteca breve

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2008


title of translation: Bilbao-New York-Bilbao

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Elizabeth Macklin

year of publication of translation: 2014

title of original: Bilbao-New York-Bilbao

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Seren Books

source language(s): basque

target language(s): english

year of publication of original: 2008


title of translation: Bilbao-New York-Bilbao

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Marjeta Drobnic

year of publication of translation: 2014

title of original: Bilbao-New York-Bilbao

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Cankarjeva založba

source language(s): basque

Bridge language(s): spanish

target language(s): slovenian

year of publication of original: 2008


title of translation: Bilbao-New York-Bilbao

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Isaac Xubín

year of publication of translation: 2010

title of original: Bilbao-New York-Bilbao

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Xerais

source language(s): basque

target language(s): galician

year of publication of original: 2008


title of translation: Bilbao-New York-Bilbao

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Elizabeth Macklin

year of publication of translation: 2022

title of original: Bilbao-New York-Bilbao

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Coffee House Press

source language(s): basque

target language(s): english

year of publication of original: 2008


title of translation: Bilbao-New York-Bilbao

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Merilin Kotta

year of publication of translation: 2017

title of original: Bilbao-New York-Bilbao

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: LR60

source language(s): basque

target language(s): estonian

year of publication of original: 2008


title of translation: Bilbao-New York-Bilbao

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Ana Arregui

year of publication of translation: 2010

title of original: Bilbao-New York-Bilbao

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Círculo de Lectores

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2008


title of translation: Bilbao-New York-Bilbao

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Gersende Camenen

year of publication of translation: 2012

title of original: Bilbao-New York-Bilbao

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Gallimard

source language(s): basque

Bridge language(s): spanish

target language(s): french

year of publication of original: 2008


title of translation: Das Vorleben der Delfine

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Stefan Kutzenberger

year of publication of translation: 2023

title of original: Izurdeen aurreko bizitza

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Berlin Verlag

source language(s): basque

Bridge language(s): spanish

target language(s): german

year of publication of original: 2021


title of translation: El que mou el món

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Pau Joan Hernàndez

year of publication of translation: 2013

title of original: Mussche

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Edicions 62

source language(s): basque

target language(s): catalan

year of publication of original: 2012


title of translation: Entre-temps, donne-moi la main

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Kattalin Totorika

year of publication of translation: 2006

title of original: Bitartean heldu eskutik

text type: Poetry

publisher: Le Castor Astral

source language(s): basque

target language(s): french

year of publication of original: 2001


title of translation: L'heure de nous réveiller ensemble

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Edurne Alegria

year of publication of translation: 2018

title of original: Elkarrekin esnatzeko ordua

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Le Castor Astral

series: Escales des Lettres

source language(s): basque

target language(s): french

year of publication of original: 2016


title of translation: L'hora de despertar-nos junts

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Pau Joan Hernàndez

year of publication of translation: 2016

title of original: Elkarrekin esnatzeko ordua

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Edicions 62

source language(s): basque

target language(s): catalan

year of publication of original: 2016


title of translation: La hora de despertarnos juntos

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Jose María Isasi

year of publication of translation: 2016

title of original: Elkarrekin esnatzeko ordua

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Seix Barral

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2016


title of translation: La vida anterior de los delfines

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Jose María Isasi; Kirmen Uribe

year of publication of translation: 2022

title of original: Izurdeen aurreko bizitza

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Seix Barral

series: Biblioteca Breve

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2021


title of translation: Lo que mueve el mundo

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

year of publication of translation: 2013

title of original: Mussche

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Seix Barral

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2012


title of translation: Meanwhile Take My Hand

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Elizabeth Macklin

year of publication of translation: 2007

title of original: Bitartean heldu eskutik

text type: Poetry

publisher: Graywolf Press

source language(s): basque

target language(s): english

year of publication of original: 2001


title of translation: Mentrestant agafa'm la mà [Antologia]

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Jon Elordi; Laia Noguera

year of publication of translation: 2010

title of original: Bitartean heldu eskutik; Zaharregia, txikiegia agian

text type: Poetry

publisher: Proa

source language(s): basque

target language(s): catalan

year of publication of original: 2001; 2003


title of translation: Mientras tanto dame la mano

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Ana Arregi; Gerardo Markuleta; Kirmen Uribe

year of publication of translation: 2004

title of original: Bitartean heldu eskutik

text type: Poetry

publisher: Visor

series: Visor de Poesía

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2001


title of translation: O dois amigos

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Pedro Vidal

year of publication of translation: 2011

title of original: Bilbao-New York-Bilbao

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Planeta

source language(s): basque

target language(s): portuguese

year of publication of original: 2008


title of translation: s.n.

author: Uribe, Kirmen


year of publication of translation: 2015

title of original: Mussche

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Lujiang Press

source language(s): basque

target language(s): chinese

year of publication of original: 2012


title of translation: Six Basque Poets [Antologia]

author: Arregi Diaz de Heredia, Rikardo; Atxaga, Bernardo; Juaristi, Felipe; Meabe, Miren Agur; Uribe, Kirmen; Sarrionandia, Joseba

translator: Amaia Gabantxo

year of publication of translation: 2007

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Arc Publications

source language(s): basque

target language(s): english

year of publication of original: s.d.


title of translation: Vidas y ficciones [Antologia]

author: Uribe, Kirmen


year of publication of translation: 2014

title of original: s.n.

text type: Fiction

publisher: Pamiela

series: Biblioteca Letras Vascas

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: s.d.


title of translation: Eu non son loira

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Hadrián Loureiro

year of publication of translation: 2004

title of original: Ez naiz ilehoria

text type: Children's and young adults' literature

publisher: Galaxia

source language(s): basque

target language(s): galician

year of publication of original: 2004


title of translation: Garmendia And the Black Rider

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Nere Lete

year of publication of translation: 2015

title of original: Garmendia eta zaldun beltzak

text type: Children's and young adults' literature

publisher: University of Nevada , Center for Basque Studies

series: Basque literature series ;

source language(s): basque

target language(s): english

year of publication of original: 2003


title of translation: No sóc rossa

author: Uribe, Kirmen


year of publication of translation: 2004

title of original: Ez naiz ilehoria

text type: Children's and young adults' literature

publisher: La Galera

source language(s): basque

target language(s): catalan

year of publication of original: 2004


title of translation: No soy rubia

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Kirmen Uribe

year of publication of translation: 2004

title of original: Ez naiz ilehoria

text type: Children's and young adults' literature

publisher: La Galera

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2004


title of translation: Nun soi rubia

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Carlos González

year of publication of translation: 2004

title of original: Ez naiz ilehoria

text type: Children's and young adults' literature

publisher: Llibros del Pexe

source language(s): basque

target language(s): asturian

year of publication of original: 2004


title of translation: Galerna : Jon Cazenave

author: Uribe, Kirmen ; Escoulen, Fannie

translator: Maria Colera Intxausti; Gerardo Markuleta

year of publication of translation: 2020

text type: Arts and sports

publisher: Atelier EXB

source language(s): basque, french

target language(s): basque, spanish


title of translation: Kirmen Uribe: escritura y vida

author: Olaziregi Alustiza, Mari Jose ; Elizalde Estenaga, Amaia ; Uribe, Kirmen ; Perret, Sally ; Arraiz, Hasier ; Arrieta, Leyre ; Ibarluzea Santisteban, Miren ; Kortazar, Jon ; Martínez Rubio, José ; Estudillo, Luis Martin ; Nafria Fernandez, Maria Jesus ; Ezkerra Vargas, Estibaliz ; Otaegi, Lourdes

translator: Fernando Rey; Uxue Rey

year of publication of translation: 2021

title of original: Kirmen Uribe: Bizitza, Fikzioa

text type: Language and literature

publisher: Peter Lang

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2020


title of translation: Kirmen Uribe: Life, Fiction

author: Olaziregi Alustiza, Mari Jose ; Elizalde Estenaga, Amaia ; Uribe, Kirmen ; Perret, Sally ; Arraiz, Hasier ; Arrieta, Leyre ; Ibarluzea Santisteban, Miren ; Kortazar, Jon ; Martínez Rubio, José ; Estudillo, Luis Martin ; Nafria Fernandez, Maria Jesus ; Ezkerra Vargas, Estibaliz ; Otaegi, Lourdes

translator: Cameron J. Watson

year of publication of translation: 2022

title of original: Kirmen Uribe: Bizitza, Fikzioa

text type: Language and literature

publisher: University of Nevada , Center for Basque Studies

series: Basque Literature Series; 15

source language(s): basque

target language(s): english

year of publication of original: 2020


title of translation: Un peuple ancien qui aime l'avant-garde : Euskadi Basque Country

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Joana Pochelu

year of publication of translation: 2018

title of original: Abangoardia maite duen antzinako herria : Euskadi Basque Country

text type: Social sciences

publisher: Eusko Jaurlaritza

source language(s): basque

target language(s): french

year of publication of original: 2018


title of translation: Un pueblo ancestral que ama la vanguardia : Euskadi Basque Country

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

year of publication of translation: 2018

title of original: Abangoardia maite duen antzinako herria : Euskadi Basque Country

text type: Social sciences

publisher: Eusko Jaurlaritza

source language(s): basque

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2018


title of translation: Билбао – Ню Йорк – Билбао

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Boriana Dukova

year of publication of translation: 2012

title of original: Bilbao-New York-Bilbao

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Enthusiast

Bridge language(s): spanish

target language(s): bulgarian

year of publication of original: 2008


title of translation: Бильбао — Нью-Йорк — Бильбао

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Roman Ignatiev; Zoia Khibrikova

year of publication of translation: 2013

title of original: Bilbao-New York-Bilbao

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Gernika Press

Bridge language(s): spanish

target language(s): russian

year of publication of original: 2008


title of translation: Пока же возьми мою руку

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Roman Ignatiev

year of publication of translation: 2010

title of original: Bitartean heldu eskutik

text type: Poetry

publisher: Gernika Press

target language(s): russian

year of publication of original: 2001


title of translation: ビルバオ-ニューヨーク-ビルバオ

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Nami Kaneko

year of publication of translation: 2012

title of original: Bilbao-New York-Bilbao

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Hakusuisha

target language(s): japanese

year of publication of original: 2008


title of translation: ムシェ 小さな英雄の物語

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Nami Kaneko

year of publication of translation: 2015

title of original: Mussche

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Hakusuisha

target language(s): japanese

year of publication of original: 2012


title of translation: Čas kada se budimo zajedno

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Nataša Vujnović

year of publication of translation: 2020

title of original: Elkarrekin esnatzeko ordua

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Areté

target language(s): serbian

year of publication of original: 2016


title of translation: ბილბაო - ნიუ-იორკი - ბილბაო

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Vladimer Luarsabixvili

year of publication of translation: 2013

title of original: Bilbao-New York-Bilbao

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Ilia State University Press

Bridge language(s): spanish

target language(s): georgian

year of publication of original: 2008


title of translation: მომეცი ხელი

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Vladimer Luarsabixvili

year of publication of translation: 2013

title of original: Bitartean heldu eskutik

text type: Poetry

publisher: Ilia State University Press

Bridge language(s): spanish

target language(s): georgian

year of publication of original: 2001


title of translation: Την ώρα που ξυπνάμε μαζί

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Vassiliki Knitou

year of publication of translation: 2018

title of original: Elkarrekin esnatzeko ordua

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Kastaniotis Editions

target language(s): greek (modern)

year of publication of original: 2016


title of translation: 17 segundos

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

year of publication of translation: 2020

title of original: 17 segundo

text type: Poetry

publisher: Visor

series: Palabra de Honor

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2019


title of translation: 17 segundos

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Isaac Xubín

year of publication of translation: 2020

title of original: 17 segundo

text type: Poetry

publisher: Galaxia

target language(s): galician

year of publication of original: 2019


title of translation: A Hora de Acordarmos Juntos

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Artur Guerra; Cristina Rodriguez

year of publication of translation: 2017

title of original: Elkarrekin esnatzeko ordua

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Elsinore

Bridge language(s): spanish

target language(s): portuguese

year of publication of original: 2016


title of translation: A hora de espertarmos xuntos

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Isaac Xubín

year of publication of translation: 2017

title of original: Elkarrekin esnatzeko ordua

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Xerais

target language(s): galician

year of publication of original: 2016


title of translation: An Ancient Country in Love with Modernity : Euskadi Basque Country

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Nere Lete

year of publication of translation: 2018

title of original: Abangoardia maite duen antzinako herria : Euskadi Basque Country

text type: Essay

publisher: Eusko Jaurlaritza

target language(s): english

year of publication of original: 2018


title of translation: Bar Puerto

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Jose María Isasi; Elizabeth Macklin

year of publication of translation: 2010

text type: Fiction

publisher: Elkar

target language(s): english, spanish


title of translation: Bilbao - Nju-Jork - Bilbao

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Bashkim Shehu

year of publication of translation: 2013

title of original: Bilbao-New York-Bilbao

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Toena

Bridge language(s): spanish

target language(s): albanian

year of publication of original: 2008


title of translation: Bilbao - Njujork - Bilbao

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Zorica Novakov-Kovačević

year of publication of translation: 2013

title of original: Bilbao-New York-Bilbao

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Geopoetika

Bridge language(s): spanish

target language(s): serbian

year of publication of original: 2008


title of translation: Bilbao-New York-Bilbao

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Pau Joan Hernàndez

year of publication of translation: 2010

title of original: Bilbao-New York-Bilbao

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Edicions 62

target language(s): catalan

year of publication of original: 2008


title of translation: Bilbao-New York-Bilbao

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Ana Arregui

year of publication of translation: 2010

title of original: Bilbao-New York-Bilbao

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Seix Barral

series: Biblioteca breve

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2008


title of translation: Bilbao-New York-Bilbao

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Elizabeth Macklin

year of publication of translation: 2014

title of original: Bilbao-New York-Bilbao

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Seren Books

target language(s): english

year of publication of original: 2008


title of translation: Bilbao-New York-Bilbao

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Marjeta Drobnic

year of publication of translation: 2014

title of original: Bilbao-New York-Bilbao

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Cankarjeva založba

Bridge language(s): spanish

target language(s): slovenian

year of publication of original: 2008


title of translation: Bilbao-New York-Bilbao

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Isaac Xubín

year of publication of translation: 2010

title of original: Bilbao-New York-Bilbao

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Xerais

target language(s): galician

year of publication of original: 2008


title of translation: Bilbao-New York-Bilbao

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Elizabeth Macklin

year of publication of translation: 2022

title of original: Bilbao-New York-Bilbao

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Coffee House Press

target language(s): english

year of publication of original: 2008


title of translation: Bilbao-New York-Bilbao

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Merilin Kotta

year of publication of translation: 2017

title of original: Bilbao-New York-Bilbao

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: LR60

target language(s): estonian

year of publication of original: 2008


title of translation: Bilbao-New York-Bilbao

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Ana Arregui

year of publication of translation: 2010

title of original: Bilbao-New York-Bilbao

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Círculo de Lectores

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2008


title of translation: Bilbao-New York-Bilbao

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Gersende Camenen

year of publication of translation: 2012

title of original: Bilbao-New York-Bilbao

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Gallimard

Bridge language(s): spanish

target language(s): french

year of publication of original: 2008


title of translation: Das Vorleben der Delfine

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Stefan Kutzenberger

year of publication of translation: 2023

title of original: Izurdeen aurreko bizitza

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Berlin Verlag

Bridge language(s): spanish

target language(s): german

year of publication of original: 2021


title of translation: El que mou el món

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Pau Joan Hernàndez

year of publication of translation: 2013

title of original: Mussche

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Edicions 62

target language(s): catalan

year of publication of original: 2012


title of translation: Entre-temps, donne-moi la main

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Kattalin Totorika

year of publication of translation: 2006

title of original: Bitartean heldu eskutik

text type: Poetry

publisher: Le Castor Astral

target language(s): french

year of publication of original: 2001


title of translation: Eu non son loira

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Hadrián Loureiro

year of publication of translation: 2004

title of original: Ez naiz ilehoria

text type: Children's and young adults' literature

publisher: Galaxia

target language(s): galician

year of publication of original: 2004


title of translation: Galerna : Jon Cazenave

author: Uribe, Kirmen ; Escoulen, Fannie

translator: Maria Colera Intxausti; Gerardo Markuleta

year of publication of translation: 2020

text type: Arts and sports

publisher: Atelier EXB

target language(s): basque, spanish


title of translation: Garmendia And the Black Rider

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Nere Lete

year of publication of translation: 2015

title of original: Garmendia eta zaldun beltzak

text type: Children's and young adults' literature

publisher: University of Nevada , Center for Basque Studies

series: Basque literature series ;

target language(s): english

year of publication of original: 2003


title of translation: Kirmen Uribe: escritura y vida

author: Olaziregi Alustiza, Mari Jose ; Elizalde Estenaga, Amaia ; Uribe, Kirmen ; Perret, Sally ; Arraiz, Hasier ; Arrieta, Leyre ; Ibarluzea Santisteban, Miren ; Kortazar, Jon ; Martínez Rubio, José ; Estudillo, Luis Martin ; Nafria Fernandez, Maria Jesus ; Ezkerra Vargas, Estibaliz ; Otaegi, Lourdes

translator: Fernando Rey; Uxue Rey

year of publication of translation: 2021

title of original: Kirmen Uribe: Bizitza, Fikzioa

text type: Language and literature

publisher: Peter Lang

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2020


title of translation: Kirmen Uribe: Life, Fiction

author: Olaziregi Alustiza, Mari Jose ; Elizalde Estenaga, Amaia ; Uribe, Kirmen ; Perret, Sally ; Arraiz, Hasier ; Arrieta, Leyre ; Ibarluzea Santisteban, Miren ; Kortazar, Jon ; Martínez Rubio, José ; Estudillo, Luis Martin ; Nafria Fernandez, Maria Jesus ; Ezkerra Vargas, Estibaliz ; Otaegi, Lourdes

translator: Cameron J. Watson

year of publication of translation: 2022

title of original: Kirmen Uribe: Bizitza, Fikzioa

text type: Language and literature

publisher: University of Nevada , Center for Basque Studies

series: Basque Literature Series; 15

target language(s): english

year of publication of original: 2020


title of translation: L'heure de nous réveiller ensemble

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Edurne Alegria

year of publication of translation: 2018

title of original: Elkarrekin esnatzeko ordua

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Le Castor Astral

series: Escales des Lettres

target language(s): french

year of publication of original: 2016


title of translation: L'hora de despertar-nos junts

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Pau Joan Hernàndez

year of publication of translation: 2016

title of original: Elkarrekin esnatzeko ordua

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Edicions 62

target language(s): catalan

year of publication of original: 2016


title of translation: La hora de despertarnos juntos

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Jose María Isasi

year of publication of translation: 2016

title of original: Elkarrekin esnatzeko ordua

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Seix Barral

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2016


title of translation: La vida anterior de los delfines

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Jose María Isasi; Kirmen Uribe

year of publication of translation: 2022

title of original: Izurdeen aurreko bizitza

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Seix Barral

series: Biblioteca Breve

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2021


title of translation: Lo que mueve el mundo

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

year of publication of translation: 2013

title of original: Mussche

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Seix Barral

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2012


title of translation: Meanwhile Take My Hand

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Elizabeth Macklin

year of publication of translation: 2007

title of original: Bitartean heldu eskutik

text type: Poetry

publisher: Graywolf Press

target language(s): english

year of publication of original: 2001


title of translation: Mentrestant agafa'm la mà [Antologia]

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Jon Elordi; Laia Noguera

year of publication of translation: 2010

title of original: Bitartean heldu eskutik; Zaharregia, txikiegia agian

text type: Poetry

publisher: Proa

target language(s): catalan

year of publication of original: 2001; 2003


title of translation: Mientras tanto dame la mano

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Ana Arregi; Gerardo Markuleta; Kirmen Uribe

year of publication of translation: 2004

title of original: Bitartean heldu eskutik

text type: Poetry

publisher: Visor

series: Visor de Poesía

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2001


title of translation: No sóc rossa

author: Uribe, Kirmen


year of publication of translation: 2004

title of original: Ez naiz ilehoria

text type: Children's and young adults' literature

publisher: La Galera

target language(s): catalan

year of publication of original: 2004


title of translation: No soy rubia

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Kirmen Uribe

year of publication of translation: 2004

title of original: Ez naiz ilehoria

text type: Children's and young adults' literature

publisher: La Galera

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2004


title of translation: Nun soi rubia

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Carlos González

year of publication of translation: 2004

title of original: Ez naiz ilehoria

text type: Children's and young adults' literature

publisher: Llibros del Pexe

target language(s): asturian

year of publication of original: 2004


title of translation: O dois amigos

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Pedro Vidal

year of publication of translation: 2011

title of original: Bilbao-New York-Bilbao

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Planeta

target language(s): portuguese

year of publication of original: 2008


title of translation: s.n.

author: Uribe, Kirmen


year of publication of translation: 2015

title of original: Mussche

text type: Prose fiction

publisher: Lujiang Press

target language(s): chinese

year of publication of original: 2012


title of translation: Six Basque Poets [Antologia]

author: Arregi Diaz de Heredia, Rikardo; Atxaga, Bernardo; Juaristi, Felipe; Meabe, Miren Agur; Uribe, Kirmen; Sarrionandia, Joseba

translator: Amaia Gabantxo

year of publication of translation: 2007

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

publisher: Arc Publications

target language(s): english

year of publication of original: s.d.


title of translation: Un peuple ancien qui aime l'avant-garde : Euskadi Basque Country

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Joana Pochelu

year of publication of translation: 2018

title of original: Abangoardia maite duen antzinako herria : Euskadi Basque Country

text type: Social sciences

publisher: Eusko Jaurlaritza

target language(s): french

year of publication of original: 2018


title of translation: Un pueblo ancestral que ama la vanguardia : Euskadi Basque Country

author: Uribe, Kirmen

translator: Gerardo Markuleta

year of publication of translation: 2018

title of original: Abangoardia maite duen antzinako herria : Euskadi Basque Country

text type: Social sciences

publisher: Eusko Jaurlaritza

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: 2018


title of translation: Vidas y ficciones [Antologia]

author: Uribe, Kirmen


year of publication of translation: 2014

title of original: s.n.

text type: Fiction

publisher: Pamiela

series: Biblioteca Letras Vascas

target language(s): spanish

year of publication of original: s.d.

result: 12

キルメン・ウリベ小詩集.  Uribe, Kirmen (2014)

translator: Nami Kaneko

text type: Poetry

target language(s): japanese

source language(s): basque

place of publication: Shichosha

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Back from the Cannery.  Uribe, Kirmen (2020)

translator: Elizabeth Macklin

title of original: Emakumeak fabrikatik bueltan

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2019

place of publication: The New Yorker

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Demain Morgen.  Uribe, Kirmen (2022)

translator: Pau Joan Hernàndez

title of original: Demain Morgen

text type: Prose fiction

target language(s): catalan

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2022

place of publication: Vilaweb

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Entre-temps, donne-moi la main.  Uribe, Kirmen (2006)

translator: Kattalin Totorika

title of original: Bitartean heldu eskutik

text type: Poetry

target language(s): french

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2001

place of publication:

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

In the Coastal Town.  Uribe, Kirmen (2021)

translator: Elizabeth Macklin

title of original: s.n.

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2019

place of publication: The Paris Review ; 236

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

May.  Uribe, Kirmen (2013)

translator: Elizabeth Macklin

title of original: Maiatza

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2001

place of publication: The New Yorker

country of publication of original : Basque Country

Meanwhile Take My Hand.  Uribe, Kirmen (2007)

translator: Elizabeth Macklin

title of original: Bitartean heldu eskutik

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2001

place of publication:

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Mientras tanto dame la mano.  Uribe, Kirmen (2002)

translator: Ana Arregi; Gerardo Markuleta; Kirmen Uribe

title of original: Bitartean heldu eskutik

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2001

place of publication:

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Mientras tanto dame la mano.  Uribe, Kirmen (2002)

translator: Gerardo Markuleta; Kirmen Uribe

title of original: Bitartean heldu eskutik

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2001

place of publication:

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

Mussche [échantillon].  Uribe, Kirmen (2023)

translator: Edurne Alegria

title of original: Mussche

text type: Prose fiction

target language(s): french

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2012

place of publication:

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text

No se puede decir.  Uribe, Kirmen (2016)

title of original: Ezin esan

text type: Poetry

target language(s): spanish

source language(s): basque

place of publication: DSS2016.EU

        online text

Trosky for Me Was.  Uribe, Kirmen (2021)

translator: Elizabeth Macklin

title of original: Troski niretzat zen

text type: Poetry

target language(s): english

source language(s): basque

year of publication of original: 2019

place of publication: The Paris Review ; 236

country of publication of original : Basque Country

        online text